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Something John Clayton said at the Combine made me Smile....


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ESPN's NFL professor said something in an interview to Colts.com while here at the combine....


Check out his comment....  it comes around the 1:29 mark of this 3:45 interview....


In a nutshell, he says there are no marquee players, but it's a scouts draft....


Hmmmmm.....   let's see....   who do Colts fan know that loves to Scout and Grind and dig for good players?!?    Hmmmm...     :thmup:


Here's the whole interview....




By the way,  the soundbite after the one I've just mentioned is also very good for us....  Clayton says the strength of the draft is defensive players and offensive line.


Lets see...   what are the Colts needs again this year?!?    That's right!      :thmup:


The draft Gods are with us!       :worthy:

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I saw that interview the other day with help needed on both sides of the ball, depth for D&O lineman 2 of our biggest needs is great news , from listening to Ryan Grigson 's last interview I would'nt expect those O-lineman drafted to be immediate starters or to contribute much in the 2013 season . On the defensive side of the ball I just want to see a Colt defensive front that can stop the run bring on the beef .


So FA for O-line this year .  The combines have showed some really fast players on defense


Brian Swenke draft the dude he's the next Jeff Saturday only taller & heavier & faster .

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If Grigson is shrewd (which I am sure he is :)), he would spend enough to just get to the 89% mark to satisfy the new CBA and carry the cap room of 11% to the next year, that would be approximately $13 mil. of cap room if the cap is $120 mil.


So, just spend $30-31 of the $43-44 mil. that we have, and carry the rest over to the next year.

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If Grigson is shrewd (which I am sure he is :)), he would spend enough to just get to the 89% mark to satisfy the new CBA and carry the cap room of 11% to the next year, that would be approximately $13 mil. of cap room if the cap is $120 mil.


So, just spend $30-31 of the $43-44 mil. that we have, and carry the rest over to the next year.


The 89% mark is collective for a four year period. And if you don't hit that mark, you're not penalized. You just have to pay the shortage out at the end of the four year period. (So if we are supposed to spend $440m over the next four years, but we only spend $420m, then we have to pay that $20m out.) In short, we don't technically have to hit any spending mark in any given year.


Either way, $40m+ is a lot of cap space to spend in one year. You're going to wind up having cap issues in the future. I would expect Grigson to be smart and leave a lot of money to roll into the future to handle growing cap hits and future extensions for Luck and the others.

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Probably mostly former players and coaches. John Elway, for instance.

 "I'm not interested in being a head coach. I'm not interested in being a

general manager. I don't have that kind of experience to be able to

pick those players day in and day out and such."-John Elway

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 "I'm not interested in being a head coach. I'm not interested in being a

general manager. I don't have that kind of experience to be able to

pick those players day in and day out and such."-John Elway


The Broncos don't have an official GM. But Elway is the primary decision maker on personnel. He's wearing that hat, especially with Brian Xanders now gone.


By the way, that quote was from before he joined the Broncos front office.


Another example is Mike Holmgren. Or Ozzie Newsome. Or any number of coaches or players turned GM / president / head of personnel.

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The Broncos don't have an official GM. But Elway is the primary decision maker on personnel. He's wearing that hat, especially with Brian Xanders now gone.


By the way, that quote was from before he joined the Broncos front office.


Another example is Mike Holmgren. Or Ozzie Newsome. Or any number of coaches or players turned GM / president / head of personnel.

Ozzie still started his front office career as a scout. when he retired he took a job as a special assignment scout with the Browns. that upgraded to director of pro personnel, then he studied from Bellichek and Ernie Accorsi for talent evaluation, eventually running the personnel department for the Browns before the Ravens came calling to be the GM there.

Pretty much they all start somewhere that has to deal with scouting, unless your name is Jerry Jones

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John Clayton...  " the Colts need to draft D" ....     hmmmm, that is insightful John.



Indy has to NAIL this FA period and this draft in rounds 1, 3, and 4 if they want to keep improving.    If they blow it on a couple players they could easily take a big step back.


Indy needs another stellar draft, and bring a OL or 2...  maybe a CB and ... it is ON.



Wish the Colts had a pile of picks like San Fran...


Hope Grigs nails FA & the draft like he did last year...

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hehe...  since Jimmy J left....       Jerry J has been atrocious.     Dallas, the best team to not win anything the last 20 years...


If Jerry would check his ego at the door and let a football man do the GM'n and a Coach do the coaching...  things may be different.


But they are not.


Jerry Jones?

Successful? You decide.

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Jerry Jones?

Successful? You decide.

yea i said unless your name is Jerry Jones. but he always has a talented team, they just underachieve or like Stephen A Smith calls it "An accident waiting to happen" lol as far as talent goes they have it, I dont know its the Cowboys,  i hate them. they always leave you dumbfounded, they are a team that should make the playoffs but they find a way to lose games

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yea i said unless your name is Jerry Jones. but he always has a talented team, they just underachieve or like Stephen A Smith calls it "An accident waiting to happen" lol as far as talent goes they have it, I dont know its the Cowboys,  i hate them. they always leave you dumbfounded, they are a team that should make the playoffs but they find a way to lose games

Yeah, I hate them also, and that's exactly where I want them.


Yes, they do have talent, which brings other terms to mind: coachable, cohesion, square pegs, round holes, attitude, team players, character. Something's wrong.


But, yeah, they have talent.

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Ozzie still started his front office career as a scout. when he retired he took a job as a special assignment scout with the Browns. that upgraded to director of pro personnel, then he studied from Bellichek and Ernie Accorsi for talent evaluation, eventually running the personnel department for the Browns before the Ravens came calling to be the GM there.

Pretty much they all start somewhere that has to deal with scouting, unless your name is Jerry Jones


I didn't realize he was an assignment scout, but that's still not really a scouting background. He worked his way up, and has done a lot of talent evaluation, but he doesn't come from a scouting background.


Either way, my point was just that there have been and are GMs that aren't really scouts. More and more, they are coming from a scouting background like Grigson.

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This draft isn`t that good for us because we lack Quality picks and position.

Just a Guestimate:

Our 1st rd pick has about a 85% chance of being a VG Starter.

Later 3rd rd maybe 75% chance of being a Good (Average or above)Starter.

Later 4th rd maybe 60%of being a Good Starter someday


I think the real world NFL numbers for success based on rounds would surprise you....


Much lower rates of success....   much lower...

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I didn't realize he was an assignment scout, but that's still not really a scouting background. He worked his way up, and has done a lot of talent evaluation, but he doesn't come from a scouting background.


Either way, my point was just that there have been and are GMs that aren't really scouts. More and more, they are coming from a scouting background like Grigson.

Grigson pretty much did the samething Ozzie did, both played professional football then started as some form of a scout and worked their way up in the ranks

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I think its very important for our defense to get someone good to replace Freeney, in my opinion Jerry Hughes is not going to cut it, If either Anthony Spencer or Paul Kruger are available, I think Grigson needs to go hard after either one of them, we can afford it!

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His numbers are way off..


If a team drafts 3-4 players who simply make the team and contribute....  that is a good draft.   Indy in the past has made it's depth out of UDFA players.        And hitting on the R Mathis's and A Bethea's late always help.


Indy was horrible in 2011, and NEEDED a spectacular draft and got it.    They NEED another to keep the momentum going.


And frankly the odds are not in their favor.   (No second, and no 5th)    BUT, if FA money is spent well.....     it can make up for it.


And if they get another great draft then everyone in Indy land will be all sunshine, and smiles..... 

I think the real world NFL numbers for success based on rounds would surprise you....


Much lower rates of success....   much lower...

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Some food for thought on scouting and drafting.....


Why do so many of the same teams keep winning and therefor keep drafting in the bottom third most every year and they keep winning despite drafting low...


And yet, so many of the same teams keep losing and therefor keep drafting in the top third most every year and they keep losing despite drafting high....


Even if you think all teams work equally hard (and I don't think they do)  not all teams work equally smart...  everybody sees the same thing differently.    Think of it as a beauty contest.   You like the blonde, I like the brunette, someone else likes the redhead and so on...    We're looking at the same thing and our priorities are different...


Every team is looking at the same players.   They all have the same tape.   In theory, they should see the same thing.   Yet, they don't.    And no two teams have the same draft board.    Every teams board is different.   I think people here would be stunned at how different boards can be.    And the further down the board you go the more different things are on each board.


I have no doubt Grigson's board will be different than most.   And I think it will work to our advantage....

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Some food for thought on scouting and drafting.....


Why do so many of the same teams keep winning and therefor keep drafting in the bottom third most every year and they keep winning despite drafting low...


And yet, so many of the same teams keep losing and therefor keep drafting in the top third most every year and they keep losing despite drafting high....


Even if you think all teams work equally hard (and I don't think they do)  not all teams work equally smart...  everybody sees the same thing differently.    Think of it as a beauty contest.   You like the blonde, I like the brunette, someone else likes the redhead and so on...    We're looking at the same thing and our priorities are different...


Every team is looking at the same players.   They all have the same tape.   In theory, they should see the same thing.   Yet, they don't.    And no two teams have the same draft board.    Every teams board is different.   I think people here would be stunned at how different boards can be.    And the further down the board you go the more different things are on each board.


I have no doubt Grigson's board will be different than most.   And I think it will work to our advantage....


for the most part teams drafting at the bottom consistently are the ones with elite qb's, the ones at the top are ones wit terrible qb's. that's mostly luck (how lucky were the colts!!), having  a top pick at the right time or getting lucky with a later pick. no doubt there are better gm's, but having a top qb makes everyone look a lot better.

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