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I give up making excuses for Luck's INTS


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A lot of people are getting really nasty about this.

1. Luck is a rookie. FACT

2. Luck is dealing with a complex offense. FACT

3. Luck, at times, throws inaccurately leading to interceptions. FACT

4. Luck throws to receivers covered by more than one defender. This leads to interceptions. FACT

You can't deny any of these. In some cases, Luck will throw an interception where he is the only one at fault. These are his mistakes, and I am sure he would admit to them himself.

The point to this thread is he is currently making some mistakes that anyone, rookie or otherwise shouldn't make. The thing is, he is working on his mistakes.

Ultimately it hasn't mattered on a lot of games. We've won games. We have a really sold record.


The problem is as Indy keeps winning the pressure will mount. Even more... Some Colt fans think this is the norm. When in fact this season so far is the farthest thing from what should be expected. Expectations have went through the roof.

And Luck is the reason why. If most would understand it and keep in mind he is only a rookie. He knows he has to make things happen for this team to win. And the STAFF knows it.

They (the staff) could very easily reel him in. But they don't ... know why? He is their only chance at WINNING.

So we will all have to live with the good and the bad for the short term.

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This is where I totally do not get where you are coming from? Luck is a ROOKIE... yet you expect him to play like a 10 year vet. IF Luck is making these same mistakes 5 years from now the house will be caving in on him I promise you. But his learning curve is just that a curve...

Dang... 8-4 and fold are STILL CRYING LIKE BABIES ... ...

Enjoy the ride...

Are you saying that fans can't get frustrated or criticise his performance during a game because he's a rookee? Did you cheer after those turnovers? Probably not, right. But fans that want vent to eachother on this forum during a game get names called at us and told to eat crow. Who's acting like babies?
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So, would you rate his arm a Rocket, Cannon, or Shot gun?

Let's just say it's a whole lot better than Jim Harbaugh's was. But maybe you never saw Harbaugh play as that woud make sense considering the comparison. You probably heard your daddy say something like "captain comeback" and decided to make the inept comparfison.

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Are you saying that fans can't get frustrated or criticise his performance during a game because he's a rookee? Did you cheer after those turnovers? Probably not, right. But fans that want vent to eachother on this forum during a game get names called at us and told to eat crow. Who's acting like babies?

this team is 8-4 and you are still going on,.........

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Lol, people, I just have to throw some fun sarcasm out there....

Please Mr. Luck...stop making mistakes. I know you are a rookie, but I am just too spoiled by the previous 12 years to have any sort of realistic view of your learning period in the NFL. Simply put, please make my fan experience easier by performing like a talented veteran every play. I know, I know, you have a new team, coaches, and a lot of rookies around you, but I also hate to have to support you when you obviously have a few bad plays. It really is "what have you done for me in the last 30 seconds" for me.


I became a fan after the Colts started winning in the 2000 era.

That said, I am so proud of this team, especially the QB. Our WR are outperforming their preseason considerations....... more than any other WR group in the NFL. Keep it going Colts! You are making my year.

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Let's just say it's a whole lot better than Jim Harbaugh's was. But maybe you never saw Harbaugh play as that woud make sense considering the comparison. You probably heard your daddy say something like "captain comeback" and decided to make the inept comparfison.

Actually Both my parents are dead and I've been a Colts fan since '74. I was making the comparison with where Luck is now and where Harbaugh was in his prime. Good foot work, good short to middle passing game, iffy on deep paterns
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I went back and read this thread again (yes I was trying to OD on painfulthread-itis) and just saw 391 yards with 4 TDs and yes 3 horrendously thrown INTs. I smiled. I laughed......and know that this Colt team is 8-4! This team with the banged up OL....a war torn DL......and a coach that is badder than bad. This game is what persistence....never giving up and what CHUCK STRONG and Building the Monster is ALL about!!!! I love the Colts! :td: :td: :td:

Thanks, Brent. Said real.

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Lol, people, I just have to throw some fun sarcasm out there....

Please Mr. Luck...stop making mistakes. I know you are a rookie, but I am just too spoiled by the previous 12 years to have any sort of realistic view of your learning period in the NFL. Simply put, please make my fan experience easier by performing like a talented veteran every play. I know, I know, you have a new team, coaches, and a lot of rookies around you, but I also hate to have to support you when you obviously have a few bad plays. It really is "what have you done for me in the last 30 seconds" for me.


I became a fan after the Colts started winning in the 2000 era.

That said, I am so proud of this team, especially the QB. Our WR are outperforming their preseason considerations....... any other group in the NFL. Keep it going Colts! You are making my year.

What team did you root for before 2000?
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Lol, people, I just have to throw some fun sarcasm out there....

Please Mr. Luck...stop making mistakes. I know you are a rookie, but I am just too spoiled by the previous 12 years to have any sort of realistic view of your learning period in the NFL. Simply put, please make my fan experience easier by performing like a talented veteran every play. I know, I know, you have a new team, coaches, and a lot of rookies around you, but I also hate to have to support you when you obviously have a few bad plays. It really is "what have you done for me in the last 30 seconds" for me.


I became a fan after the Colts started winning in the 2000 era.

That said, I am so proud of this team, especially the QB. Our WR are outperforming their preseason considerations....... any other group in the NFL. Keep it going Colts! You are making my year.


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Actually Both my parents are dead and I've been a Colts fan since '74. I was making the comparison with where Luck is now and where Harbaugh was in his prime. Good foot work, good short to middle passing game, iffy on deep paterns

Ok... where did Jim Harbugh rank on passes of say 20 yards and better and where does Luck rank ? Or are you just talking about when Luck airs it out ? Seems to me that Lucks deep throws are getting better as the season goes on. I just don't see a Harbuagh - Luck compraison as valid at all.

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As far as Luck is concerned, sure I'm not happy about the int's, but I'm also realistic about the situation. To expect him to play anything other than like a rookie is on you not Mr. Luck. To expect him to always make the perfect call, or always understand what NFL defenses are throwing at him in his very first season is flat out ignorant. To expect him to play at the level he is with an O-line that stinks up the place, while constantly dodging defenders is unrealistic. The fact that he is able to accomplish what he has with this team this year is amazing. He has surpassed every expectation that I had for him this year. You get this kid a legit O-line and he's going to be lethal. I'm so tired of all the Chicken Littles of this fan base, that over react to everything that happens with this team and Andrew. Get over it people and get over yourself. You should be thanking your lucky stars that you have this guy here to lead this team in the future.

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Ok... where did Jim Harbugh rank on passes of say 20 yards and better and where does Luck rank ? Or are you just talking about when Luck airs it out ? Seems to me that Lucks deep throws are getting better as the season goes on. I just don't see a Harbuagh - Luck compraison as valid at all.

I didn't say they were twins. lol I said he reminds of harbaugh. You keep this up and I'll down grade him to Jeff George haha
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I haven't read every comment on this thread, so I can't say with certainty. But just looking at the picture it's a sheep drinking Kool-Aid....don't know why that one had you so stumped

My computer monitor is a 42in TV and small graphics don't come in as clear as they should
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The problem is as Indy keeps winning the pressure will mount. Even more... Some Colt fans think this is the norm. When in fact this season so far is the farthest thing from what should be expected. Expectations have went through the roof.

And Luck is the reason why. If most would understand it and keep in mind he is only a rookie. He knows he has to make things happen for this team to win. And the STAFF knows it.

They (the staff) could very easily reel him in. But they don't ... know why? He is their only chance at WINNING.

So we will all have to live with the good and the bad for the short term.

For sure!

I just don't get that some posters think that some of the mistakes (interceptions) are alright because he is a rookie. I am sure Luck himself wouldn't think his mistakes are close to acceptable.

Just because we won the game on an amazing drive doesn't mean Luck will be okay with those mistakes.

People are just getting so emotional...

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For sure!

I just don't get that some posters think that some of the mistakes (interceptions) are alright because he is a rookie. I am sure Luck himself wouldn't think his mistakes are close to acceptable.

Just because we won the game on an amazing drive doesn't mean Luck will be okay with those mistakes.

People are just getting so emotional...

I don't think anyone thinks the ints are ok.but to compare him to tebow or r

Sanchez is dumb. He is a rookie, hehe is gonna make some bad plays.

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A lot of rookies running around on O for this team. Next season all these rookies will be on the same page...

Luck, Allen, Fleener, Hilton, Brazil, Ballard.... Think about it ... all these rookies getting meaningful minutes. and 8-4 !!

The future is so bright I gotta wear shades.... :td:

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A lot of rookies running around on O for this team. Next season all these rookies will be on the same page...

Luck, Allen, Fleener, Hilton, Brazil, Ballard.... Think about it ... all these rookies getting meaningful minutes. and 8-4 !!

The future is so bright I gotta wear shades.... :td:

Hate the ITs and the completion % but he comes threw when needed to & have to congratulate on great comeback win today & sure throws for much yardage

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Yes, people are getting emotional. This was a magnificent last 4 minutes. Luck came up with another fantastic comeback. Two TD drives in a few minutes. Had this been Peyton, his INT's would have been ignored (like the 5 in SD had Viniteri not missed that chip shot), and people would be hailing him the GOAT.

But no, we get it from a rookie, surrounded by rookies, and we get a bunch of whinging spoiled fans rabbiting on for hours complaining because he threw some interceptions against a pretty ferocious pass rush hardly protected by a banged up O-line.

I'm thinking some people are STILL mad at Irsay.....

Nearly 1am here, time for some zeds.....enjoy the win and stop the crying.

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People question fanhood a little too much around here these days. No one is more of a fan than any other.

Some rooted for us to lose last season and now question others this season. People jumped on immediately with Luck, but now aren't happy with INTs (I'm sure no one is). Although he is a rookie so they can be understandable, but some are terrible throws.

We're 8-4, I am happy with it. Let's just hope it keeps going that way.

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All in fun folks, everyone does have a right to their opinion. I certainly am not attempting to convince anyone to view Andrew Luck the way I do. I also don't gave a rats pitutie whether my opinion follows the majority. I do know that the Colts starting QB has done this for me:

* Exceeded my expectiations as a player

* Exceeded my expectations as a teammate (from the limited information I have read)

* Exceeded my expectations as a leader

* Exceeded my expectations as a person (from the limited information I have read)

There is very little that he could do the rest of this season to dampen or lessen these views. A good question would be.....would a fan rather be 4 & 8 with flawless QB play, or 8 & 4 with the level of play that Andrew Luck has displayed? (Just a reminder that there are only 2 choices for an answer. No answer is ok.)

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This team is so much better than 99% of people thought they would be...myself included.

Luck is a rookie....surrounded by rookies/fa's/castoffs. Yet they are 8-4 and headed to the playoffs.

Luck's only going to get better next year....all the "dead" cap space is going to be gone....holes will be filled via FA / draft.

This team is playing like many thought they would in 2013 or 2014.....not 8 months after Luck was drafted.

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Yes, people are getting emotional. This was a magnificent last 4 minutes. Luck came up with another fantastic comeback. Two TD drives in a few minutes. Had this been Peyton, his INT's would have been ignored (like the 5 in SD had Viniteri not missed that chip shot), and people would be hailing him the GOAT.

But no, we get it from a rookie, surrounded by rookies, and we get a bunch of whinging spoiled fans rabbiting on for hours complaining because he threw some interceptions against a pretty ferocious pass rush hardly protected by a banged up O-line.

I'm thinking some people are STILL mad at Irsay.....

Nearly 1am here, time for some zeds.....enjoy the win and stop the crying.

I for one get frustrated because I hate to him fail. And yes with that comes impatience. But if you can't vent on a fan forum without a dog pile, what's a fan forum for?
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I for one get frustrated because I hate to him fail. And yes with that comes impatience. But if you can't vent on a fan forum without a dog pile, what's a fan forum for?

Fair point, but we need a little perspective, especially after the win. And we are also blind to the team effort. I think they only scored 3 points of the 3 x Ints......well done Defense....

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Fair point, but we need a little perspective, especially after the win. And we are also blind to the team effort. I think they only scored 3 points of the 3 x Ints......well done Defense....

I've been battered around so much on this thread that I haven't had time for perspectives. haha
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Not worried about Lucks interceptions, 16 is not alot, sure I wish those were down and his completion percentage is up but Arians is having him do things he has never done before from day 1 and thats throw the ball around all willy nilly (meaning a ton with no running game in sight consistently)allso take into account he has been forced to put the ball in the air a ton do to various reasons, 58.8 percent of his passes have come while the Colts have been trailing, Combine that with him being forced to play without an O Line as well as other rookies on offense then there are going to be some ugly games its a given, When we get an NFL Caliber O Line and our rookies gain more experience and the playcalling improves then we will begin to see a more consistent offense and very possibly a offensive juggernaught, Right now we are 8-4, we have issues obviously but 8-4 and close to a wild card birth I will certainly take. Im not happy with 8 wins though, I want more.

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