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What Happened To Linkenbach?


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I was getting used to him doing a good job at guard. Now all we see is Reitz in his place. Originally they claimed it was a concussion out of the blue. From that point on he has been sitting the bench if I'm not mistaken. I assume they feel Reitz is better. I'm not sure if I feel Reitz is better though?

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Reitz is the better lineman. Link is great depth though, especially since he can play 4/5 positions on the line. I think he's better than McGlynn, but they probably don't want to mess with the chemistry too much at this point.

I think we are still searching for O Line of the future in at least 3 spots, I dont see messing with chemistry as such a big deal in this case because its not like our O Line has played really good through 10 games and like I said, There is at least two or three O Linemen that are starting now for us that are very replaceable, and this is a genuine concern and not a shot at him but I am not sure Castonzo is our Left Tackle of the future either. Honestly like I said I think we are still trying to build our O Line
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I think we are still searching for O Line of the future in at least 3 spots, I dont see messing with chemistry as such a big deal in this case because its not like our O Line has played really good through 10 games and like I said, There is at least two or three O Linemen that are starting now for us that are very replaceable, and this is a genuine concern and not a shot at him but I am not sure Castonzo is our Left Tackle of the future either. Honestly like I said I think we are still trying to build our O Line

I just meant the chemistry for this year. I agree though, at least 3 of the spots on the line have to be improved. Everybody is serviceable in their own way, but you should never stop trying to get better. Castonzo is a poor pass protector, but an excellent run blocker, and should continue with the improvement. Reitz is kinda the same, but less dominant as a run blocker, and slightly better in pass pro. Satele is a decent at both, but inconsistent at best. McGlynn is a little better than we all thought, but that's not really saying much. Justice is the exact opposite of Castonzo.

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Reitz is Arians favorite lineman on our Colts. He claims he was the best lineman in OTAs and camp and is still not back from what was a moderately bad knee injury. I'll take BA at his word. Reitz had a lot of growing pains last season but blossomed into a serviceable lineman. I can believe he showed great improvement pre-injury in 2012. He'll work slowly back as the season progresses. I expect he and Castanzo to be the keystones of the o-line for several years. Justice is on that list too. On Linkenbach - I've really grown to like this guy. He takes a beating in the media. Remember, he, too, is a young player. As someone mentioned, the guy can play 4 of 5 o-line positions. That's huge beyond words. I also agree that he's a better G than a T.

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I think Linkenbach is the better Guard but I dont think either are starting Guards in the NFL

Dear Freaking God...

You have nearly 7600 posts and I am completely convinced that 95% of those have been a theme similar to this. Can you just assume that we all know your position on the line the next time the topic comes up.

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Linkenbach can play 4-5 Positions... hahahahahahahaha The guy can`t PASS BLOCK .... Period. He can`t play ANY position.

He actually did run block DECENT at LG but you can`t play him because he is a DANGER to the QB and the passing game.

And again, Shipley is a DISASTER in the running game because he is WAY TO SLOW to Pull. He just can`t get out to make the Blocks.

Neither of these two are NFL caliber.

Castonzo i expect is playing on a less than 100% ankle. If so, and a troublesome ankle is his future, we will need a new LT.

And again, guards have to pull to make a running game and I an Not seeing Reitz getting out and leading runs to the right.

It is a MUST to have a balanced running attack. If he has a lack of speed there is only one way to fix it.

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I'm surprised Reitz remains so underappreciated here. He's our second best lineman to Costanzo. He's starting over Linkenbach because he is much, much better. However, this time around, I thought Linkenbach was serviceable at LG (though not so much at RT). I agree about AQ...I think he will be the starter next year from the beginning of OTAs. He's earned it. I expect us to draft a RT next year, and stand pat on the interior of the line. Hopefully, a healthy Justin Anderson or Tony Hills can take McGlynn's job from him. Linkenbach could still be an option there too...

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Dear Freaking God...

You have nearly 7600 posts and I am completely convinced that 95% of those have been a theme similar to this. Can you just assume that we all know your position on the line the next time the topic comes up.

You have over 1600 posts and I am completely convinced 1,000% of those start with a 'Dear God...' or a 'Dear Freaking God...'

Often it's deserved, but your predictable cynicism gets old.

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You have over 1600 posts and I am completely convinced 1,000% of those start with a 'Dear God...' or a 'Dear Freaking God...'

Often it's deserved, but your predictable cynicism gets old.

I was just thinking Skinnz should change his name to Dear Freaking God and just click the quote button that would save him time from having to type out Dear Freaking God all the time but its hard to take someone seriously when most of there posts say the same thing ....Dear Freaking God!
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I don't know but Reitz is better. Watch the protection on Lucks TD to Hilton. Costanzo loses the block on the pass rusher and Reitz quickly notices that, lets his man go and chips the pass rusher just enough for Luck to release the ball.


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You have over 1600 posts and I am completely convinced 1,000% of those start with a 'Dear God...' or a 'Dear Freaking God...'

Often it's deserved, but your predictable cynicism gets old.

He's like our Grouchy Smurf, always in a bad mood, always says the same thing.

* he has some FB knowledge though, just doesn't share it much

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I would have probably said the exact opposite. Except I don't think Castonzo is poor at any element of playing offensive line.

There's a pretty obvious reason we almost exclusively run to the left.

Also, I remember reading that Justice hadn't given up a sack until he went against Cameron Wake. I like Castonzo quite a bit, but he is not the best at pass pro just yet. He will get there one day imo. Duane Brown had very similar game in his first couple years, now he's an extremely underrated talent that shuts down pass rushers.

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I agree, Reitz is our second best lineman, the left side is set.I've been calling for Shipley to start over Satele all season. The offense has been much more productive when Shipley has been in at center.I would like to see Link in place of Mcglynn too. Justice has been a pleasant suprise at RT too,for the most part he has been solid.

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There's a pretty obvious reason we almost exclusively run to the left.

Also, I remember reading that Justice hadn't given up a sack until he went against Cameron Wake. I like Castonzo quite a bit, but he is not the best at pass pro just yet. He will get there one day imo. Duane Brown had very similar game in his first couple years, now he's an extremely underrated talent that shuts down pass rushers.

The left side of the line is better than the right side of the line. I don't think that's because Castonzo is poor at pass blocking.

I guess I just don't see what you see. No big. Castonzo definitely has improvement to make, and we need more talent a several spots on the line. We agree there.

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