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Irsay Let's His Emotions Show (On Twitter)


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I think Irsay is really taking everyone bashing him personally (not shocking based on what I've seen from Irsay)

He just sent out this in several tweets:

"Andybbar, I love my players and love the franchise, I would never do either any harm..both helped raise and shape me since I was 12 yrs old if u don't know that, then you don't know my heart, 2 think I would do anything but b a caring steward of sumthing I luv so much is irrational. It's as irrational as saying "You tried to win too hard, since u spent millons cash over cap to win at any cost, I'm mad that's there's a cap." Even though the salary cap allows smaller market teams, like Indy, to still stay competitive in a free agency system."

People can say what they want about the man and I am sure people are going to rush to bash him here too because they don't like what he did but make no mistake Irsay hated this week as much as anyone. He took no joy out of us having to cut these players but like some here understood no matter how much his heart hated it his head knows it had to be done. If nothing else it's pretty clear Irsay has gone threw some of the same feelings we have this week.

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I think Irsay is really taking everyone bashing him personally (not shocking based on what I've seen from Irsay)

He just sent out this in several tweets:

"Andybbar, I love my players and love the franchise, I would never do either any harm..both helped raise and shape me since I was 12 yrs old if u don't know that, then you don't know my heart, 2 think I would do anything but b a caring steward of sumthing I luv so much is irrational. It's as irrational as saying "You tried to win too hard, since u spent millons cash over cap to win at any cost, I'm mad that's there's a cap." Even though the salary cap allows smaller market teams, like Indy, to still stay competitive in a free agency system."

People can say what they want about the man and I am sure people are going to rush to bash him here too because they don't like what he did but make no mistake Irsay hated this week as much as anyone. He took no joy out of us having to cut these players but like some here understood no matter how much his heart hated it his head knows it had to be done. If nothing else it's pretty clear Irsay has gone threw some of the same feelings we have this week.

he's already regretting it. If he wants fans to stop hating him, then he should spill his guts on the true strength of peytons arm and the truth about if Peyton would restructure his contract after the 28 mil wasn't paid.

He should fly out to peyton, say, "I jacked up big time." restructure and trade that freakin #1 pick

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Like I said before I'm glad half the people on this board are not owner or GM. Then we WOULD be doomed. I applaud Irsay for standing up and taking the criticism he knew would come by trying to make the smart decisions not the popular ones.

you can't use the word smart until time has had a chance to play it out

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he's already regretting it. If he wants fans to stop hating him, then he should spill his guts on the true strength of peytons arm and the truth about if Peyton would restructure his contract after the 28 mil wasn't paid.

He should fly out to peyton, say, "I jacked up big time." restructure and trade that freakin #1 pick

I dont get it. Half of the board wanted Irsay to keep his mouth shut on certain issues and keep things behind closed doors. Now that Peyton is gone, they want him to come to the media and spill everything? Can't have it both ways.

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I dont get it. Half of the board wanted Irsay to keep his mouth shut on certain issues and keep things behind closed doors. Now that Peyton is gone, they want him to come to the media and spill everything? Can't have it both ways.

I never said I wanted him to keep quiet. but that would be smarter for him.

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he's already regretting it. If he wants fans to stop hating him, then he should spill his guts on the true strength of peytons arm and the truth about if Peyton would restructure his contract after the 28 mil wasn't paid.

He should fly out to peyton, say, "I jacked up big time." restructure and trade that freakin #1 pick

I don't think he's regretting it at all. I think he knows these are the moves that had to be done just like us though it still hurt him to do it. He listened to his head over his heart.

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I have Irsay's back, he's done everything I would've done in his position...yes even the release of Peyton Manning. It may take a couple years to see if this was all worth it but I personally see great things for the Colts and Luck. Would u rather take the bandaid off nice and slow or rip it off? I think we all know the answer to that question...if we really are Rebuilding, this is the way to go, start with a fresh slate.

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Irsay is aight by me, he fired Polian, and he was architect of the cap mess. What are ya gonna do? Pretend like it's not an issue?

Some fans would like that and then when they stunk for a long time because we were stuck with a bunch of undrafted rookies and one or two highly priced vets who were well beyond their prime they would slam Irsay for not doing enough sooner to make sure they could win. Frankly had Polian done a better job drafting or made some of these hard calls on guys like Hayden, Brackett, and Addai sooner rather than giving them new contract we probably wouldn't be in this mess to start with.

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I have respect for the man. He made the toughest decision that had to be made and did what was best for the franchise. I would of loved to keep Peyton until he retired and I am not happy he is gone. I may not like it but I know it was the right thing to do. I will miss our beloved #18. I will watch him wherever he plays. I will always be a Colts fan no matter what . I wish people would just give the man a break, put yourself in his position. I'm sure it's a lot easier to bash people when your not the one in charge doing everything.

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I have respect for the man. He made the toughest decision that had to be made and did what was best for the franchise. I would of loved to keep Peyton until he retired and I am not happy he is gone. I may not like it but I know it was the right thing to do. I will miss our beloved #18. I will watch him wherever he plays. I will always be a Colts fan no matter what . I wish people would just give the man a break, put yourself in his position. I'm sure it's a lot easier to bash people when your not the one in charge doing everything.

give him a gold medal then. I'll wait and give him a gold medal when his decision = a superbowl

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I dont get it. Half of the board wanted Irsay to keep his mouth shut on certain issues and keep things behind closed doors. Now that Peyton is gone, they want him to come to the media and spill everything? Can't have it both ways.

Alot of them are the same fans who sung the priases of Irsay for firing the Polians then trashed him when they thought Caldwell was staying only to turn around love him again when he did fire Caldwell. Now that he cut Peyton and other fan favorites he's back to being hated.

IE when Irsay does something that they like they love him and he's the smartest owner in football. When he does something they don't like they hate him and he's an *.

I am not going to sit here and promise people all these moves are going to work because I can't at the sametime people can't promise if we didn't do these moves it was going to work too it was pretty clear the 2010 team was on the decline and then when Peyton got hurt the bottom feel out because this team just no longer had enough talent. With that said I do think they had to be made no matter how much it hurts. I stand by my owner though, his TOTAL body of work and that goes beyond this off-season has proven him to be one of the better owners in football. If this doesn't work I am sure he's going to keep trying till he finds something that does work. Losing but turning a profit is never going to be okay with Irsay unlike some other sports owners.

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My thoughts exactly. He should keep cool, calm and quiet about the irrational hate people are going to be serving up to him for years.

he should've known it was coming and mentally prepared when he made that decision. If he doesn't want to be hated, then why doesn't he come clean about the main questions.

1. peytons arm strength

2. would manning restructure or resign after he was released

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Alot of them are the same fans who sung the priases of Irsay for firing the Polians then trashed him when they thought Caldwell was staying only to turn around love him again when he did fire Caldwell. Now that he cut Peyton and other fan favorites he's back to being hated.

IE when Irsay does something that they like they love him and he's the smartest owner in football. When he does something they don't like they hate him and he's an *.

I am not going to sit here and promise people all these moves are going to work because I can't at the sametime people can't promise if we didn't do these moves it was going to work too it was pretty clear the 2010 team was on the decline and then when Peyton got hurt the bottom feel out because this team just no longer had enough talent. With that said I do think they had to be made no matter how much it hurts. I stand by my owner though, his TOTAL body of work and that goes beyond this off-season has proven him to be one of the better owners in football. If this doesn't work I am sure he's going to keep trying till he finds something that does work. Losing but turning a profit is never going to be okay with Irsay unlike some other sports owners.

so take his full body of work, then subtract out the manning years. and now you have what type of owner he is.

He didn't make any decisions during mannings tenure except to fire him

but he should've seen his cap was in horrible shape

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I wish some fans would just leave him alone. He did what he had to do. He runs a business he is a business owner. I don't tweet. But I do FB, most of the comments are very sad towards him wishing bad something would happened to him. That is sad, and there is no need for that. Most likely those kind of people are not football fans at all or Colts fans. They are probably Manning fans. They have a right to be a fan of only him. But wishing something bad will happened to Irsay that is sad. I will never get some people in this world.

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give him a gold medal then. I'll wait and give him a gold medal when his decision = a superbowl

I can't say that everything will definitely work. I think its our best chance. I think rebuilding with old players would make no sense and technically does not = rebuild to me. I believe he did what was best though. I have faith in him as an owner.

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Irsay's mistake was not firing Polian years ago, when he started messing up the draft and acting like the spoiled dictator he was eventually uncovered as. And allowing the hiring of Caldwell and Chris P.

And this is not hindsight, as those who've been on here since 2005 will know.....

Irsay should be applauded for this last week. Even if it doesn't work out.

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Alot of them are the same fans who sung the priases of Irsay for firing the Polians then trashed him when they thought Caldwell was staying only to turn around love him again when he did fire Caldwell. Now that he cut Peyton and other fan favorites he's back to being hated.

IE when Irsay does something that they like they love him and he's the smartest owner in football. When he does something they don't like they hate him and he's an *.

I am not going to sit here and promise people all these moves are going to work because I can't at the sametime people can't promise if we didn't do these moves it was going to work too it was pretty clear the 2010 team was on the decline and then when Peyton got hurt the bottom feel out because this team just no longer had enough talent. With that said I do think they had to be made no matter how much it hurts. I stand by my owner though, his TOTAL body of work and that goes beyond this off-season has proven him to be one of the better owners in football. If this doesn't work I am sure he's going to keep trying till he finds something that does work. Losing but turning a profit is never going to be okay with Irsay unlike some other sports owners.

The thing that I like about the moves that Irsay makes is that they are not irrational and made off of emotion. Look how long it took for him to clean house even though our season was wrapped up. He waited until the week of the deadline to make a decision on Peyton also. That shows that his decisions and thought out. I stand by my team also. I truly think that PM left on good terms. I think they sat down and had a grown man talk and came up with the best decision for both parties. Peyton will find a job regardless of his health, and the Colts will rebuild in the right direction with a group of high draft picks and a more friendlier cap situation.

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Irsay's mistake was not firing Polian years ago, when he started messing up the draft and acting like the spoiled dictator he was eventually uncovered as. And allowing the hiring of Caldwell and Chris P.

And this is not hindsight, as those who've been on here since 2005 will know.....

Irsay should be applauded for this last week. Even if it doesn't work out.

do you work for him? sheesh, applaud for failure all you want

I applaud for right decisions

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so take his full body of work, then subtract out the manning years. and now you have what type of owner he is.

He didn't make any decisions during mannings tenure except to fire him

but he should've seen his cap was in horrible shape

He didn't take over owning the team till like 96 or 97. He pretty much became owner in 95 because his dad was in such bad shape. So you only have have three years to look at if you don't look at the Manning years. Two of those years they were in the playoffs and one of them ended one play short of the Super Bowl. In his 17 years he's been th owner the Colts have been to the playoffs 13 of the 17 years. Most fan bases would be beyond on thrilled with their owner if he did that.

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I dont get it. Half of the board wanted Irsay to keep his mouth shut on certain issues and keep things behind closed doors. Now that Peyton is gone, they want him to come to the media and spill everything? Can't have it both ways.

Yes you can, If he tweets it he can tell all and at the same time his mouth is shut. Like ventriliquism! <sp> :thmup:

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give him a gold medal then. I'll wait and give him a gold medal when his decision = a superbowl

I'm sure Irsay anxiously awaits your approval.

Anyway, while your waiting.... how 'bout also waiting to see if Peyton's arm strength actually returns to 100%, since Peyton himself said it has not..... as he stood right next to Irsay at the podium.

Is Jim Irsay a ventriloquist or were you the only one on planet Earth to miss the press conference?

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Polian was the best GM the Colts ever had; and one of the best in the entire NFL. He kept things together by restructuring, scouting, picking, and even hosting walk-ons. Without Bill, you can forget 12 straight winning seasons.

As for Manning... The more days that pass, the more I'm smiling inside for him, because I've realized that he didn't get released so much; it's more like he got out just in time.

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do you work for him? sheesh, applaud for failure all you want

I applaud for right decisions

You must be able to see into the future? Because no one knows if this was "right" or a "fail" decision and won't for a couple years. Just because you may not applaud the decision, it doesn't mean you boo it or call it a failure either, only time will tell. You stand by your team and their decisions, Irsay believes he was doing what is best for the FUTURE of the franchise, not just the next 3-4 years and we should respect him for that. I'm pretty sure the decision was more mutual than what most believe.

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he should've known it was coming and mentally prepared when he made that decision. If he doesn't want to be hated, then why doesn't he come clean about the main questions.

1. peytons arm strength

2. would manning restructure or resign after he was released

As much as our egos would like to think we're a part of the decision making process, or that our hindsight could change the outcome, we don't have the divine right to know about such issues.

Peyton doesn't want to retire. It's his business if he can, or thinks he will be able to play at a high level again, ever.

For now, he's trying to hook up with another team, and it's up to the new team to judge for themselves if they agree with him.

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Polian was the best GM the Colts ever had; and one of the best in the entire NFL. He kept things together by restructuring, scouting, picking, and even hosting walk-ons. Without Bill, you can forget 12 straight winning seasons.

As for Manning... The more days that pass, the more I'm smiling inside for him, because I've realized that he didn't get released so much; it's more like he got out just in time.

Yes, he was. However, past performance is no guarantee of future results.

In recent years, Bill's, &/or his son's, performance put us where we are today.

Add to that, his ever increasing micro management of things he should not have control over and he had to go.

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I have always felt that if Irsay and Manning parted, it was a no-win situation for both, in the eyes of a lot of Colts fans. So, the best thing that can be done is not use anymore words to stoke any emotions, right or wrong, justified or unjustified, from the fans. No winners in arguments, no winners in a no-win situation. Let things settle down with time, and the emotions will settle down too. Let him spend his efforts in seeing this rebuilding through than anything else.

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Irsay has hit a FREAKING home run this offseason. The only people who could possibly disagree are people who agree with the Mayans that the world is ending this year. Revolution/rebuilding was inevitable, it just boiled down to how long we wanted to cling to mediocrity before we accepted it. I'm glad he decided right off that mediocrity wasn't acceptable. It'll be a rough year or 2, but bringing in a GM from the Eagles background (I.E. extending contracts long before free agency for core players, building from the trenches out, etc), hiring a coach that will an instill a defensive system all of us have wanted for years (bigger, tougher, more physical players), and getting rid of all our overpaid, aging, declining veterans will pay dividends down the road

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 12, 2012 - disrespectful
Hidden by Nadine, March 12, 2012 - disrespectful

As much as our egos would like to think we're a part of the decision making process, or that our hindsight could change the outcome, we don't have the divine right to know about such issues.

Peyton doesn't want to retire. It's his business if he can, or thinks he will be able to play at a high level again, ever.

For now, he's trying to hook up with another team, and it's up to the new team to judge for themselves if they agree with him.

you just wasted my time, why do you bother with a forum to tell people info that they already know. (that this forum is about opinions only)

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Irsay has hit a FREAKING home run this offseason. The only people who could possibly disagree are people who agree with the Mayans that the world is ending this year. Revolution/rebuilding was inevitable, it just boiled down to how long we wanted to cling to mediocrity before we accepted it. I'm glad he decided right off that mediocrity wasn't acceptable. It'll be a rough year or 2, but bringing in a GM from the Eagles background (I.E. extending contracts long before free agency for core players, building from the trenches out, etc), hiring a coach that will an instill a defensive system all of us have wanted for years (bigger, tougher, more physical players), and getting rid of all our overpaid, aging, declining veterans will pay dividends down the road

how many superbowls did the eagles win?

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I think Irsay is really taking everyone bashing him personally (not shocking based on what I've seen from Irsay)

He just sent out this in several tweets:

"Andybbar, I love my players and love the franchise, I would never do either any harm..both helped raise and shape me since I was 12 yrs old if u don't know that, then you don't know my heart, 2 think I would do anything but b a caring steward of sumthing I luv so much is irrational. It's as irrational as saying "You tried to win too hard, since u spent millons cash over cap to win at any cost, I'm mad that's there's a cap." Even though the salary cap allows smaller market teams, like Indy, to still stay competitive in a free agency system."

People can say what they want about the man and I am sure people are going to rush to bash him here too because they don't like what he did but make no mistake Irsay hated this week as much as anyone. He took no joy out of us having to cut these players but like some here understood no matter how much his heart hated it his head knows it had to be done. If nothing else it's pretty clear Irsay has gone threw some of the same feelings we have this week.

There's no one to be angry with...

But that doesnt mean we are not crushed.

Some of us may not live long enough to see the Colts win another playoff game.

How long has it been for the Cowboys..the Raiders??

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I'm sure Irsay anxiously awaits your approval.

Anyway, while your waiting.... how 'bout also waiting to see if Peyton's arm strength actually returns to 100%, since Peyton himself said it has not..... as he stood right next to Irsay at the podium.

Is Jim Irsay a ventriloquist or were you the only one on planet Earth to miss the press conference?

so your basically saying peyton is a big liar to denver and the cardinals and just trying to sneak a contract out of them. If he says he's not done = he can still play

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