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The Cost Of Hate


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This is intended to be a thought provoking thread, NOT A DIVISIVE one.

There was a time, in the city of Baltimore, where fans were disgusted. They we mad at the team, mad at the owner, fed up with the coaches, the stadium, mad the Johnny went to another team, and so on. The anger AND the apathy....."I dont care if they win another game"......."I'm not gonna support an ownership that lied to us"...and so on were likely some of the feelings of that time. Think about what went on between the ownership, and the fans. Attendance dwindled, apathy set in, seeds of distrust were laid.

No, I am not saying the situations are identical, because they are not. PLEASE, do NOT use this thread to vent about how that past time should be viewed. This is not an opportunity for revisionist history. I am saying look at the cost of hate. The city lost their love for the team, the team(owner) lost their love for the city. Fans were both angry, and apathetic. Look at what it ultimately cost them. Regardless of how bad it EVER got for the fans of Baltimore, losing their team was far worse than anything they perceived at the time as being tough.

Appreciate what you have, Indy. There is only one NFL team inside of 500 miles where I live. Regardless of how bad anyone may perceive that this is.....................blame the owner, blame the coach, blame the GM, blame his son, blame the Redskins and their coach, blame Curtis Painter, blame our former coach, or for those who have openly talked of PM's inability to deliver in crunch time, blame PM .................the sadness all of Indy would feel for losing this team forever is likely beyond your imagination.

Does anyone realize that Irsay is a human as well? With feelings? Have any idea how much hate mail, tweets of gruesome proportions and threats that he likely has received? What's his motivation to stay in town when the next agreement is up? Again, this is intended to make people think. Maybe put down the pitchforks and the torches?

So maybe it is time to support the new team and direction. Stop blaming the guys, who, for all their faults still worked their butts off to win, for the past and get to moving on. I am not talking about grieving. Coming to a board where fans all gather to talk about the team and spewing blame is not grieving, it's selfish and rude. I'm saying take the time you need to heal. But please stop spewing blame. The seeds of hate that are being sown right now can have a lasting effect on your fanbase, your ownership, and even your team in the future.


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I don't hate for the decisions he made. Unhappy, surprised, and disappointed yes.

Hate is a strong emotion and while "fan" is short for "fanatic" I'm not fanatic enough to get angry over something I had no control of.

Hate is as strong an emotion as love and while I can say I love the Colts, I'll never hate them.

I don't care how many decisions the man who pays for it all makes, it's not my place. It's not my money.

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I don't hate anybody in this whole issue. Two businessmen made a tough decision, and two longtime friends announced it, which was very touching and human in this stone hard age.

I understand the reasons and necessity of this decision, as the football has changed a lot during this 14 year period. It is hard to accept. I am also confused about the future...how draft and off season will end...how the new team will perform. and I think most of the fans are afraid of the future, that evokes strong negative emotions.

These times will be trying for us and for owner, HC and GM too. All we can do for the business and TEAM is staying united and rooting for the TEAM.

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Excellent post, Warhorse. And, while anger may be a more proper term; there has indeed been some evidence of hatred.

The last few weeks have really helped me put things into perspective. I am a grandmother now, which is wonderful. But, my new grandson has spent almost all of his time in NICU.

While that press conference was taking place, I was sitting by his side looking at a baby who was struggling to live. He had a feeding tube in his nostrils that went to his stomach, an IV that gave antibiotics, a ventilator that helped him breath; and after the first of several surgeries yet to come, a colostomy bag.

Spending countless hours in a hospital gives one an opportunity to do some serious deep thinking and soul searching.

The parting with Peyton has made me sad. Very sad. But, I have no room in my life for anger or hatred as those emotions would only make me bitter about something over which I have no control.

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Thank you for taking the time to post this

Fans have been venting and some of that is normal. The personal attacks on each other though, is not ok.

And some of the things that have been said about our owner.....have been way way over the line.

It is exhausting to read and I feel my energy and spirit waning as I take it in. Then I need to do something to adjust my own spirit....music, comedy.....my cats, exercise. anything to return to peace.

I think hate is the proper word for some of what has been posted here. It is not good for your own health and not good for anyone else's.

I hope that time heals most. But I have seen people resurrect past things that made them angry. And that is disappointing

I've seen people twist words in order to further justify their wrath. Anything to make the target more hateable

Overall though, I've been impressed with the care that most fans here have taken with each other. There's been a lot of understanding as well.

It is tough to let Peyton go and goes against a fans nature to want his new team to do well. But that's where we are.

Life has asked more difficult things of me, I can do this.

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I don't hate the decision. I think hate is a very strong word. The writing has been on the wall for quite sometime. i knew the day would have come and it did. I am disappointed but I don't hate Irsay. I also know the NFL is a business and I know that the Colts is not the first to get rid of their star player in the pro leagues and they sure won't be the last. I will still stay true to the Colts and to Mr. Irsay. I think the sun kept coming up every day know since Manning was released and will still continue to do so :)

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Thank you for taking the time to post this

Fans have been venting and some of that is normal. The personal attacks on each other though, is not ok.

And some of the things that have been said about our owner.....have been way way over the line.

It is exhausting to read and I feel my energy and spirit waning as I take it in. Then I need to do something to adjust my own spirit....music, comedy.....my cats, exercise. anything to return to peace.

I think hate is the proper word for some of what has been posted here. It is not good for your own health and not good for anyone else's.

I hope that time heals most. But I have seen people resurrect past things that made them angry. And that is disappointing

I've seen people twist words in order to further justify their wrath. Anything to make the target more hateable

Overall though, I've been impressed with the care that most fans here have taken with each other. There's been a lot of understanding as well.

It is tough to let Peyton go and goes against a fans nature to want his new team to do well. But that's where we are.

Life has asked more difficult things of me, I can do this.

Good words. We Colts fans have emotions that ran the gamut from anger to acceptance and every shade in between concerning Peyton's release. It is natural to have some reaction but we all should keep in mind that this is only a sport and not real life. I was as disappointed as anyone with the release of Manning but not to the extent that I want blood from the owner or fellow fans.

The Peyton Manning era in indy is over. Life is real and Sports is a fun diversion but not that important in the overall scheme. Lets all say thanks to the old and move on and support the new model of the Colts.

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We are not required to agree with everything a leader does. We are fans. Much as we shouldn't just blindly support a president at all costs, or our own bosses. Sure, we should cheer for them to perform well, but what happened here was pure ^cowpatties^. The decision to finally address the things Manning has been forced to play without (ie: new blood, coaches who actually participate, personnel that have been a part of successful defenses, a new draft outlook courtesy of a new FO, the potential to inject youth into the roster, etc.), doesn't happen until he also decides to ship Manning was a horrendously cruel one. A total stab in the back. Then he kicked his dog while he was down, and poured sugar in his gas tank after telling him the car was his.

I want the Colts to have success going forward, but not on Irsay's behalf. I will cheer for the boys in blue, but I will giggle with sick joy when Manning shreds them for 5 touchdowns and eventually hoists another Lombardi in different stripes.

We absolutely don't have to support him or his decision just because he's human and running the team. It's because he's human and in charge of the team we support that I proudly exercise my right to be disappointed in him. I won't hold a grudge against the Colts, because the players he pays don't deserve that. I still want them to win, but I want them to struggle while Manning has success elsewhere. I want Irsay to regret the decision, and to have it haunt him for a while.

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Thank you for taking the time to post this

Fans have been venting and some of that is normal. The personal attacks on each other though, is not ok.

And some of the things that have been said about our owner.....have been way way over the line.

It is exhausting to read and I feel my energy and spirit waning as I take it in. Then I need to do something to adjust my own spirit....music, comedy.....my cats, exercise. anything to return to peace.

I think hate is the proper word for some of what has been posted here. It is not good for your own health and not good for anyone else's.

I hope that time heals most. But I have seen people resurrect past things that made them angry. And that is disappointing

I've seen people twist words in order to further justify their wrath. Anything to make the target more hateable

Overall though, I've been impressed with the care that most fans here have taken with each other. There's been a lot of understanding as well.

It is tough to let Peyton go and goes against a fans nature to want his new team to do well. But that's where we are.

Life has asked more difficult things of me, I can do this.

Maureen ... I agree with you that there has been some hate (or appeared to be because we really don't know) here but by an large there was mostly good open and honest feelings expressed. I know that I felt like responding to some horrible comments in a drastic way but restrained myself. As the draft gets closer I believe the site will get more excited about whats to come. GO COLTS!
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Maureen ... I agree with you that there has been some hate (or appeared to be because we really don't know) here but by an large there was mostly good open and honest feelings expressed. I know that I felt like responding to some horrible comments in a drastic way but restrained myself. As the draft gets closer I believe the site will get more excited about whats to come. GO COLTS!

TennEngr, I feel better just seeing you post.

I've seen some people say they will stop posting and it makes me so sad. Why do I have to lose friends because of this?


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The "hate" word has ben revoked by the origanl poster so that issue is closed but.....fans do what fans do and that is why they are fans. Griping i part of being a fan. Look at Red Sox fans or Philly Eagles fans, to me they come to complain and boo everyone in the organizations for evrything the instant their team is not perfect. As a life long Colt fan and Bears and Cubs fan I know something about failure, heartache and being a "LOSER". So at the end of the game on the way home we gripe about this and that and as soon as we can we go back to the park to watch and cheer on our boys.

The coming years in the Colts organization will definatley be worth watching closely. Mistakes will be made as well as signs of a possible powerhouse will come to pass. We will cheeer and jeer, yell and scream. There will be close games and sqeekers and all out blowouts, that is sports. So just like in the rodeo, tie on, get a real good grip and let er' rip, it's going to be one heck of a ride!!

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We are not required to agree with everything a leader does. We are fans. Much as we shouldn't just blindly support a president at all costs, or our own bosses. Sure, we should cheer for them to perform well, but what happened here was pure ^cowpatties^. The decision to finally address the things Manning has been forced to play without (ie: new blood, coaches who actually participate, personnel that have been a part of successful defenses, a new draft outlook courtesy of a new FO, the potential to inject youth into the roster, etc.), doesn't happen until he also decides to ship Manning was a horrendously cruel one. A total stab in the back. Then he kicked his dog while he was down, and poured sugar in his gas tank after telling him the car was his.

I want the Colts to have success going forward, but not on Irsay's behalf. I will cheer for the boys in blue, but I will giggle with sick joy when Manning shreds them for 5 touchdowns and eventually hoists another Lombardi in different stripes.

We absolutely don't have to support him or his decision just because he's human and running the team. It's because he's human and in charge of the team we support that I proudly exercise my right to be disappointed in him. I won't hold a grudge against the Colts, because the players he pays don't deserve that. I still want them to win, but I want them to struggle while Manning has success elsewhere. I want Irsay to regret the decision, and to have it haunt him for a while.

These two bolded statements don't work together.

If you're going to cackle with glee when they lose, that is the definition of holding a grudge.

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We are not required to agree with everything a leader does. We are fans. Much as we shouldn't just blindly support a president at all costs, or our own bosses. Sure, we should cheer for them to perform well, but what happened here was pure ^cowpatties^. The decision to finally address the things Manning has been forced to play without (ie: new blood, coaches who actually participate, personnel that have been a part of successful defenses, a new draft outlook courtesy of a new FO, the potential to inject youth into the roster, etc.), doesn't happen until he also decides to ship Manning was a horrendously cruel one. A total stab in the back. Then he kicked his dog while he was down, and poured sugar in his gas tank after telling him the car was his.

I want the Colts to have success going forward, but not on Irsay's behalf. I will cheer for the boys in blue, but I will giggle with sick joy when Manning shreds them for 5 touchdowns and eventually hoists another Lombardi in different stripes.

We absolutely don't have to support him or his decision just because he's human and running the team. It's because he's human and in charge of the team we support that I proudly exercise my right to be disappointed in him. I won't hold a grudge against the Colts, because the players he pays don't deserve that. I still want them to win, but I want them to struggle while Manning has success elsewhere. I want Irsay to regret the decision, and to have it haunt him for a while.

Whilst Warhorse's post was a little over dramatic in my opinion, the thoughts and premise were spot on.

This post, however, and the use of certain 'hate' phrases are what just stir up the emotions on this board. In a bad way.

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I heard from the presser, the Colts will stink for the next several years and Irsay didn't want Manning to have to deal with that. Also, the money had nothing to do with it. I call ^cowpatties^. Poor R. Mathis must know he just signed a long term deal on a team going nowhere. I guess he gets no respect either.

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We are not required to agree with everything a leader does. We are fans. Much as we shouldn't just blindly support a president at all costs, or our own bosses. Sure, we should cheer for them to perform well, but what happened here was pure ^cowpatties^. The decision to finally address the things Manning has been forced to play without (ie: new blood, coaches who actually participate, personnel that have been a part of successful defenses, a new draft outlook courtesy of a new FO, the potential to inject youth into the roster, etc.), doesn't happen until he also decides to ship Manning was a horrendously cruel one. A total stab in the back. Then he kicked his dog while he was down, and poured sugar in his gas tank after telling him the car was his.

I want the Colts to have success going forward, but not on Irsay's behalf. I will cheer for the boys in blue, but I will giggle with sick joy when Manning shreds them for 5 touchdowns and eventually hoists another Lombardi in different stripes.

We absolutely don't have to support him or his decision just because he's human and running the team. It's because he's human and in charge of the team we support that I proudly exercise my right to be disappointed in him. I won't hold a grudge against the Colts, because the players he pays don't deserve that. I still want them to win, but I want them to struggle while Manning has success elsewhere. I want Irsay to regret the decision, and to have it haunt him for a while.

No one enjoyed this past week.... but you really don't wanna live in bitterworld, Doogan.

It's just not good for ya.

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If anyone truly hates Mr. Irsay because of this,they probably need to re-evaluate themselves. To hate someone over a sport,a game, a means of weekend entertainment is irresponsible. There are plenty other things in life to hate on,but to hate on a guy who does the things that JI has done for this city and the people in it is just dumb! Remember the Colts are JI's only business and he has always done what has been best for the Colts and the fans of indy. With that being said let's remember the decision that JI had to make involved a close personal friend of his, to 99% of us we did'nt lose a close friend,just a guy in a helmet that most of us will never meet, just a guy we adore. Good luck PM and thanks for the ride and thanks JI for making the hard choices to keep this team viable for 14 more years that none of us could ever make.

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We are not required to agree with everything a leader does. We are fans. Much as we shouldn't just blindly support a president at all costs, or our own bosses. Sure, we should cheer for them to perform well, but what happened here was pure ^cowpatties^. The decision to finally address the things Manning has been forced to play without (ie: new blood, coaches who actually participate, personnel that have been a part of successful defenses, a new draft outlook courtesy of a new FO, the potential to inject youth into the roster, etc.), doesn't happen until he also decides to ship Manning was a horrendously cruel one. A total stab in the back. Then he kicked his dog while he was down, and poured sugar in his gas tank after telling him the car was his.

I want the Colts to have success going forward, but not on Irsay's behalf. I will cheer for the boys in blue, but I will giggle with sick joy when Manning shreds them for 5 touchdowns and eventually hoists another Lombardi in different stripes.

We absolutely don't have to support him or his decision just because he's human and running the team. It's because he's human and in charge of the team we support that I proudly exercise my right to be disappointed in him. I won't hold a grudge against the Colts, because the players he pays don't deserve that. I still want them to win, but I want them to struggle while Manning has success elsewhere. I want Irsay to regret the decision, and to have it haunt him for a while.

People like you are why this country will never have the leadership it needs, thinking short term and not long term. People are too obsessed with what have you done for me lately instead of what are you doing to make things better later. Building a team takes time and patience, the success the Colts had before wasn't built over night. Even with Manning this team wasn't going to be a Superbowl contender and it would just continue to get worse. The Colts had to tear things down to build them back up. They were at dead end with no where to go but backwards due to several years of failed drafting and management. It eventually happens to every dynasty. The Patriots have defied odds, but every team has down years between dynasties. Even the Packers had a few down years towards the tail end of Favre's stay, the Steelers were not doing so well before Roethlisberger arrived. The Colts will have a few down years, but they are building back up.

If you are happy with quick fixes, well look up Jim Hendry's stay as the Cubs GM. If you want to see teams built for long term success look at the Patriots, Steelers and Giants. All good things must come to an end and the run with Manning was certainly a good thing, but it wasn't going to last forever. Instead of letting this team fall further from grace to keep the fans happy for the short term and hurting the team in the long run, he decided it was time to build again for the long hull. Last time he did this people may have felt it was a mistake, but then was getting Manning a mistake?

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This is intended to be a thought provoking thread, NOT A DIVISIVE one.

There was a time, in the city of Baltimore, where fans were disgusted. They we mad at the team, mad at the owner, fed up with the coaches, the stadium, mad the Johnny went to another team, and so on. The anger AND the apathy....."I dont care if they win another game"......."I'm not gonna support an ownership that lied to us"...and so on were likely some of the feelings of that time. Think about what went on between the ownership, and the fans. Attendance dwindled, apathy set in, seeds of distrust were laid.

No, I am not saying the situations are identical, because they are not. PLEASE, do NOT use this thread to vent about how that past time should be viewed. This is not an opportunity for revisionist history. I am saying look at the cost of hate. The city lost their love for the team, the team(owner) lost their love for the city. Fans were both angry, and apathetic. Look at what it ultimately cost them. Regardless of how bad it EVER got for the fans of Baltimore, losing their team was far worse than anything they perceived at the time as being tough.

Appreciate what you have, Indy. There is only one NFL team inside of 500 miles where I live. Regardless of how bad anyone may perceive that this is.....................blame the owner, blame the coach, blame the GM, blame his son, blame the Redskins and their coach, blame Curtis Painter, blame our former coach, or for those who have openly talked of PM's inability to deliver in crunch time, blame PM .................the sadness all of Indy would feel for losing this team forever is likely beyond your imagination.

Does anyone realize that Irsay is a human as well? With feelings? Have any idea how much hate mail, tweets of gruesome proportions and threats that he likely has received? What's his motivation to stay in town when the next agreement is up? Again, this is intended to make people think. Maybe put down the pitchforks and the torches?

So maybe it is time to support the new team and direction. Stop blaming the guys, who, for all their faults still worked their butts off to win, for the past and get to moving on. I am not talking about grieving. Coming to a board where fans all gather to talk about the team and spewing blame is not grieving, it's selfish and rude. I'm saying take the time you need to heal. But please stop spewing blame. The seeds of hate that are being sown right now can have a lasting effect on your fanbase, your ownership, and even your team in the future.


Bump for wisdom.

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Thank you all so very much for responding. I really want to thank everyone for not turning this thread in a negative direction. It is impossible to replace Peyton so I have hope that our fanbase and PM himself both have joy in the future. I am truly encouraged by the healing that is beginning around here. Well done, everyone. Excitement is beginning to set in and I can't wait for the draft.

What amazes me is the outpouring of respect and empathy by fans of other teams that have been our rivals. It simply amazes me.

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We are not required to agree with everything a leader does. We are fans. Much as we shouldn't just blindly support a president at all costs, or our own bosses. Sure, we should cheer for them to perform well, but what happened here was pure ^cowpatties^. The decision to finally address the things Manning has been forced to play without (ie: new blood, coaches who actually participate, personnel that have been a part of successful defenses, a new draft outlook courtesy of a new FO, the potential to inject youth into the roster, etc.), doesn't happen until he also decides to ship Manning was a horrendously cruel one. A total stab in the back. Then he kicked his dog while he was down, and poured sugar in his gas tank after telling him the car was his.

I want the Colts to have success going forward, but not on Irsay's behalf. I will cheer for the boys in blue, but I will giggle with sick joy when Manning shreds them for 5 touchdowns and eventually hoists another Lombardi in different stripes.

We absolutely don't have to support him or his decision just because he's human and running the team. It's because he's human and in charge of the team we support that I proudly exercise my right to be disappointed in him. I won't hold a grudge against the Colts, because the players he pays don't deserve that. I still want them to win, but I want them to struggle while Manning has success elsewhere. I want Irsay to regret the decision, and to have it haunt him for a while.

Well you'll get your cackles in because no one in their right mind expects us not to struggle for a few years. But he who laughs last...laughs best. I'm hoping it's Irsay.

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