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Chuck - Where is the line?


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Speaking LINE.

It was a Masterful thing to watch the attack, confuse, destroy job they used against our young, inexperienced

O-Line in the 2nd half. Great coaching, excellent execution.
 Bobby Wagner and Chancellor were super. 
 On Offense they did a great job exposing, abusing the obvious weak links on our D.

 Good tape for Ballard to evaluate our needs.

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In my opinion Chuck is already toast. He'll be gone after the next game we are blown out. The only way I see him staying is if we compete in every single game and make playoffs and win a game. Along with not getting our :edit: (No profanity masked or otherwise) kicked in playoffs. He pretty much needs a superbowl, or nail bitter loss to the team who wins superbowl to save his job.

Edited by Nadine
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9 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

I think the biggest issue is WHO is out there that is a slam dunk replacement?


Well, say whatever you want, whoever you want, imo, Pagano is not in the bottom half of the NFL coaches. He is better than that. I will not be surprised at all, if, after being fired here, he'll get another HC job very soon, and do just fine, maybe better than here. Like Caldwell did.


But anyway, if this team wants to win a ring, a "better than the bottom half" coach is not enough. So I am ok with showing Pagano the door, as long as the new guy is indeed superior to him. The big question, who is that superbowl-bound new guy? No clue. There is one thing I am sure about though: he won't be neither Harbaugh, nor Gruden or any of those popular names who come up here frequently. Maybe a young assistant coach, or someone like that, dunno. I hope Ballard (Irsay?) has a good eye for this...


(I'm not ruling out that Pagano will stay. Everything is possible in the NFL.)

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4 minutes ago, Indyfan4life said:



I think we can all agree that I should buy a Malik Hooker jersey as my first non-offense Colts jersey. 

I would but I can't buy a HOOKER jersey..lol


Same reason I've never been able to buy a Dickerson jersey.

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1 hour ago, a06cc said:

For me it was the players that melted. Pagano was actually great yesterday. Used his timeouts and challenges correctly. That was the improvement Irsay was talking about. We have to get Luck and Kelly back on offense. The defense can only do so much.


So Pagano was great because he didn't mess up?  The bar is set that low for him now?


He still can't seem to get his teams to play 4 full quarters since he took over.  It's either start slow, get way behind and mount a furious comeback which they may or may not win, or start out good, build a big lead and lose that lead and sometimes the game too.  I just don't understand why that happens. 

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I think Jon Gruden should update his resume and give it to Jim Irsay to be the next coach or see if they somehow can get Bill Cowher out of retirement. This team is on a downward spiral and Chuck Pagano just does not have the ability to do what is needed. They need much more discipline so they will not commit the nonsense penalties they do every week. We did not commit all these stupid penalties when Tony Dungy was the head coach. I just think it is time to chalk this season up, let Luck rest and have no excuses for next year and get some coaches in there with a different philosophy as there is now as we are going nowhere fast. 

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1 hour ago, indyagent17 said:

I think the biggest issue is WHO is out there that is a slam dunk replacement?

That's my fear as well. Truth is I don't foresee there being someone of the caliber landing on our doorstep. I know a lot of people want a certain man in Michigan to take the helm, but I just don't see him leaving the college scene anytime soon. 


Do we go with an up and coming coordinator? Do we go after someone who has head coaching experience but has lost his job after this season? We want someone who can give us a shot at a championship, but unfortunately there are few who have that kind of experience... Those who do have that pedigree most likely aren't leaving their positions after this season. 

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30 minutes ago, deedub75 said:


So Pagano was great because he didn't mess up?  The bar is set that low for him now?


He still can't seem to get his teams to play 4 full quarters since he took over.  It's either start slow, get way behind and mount a furious comeback which they may or may not win, or start out good, build a big lead and lose that lead and sometimes the game too.  I just don't understand why that happens. 

I fully agree man. It boggles my mind to see the team so well prepared in the first half only to crumble. I didn't expect a win coming in to this game, but after seeing that first half I at least expected us to continue to play tough and make a game of it. 

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35 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

That's my fear as well. Truth is I don't foresee there being someone of the caliber landing on our doorstep. I know a lot of people want a certain man in Michigan to take the helm, but I just don't see him leaving the college scene anytime soon. 


Do we go with an up and coming coordinator? Do we go after someone who has head coaching experience but has lost his job after this season? We want someone who can give us a shot at a championship, but unfortunately there are few who have that kind of experience... Those who do have that pedigree most likely aren't leaving their positions after this season. 


Well we know what we have in Chuck.  I never feel like we have the advantage with Chuck on the sideline. Even coaches that we deem are worse than Chuck seem to outcoach him. As long as the division is bad and we have a healthy Luck we'll always have a chance to win the division. 


Maybe in 3 years or so Ballard will have enough talent on this team to win a SB with Chuck. 

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Any GM who keeps Chuck the rest of the season is no more competent than Chuck. We are back in the pre-Manning years when 4-12 or 3-13 were reasonable expectations. We have been saved in recent years by the pathetic South competition but those days are going going gone.

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1 minute ago, azcolt said:

Any GM who keeps Chuck the rest of the season is no more competent than Chuck. We are back in the pre-Manning years when 4-12 or 3-13 were reasonable expectations. We have been saved in recent years by the pathetic South competition but those days are going going gone.

Firing him during the season or after doesn't really matter.

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1 hour ago, BOTT said:

Firing him during the season or after doesn't really matter.


Eh if I were Ballard I'd let Chuck and chud both go and make schottemheimer the interim. Get a long on the job look at him to see if I want to give him any consideration at the end of the year

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3 hours ago, J@son said:


Eh if I were Ballard I'd let Chuck and chud both go and make schottemheimer the interim. Get a long on the job look at him to see if I want to give him any consideration at the end of the year

If I'm Schotty, do I even want this?


"Scenario... ship at sea, heading wrong direction, engines failing, and vessel taking on water.  Captain and chief engineer sent off on a life raft.  1st mate , you take over this ship now and we will evaluate your prospects for potential HC, or firing for next year

Good luck..."


Hamstring the poor guy like the Dolphins did Dan Campbell when they let Philbin go...



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11 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:



If I'm Schotty, do I even want this?


"Scenario... ship at sea, heading wrong direction, engines failing, and vessel taking on water.  Captain and chief engineer sent off on a life raft.  1st mate , you take over this ship now and we will evaluate your prospects for potential HC, or firing for next year

Good luck..."


Hamstring the poor guy like the Dolphins did Dan Campbell when they let Philbin go...




Has a coach ever turned down the opportunity to be interim HC? Honestly don't know but doubting it's ever happened. 


Mularkey landed the permanent HC gig in Tennessee after a stint as the interim. Arians got his job in Arizona thanks to the time he spent as substitute HC. 


Plus Luck will reportedly be practicing this week :)

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Arians did great, Mularkey stayed with the Titans.  I don't think Schottenheimer can do well enough to get the HC job... here or elsewhere.  He's situation is more like Dan Campbell than Bruce Arians...


We'll see...


and If Luck does practice this week, he just might, a slight possibility, be ready for the October 22 game. Or the October 29 game if practice rust is hard to shake off......

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8 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

Arians did great, Mularkey stayed with the Titans.  I don't think Schottenheimer can do well enough to get the HC job... here or elsewhere.


maybe, maybe not.  I don't know.  What I do know is he's the only guy on the coaching staff that I'd even consider giving the time of day to when it came to interviewing for a new HC so why not get a good look at him now?  then we have a much better idea at the end of the season if he's worth being in the conversation or not.  and if he has any aspirations whatsoever of one day becoming a HC, he'd be dumb to turn down the opportunity to be the interim HC.  It's basically a no-lose situation for him.  Either he does well and earns the permanent job here or adds that to his resume which would help him get a HC job elsewhere, or he flames out...not like anyone can really hold it against him considering the circumstances.

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1 hour ago, J@son said:


maybe, maybe not.  I don't know.  What I do know is he's the only guy on the coaching staff that I'd even consider giving the time of day to when it came to interviewing for a new HC so why not get a good look at him now?  then we have a much better idea at the end of the season if he's worth being in the conversation or not.  and if he has any aspirations whatsoever of one day becoming a HC, he'd be dumb to turn down the opportunity to be the interim HC.  It's basically a no-lose situation for him.  Either he does well and earns the permanent job here or adds that to his resume which would help him get a HC job elsewhere, or he flames out...not like anyone can really hold it against him considering the circumstances.

I was going to post that there is not really any advantage to firing Chuck mid-season, but after reading your thoughts I can buy into giving him a Schott at it....


I would tend to agree that he is the only one worthy of consideration.


Something that sets in my crawl thought is look how well Manusky is doing in Washington.... hmm, mind boggling. 

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On ‎10‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 7:21 AM, Blue Shoe Savior 12 said:

People actually want Luck to come back this season and play behind this horrendous line.

Good riddance.

you want Brissett to play behind that line and win but not luck?? Really? Whats the difference? Luck has experience and can win behind this line, he' s won behind worse lol

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15 hours ago, J@son said:


Eh if I were Ballard I'd let Chuck and chud both go and make schottemheimer the interim. Get a long on the job look at him to see if I want to give him any consideration at the end of the year


Normally I wouldn't advocate firing him during the season but I'm afraid the Titans will again come to our rescue and get us to 8-8 and save Chuck's job. 

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Pagano strikes me as a puppet who requires someone more cerebral to be pulling the strings- someone with insight and methodology. Pagano is overwhelmed. He doesn't have solutions for the mounting problems around him. What I witnessed in the second half of that game Sunday night was a team that was visibly lost and dejected. 

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3 hours ago, BR-549 said:

I was going to post that there is not really any advantage to firing Chuck mid-season, but after reading your thoughts I can buy into giving him a Schott at it....


I would tend to agree that he is the only one worthy of consideration.


Something that sets in my crawl thought is look how well Manusky is doing in Washington.... hmm, mind boggling. 


Wasn't he OC for the Jets for many years (6?), and fans wanted him run out? Then he went to the St. Louis Rams as OC (for 3 more?)?  He's had many opportunities to be interviewed for HC after 9 years as an OC.  Now he's back in the NFL as QB coach after one year back as an OC in college (Georgia).


I'm not buying in... yet.  You have got to have more to convince me he's an upgrade over Pagano...

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37 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Wasn't he OC for the Jets for many years (6?), and fans wanted him run out? Then he went to the St. Louis Rams as OC (for 3 more?)?  He's had many opportunities to be interviewed for HC after 9 years as an OC.  Now he's back in the NFL as QB coach after one year back as an OC in college (Georgia).


I'm not buying in... yet.  You have got to have more to convince me he's an upgrade over Pagano...

I don't have a lot for you other than his pedigree.  I might point out the NFL teams that you mentioned there are not exactly thought of as powerhouses in their respective divisions (or the NFL) and who knows how much his hands might have been tied.


I am not advocating that we get rid of Chuck, but I gotta tell you that the puzzled looks he has on the sideline are getting pretty old.  I don't think I have to explain what I mean by that.  


TBH, I don't think anyone cares to listen to what he (CP) has to say anymore.... pretty much said it all and without results.

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1 hour ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Wasn't he OC for the Jets for many years (6?), and fans wanted him run out? Then he went to the St. Louis Rams as OC (for 3 more?)?  He's had many opportunities to be interviewed for HC after 9 years as an OC.  Now he's back in the NFL as QB coach after one year back as an OC in college (Georgia).


I'm not buying in... yet.  You have got to have more to convince me he's an upgrade over Pagano...


who's trying to convince you he'd be an upgrade over Pagano?

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5 minutes ago, Superman said:

For me, the line is Black Monday -- January 1, 2018. We have five-plus years on Chuck.


I don't see him lasting, but if Irsay moves on during the season, I'll eat my hat.



Can we see a picture of said hat? 

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On 10/2/2017 at 10:20 AM, indyagent17 said:

I think the biggest issue is WHO is out there that is a slam dunk replacement?

I don’t think we need a HOF coach just one who isn’t in over his head. I’m sure there are plenty qualified coordinators or assistance coaches who aren’t bumbling fools. I truly believe Pagano has no idea how to be a head coach. I may be wrong but he really hasn’t shown me anything to prove me otherwise. 

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Part of me wants him gone now and the other part says let him stay for rest of year.  I am with some letting Schotenhemier take over rest of year.  It gets hard watching him clap when players make mistake after mistake.  I'm hopping AL comes back and we can turn things around. 

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On 10/2/2017 at 8:08 AM, ColtsBlitz said:

It was 1 of 2 things:


-The line didn't come to play in the second half. Brissett didn't officially get hit in the first half. The line fell apart. 


- The halftime adjustment didn't apply to any part of the team, but especially the offensive line. I doubt it's Philbin, but the only other excuse is they didn't prepare for the second half (coaches). 

could the o-line not be philbin but poor talent

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8 hours ago, BR-549 said:

I was going to post that there is not really any advantage to firing Chuck mid-season, but after reading your thoughts I can buy into giving him a Schott at it....


I would tend to agree that he is the only one worthy of consideration.


Something that sets in my crawl thought is look how well Manusky is doing in Washington.... hmm, mind boggling. 

this just says what below average talent we have

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17 minutes ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

this just says what below average talent we have

Yep our roster has had fatal flaws for years no amount coaching or scheming can cover up . Not saying our coaches are world beaters but much better than the credit they get on this board . Find a 34 d that was successful without good lbers .

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On 10/2/2017 at 8:58 AM, deedub75 said:


It really shouldn't matter what else is going on in the division.  That's should not play a role in Pagano's future. This division has been bad since he took over the team and he is still the coach because the division is so bad. Thinking Luck is going to return and immediately be able to play great after not playing in a game since January isn't something I'd hang my hat on. 

irsay will never give up on the season as long as we are still alive for the division and playoffs


it so happens that our division is weak and any team around 500 or so is still in it.  we also have an easy schedule and can stay in the hunt with a win against a weak 49ers team at home


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