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And Idea On Bringing Manning Back To Indy


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I have a question on this manning and contract debate. although i havnt really been to much into worrying about whether or not he is staying and what the press has been saying about it because unless i hear it from, irsay and the gm there is no real truth out there.....but onto my question now

what if this meeting that is suppose to happen this week with manning and irsay is about a possible release and resign kind of deal? something like the colts tell him their releaseing him but would like to have him back on the team with a 1yr 10 million dollar deal and see how long it takes his nerves to regenerate in his arm and ifhe can play the season next season.....

and pending on how he looks and if he stays healthy they sign him to another deal at 1 yr 12 or 15 million dollar deal, thus keeping him at QB in indy for another year or two and having luck learn from manning. after that second deal manning could become a QB Coach, or OC for the colts. i mean i dont know if it sounds realistic or not, and it sounded so much better in my head lol. just a thought and wanted to know what everyone else thinks

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He is only willing to make that deal with any other team. Not the Colts.

It is unclear if PM meant that for:

1) the Colts

2) any team but the Colts

3) any team, including the Colts

It may not matter, since people forget that by releasing PM, the Colts trigger an immediate salary cap hit of $10.4MM. This hole in the team cap will be difficult to dig out of, if you have to add an additional annual salary for PM. In this way, other teams (not the Colts) will have a negotiation advantage over the Colts with PM. Even if the terms were identical, the new deal would hit the cap more for the Colts than any other NFL team because of the $10.4MM hole.

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On one hand Manning stated before, he has deep roots in Indianapolis, so I think he is willing to rework his contract with Colts, and Irsay is willing to retain him too, so this retaining Manning question is simple.

On the other hand, we still don't know if he would be able to play next season. As long as he isn't cleared medically, his contract won't be reworked IMO. So all we can do is to wait patiently. I hope no media hype will force neither Peyton nor Irsay to an likely too early decision.

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He is only willing to make that deal with any other team. Not the Colts.

I'd be more inclined to believe he meant he'd redo his contract with the Colts and make it easy for Irsay to resign him even if his nerve hasn't fully regenerated.

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I do not think he can redo or renegotiate his contract. Either the Colts pay him $28 million or he is a free agent, nothing else is possible. If the colts cut him, he counts 10 million no matter what. They could sign him to a completely new contract if he is willing however, but he is going to command a good salary imo. I think it has something to do with when the league year starts and that they cannot renegotiate a contract until after the March 8 deadline has passed.

I think the Colts have no choice but to terminate the contract. The risks are HUGE if they pay him the $28 million and he comes back. What if his arm never gets back to what it was, what if he gets hurt again, what if he just wants to retire. The Colts are going to take a disasterous cap hit in 2013, I read on the order of 35 million just for Manning who isnt playing. Then add to that whatever the Cap hit for Luck/RGIII and then a backup QB. You are going to have close to 50 million in QBs, that is over a third of your cap for a position where only one guy can play at once.

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It is unclear if PM meant that for:

1) the Colts

2) any team but the Colts

3) any team, including the Colts

It may not matter, since people forget that by releasing PM, the Colts trigger an immediate salary cap hit of $10.4MM. This hole in the team cap will be difficult to dig out of, if you have to add an additional annual salary for PM. In this way, other teams (not the Colts) will have a negotiation advantage over the Colts with PM. Even if the terms were identical, the new deal would hit the cap more for the Colts than any other NFL team because of the $10.4MM hole.

Frog Man,

Did he actually say this or was it his agent....or is it an ESPN report?

Just asking.

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I do not think he can redo or renegotiate his contract. Either the Colts pay him $28 million or he is a free agent, nothing else is possible. If the colts cut him, he counts 10 million no matter what. They could sign him to a completely new contract if he is willing however, but he is going to command a good salary imo. I think it has something to do with when the league year starts and that they cannot renegotiate a contract until after the March 8 deadline has passed.

Yes. The new league year begins March 13.

I think the Colts have no choice but to terminate the contract. The risks are HUGE if they pay him the $28 million and he comes back. What if his arm never gets back to what it was, what if he gets hurt again, what if he just wants to retire. The Colts are going to take a disasterous cap hit in 2013, I read on the order of 35 million just for Manning who isnt playing.

$38.4MM cap hit to 2012-2013, if Colts pay the $28 option bonus due March 8, and PM retires before June 1.

If PM retires after June 1, but before the season starts, the cap hit to 2012-2013 will be $19.2MM and to 2013-2014 will be $19.2MM.

Then add to that whatever the Cap hit for Luck/RGIII and then a backup QB. You are going to have close to 50 million in QBs, that is over a third of your cap for a position where only one guy can play at once.

For 2012-2013, Luck/RG3 will hit the cap at $4.2MM (assuming a 5% increase of Cam Newton's contract) and the #3 QB will hit the cap at $0.4MM (league minimum).

Therefore in your scenario of PM getting the $28 option bonus, and retiring before June 1, plus Luck/RG3 and a #3QB, the QB position will hit the cap at $43MM or aout 36% of the total team cap.

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Frog Man,

Did he actually say this or was it his agent....or is it an ESPN report?

Just asking.

oldunclemark, from my reading, PM did not say anything about his willingness to accept less. It is just more speculation.

However, had I said this earlier, I am sure someone would again accuse me of being a Debbie Downer. :eyebrow:

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It's a Schefter report citing unnamed sources. The only credible sources are Tom Condon and Peyton Manning. Schefter's credibility has fallen drastically since leaving NFLN. I wonder if he was fired or lured away. Either way, I'm guessing NFLN has no regrets. He's a good fit for BSPN.

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If that's the case I have lost all respect for Peyton. I would think this franchise deserves to get the first crack at a new restructured contract before any other team.

I guess you could call me "pro Peyton" in the whole Manning/Irsay situation.

If that ended up being the case, I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'd lose respect for Peyton but, my sympathies for him and slight irritation toward Irsay would disappear.

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Manning flat out said he's not thinking about other teams in his interview earlier this week. Why are we believing Adam S. Tweets over Irsay and Manning?

The same way that people sign up for a 3 hr seminar that if you attend, you win one of four prizes...

A new car!

A 10 day vacation!

A set of Golf Clubs!

A new Calculator!

They hear what they want to hear, but don't pay attention to the source or its motives.

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The same way that people sign up for a 3 hr seminar that if you attend, you win one of four prizes...

A new car!

A 10 day vacation!

A set of Golf Clubs!

A new Calculator!

They hear what they want to hear, but don't pay attention to the source or its motives.

3 hours for a $2 calculator doesn't seem like a good deal to me.

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Manning is reportedly willing to redo his contract where he gets little or no guaranteed money and is completely based on performance.

If that's true, he made it as easy as possible for Irsay to retain him.

This is what I hear as well. Christmas to my ears

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3 hours for a $2 calculator doesn't seem like a good deal to me.

That was my point. They only see the other three things, because it was want they wanted to hear.....

Todays fans are, in a large part, social media driven. Look at the number of threads/posts about the actual game of football, and how many are about the drama of the sport. Most fans love controversy. So if there are 4 articles about Peyton Manning, three are literally concocted snippets of information guessing, and one is based on logic and explains that there simply is a complete lack of factual information at the moment, fans....in an effort to see their thread talked about and thusly, increase their validity on this board, repost one of the three non-factual, drama laden articles.

It is simply more........uh, juicy.

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That was my point. They only see the other three things, because it was want they wanted to hear.....

Todays fans are, in a large part, social media driven. Look at the number of threads/posts about the actual game of football, and how many are about the drama of the sport. Most fans love controversy. So if there are 4 articles about Peyton Manning, three are literally concocted snippets of information guessing, and one is based on logic and explains that there simply is a complete lack of factual information at the moment, fans....in an effort to see their thread talked about and thusly, increase their validity on this board, repost one of the three non-factual, drama laden articles.

It is simply more........uh, juicy.

Sell the sizzle, not the steak ;)

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its interesting that manning and/or condon would put that out there about a contract with "protection" for the team.

I'm not sure why you would do this unless the nerve really isn't doing well. You certainly don't show your hand until you have to.

Even so, wouldn't you wait and field offers....first?

If he wouldn't offer the same to the Colts i can only see a few reasons: 1.pride 2. he WANTS to leave for better chance 3.He wants more $ than Colts can/will pay

Otherwise, why not offer same to Colts? I doubt he thinks Luck would take his job unless the nerve isn't fight. But that would be the case anywhere.

i was saying back mid-season peyton should "re-negotiate" the contract going forward because of the circumstances. the 28m bonus due and the timing makes that more difficult than it seems tho.

If Manning would accept irsay's "new contract" that protects in the event of the nerve not responding, I would really like irsay to take the chance.

As far as Luck, i would still draft him. Even if peyton were 100% and we hadn't gone thru this i'd take luck for the future.

i explain to them both the situation and what is expected and will happen for any possible scenario. Peyton will be "the man" unless the nerve doesn't heal properly. Peyton will allow Luck to "stand over his shoulder" and learn all he can. If peyton can go, and we are controlling a game, Luck will come in late for experience and to "keep manning healthy". We're talking SB runs here, not regular season stats. Peyton should understand. Peyton will be kind of a "year to year" basis. I still think he'd rather stay here in relative comfort than start all over somewhere else.

As far as Luck, show him how this organization "takes care" of its QBs. Manning is a great example. Explain to him that, primarily out of respect, you are giving Peyton this chance. Odds are, Luck will be playing sooner not later but you need to give manning this chance. Luck should be smart enough to realize that tho he might not start right away, his carreer will still get a "jump start" by learning invaluable things from peyton. He should realize that the yeam expect him to be here for 15 years too. This isn't a sprint. Throw ALOT of Rogers examples at him, haha.

I wasn't seeing any way Peyton would be in a Colts uniform next year. I still don't have much confidence that the nerve will be fine to play next season.

BUT, if peyton would honor that type of "incentive based" contract, all things considered, I'd like Irsay to do that.

And still draft Luck.

The best of both worlds. I'd even risk the cap hit because it would be less.

I know it might be dreaming, but it certainly is possible if cooler heads prevail.

The only one I see not liking this is......CONDON!

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Some team(s) out there will certainly outbid the Colts. If Manning hits the F/A market (which I 90% think he will), he will be the most valuable free agent in the history of the NFL. Even if he isn't 100% healthy, some team will take a chance.

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Some team(s) out there will certainly outbid the Colts. If Manning hits the F/A market (which I 90% think he will), he will be the most valuable free agent in the history of the NFL. Even if he isn't 100% healthy, some team will take a chance.

I know.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

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its interesting that manning and/or condon would put that out there about a contract with "protection" for the team.

I'm not sure why you would do this unless the nerve really isn't doing well. You certainly don't show your hand until you have to.

Even so, wouldn't you wait and field offers....first?

If he wouldn't offer the same to the Colts i can only see a few reasons: 1.pride 2. he WANTS to leave for better chance 3.He wants more $ than Colts can/will pay

Otherwise, why not offer same to Colts? I doubt he thinks Luck would take his job unless the nerve isn't fight. But that would be the case anywhere.

i was saying back mid-season peyton should "re-negotiate" the contract going forward because of the circumstances. the 28m bonus due and the timing makes that more difficult than it seems tho.

If Manning would accept irsay's "new contract" that protects in the event of the nerve not responding, I would really like irsay to take the chance.

As far as Luck, i would still draft him. Even if peyton were 100% and we hadn't gone thru this i'd take luck for the future.

i explain to them both the situation and what is expected and will happen for any possible scenario. Peyton will be "the man" unless the nerve doesn't heal properly. Peyton will allow Luck to "stand over his shoulder" and learn all he can. If peyton can go, and we are controlling a game, Luck will come in late for experience and to "keep manning healthy". We're talking SB runs here, not regular season stats. Peyton should understand. Peyton will be kind of a "year to year" basis. I still think he'd rather stay here in relative comfort than start all over somewhere else.

As far as Luck, show him how this organization "takes care" of its QBs. Manning is a great example. Explain to him that, primarily out of respect, you are giving Peyton this chance. Odds are, Luck will be playing sooner not later but you need to give manning this chance. Luck should be smart enough to realize that tho he might not start right away, his carreer will still get a "jump start" by learning invaluable things from peyton. He should realize that the yeam expect him to be here for 15 years too. This isn't a sprint. Throw ALOT of Rogers examples at him, haha.

I wasn't seeing any way Peyton would be in a Colts uniform next year. I still don't have much confidence that the nerve will be fine to play next season.

BUT, if peyton would honor that type of "incentive based" contract, all things considered, I'd like Irsay to do that.

And still draft Luck.

The best of both worlds. I'd even risk the cap hit because it would be less.

I know it might be dreaming, but it certainly is possible if cooler heads prevail.

The only one I see not liking this is......CONDON!

Peyton is Luck's friggin middle school childhood boy hero. He will sit and soak up all he can while he can. Good post.

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Some team(s) out there will certainly outbid the Colts. If Manning hits the F/A market (which I 90% think he will), he will be the most valuable free agent in the history of the NFL. Even if he isn't 100% healthy, some team will take a chance.

Well even if another team offers him more it doesn't mean he has to take that offer right? Doesn't FA mean he can sign where ever he wants?

If I'm wrong I know you will correct me. haha

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He is only willing to make that deal with any other team. Not the Colts.

the ONLY people who have said that, are people on this board. He never mentioned ANY specific teams, only that he would be willing to sign a deal that has little or no guaranteed money for each season of the contract length.

The fact is, the Colts would have to "release" Manning from his contract by NOT picking up the $28million option for him to sign a new deal here, anyhow... and Peyton has said MULTIPLE times that "I've been very clear how I feel" about wanting to play his entire career for the Colts.

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First time posting so try to take it somewhat easy on me.

Peyton says he is willing to sign a new contract that is incentive based to help. My first thought after hearing this was why would he want to sign contract based on incentives with the colts if the colts were going to take Luck with the first pick in the draft? I understand how he wants to be loyal, but imo, an incentive deal where there is a number one pick always right there ready to take the reigns isn't the best thing for him. If he were to start slow and have a few bad games in a row, why wouldn't they put Luck in? He is younger, healthier, and he needs to prove his worth for the next 12-15 years. In a perfect world Peyton would play 2-3 more years and teach Luck everything he can teach him, and then hand him the reigns as he walks away a colt forever. We all know this is far from a perfect world, which is why I feel that if peyton does sign a incentive based contract it will be with another team.

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If that's the case I have lost all respect for Peyton. I would think this franchise deserves to get the first crack at a new restructured contract before any other team.

Put yourself in Peyton's shoes for a moment ..

If he is confident that he can be atleast ~90% of his former self, and asuming he can get an identical deal between another team and a restructed one with Colts - why would he want to be in a situation where Luck/Colts will eventually want him to retire/leave sooner than he might actually want to (given Luck wants to play now .. even if Luck waits a year or 2).

Even if the Colts pick RG3 with the first pick, I wouldn't want to be with the Colts given the above. I have a feeling if healthy he would want to atleast play out the remaining 4 years he had on his original contract (if not at the same $$).

Eli just won his 2nd SB and Brady is finally getting to see what it feels w/o a dominant D .. not that it matter a lot here .. but I think Peytons competitive self would be hungry to get as many chances at an SB in whatever no. of years he has left. If he thinks Colts isn't the place that maximizes this he will move on.

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Some team(s) out there will certainly outbid the Colts. If Manning hits the F/A market (which I 90% think he will), he will be the most valuable free agent in the history of the NFL. Even if he isn't 100% healthy, some team will take a chance.

He doesn't have to go to the highest bidder.

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the ONLY people who have said that, are people on this board. He never mentioned ANY specific teams, only that he would be willing to sign a deal that has little or no guaranteed money for each season of the contract length.

The fact is, the Colts would have to "release" Manning from his contract by NOT picking up the $28million option for him to sign a new deal here, anyhow... and Peyton has said MULTIPLE times that "I've been very clear how I feel" about wanting to play his entire career for the Colts.

Actually, PM has not said anything about his willingness to sign a deal that has any structure.

Read the article again, and identity its sources.

Critical reading abilities will help.

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I still can't figure out why anybody pays any attention to what these "reporters" or "sources" have to say. The media is all about controversy and making something of nothing. Manning leaving Indy is a much more attractive story for them to run into the ground. I've refused to allow myself to get wrapped up in anybody's opinions of what's going to happen with Manning. Unless it comes directly from Manning, Irsay, or Condon I just tune out and wait for people to gossip about what they just heard. I always respond with Manning has said he wants to stay with the Colts, and Irsay has said that he wants a healthy Manning to remain a Colt, and Condon has said that Manning wants to stay in Indy and hasn't had any calls from any other teams should Manning be released (although I'm sure that would be some sort of tampering and he wouldn't/couldn't say if any team truly has for fear of league penalty). I have no choice but to take the guys at their word, but we'll see what happens because talk is cheap a $28 million bonus isn't. MANNING NEEDS TO RESTRUCTURE AND TAKE LESS MONEY!

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First time posting so try to take it somewhat easy on me.

Peyton says he is willing to sign a new contract that is incentive based to help. My first thought after hearing this was why would he want to sign contract based on incentives with the colts if the colts were going to take Luck with the first pick in the draft? I understand how he wants to be loyal, but imo, an incentive deal where there is a number one pick always right there ready to take the reigns isn't the best thing for him. If he were to start slow and have a few bad games in a row, why wouldn't they put Luck in? He is younger, healthier, and he needs to prove his worth for the next 12-15 years. In a perfect world Peyton would play 2-3 more years and teach Luck everything he can teach him, and then hand him the reigns as he walks away a colt forever. We all know this is far from a perfect world, which is why I feel that if peyton does sign a incentive based contract it will be with another team.

Not quite. A reporter has stated that PM is willing,......

I would advise you to not believe it until PM is actually quoted as saying something.

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Actually, PM has not said anything about his willingness to sign a deal that has any structure.

Read the article again, and identity its sources.

Critical reading abilities will help.

Actually YOU are the one who needs the help with critical reading abilities! If YOU go back and read MY post, i never said that PEYTON said anything, other than him saying that he would like to finish his career with the same team.

in MY post that YOU are struggling to comprehend, i was simply re-stating what Adam Schefter had stated. the "he" in my post is Schefter, NOT Peyton... If you are so good at critical reading, and had applied it to the original article as you had suggested that I do, then you wouldve known that it was Schefter that said that and not Peyton, and then it wouldve made it pretty simple to comprehend what i was saying in my post.

Keep practicing, i'm sure you'll get the hang of it! Lord knows you like to nit pick nearly everyone's posts on here...given enough time and enough guidance, i'm sure you'll get better with your abilities.

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Actually YOU are the one who needs the help with critical reading abilities! If YOU go back and read MY post, i never said that PEYTON said anything, other than him saying that he would like to finish his career with the same team.

Sorry, you're right. I misunderstood your post and mis-attributed your pronoun usage to PM and not the reporter.

Keep practicing, i'm sure you'll get the hang of it! Lord knows you like to nit pick nearly everyone's posts on here...given enough time and enough guidance, i'm sure you'll get better with your abilities.

I always try to do my very best.

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