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Irsay is the man....


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I'm with Jim 100% and fully support.


1) I think there is nothing wrong with believing in your guys. Takes a lot of B***s for what He did this last year when extending Pags and Grigs and allowing inner staff changes to be made. Irsay has great admiration for each of them as people and Pro's....But then 2016 happens...


2) I agree with him trying to find a better solution to a debacle of the 2016 season although i don't agree with his needing a big name replacement here for an obvious chance on Pagano that just, in hindsight, wasn't a good move. This could've been handled better, yes however...


I know that everyone pins this on not making the playoffs in a weak South as the reason Pagano should be dismissed and yes it definitely is a reason , but i think Irsay really made his mind up during the last game against Jaxx. Watching the Colts a missed FG away from being down 20-0 at halftime against a 3 win team at home and if not for the QB, we lose to the Jags for a 2nd time in the season. I'm thinking to myself this win isn't because of coaching or second half adjustments, it's because of the QB and I would bet you Irsay felt the same.


Say what you want about Jim, but this guy wants to win and LOVES this team more than any of us diehard fans do. He in a tough spot here and it's easy for all of us to "bash" but business relations and personal relations are a hard line.

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I'm okay with him striking out on Gruden.

Not really okay with striking out on Gruden and then just not doing anything though. That is, if he isn't going after anybody else, which he could be. He's proven to be pretty good at keeping rumors in the dark, or at the very least keeping rumors out of the mainstream media.

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9 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

I'm okay with him striking out on Gruden.

Not really okay with striking out on Gruden and then just not doing anything though. That is, if he isn't going after anybody else, which he could be. He's proven to be pretty good at keeping rumors in the dark, or at the very least keeping rumors out of the mainstream media.

He was likely VERY confident that he could bring him here and perhaps that stems from something that previously happened.  In his mind he was probably thinking he could do this thing and be damned of failure or didn't even contemplate the ramifications. However, I'm not going to underestimate him.  He's the one with the larger checking account and a successful billion-dollar team.

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3 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

He was likely VERY confident that he could bring him here and perhaps that stems from something that previously happened.  In his mind he was probably thinking he could do this thing and be damned of failure or didn't even contemplate the ramifications. However, I'm not going to underestimate him.  He's the one with the larger checking account and a successful billion-dollar team.

Yeah definitely, like I said I'm not ruling anything out. Irsay could very well be waiting on Shanahan or McDaniels, even if I'm not holding my breath.

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11 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

Yeah definitely, like I said I'm not ruling anything out. Irsay could very well be waiting on Shanahan or McDaniels, even if I'm not holding my breath.

I would take either now, although would lean toward McDaniels but doubt he would want to because of deflate-gate and the Colts history with the Pats and his relationship with BB....(and that may be total stupidity on my part to think that).  Any coach potentially coming aboard knows he was 2nd fiddle to Gruden now.  I just think if you put the full-court press on Gruden, you have to be sure he's coming or have some indication that he will saddle up.  Otherwise, it's a mud-pit (especially if you have a potential lame-duck coach sitting there)


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23 minutes ago, BProland85 said:

I think he's losing his touch if he can't seem to convince quality candidates to come here. Having Andrew Luck should make candidates salivate at the mouth to coach here. 

But luck is one player only. This team has many flaws. I like to know if keeping Ryan was part of the HC offer? We blaming Jimmy but maybe no one wants Ryan to remain on as GM.

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1 minute ago, JColts72 said:

But luck is one player only. This team has many flaws. I like to know if keeping Ryan was part of the HC offer? We blaming Jimmy but maybe no one wants Ryan to remain GM.


Im sure that's a factor why Gruden turned him down. Why would Jon wanna work with Grigson who has failed at building this team the past 5 years. Why Irsay refuses to address this I have no idea. 

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25 minutes ago, BProland85 said:


Im sure that's a factor why Gruden turned him down. Why would Jon wanna work with Grigson who has failed at building this team the past 5 years. Why Irsay refuses to address this I have no idea. 

Agreed. That's where that personal relationship gets in the way. Irsay loves Grigson like family

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8 hours ago, Indeee said:

I'm with Jim 100% and fully support.


1) I think there is nothing wrong with believing in your guys. Takes a lot of B***s for what He did this last year when extending Pags and Grigs and allowing inner staff changes to be made. Irsay has great admiration for each of them as people and Pro's....But then 2016 happens...


2) I agree with him trying to find a better solution to a debacle of the 2016 season although i don't agree with his needing a big name replacement here for an obvious chance on Pagano that just, in hindsight, wasn't a good move. This could've been handled better, yes however...


I know that everyone pins this on not making the playoffs in a weak South as the reason Pagano should be dismissed and yes it definitely is a reason , but i think Irsay really made his mind up during the last game against Jaxx. Watching the Colts a missed FG away from being down 20-0 at halftime against a 3 win team at home and if not for the QB, we lose to the Jags for a 2nd time in the season. I'm thinking to myself this win isn't because of coaching or second half adjustments, it's because of the QB and I would bet you Irsay felt the same.


Say what you want about Jim, but this guy wants to win and LOVES this team more than any of us diehard fans do. He in a tough spot here and it's easy for all of us to "bash" but business relations and personal relations are a hard line.

You can stand behind him but I say bonehead move.

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8 hours ago, BProland85 said:

I think he's losing his touch if he can't seem to convince quality candidates to come here. Having Andrew Luck should make candidates salivate at the mouth to coach here. 


It's only one candidate that didn't come here and it's a pretty particular circumstance, given the varied reasons Gruden may not want to get back into coaching. I'm sure we could attract a coach to come here with an open position.

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So Irsay wanted to keep Grigson and have Gruden run the show and Grigson would have to report to Gruden, but Gruden doesn't want Grigson, so that's the reason Gruden didn't come here? Doesn't make sense.. If Gruden was running the show, why is keeping Grigson so damn important? There's got to be a bigger issue.

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2 hours ago, SupermanLuck12 said:

So Irsay wanted to keep Grigson and have Gruden run the show and Grigson would have to report to Gruden, but Gruden doesn't want Grigson, so that's the reason Gruden didn't come here? Doesn't make sense.. If Gruden was running the show, why is keeping Grigson so damn important? There's got to be a bigger issue.

Ya think? If Gruden, Irsay, or any of the other candidates (like Manning) feels there isn't a fit in cultures or personalities necessary to succeed, it's probably a good thing for them, individually, not to come on board. That doesn't mean it is a good thing for the Colts, however. I feel truly sorry for the Colts as a viable football team. "Help, they've fallen and can't get up".

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If story is true, this is a business decision on both accounts. I believe Irsay really wants Grigson to succeed, so I'm sure he was hoping Gruden would work with him to show him and guide him based on how he would approach things and Gruden says no. Okay, screw Gruden. If I was an owner why would I EVER hand my entire football operation from a personnel standpoint over to a guy with a subpar coaching record and no experience in that area, who, in all accounts may not be here in a year or 2 from now. As far as manning, I think the simplest explanation here is that manning wanted too much $$$ from a percentage stake in the Colts. Irsay does have kids and it's theirs when he is gone. So again, screw greedy Peyton. Plain and simple business decisions on both accounts. Nothing wrong here.

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4 hours ago, SupermanLuck12 said:

So Irsay wanted to keep Grigson and have Gruden run the show and Grigson would have to report to Gruden, but Gruden doesn't want Grigson, so that's the reason Gruden didn't come here? Doesn't make sense.. If Gruden was running the show, why is keeping Grigson so damn important? There's got to be a bigger issue.

Yeah, doesn't make sense. Especially when you consider he was all but ready to fire both coach and GM last year. What changed? 

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6 hours ago, SupermanLuck12 said:

Well, Pagano can't be the coach either way, so I really hope Irsay has a plan B. Maybe Sean Payton, Harbaugh or even Josh McDaniels?


Either way, Pagano can't coach us after Irsay  clearly tried to replace him.


Pagano is under contract to perform a job, as Head Coach of the Colts, for 3 more years.  He will get compensated $13.5 million dollars for doing that job.(3 more years left on his 4 year extension).  Period.  It does not matter what the owner is 'rumored' to be doing 'out there'. If, at some point, Irsay does fire Chuck, then Pagano can collect his $13.5 million that is owed to him and retire.  Until then, he has to perform his duties as Head Coach for the Indianapolis Colts, such as scout and  prepare for the upcoming combine, pro days, and draft. And all of the other HC off season duties. Chuck knows this  Winter is NOT vacation time for NFL front office and coaching staffs, and he has to prepare like Irsay is not going to replace him; because,  he just may not.  and Chuck has to be ready.  And he has to be earning that remaining 13.5 million dollars.


I think it will require too much for Irsay to trade for Payton and his $8 million /yr salary, Harbaugh might come to Indy (at some point) , but definitely not for 2017.  Josh is a retread.  Like Del Rio, failed his first attempt at the HC game.  Del Rio's second time at it. seems better, would McDaniels also get better?


Remeber, HC job is different and more involved than OC or DC job.  Think of it as the difference from being big brother to being the dad.


6 hours ago, SupermanLuck12 said:

So Irsay wanted to keep Grigson and have Gruden run the show and Grigson would have to report to Gruden, but Gruden doesn't want Grigson, so that's the reason Gruden didn't come here? Doesn't make sense.. If Gruden was running the show, why is keeping Grigson so damn important? There's got to be a bigger issue.


If reports about theses meetings are true, it is likely people do not know the details of the negotiations.  That is where  a deal is confirmed, or left on the table. People will speculate what they think happened based upon their inherent biases, and based upon {potentially only partially correct} leaked information.  We do not know where Grigson fits in on these negotiations.  I have my own speculations, but it matters little. If Gruden and Irsay cannot find agreeable middle ground, then negotiations over, time to move on.  There's a line in the sand from each party, and both parties have to move theirs a little toward the middle and mutually meet there to get a deal done.  Either party can walk away if the other party stops short of the 'sweet spot' in the middle.  This seems to be a possibility, for both Gruden and Manning meetings.  Time will tell. How far apart the party's were when negotiations end hints at whether the deal is off essentially forever, or may be revisited later as time / circumstances change. 

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