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Definition of a fan


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I just looked it up for you, according to Merriam-Webster:

A fan is an enthusiastic devotee as of a sport, usually as a spectator.

We all know it can be terribly difficult at times like this but as this blog is called Colts Fan Forum let us remain as much a fan as possible this afternoon even if our team struggles. Go Colts!

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2 minutes ago, Gyworks said:

I just looked it up for you, according to Merriam-Webster:

A fan is an enthusiastic devotee as of a sport, usually as a spectator.

We all know it can be terribly difficult at times like this but as this blog is called Colts Fan Forum let us remain as much a fan as possible this afternoon even if our team struggles. Go Colts!

Yeah.... I just dont see that happen.  Unless we hang like 77-0 on the Titans, this fan forum is still gonna :Nuke:

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You really shouldn't try to define fandom though. You're saying that if everyone doesn't feel a certain way that they're not a real fan. Just because some fans are enthusiasts and some are realists doesn't mean one group is superior to the other. The only requirement of being a real fan is loyalty.

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15 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

You really shouldn't try to define fandom though. You're saying that if everyone doesn't feel a certain way that they're not a real fan. Just because some fans are enthusiasts and some are realists doesn't mean one group is superior to the other. The only requirement of being a real fan is loyalty.

I didnt see him say that, all he said was that he hoped people stayed as positive as possible, and there has been dozens of people claiming they're stopping support of the Colts until such and such is fired.  That isnt loyalty. 

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3 minutes ago, csmopar said:

I didnt see him say that, all he said was that he hoped people stayed as positive as possible, and there has been dozens of people claiming they're stopping support of the Colts until such and such is fired.  That isnt loyalty. 

The definition states that a fan is enthusiastic implying that those who aren't are not real fans.


But as long as they don't jump ship they're loyal. What they're doing isn't any different from the numerous people who threaten to boycott their favorite things until they change something. There's literally a thousand examples I could give.

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3 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

The definition states that a fan is enthusiastic implying that those who aren't are not real fans.


But as long as they don't jump ship they're loyal. What they're doing isn't any different from the numerous people who threaten to boycott their favorite things until they change something. There's literally a thousand examples I could give.

i think you're reading into this a little much. 

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Just now, csmopar said:

i think you're reading into this a little much. 

No you are. You're saying fans saying they're not going to support the team (which is typical fan talk) until people are fired makes them unloyal. My argument is that it doesn't because people threaten to boycott things they like all the time. What are you not getting? 

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4 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

No you are. You're saying fans saying they're not going to support the team (which is typical fan talk) until people are fired makes them unloyal. My argument is that it doesn't because people threaten to boycott things they like all the time. What are you not getting? 

wow dude, you need some help. First you call out the OP saying he's declaring one group of fan types for superior than others, which he wasnt. Now you're exaggerating my words. you brought YOUR opinion up that as long as a fan is loyal, its okay, so I stated my opinion. How is it that it's okay for you to state your opinion but if someone else does, they're "not getting it"?


and further more, there has been posters on here "claiming" they are jumping to support other teams and route against the colts, so by YOUR OWN words, those fans aren't "loyal"

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22 minutes ago, csmopar said:

wow dude, you need some help. First you call out the OP saying he's declaring one group of fan types for superior than others, which he wasnt. Now you're exaggerating my words. you brought YOUR opinion up that as long as a fan is loyal, its okay, so I stated my opinion. How is it that it's okay for you to state your opinion but if someone else does, they're "not getting it"?


and further more, there has been posters on here "claiming" they are jumping to support other teams and route against the colts, so by YOUR OWN words, those fans aren't "loyal"

You stated your original opinion as fact though. I said as long fans are loyal than they are true fans. You then stated that there are people saying they'll stop supporting the Colts until someone is fired isn't loyalty. And I then said that not choosing to support something you like is common and doesn't make people unloyal. Those were your exact words. There is no exaggeration. I think you just realized how silly your argument was. I never said you couldn't have your opinion I just simply challenged yours (as you did to me when you responded to my first post in this topic) and indicated a clear flaw in your line of thinking.


And now you're back pedaling. Before it was people who won't support the team aren't loyal, now you bring up people here who have threatened to jump ship are unloyal which was actually my original argument. So yes, those people aren't loyal. But that is not what you originally said. 

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3 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

You stated your original opinion as fact though. I said as long fans are loyal than they are true fans. You then stated that there are people saying they'll stop supporting the Colts until someone is fired isn't loyalty. And I then said that not choosing to support something you like is common and doesn't make people unloyal. Those were your exact words. There is no exaggeration. I think you just realized how silly your argument was. I never said you couldn't have your opinion I just simply challenged yours (as you did to me when you responded to my first post in this topic) and indicated a clear flaw in your line of thinking.


And now you're back pedaling. Before it was people who won't support the team aren't loyal, now you bring up people here who have threatened to jump ship are unloyal which was actually my original argument. So yes, those people aren't loyal. But that is not what you originally said. 

i'm not back pedaling at all. I'm simply saying youre reading far more into this than needed. 


But hey, whatever, lets just agree to disagree and go watch the game.

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4 hours ago, Gyworks said:

A fan is an enthusiastic devotee as of a sport, usually as a spectator.



I agree with you on remaining supportive and what a fan is at the foundation but I believe there are other variations of a fan represented here on the forum.


I think one can also be enthusiastic while being upset.  Dont believe this definition excludes the "disappointment" emotion.  A lot of people are enthusiastic about the possibility of a new coach or GM and hopeful for the future but while wishing that things change and turn around weekly.  I would bet you that most all of the fire grigs and Pags crowd would be happy to eat crow if the Colts somehow turned it around.  


Some of our fans are more like stockholders.  They invest money/time for gear, tickets, concessions, watching commercials, etc which take up precious valuable time/resources.  They demand that their investments are being spent wisely.  If the stocks dont perform then they sell (stop investing until a change is made), when they go up they invest more on them, when they hot rock bottom they buy hoping it will start back up and pay dividends later.  They are still fans because they do devote attention to the Colts.


In the end, I am always rooting for the Colts as a brand, but that doesnt mean I have to root for all the pieces.


I will be rooting for this organization to get better and look forward to an entertaining win today!

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3 hours ago, Gyworks said:

Pardon me, it was not my definition but the official one. It doesn't change that of course everyone will have their own concept anyway... freedom of thought as it should be.

And you used a more respectable source, not just Wikipedia...


The teacher in me is smiling. Haha.

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A fan is anyone who chooses to watch this team instead of doing better things on Sunday.


We're all in that category. I couldn't get one person to watch this game with me. Nobody other then colt or Tenn fans would watch these two teams.


I'll tune in to 0-16 so if you watch and complain, you're definitely a fan.


If you say you've never said you hate the Colts you're a flat out liar. I've stated I hate this team many times, I keep tuning in though.

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8 hours ago, IinD said:

A fan is anyone who chooses to watch this team instead of doing better things on Sunday.


We're all in that category. I couldn't get one person to watch this game with me. Nobody other then colt or Tenn fans would watch these two teams.


I'll tune in to 0-16 so if you watch and complain, you're definitely a fan.


If you say you've never said you hate the Colts you're a flat out liar. I've stated I hate this team many times, I keep tuning in though.

I've watched or listened to them since 1958. Never said I hated them.


Unless their performance affects your livelihood, it's only entertainment.

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14 hours ago, IinD said:

If you say you've never said you hate the Colts you're a flat out liar. I've stated I hate this team many times, I keep tuning in though.

Nope, never said it. May not have liked some bonehead moves they've made,  or walked out of the stadium after a bad loss thinking "man that was a waste of money ....." but never said I hated the team. Maybe deep down inside, you don't hate them, or are you just a glutton for punishment like me?

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On 10/23/2016 at 9:28 AM, csmopar said:

wow dude, you need some help. First you call out the OP saying he's declaring one group of fan types for superior than others, which he wasnt. Now you're exaggerating my words. you brought YOUR opinion up that as long as a fan is loyal, its okay, so I stated my opinion. How is it that it's okay for you to state your opinion but if someone else does, they're "not getting it"?


and further more, there has been posters on here "claiming" they are jumping to support other teams and route against the colts, so by YOUR OWN words, those fans aren't "loyal"


I haven't read every single post on this board, but I haven't read anyone say anything like that on here. 


As for needing help, let's leave that up to the professionals shall we...?

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