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My Thoughts On Everything And I Mean Everything.


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This is my thoughts on everything. Mods if you don't think this fits here please feel free to merge with other threads.

I want to say 2011 was the worst year in the history of the Colts from us not covering the kickoff vs. the Jets to the last minute news of no Peyton to 2-14 to the spill over of 2012 that has the Pats going to the Super Bowl in our city and now what looks like the end of Peyton Manning in Indianapolis. The one shinning light at the end of the tunnel is the guy who is supposed to be the next Peyton Manning looking us in the face in Andrew Luck but I'll get back to him later. Frankly we haven't had something really and truly good happen to us since Kerry Collins of all people fumbled the snap vs. us in the Titans game last year. I don't count people getting fired or getting the top pick as good things because it means bad things happened to set that up.

That leads me to yesterday. I want to say first of all I am NO Bob Kravitz fan I've had several issues with things he's written over the year. In fact I was one of the few railing on him and Phil B. earlier this year for always complaining about how Polian wouldn't talk to them when others were standing up for him because it was anti-everything Polian at the time. With that said today was NOT Bob Kravitz fault.

All Kravitz did was report what Irsay said. There is video of it. Like I said at the time it wasn't the tone that Irsay was useing to show he was mad at Peyton it was the words he was saying. Clearly Kravitz isn't the only who thought Irsay was mad at Peyton. Peyton thought he was mad or he wouldn't have called Kravitz to say what he did and frankly Peyton and Irsay's are the only ones whose feelings matter in this. Now I will say I agree 100% with Tubaguy from earlier tonight they need to hash it out themselves.

Now with that said that brings us to the first comments Kravitz had from Peyton. It's pretty clear Peyton wanted to get his message out there. If Kravitz had spun it as people have said he did then don't you think Peyton would have gone to someone else to get his message out if that was his goal? Also do you think Peyton Manning would have called Kravitz back tonight to get his message out again if Kravitz spun it the first time?

People are scapgoating him because people really don't like where this is leading and it's easier to blame Bob Kravitz than it is to blame Peyton Manning or Jim Irsay because for the most part we like both. With that said I think the reason Irsay said what he said tonight is that Peyton Manning has handed all power over what happens to Jim Irsay and if Peyton Manning is released people are going to blame Jim Irsay. People are already starting to do it. Peyton made it clear what he wants. He wants to be a Colt next season.

So now Irsay has to make a very hard call. Does he keep Peyton Manning next season? I think if he's healthy Jim Irsay will keep him even after all this. Wth that said I think it's becoming clear Jim Irsay does not expect Peyton Manning to be healthy by March 8th. At that point Jim Irsay has to look at things and figure out if he can risk locking themselves into the rest of Peyton Manning's contract if he's not fully healthy. That's the issue here. I don't think the money matters to Jim Irsay. However, while he can justify paying Peyton Manning his contract if he pays and gives them a return on the contract. If he can't play though we are in huge trouble with the sallary cap while trying to rebuild the team for the future.

So if the doctors go to Irsay on the 8th and say look he should be healthy by the start of camp but he isn't yet Irsay has to figure out if he's willing to risk the future of his franchise on a should from doctors who have been wrong about Manning's health before. That's a heck of a risk to take. On top of that there is something not being talked about here in Andrew Luck. If the Colts pay Peyton Manning Andrew Luck might very well say I don't want to be here trade the pick becaue I wont sign there. Now I think Irsay is willing to risk that if he knows he has a healthy Peyton Manning. I am not so sure he will be willing to risk that if he doesn't know for sure that Manning will be healthy. Could imange if the Colts come out of this on the hook for four more years of Peyton Manning and he can't play with no Andrew Luck?

Now look at Manning's camp. If they go to him and say hey you aren't healthy yet but we think you should be good to go by the time training camps start Peyton isn't going to retire on March 8th. He wants to play football. So he's going to keep trying till he is forced to retire. Now I do think that does open the door for Manning to maybe being willing to push back the bonus deadline. I know the experts are saying why would Peyton do this? Well if Peyton wants to be a Colt next season he might be willing to buy some extra time to heal as long as the Colts promise not to trade him during that time. I also know the NFLPA has said that can't happen. Well that remains to be seen I learned a long time ago when sports unions say something can't happen it normally means they don't want it to happen.

At the end of the day I don't think Manning is going to be healthy in enough time though and the Colts are going to have to make the hard call to release Peyton Manning for the good of the franchise going forward. It's going to hurt a lot. However despite what some think life and football will go on after Peyton Manning. This is why I have been saying for years though that we needed to enjoy what the Colts have given us for the past 10 years rather than complaing about what could have been or what some people think should have been. You never know when it's going to end and what's going to come next. Odds are even if Andrew Luck is as good as people say he will be. The Colts have won at a level that has never been seen before. I know we didn't get as many Super Bowl trophies as people would have liked but still it was a run that should be looked back on with fondness and not complaining about what should have happened.

In the playoffs it just boils down to for whatever reason things just didn't go our way. It stinks to say that but it's true. The Colts have had a lot of bad luck over this time and I know every team can say they have had bad luck and they are right but you know what we aren't on other teams forums we are here and I am talking about this run. I mean think about it how many 60 yard field goals have we seen go in against us? On the other side the Pats in the Super Bowl because the Ravens kicker missed a 32 yard field goal. That's just pure luck there is no other way to explain it. Tom Brady didn't make the Ravens kicker miss that kick.

Now with that said there was an amazing play by the Pats defender before the field goal that forced the field goal. So Pats fans I am in no way trying to belittle what your team has done. It's been well proven you had the better team over this run. With that said things tend to break the Pats way and there is nothing wrong with that it's just a part of football. That's why people loved the 4th and 2 play so much because for once things didn't break the Pats way. Again I am not trying to discredit anything the Pats did so please don't take it that way.

Now that brings us to the future. Let's hope that in this new era maybe we have a little better luck and and I mean no pun when I say this but hopefully that starts with Andrew Luck. I am sorry but I think that's going to be the pick. I know people have made very strong cases for RG3 and I think RG3 is going to be a great player. When it comes down to it Andrew Luck has been build as a sure thing cant miss prospect for two years now. I know there is no such thing as a can't miss person in the draft, every player has risk but Andrew Luck seems to have less risk than most players based on reports. If this team is truly going to be moving on from Peyton Manning they need to take as little risk as they can and Andrew Luck fits that build. Also I am not sure if you cut Peyton Manning it's the time to think outside the box and risk ticking your fan base off a little more. I know there are a lot of RG3 fans here but we are a small portion of the Colts fan base and most of the Colts fans have heard all year we are getting Andrew Luck and like I said a lot of people have viewed him as the one bright light at the end of the tunnel. If we don't take him you are going to have people saying first we cut Peyton Manning and then we passed on Andrew Luck? What are we doing and there will be a fall off in the fanbase.

Now and this is my last point. I would encourage people to rally around Andrew Luck and understand it's not Andrew Luck's fault Peyton Manning isn't here if he's not here without doing someing reaching. It's been a whole list of strange events that lead us to Luck. He's going to be working his tail off to be the best player for this team he can be and making this team the best team he can. In fact we could be up a real creak without a paddle here if Luck wasn't going to be on the board. We could still be forced to release Peyton Manning due to health reasons and not have the supposed to be next Peyton Manning or John Elway looking us in the face to replace him with. So I would say just because people don't want to face the fact that Peyton Manning might not be here next year or if you are mad that Peyton Manning isn't going to be here don't cheer for Luck to be a bust. What does that accomplish? So you can stand up in a few years and go see I was right on an interenst message board and Luck was a bust we should have kept Peyton Manning or drafted RG3? Personally I'll gladly be wrong 100% of the time if it means my team is winning.

Now just to be clear those who honestly think we should take RG3 or whatever I am not saying you can't think that. You can think whatever you want and I have no issue with that. I also don't think just because you want RG3 or whoever it means you are pulling for Luck to be a bust if he's the guy here I understand that people might very well want us to do something different in the draft but if Luck is the guy they are going to pull for him 100%. So please don't take it that way.

All of this is cleary just my opinion so just take it for what it's worth which is probably not much. It's just my two cents on everything that has been going on.

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I'm being honest when I say that I'm a Peyton fan, not a Colts fan. I won't be rallying around Luck or the Colts if Peyton is gone - I'll follow over to wherever Peyton ends up. But, I wish you Colts fans good luck. I've come to like a lot of the players on the Colts. I've come to dislike the owner.

Why do you dislike the owner? Just because he has to make a decision to release your favorite guy in the whole wide world! I don't want to be harsh but thats really immature IMO.

You admit you are not a Colts fan so you do not have whats best for the franchise in mind. Again, not trying to be harsh, but IMO that makes your opinions about the Colts completely invalid.

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I'm being honest when I say that I'm a Peyton fan, not a Colts fan. I won't be rallying around Luck or the Colts if Peyton is gone - I'll follow over to wherever Peyton ends up. But, I wish you Colts fans good luck. I've come to like a lot of the players on the Colts. I've come to dislike the owner.

What if Peyton just can't play anymore, and retires.

Are you a Football fan?

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Good read GoColts.

I know a lot of people on here do not like Kravitz, but you nailed it exactly with your comments about the situation. If Kravitz had "spun" what Peyton first said why would Peyton reach out to him again after what Irsay said? If things were spun Peyton would not be happy with Kravitz and go to someone else in the media. Peyton would be a total dipstick to go back and talk to the guy who "spun" his original comments.

A bunch of people keep saying Kravitz is just pushing his agenda, but all he is doing is reporting what the guys are saying. Take your Kravitz hate glasses off and see it is Irsay and Manning doing this not Kravitz. All he is doing is reporting what they are saying.

One last comment before I post. You mentioned rallying behidn Luck after Manning is gone because it is not Luck's fault. What I am worried is that things are going to end badly between Manning and Irsay. I do believe that there is a large contingent of Manning fans in this area and that I think if Luck struggles they will turn on him quickly. So many fans are use to the greatness of Manning over this past decade will they have the patience to put up with a young struggling QB that replaced Manning? What will compound the issue is if Manning goes to another team and has success.

Best case scenerio for this franchise is Manning retires and we draft Luck.

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This was pretty good...until you told people what to do, how to cheer, and what they should accept. People don't have to take such a stance on any of things, and they are no worse (or better) for behaving differently. This isn't like those people who actually hope Manning is gone, or want injuries to befell players from other teams. This comes down to what each person wants to see happen for the Colts next season. Since everyone is uncertain, Manning and Irsay included, the subject is wide open.

I have no desire to "rally around Luck", for example, because this team owes Manning more than just the money he will get. They built an outhouse around him and denied him championships. Not only was his legacy tarnished by the 5-ton anchor he had to carry by himself, but now the franchise finally decides they want to re-tool and rebuild with a college kid instead? They finally want to do the right thing AFTER dumping Peyton? That's grade-A horse turd, and I hope they tank for years to come should they go this route. The inability of this franchise to give the greatest QB of all-time is now going to propel Brady, of all people, into the widely accepted consensus GOAT in the very house Manning built. How does that taste?

No, Luck doesn't deserve my support. He's done nothing to earn it. He's never done anything for the Colts, and I highly doubt he will give us any measure of success even remotely close to what we had with Manning. The Colts >>>ed him over, and now I'm supposed to be on board for then to make it don't with some other guy? I was a Colts fan first, but I've slowly become a Manning fan first in the last few years. If they want to give him what he deserves, they would have a team ready for him, not Luck. Luck can wait.

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This was pretty good...until you told people what to do, how to cheer, and what they should accept. People don't have to take such a stance on any of things, and they are no worse (or better) for behaving differently. This isn't like those people who actually hope Manning is gone, or want injuries to befell players from other teams. This comes down to what each person wants to see happen for the Colts next season. Since everyone is uncertain, Manning and Irsay included, the subject is wide open.

I have no desire to "rally around Luck", for example, because this team owes Manning more than just the money he will get. They built an outhouse around him and denied him championships. Not only was his legacy tarnished by the 5-ton anchor he had to carry by himself, but now the franchise finally decides they want to re-tool and rebuild with a college kid instead? They finally want to do the right thing AFTER dumping Peyton? That's grade-A horse turd, and I hope they tank for years to come should they go this route. The inability of this franchise to give the greatest QB of all-time is now going to propel Brady, of all people, into the widely accepted consensus GOAT in the very house Manning built. How does that taste?

No, Luck doesn't deserve my support. He's done nothing to earn it. He's never done anything for the Colts, and I highly doubt he will give us any measure of success even remotely close to what we had with Manning. The Colts >>>ed him over, and now I'm supposed to be on board for then to make it don't with some other guy? I was a Colts fan first, but I've slowly become a Manning fan first in the last few years. If they want to give him what he deserves, they would have a team ready for him, not Luck. Luck can wait.

Well, see ye then! Im pretty sure the Colts and Irsay can move forward without you.

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Why do you dislike the owner? Just because he has to make a decision to release your favorite guy in the whole wide world! I don't want to be harsh but thats really immature IMO.

You admit you are not a Colts fan so you do not have whats best for the franchise in mind. Again, not trying to be harsh, but IMO that makes your opinions about the Colts completely invalid.

I find Irsay to be insane and an attention getter. I don't expect you to care about my opinions as I admit to not being a Colts fan per se. I recognize that invalidates my opinion on the team, so you're not being harsh.

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I find Irsay to be insane and an attention getter. I don't expect you to care about my opinions as I admit to not being a Colts fan per se. I recognize that invalidates my opinion on the team, so you're not being harsh.

I actually respect the fact that you admit that you are just a Peyton fan. There are many here that won't admit to it. I understand that you are a big fan of Peyton because I love what the guy done for the Colts org. too. If there was a possible way for him to stay here and have him tutor Luck, I would be all for it, unfortunatly, I don't think its possible with the timing of Mannings bonus. Its a shame, but im a Colts fan first and I want whats best for the franchise moving forward, and right now, that looks like a future without Manning.

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I wanted to pull this part out specifically because it bears repeating, and it also does a good job of expressing what my biggest fear is moving forward.

Now and this is my last point. I would encourage people to rally around Andrew Luck and understand it's not Andrew Luck's fault Peyton Manning isn't here if he's not here without doing someing reaching

This times a million.

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Weren't you the one who threw a hissy fit over people wanting the Colts to lose ONE MEANINGLESS GAME?

Thats because if the Colts would have won, we wouldn't be having this Luck discussion. Simple truth is, its only right if it fits into Doogans personel agenda.

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This was pretty good...until you told people what to do, how to cheer, and what they should accept. People don't have to take such a stance on any of things, and they are no worse (or better) for behaving differently. This isn't like those people who actually hope Manning is gone, or want injuries to befell players from other teams. This comes down to what each person wants to see happen for the Colts next season. Since everyone is uncertain, Manning and Irsay included, the subject is wide open.

I have no desire to "rally around Luck", for example, because this team owes Manning more than just the money he will get. They built an outhouse around him and denied him championships. Not only was his legacy tarnished by the 5-ton anchor he had to carry by himself, but now the franchise finally decides they want to re-tool and rebuild with a college kid instead? They finally want to do the right thing AFTER dumping Peyton? That's grade-A horse turd, and I hope they tank for years to come should they go this route. The inability of this franchise to give the greatest QB of all-time is now going to propel Brady, of all people, into the widely accepted consensus GOAT in the very house Manning built. How does that taste?

No, Luck doesn't deserve my support. He's done nothing to earn it. He's never done anything for the Colts, and I highly doubt he will give us any measure of success even remotely close to what we had with Manning. The Colts >>>ed him over, and now I'm supposed to be on board for then to make it don't with some other guy? I was a Colts fan first, but I've slowly become a Manning fan first in the last few years. If they want to give him what he deserves, they would have a team ready for him, not Luck. Luck can wait.

My goodness BitterMan.

BTW - still waiting for that concrete, definitive proof that you have stated repeatedly that Manning will not only return to the field in 2012, but return as a refreshed 31 year-old player instead of the actual 36 year old coming off 3 neck surgeries.

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This was pretty good...until you told people what to do, how to cheer, and what they should accept. People don't have to take such a stance on any of things, and they are no worse (or better) for behaving differently. This isn't like those people who actually hope Manning is gone, or want injuries to befell players from other teams. This comes down to what each person wants to see happen for the Colts next season. Since everyone is uncertain, Manning and Irsay included, the subject is wide open.

I have no desire to "rally around Luck", for example, because this team owes Manning more than just the money he will get. They built an outhouse around him and denied him championships. Not only was his legacy tarnished by the 5-ton anchor he had to carry by himself, but now the franchise finally decides they want to re-tool and rebuild with a college kid instead? They finally want to do the right thing AFTER dumping Peyton? That's grade-A horse turd, and I hope they tank for years to come should they go this route. The inability of this franchise to give the greatest QB of all-time is now going to propel Brady, of all people, into the widely accepted consensus GOAT in the very house Manning built. How does that taste?

No, Luck doesn't deserve my support. He's done nothing to earn it. He's never done anything for the Colts, and I highly doubt he will give us any measure of success even remotely close to what we had with Manning. The Colts >>>ed him over, and now I'm supposed to be on board for then to make it don't with some other guy? I was a Colts fan first, but I've slowly become a Manning fan first in the last few years. If they want to give him what he deserves, they would have a team ready for him, not Luck. Luck can wait.

Wow, sour grapes. Rookies don't receive support from you? Seriously?

And how have the Colts neglected Manning? By making him the highest paid player in the NFL? By giving him the biggest assortment of weapons on offense than virtually any other team in the NFL? By allowing him to make adjustments and plays at the line?


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Wow, sour grapes. Rookies don't receive support from you? Seriously?

And how have the Colts neglected Manning? By making him the highest paid player in the NFL? By giving him the biggest assortment of weapons on offense than virtually any other team in the NFL? By allowing him to make adjustments and plays at the line?


I see you are a Patriots fan and I would like you to know that Doogan doesn't recieve the endorsement of the rest of the Indianapolis Colts fanbase. He however is the leader of the Peyton Manning Only Club.

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Doogan - I am right in the middle of yours and GOCOLTS 1818 thoughts.

- First, Andrew Luck is an innocent bystander he should not be a part of this conversations ever. Having said that, I didn't rally around Manning until he helped the team win and that is exactly what I am going to do with Luck.

-2nd - Yeah this is business - Irsay's triggers made him look like "an out of the loop" owner going wth as of yesterday. We had one losing season n the last 12 years.....ONE, ONE!

-3rd - I agree with Doogan, I am PO'd that Peyton had to be in a Mediocre of a team for the last few years, and the Colts organization was a one trick Pony after all....

I am Po'd that the organization didn't do more for this team, for one hire a better coach, beef up the defense. I mean LOOK at 49ers with a supposed bust of a QB, look at what Harbaugh did.

For all of you that just want to say SEE YA to Peyton and don't let the door hit you on your way out mentality, wow Peyton Manning deserves so much more than that, I mean he freaking built a hospital there didn't he?

He put the Colts back on the map and made them a competitive team year after year, not the coach, not the defense, not anything else, just Peyton, as it was glaringly obvious this year.

I don't think I can shed the Colts..BUT I know I will root for Manning and his success where ever he may end up....even if it is the Jets.

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I agree with most of the things GoColts8818 said in his post. I am a life long Colts fan and will be whether Peyton is here or playing someplace else or retires. I could never base my loyalty as a fan based on a single player and not the team. The Colts have been in existence before Manning and will continue to exist when he is no longer with the team. People have to realize that things change in the NFL and no one plays forever. Everyone would love to see Peyton play again for the Colts, win another SB and ride off into retirement. I believe the reality is it won't happen and Peyton has played his last game as a Colt. If this is the case, I wish his well and look forward to the Luck/Pagano or RGBIII/Pagano era of Colts football.

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I think this is a well thought out and thoughtful post, thank you for that. My issue (and I think alot of people's) isnt that the hugely unpopular decision likely has to be made, its how they are going about it. Despite what any of us think, it seems Peyton is feeling left out and can see everything moving past him without any thought to how he feels about it. He seems to feel that he has been forgotten already. For everything he has done for Indianapolis, Indiana, and football in general, he deserves to be treated better. If Irsay does this right, he stays with the Colts organization after he cant play in some capacity. On the other hand, Irsay has been very busy trying to put the pieces back together and with the draft coming up quickly, it had to be done fast.

It boils down to this is a rough, emotional time for all of us, from Irsay down to me. Makes it way too easy to overreact to, well everything happening right now..

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I agree with most of the things GoColts8818 said in his post. I am a life long Colts fan and will be whether Peyton is here or playing someplace else or retires. I could never base my loyalty as a fan based on a single player and not the team. The Colts have been in existence before Manning and will continue to exist when he is no longer with the team. People have to realize that things change in the NFL and no one plays forever. Everyone would love to see Peyton play again for the Colts, win another SB and ride off into retirement. I believe the reality is it won't happen and Peyton has played his last game as a Colt. If this is the case, I wish his well and look forward to the Luck/Pagano or RGBIII/Pagano era of Colts football.

Exactly.....you used the words realize and reality.

And Peyton's career in Indy doesn't appear that it will end in an Elway-like fashion, which for an old-school Colts fan seems patently unfair..

But it's NFL football along with the high-dollar business side....and sometimes thats the way the cookie crumbles.

I agree....it's always team-first.

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I wasn't going to get into this one because I agree with many of the sentiments in the original post, but the attacks on Doogan were a little much. I too am not cheering for Luck - he is not a Colt. It is still not outside the realm of possibilities that the Colts trade the pick for a bunch of picks and pick up badly needed talent at a number of other positions.

Remember, opinions are like (insert your favorite portion of the anatomy). Everyone has one, but it is only important to the individual that has it.

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This was pretty good...until you told people what to do, how to cheer, and what they should accept. People don't have to take such a stance on any of things, and they are no worse (or better) for behaving differently. This isn't like those people who actually hope Manning is gone, or want injuries to befell players from other teams. This comes down to what each person wants to see happen for the Colts next season. Since everyone is uncertain, Manning and Irsay included, the subject is wide open.

I have no desire to "rally around Luck", for example, because this team owes Manning more than just the money he will get. They built an outhouse around him and denied him championships. Not only was his legacy tarnished by the 5-ton anchor he had to carry by himself, but now the franchise finally decides they want to re-tool and rebuild with a college kid instead? They finally want to do the right thing AFTER dumping Peyton? That's grade-A horse turd, and I hope they tank for years to come should they go this route. The inability of this franchise to give the greatest QB of all-time is now going to propel Brady, of all people, into the widely accepted consensus GOAT in the very house Manning built. How does that taste?

No, Luck doesn't deserve my support. He's done nothing to earn it. He's never done anything for the Colts, and I highly doubt he will give us any measure of success even remotely close to what we had with Manning. The Colts >>>ed him over, and now I'm supposed to be on board for then to make it don't with some other guy? I was a Colts fan first, but I've slowly become a Manning fan first in the last few years. If they want to give him what he deserves, they would have a team ready for him, not Luck. Luck can wait.

You are coming across as bitter, man. I can actually understand your frustration as a Colts fan up to the hating on Luck stuff. Let it go. It's not that kid's fault what is going on with Peyton. If you choose to remain a Colts fan then you should be wiling to support the franchise and whoever is drafted. If not, you can follow Peyton to his next team or into retirement even. Do you think the Colts actually wanted it to end this way with Peyton? These are unique and perplexing circumstances surrounding the nature of his injury and the still undetermined timetable for his recovery. Polian has said it is the most vexing injury situation he has dealt with in over 30 years in the league. This is very difficult for the Colts but they must do what is in the long term best interest of the franchise going forward.

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I agree with most of the things GoColts8818 said in his post. I am a life long Colts fan and will be whether Peyton is here or playing someplace else or retires. I could never base my loyalty as a fan based on a single player and not the team. The Colts have been in existence before Manning and will continue to exist when he is no longer with the team. People have to realize that things change in the NFL and no one plays forever. Everyone would love to see Peyton play again for the Colts, win another SB and ride off into retirement. I believe the reality is it won't happen and Peyton has played his last game as a Colt. If this is the case, I wish his well and look forward to the Luck/Pagano or RGBIII/Pagano era of Colts football.

I agree with this, except I don't believe in this reality. I only believe that I'll let the situation play out and become the reality.

I also am not excited, in any way, about RGIII. I think he falls into the one year, first round bust category. But, I could be wrong, and would support him if taken.

Aside from your points, others keep mentioning 'how PM is being treated', and the sort.

I don't see how the Colts (O.K., Irsay) is treating him poorly.

I see this whole mindset as being a result of Kravitz's 'take' on the PM interview, the the subsequent reactions by both Irsay & PM.

I'm just hoping/expecting Irsay can find time before the SB to have a decent conversation with PM and reassure each other of their stance.

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imo i just wish irsay would have talked to peyton of his new vision for the team..when grigs and prag had their press all they had to say when asked about peyton was to say they hoped he was healing and they looked forward to workng with one of the greatest quaterbacks ever..this would have put everyones mind at ease and we would not be where we are now..poor management decisions imo they could have done all this even if they didn't expect to have peyton on the team.jmo

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I feel sorry for Luck having to immediately follow on the heels of Manning. The guy will almost be in a no win situation. Frankly, it would have been easier on him (Luck) if there had been a "rebound" quaterback in there following Peyton's departure.

As for the general level of fan support afforded to Luck, I think it will largely depend on the circumstances, real or perceived, under which Peyton departs. I the fan base thinks that Peyton got hosed they will have little tolerance for Luck's maturing process. If Peyton simply can't play due to injury they will be much more forgiving.

As for me, I plan to remain in complete denial until it is no longer possible to do so.

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I feel sorry for Luck having to immediately follow on the heels of Manning. The guy will almost be in a no win situation. Frankly, it would have been easier on him (Luck) if there had been a "rebound" quaterback in there following Peyton's departure.

As for the general level of fan support afforded to Luck, I think it will largely depend on the circumstances, real or perceived, under which Peyton departs. I the fan base thinks that Peyton got hosed they will have little tolerance for Luck's maturing process. If Peyton simply can't play due to injury they will be much more forgiving.

As for me, I plan to remain in complete denial until it is no longer possible to do so.

I think you're right, but as Luck crawls under center for the first snap in the first pre-season game, and for every snap thereafter, all of us as Colts fans will be rooting for him to succeed. So the 'backlash', or whatever one calls it as we all miss Peyton and how easy he seemed to make it, will pass. None of us will ever forget how incredible it was to have one of the best of all time, but when games are being played, and wins and losses are the discussion and not contracts, and legacies, and record books, we'll all support Luck, because that's what fans do. We'll want success. We won't want to see crash and burn and live through this again. For those of us who have lived from Unitas to Manning, and everyone in between, we know what happens when QB is mediocre or horrible.

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Apparently that doesnt seem to be the case.

Then we are discussing something other than being a fan of the Colts. We're discussing being a fan of Manning. I would love to know, and the question has been asked before on this forum, how many here are Colts fans now basically because of Manning. Since I have lived through Unitas, and Jones, and Harbaugh, and Manning, my take on eras ending, watching success, failure, rebuilding, and success again (we hope) might be different than most, or some. All great team eras end, all great players stop playing. I couldn't fathom not watching the Colts with as much interest because Manning isn't playing. We, or most of us, watched 2-14 happen this year. And ironically, we all should have been rooting very hard for Painter and Dan O, since had they won even a couple more games, this entire conversation and the fate of Manning might be very different.

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Then we are discussing something other than being a fan of the Colts. We're discussing being a fan of Manning. I would love to know, and the question has been asked before on this forum, how many here are Colts fans now basically because of Manning. Since I have lived through Unitas, and Jones, and Harbaugh, and Manning, my take on eras ending, watching success, failure, rebuilding, and success again (we hope) might be different than most, or some. All great team eras end, all great players stop playing. I couldn't fathom not watching the Colts with as much interest because Manning isn't playing. We, or most of us, watched 2-14 happen this year. And ironically, we all should have been rooting very hard for Painter and Dan O, since had they won even a couple more games, this entire conversation and the fate of Manning might be very different.

Me personally. Its Indianapolis Colts. So circa 1984-Now.

I distinct between Indy/Balt. Others do not, and that is fair, and not something I disagree with.

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Then we are discussing something other than being a fan of the Colts. We're discussing being a fan of Manning. I would love to know, and the question has been asked before on this forum, how many here are Colts fans now basically because of Manning. Since I have lived through Unitas, and Jones, and Harbaugh, and Manning, my take on eras ending, watching success, failure, rebuilding, and success again (we hope) might be different than most, or some. All great team eras end, all great players stop playing. I couldn't fathom not watching the Colts with as much interest because Manning isn't playing. We, or most of us, watched 2-14 happen this year. And ironically, we all should have been rooting very hard for Painter and Dan O, since had they won even a couple more games, this entire conversation and the fate of Manning might be very different.

Well, lets see. We are not all old geezers so ya, some of us grew up watching Manning. I was 13 when I started watching Manning at TENN and get drafted by the Colts when i was 17. I havent been around long enough to know the colts without Peyton. But know this, i have read, watched, and heard about the days before Peyton. And everyone should be dang thankfull for him. Not bash him and treat him as vet trash. Be greatful.

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This was pretty good...until you told people what to do, how to cheer, and what they should accept. People don't have to take such a stance on any of things, and they are no worse (or better) for behaving differently. This isn't like those people who actually hope Manning is gone, or want injuries to befell players from other teams. This comes down to what each person wants to see happen for the Colts next season. Since everyone is uncertain, Manning and Irsay included, the subject is wide open.

I have no desire to "rally around Luck", for example, because this team owes Manning more than just the money he will get. They built an outhouse around him and denied him championships. Not only was his legacy tarnished by the 5-ton anchor he had to carry by himself, but now the franchise finally decides they want to re-tool and rebuild with a college kid instead? They finally want to do the right thing AFTER dumping Peyton? That's grade-A horse turd, and I hope they tank for years to come should they go this route. The inability of this franchise to give the greatest QB of all-time is now going to propel Brady, of all people, into the widely accepted consensus GOAT in the very house Manning built. How does that taste?

No, Luck doesn't deserve my support. He's done nothing to earn it. He's never done anything for the Colts, and I highly doubt he will give us any measure of success even remotely close to what we had with Manning. The Colts >>>ed him over, and now I'm supposed to be on board for then to make it don't with some other guy? I was a Colts fan first, but I've slowly become a Manning fan first in the last few years. If they want to give him what he deserves, they would have a team ready for him, not Luck. Luck can wait.

This post is completely wrong. The only point I'm going to make is that nobody wanted this situation. Nobody. Getting the first pick was the best out of a bad season.

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Well, lets see. We are not all old geezers so ya, some of us grew up watching Manning. I was 13 when I started watching Manning at TENN and get drafted by the Colts when i was 17. I havent been around long enough to know the colts without Peyton. But know this, i have read, watched, and heard about the days before Peyton. And everyone should be dang thankfull for him. Not bash him and treat him as vet trash. Be greatful.

I prefer experienced to geezer, but I am with you 100%. We were so very lucky to have watched and enjoyed Manning's success. Rare in any sport. And it may never be repeated. I am exceptionally grateful.

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