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Reggie Wayne blames Grigson for the Colts play


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Reggies response to Coles reaction.. Still love him, everything about this video is why lol.



noticed that he didn't mention grigson in any positive ways if at all, but predictably did multiple times for Pagano. Also awesome he still watches film (not sure if a lot of other ex-player broadcasters do) but gave me hope he wants to be a coach some day 

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When Reggie came to the NFL Network he was probably giving us love saying we would win 10 or 11 games like I was from the beginning. Now that we are 1-3 people like Heath Evans and some others are probably messing with him offset saying we suck, I wouldn't doubt it. Maybe Reggie just trying to light a fire under the team. Regarding Indianapolis Colts players (1984 and on) he is a Top 10 player in franchise history so I love it when he speaks out!

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13 hours ago, Everyone said:

Thanks for posting this video E1 because I get tired of Luck being used as a scapegoat for our regular season record right now. Other media pundits on ESPN & FS1 seem to take pleasure in laying all the blame at Luck's feet. Look, we all know this yr is gonna suck & be a l-o-n-g one. 


I'm not interested in pointing fingers because the money has been spent & there will be no front office changes for at least 2 yrs so how do Grigs & Pags work with what's on the roster & make it flow? That's all I care about. And please stop complaining about Allen ok. Fleener is gone & that's not changing. 


Just move pieces around rotation wise at TE & RB until we figure out what generates points. 

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I love Reggie, & I agree in principle with a lot of what he's saying.


Having said that... It's funny to me that everybody's fine with him speaking his mind about the current state of the Colts but we were all LIVID at Heath Evans for saying basically the exact same thing. Reggie's being far classier about it and isn't a complete meathead like Evans, so I totally get it. But, still kind of funny.

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2 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

I love Reggie, & I agree in principle with a lot of what he's saying.


Having said that... It's funny to me that everybody's fine with him speaking his mind about the current state of the Colts but we were all LIVID at Heath Evans for saying basically the exact same thing. Reggie's being far classier about it and isn't a complete meathead like Evans, so I totally get it. But, still kind of funny.

It's because Heath Evans picked us to go 6-10.

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This is almost a BIG story. Grigson definitely deserves some blame but I think Reggie took the easy out. If he was truly being sincere he would have criticized our head coach too. But he can't do that because they have "history" together and probably genuinely have love for each other. 

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I waffle on this, but I wonder how many fans would rather see the Colts make the playoffs this year even if they know they will get crushed in the playoffs and miss out on higher draft picks vs. sucking for one more year, getting better draft picks, hoping they work out, and possibly being stronger next season?  I always want to see the Colts win but on the flip side this team has a LOT of holes to fill and FA isn't getting it done.  Drafting may not either but I think it's the better route to go. 


For those wanting playoffs, it's still very possible if for no other reason than the division and sheer numbers.   13 teams in the league (40.6%) are currently 1-3.  My bet is at LEAST one of those teams will right the ship and make the playoffs, maybe even still win their division.  The Colts, as bad as things have been, are about 3 or 4 plays from being no worse than 3-1, possibly a shot at 4-0, or even 0-4.  Yet here they are 1-3.  That's how close it's been.  With just a small improvement they could right the ship and start turning some of these losses into wins.  The Texans may be the best team in the division, but have lost their best player, have an unproven starting QB who plays like it, and have a first-place schedule.  Colts could potentially make a run at it.


My question would be, at this point, do you want them to?

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15 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

I love Reggie, & I agree in principle with a lot of what he's saying.


Having said that... It's funny to me that everybody's fine with him speaking his mind about the current state of the Colts but we were all LIVID at Heath Evans for saying basically the exact same thing. Reggie's being far classier about it and isn't a complete meathead like Evans, so I totally get it. But, still kind of funny.

Reggie is paid to give his opinions so that is what he is doing. I would agree on a lot of that. Obviously better players would help this team. That said I think we've had issues in many areas so there is plenty blame to go around. As for directing so much towards Grigson....well I'm sure the fact that Grigs got Reggie to take less money to help this team and then when Reggies contract came up he didn't re-sign him probably didn't sit great with him. I mean Grigson basically swapped an old Reggie for an old Johnson so I'm sure there is a little animosity there probably. In all honesty I don't really like many commentators on the NFL network. Seems like they always try to sensationalize things so much. There are guys on some of the other networks on sunday and sunday night I give much more credence to than the way the NFL network tries to go so over the top all the time. Reggie is just trying to give the network what they want.

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15 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

It's because Heath Evans picked us to go 6-10.

Yeah that, & Heath makes makes every excuse in the book of why the Saints are so great just because he won a SB ring under Sean Payton in 2009. 


I guess he deserves a little credit for giving us 6 wins vs 2-4 by most NFL analysts I suppose. Willie McGinest is usually nicer to INDY than most sports evaluators are. I like Shaun O'Hara too, but he barely gives our OL any props slamming us in that area constantly. I'm torn because I like Shaun a lot, but he's not wrong about our vulnerabilities though. I wish he was, but he's not. 

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18 hours ago, AZColt11 said:

Add Kurt Warner and Chris Wesseling/NFL.com to the list with Reggie's views.



Darn. I like Kurt Warner too. Crap. I'm not disagreeing with him at all. Well, maybe just a little in the sense that Grigs has tried to fill voids on the OL. It's just that Grigs has been better at the WR position then pretty much every other spot on our roster. 


I think it was Chad 72 who threw Mike Shanahan's name out there as a possible HC replacement down the line. Mike at least knows the value in creating running lanes getting backs to the second level before they are touched/tackled usually. Plus, Mike understands the value in a quick release & short 3-5 step drops & bang the ball is out. 


Also since Mark Shlereth on ESPN loves to slam our OL so much, come to INDY for 2 weeks & show us how we fail to use our arms, leverage, & punch moves quickly off the line of freaking scrimmage then. Put your money where your mouth is stink. Just saying. 


I do wonder why Gary Kubiack, Wade Philips, Steve Spagnolo, & Josh McDaniels had to return to their starting franchise in order to achieve success outside of Denver, NY, & NE though because smart guys should be able to flourish in other cities if they're any good at what they do right? Guess not unfortunately. 

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16 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


I'd be curious to know what Reggie's prediction is for the Colts record.

If he lives in INDY currently or has a holiday home there, he probably doesn't wanna give a prediction for fear his place would get toilet papered or receive flaming gifts on his front stoop. haha 


Tires are not cheap to replace either. Just sayin' ...Just joking of course. Love me some #87 man! 

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On 10/5/2016 at 8:05 AM, lollygagger8 said:

Can we hire Reggie as our WR coach? 



That'd be cool to see Peyton as OC with Reggie and Edge as WR and RB coaches.


On 10/5/2016 at 9:25 AM, indy1888 said:

Sounds like Trent Cole was not too fond of Reggie's remarks.  Got his feelings hurt it appears. Get over it Trent.


And the closest Reggie has came to criticizing Chuck would be his comments of how Luck needs to be in the hurry up more often.


I was kind of shocked Reggie was calling out specific players, though I don't disagree with him and loved his follow up interview.




While Reggie is calling out Grigs, and some of the duds that Grigs has brought along, and while I find myself mostly agreeing with him, I think people are overreacting a little bit.


Grigs did have some swings and misses and has definitely not brought in all the best FAs.  People do, IMO, need to remember that Grigs inherited a big pile of garbage from the Polians.  Our team was so bad without Peyton (the reason we got the #1 draft pick and got Luck).  Not only was the team terrible (i.e., by far the worst roster in the league), we were changing the coaching staff and the philosophy of the organization -- for years with Peyton it was "Peyton is going to put up a lot of points, so many that unless we play in bad weather, other teams won't have the option to run on us, so let's have a small fast D which can rush the passer", when Pagano and crew came in, Irsay wanted more balance and part of the mission was to develop a team that could stop the run the way the AFC North teams where Pagano was familiar could.   We simply did not have the players/talent on the roster to play that style of football, and this team needed an entire overhaul.


In the 4+ years Grigs has been the GM of this team, the team has been pretty much entirely overhauled (I believe AV, Mathis, McAffee, Joe Reitz and Costanzo are the only players who were with the team in 2012 who are still around -- AV and McAffee are studs, perhaps the best at their positions in the league, Mathis definitely looks to have lost a step after his injury, but he's not terrible, Reitz is mediocre, and Costanzo looked like a franchise left tackle for a while, though I'm starting to doubt that). 


Anyway, when trying to overhaul an entire team, it is impossible to do it all through the draft right away.  The Colts drafted Luck #1, and the mindset wasn't 'let's be OK being losers for 5, 6, or 7 years while we go through the rebuilding process', it was 'win now'.  This necessitated Grigs to sign free agents, and with a limited cap and limited number of FAs available, he went out and got what he got... some players didn't work out.... Bethea seemed to be declining in production and Landry was a probowler the year before we signed him, the move didn't work out, but it made sense to give Landry $ and let Bethea walk at the time.  The T-Rich trade turned out to be a bust, but we were pretty desperate for RB help at the time and the move made sense.  There were other FAs who were signed, IMO, to be 'fill in players' (e.g., RJF, Redding, Adams, etc... guys that were there to be abled bodies while we waited until the next draft or waited on players to develop) -- meaning the team Grigs inherited was so bad that he had to spend money to plug players in until we could address the issues through the draft.  There is no way with only 7 draft picks to fix what was in place through the draft alone.


We can all argue about how we would have built this team after Luck was drafted.  In hindsight, many will argue 'Why wasn't the OL addressed right away? Look at us now, Luck is fearing for his life' -- there may be some merit to that, but the OL was addressed the 2nd year -- we had Castonzo in place, who looked to be pretty solid for us, we had Cherilus who was actually a pretty good RT until he was injured, Holmes and Thornton obviously didn't work out, but pretty much everyone on here was very high on both of those picks at the time.  We also had Donald Thomas on the roster, who everyone expected to be a solid G for us, and Samson Satele, who was not good for us, but was a pretty solid player when he was signed -- if those guys panned out/avoided injury, we were expected to have a good OL in place for a while.... unfortunately, not the case.  Some of this may be on Grigs, but I don't think it's fair to put it all on him.  Many players need time to develop, and after it was clear that Holmes and Thornton weren't quite on that trajectory after 3 years in the league, we went very heavy on the OL this draft.


Sure, if we knew players were going to be injured or be busts we would have done things differently (for the record, of the 2013 first round draft picks, when Bjoern was drafted  only 6 of the 23 guys before him have made a probowl, 1 other guy is out of the league, and at least 4 are currently on the injured reserve -- so while Bjoern was a bust, it's kind of refreshing to know that the majority of players from that draft aren't exactly lighting the world on fire like everyone expects 1st rounders to do). 


Grigs, IMO, was brilliant in his first draft by drafting guys who were playmakers to surround Luck with (TY is only 1 of 3 guys from that draft who has made a probowl out of the 3rd round).  He was on the right track in his 2nd draft by taking 2 OL to fill out our line -- the 2 players drafted haven't been able to stay healthy, neither could D. Thomas or Cherilus, so some may say it is on Grigs that they didn't work out, but it isn't like he totally ignored the OL, IMO, his strategy was sound but strokes of unforeseeable bad luck killed him.  Then sure, the T-Rich trade still stings, but the logic behind it I am OK with, the Colts wanted to develop a team that could run the football, having a first round RB on the roster seemed like a good idea (albeit it came at a steep price and had major implications for the 2014 draft).  In the 2014 draft, we got Mewhort (again, addressing the OL) who IMO is arguably our best OL right now.  We also got Moncrief, who when healthy, has shown he can be a tremendous playmaker in this league, something Luck needed with Reggie going away.   The 2015 draft was also solid, IMO, with Dorsett showing signs of being a major playmaker, Anderson and Parry being solid on our OL and Geathers starting to turn it on in the secondary.  The 2016 draft may be Grigs' best one yet, with all 8 players being drafted currently being on the active roster (I'm not sure, but I highly doubt there are more than a handful of teams who can say that 100% of their picks are on the active roster --- plus we have 4 UDFAs in Maggit, Rogers, Farley and Ferguson, all of whom have shown ability to contribute at an NFL acceptable level). 


A 1-3 start is not good.  However, we could easily be 3-1 (we should be at least 2-2, as that Lions loss was ridiculous), and perhaps 4-0 if we just fix some little things.  We have been decimated by injuries all over the place (our #2 WR, the OL, the DL, the secondary), and we have still managed to keep ourselves in games.  If this team gets healthy, they have a chance to be very good and can play with anyone (IMO).  Also, the OL is very young, and the system is totally new to several of the vets on the team, so we should, hypothetically, expect them to improve as time goes on. 


This team, in reality, is really not in that bad of shape.  We now have a young OL, which seems promising (yes, they are making some mistakes, but they have also been in a different lineup each week due to injury and last week >1/2 the starting OL were rookies).  We have a QB who is very good.  We have a young trio (quartet, possibly, as Rogers looks like he can be the real deal) of WRs, and a young RB (Ferguson) who looks to be a solid 3rd down/scat back for us.  I'm a little disappointed with our TE play, although I don't really think it is major cause for concern.  We are going to likely have to replace Gore after this season, but otherwise we are young and look to be in pretty good shape (assuming health) for the foreseeable future (that said, we should always strive to improve).  On defense, we have a very talented (when healthy) and very young DL, we have to address LB next year and not only get younger, but get faster (sorry, but this should be Mathis' and Cole's last seasons, and perhaps DQs) across the board at LB.  Morrison looks like he can develop into a solid ILB, and I like what I see from Maggit so far (especially accounting for him coming off major injury last year, he should do nothing but improve if he stays healthy), so we might only really have to address 1 or 2 LB spots after this year.  The our secondary has been decimated by injury, but the talent is there -- Mike Adams is still playing pretty good football, even though he's old, and we have Geathers and Green who look like they're going to be a very solid S duo for a long time, at CB we have Davis who if healthy should have at least another 4-5 very solid years in him, and then we have Robinson and Butler who should, if healthy, have at least another 2-3 solid years in them.  We need to address the CB situation after this year and get younger talent on the roster there, but when healthy, the unit as a whole shouldn't be so bad.


I don't disagree with Reggie, but I also don't think Grigs has done a completely terrible job overall.  Not everything he has done has panned out, but the logic behind what he has done is sound (IMO), and I think people forget how bad the picture looked when he took this team over.


There is a very strong chance we will be tied for the division lead in 2 weeks.  The positive part of this is that we have been in every game.  Most of our mistakes are fixable (I expect we will make more on the OL, due to youth and inexperience), and many bad happenings can be blamed on injury ('next man up' sounds nice, but in reality there is no team in the NFL who would be flourishing when there have been points in time where 3 or 4 guys on the field in the secondary were without a job the week before the season or when they've been forced to start a 7th round C at G due to injuries to the 2 guys ahead of him at that spot on the depth chart, etc.). 


I predict it will be funny to see how people change their opinions after we string a few wins together and find our beloved Colts in the driver seat of the AFC South in 3 weeks.

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On ‎10‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 8:55 PM, ar7 said:

Reggie didn't say anything that was untrue. I understand why Trent Cole took issue with what Reggie said...it's hard to be ok with someone saying you are useless...but it doesn't make what Reggie said untrue.

I concur

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He pretty much stated the reality of things.  Eventually all the good players from the previous regime where either gotten rid of or have aged out and Grigson has not been able to find replacements for them.  


Unless they turn this team around and win like 10 games, I honestly would like to see a new coach and a new GM next year.  We can't win the SB with either of these guys and quite honestly I'm not sure we'll even make the playoffs again with them.  

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14 hours ago, ColtsFanMikeC said:

That'd be cool to see Peyton as OC with Reggie and Edge as WR and RB coaches.



I was kind of shocked Reggie was calling out specific players, though I don't disagree with him and loved his follow up interview.




While Reggie is calling out Grigs, and some of the duds that Grigs has brought along, and while I find myself mostly agreeing with him, I think people are overreacting a little bit.


Grigs did have some swings and misses and has definitely not brought in all the best FAs.  People do, IMO, need to remember that Grigs inherited a big pile of garbage from the Polians.  Our team was so bad without Peyton (the reason we got the #1 draft pick and got Luck).  Not only was the team terrible (i.e., by far the worst roster in the league), we were changing the coaching staff and the philosophy of the organization -- for years with Peyton it was "Peyton is going to put up a lot of points, so many that unless we play in bad weather, other teams won't have the option to run on us, so let's have a small fast D which can rush the passer", when Pagano and crew came in, Irsay wanted more balance and part of the mission was to develop a team that could stop the run the way the AFC North teams where Pagano was familiar could.   We simply did not have the players/talent on the roster to play that style of football, and this team needed an entire overhaul.


In the 4+ years Grigs has been the GM of this team, the team has been pretty much entirely overhauled (I believe AV, Mathis, McAffee, Joe Reitz and Costanzo are the only players who were with the team in 2012 who are still around -- AV and McAffee are studs, perhaps the best at their positions in the league, Mathis definitely looks to have lost a step after his injury, but he's not terrible, Reitz is mediocre, and Costanzo looked like a franchise left tackle for a while, though I'm starting to doubt that). 


Anyway, when trying to overhaul an entire team, it is impossible to do it all through the draft right away.  The Colts drafted Luck #1, and the mindset wasn't 'let's be OK being losers for 5, 6, or 7 years while we go through the rebuilding process', it was 'win now'.  This necessitated Grigs to sign free agents, and with a limited cap and limited number of FAs available, he went out and got what he got... some players didn't work out.... Bethea seemed to be declining in production and Landry was a probowler the year before we signed him, the move didn't work out, but it made sense to give Landry $ and let Bethea walk at the time.  The T-Rich trade turned out to be a bust, but we were pretty desperate for RB help at the time and the move made sense.  There were other FAs who were signed, IMO, to be 'fill in players' (e.g., RJF, Redding, Adams, etc... guys that were there to be abled bodies while we waited until the next draft or waited on players to develop) -- meaning the team Grigs inherited was so bad that he had to spend money to plug players in until we could address the issues through the draft.  There is no way with only 7 draft picks to fix what was in place through the draft alone.


We can all argue about how we would have built this team after Luck was drafted.  In hindsight, many will argue 'Why wasn't the OL addressed right away? Look at us now, Luck is fearing for his life' -- there may be some merit to that, but the OL was addressed the 2nd year -- we had Castonzo in place, who looked to be pretty solid for us, we had Cherilus who was actually a pretty good RT until he was injured, Holmes and Thornton obviously didn't work out, but pretty much everyone on here was very high on both of those picks at the time.  We also had Donald Thomas on the roster, who everyone expected to be a solid G for us, and Samson Satele, who was not good for us, but was a pretty solid player when he was signed -- if those guys panned out/avoided injury, we were expected to have a good OL in place for a while.... unfortunately, not the case.  Some of this may be on Grigs, but I don't think it's fair to put it all on him.  Many players need time to develop, and after it was clear that Holmes and Thornton weren't quite on that trajectory after 3 years in the league, we went very heavy on the OL this draft.


Sure, if we knew players were going to be injured or be busts we would have done things differently (for the record, of the 2013 first round draft picks, when Bjoern was drafted  only 6 of the 23 guys before him have made a probowl, 1 other guy is out of the league, and at least 4 are currently on the injured reserve -- so while Bjoern was a bust, it's kind of refreshing to know that the majority of players from that draft aren't exactly lighting the world on fire like everyone expects 1st rounders to do). 


Grigs, IMO, was brilliant in his first draft by drafting guys who were playmakers to surround Luck with (TY is only 1 of 3 guys from that draft who has made a probowl out of the 3rd round).  He was on the right track in his 2nd draft by taking 2 OL to fill out our line -- the 2 players drafted haven't been able to stay healthy, neither could D. Thomas or Cherilus, so some may say it is on Grigs that they didn't work out, but it isn't like he totally ignored the OL, IMO, his strategy was sound but strokes of unforeseeable bad luck killed him.  Then sure, the T-Rich trade still stings, but the logic behind it I am OK with, the Colts wanted to develop a team that could run the football, having a first round RB on the roster seemed like a good idea (albeit it came at a steep price and had major implications for the 2014 draft).  In the 2014 draft, we got Mewhort (again, addressing the OL) who IMO is arguably our best OL right now.  We also got Moncrief, who when healthy, has shown he can be a tremendous playmaker in this league, something Luck needed with Reggie going away.   The 2015 draft was also solid, IMO, with Dorsett showing signs of being a major playmaker, Anderson and Parry being solid on our OL and Geathers starting to turn it on in the secondary.  The 2016 draft may be Grigs' best one yet, with all 8 players being drafted currently being on the active roster (I'm not sure, but I highly doubt there are more than a handful of teams who can say that 100% of their picks are on the active roster --- plus we have 4 UDFAs in Maggit, Rogers, Farley and Ferguson, all of whom have shown ability to contribute at an NFL acceptable level). 


A 1-3 start is not good.  However, we could easily be 3-1 (we should be at least 2-2, as that Lions loss was ridiculous), and perhaps 4-0 if we just fix some little things.  We have been decimated by injuries all over the place (our #2 WR, the OL, the DL, the secondary), and we have still managed to keep ourselves in games.  If this team gets healthy, they have a chance to be very good and can play with anyone (IMO).  Also, the OL is very young, and the system is totally new to several of the vets on the team, so we should, hypothetically, expect them to improve as time goes on. 


This team, in reality, is really not in that bad of shape.  We now have a young OL, which seems promising (yes, they are making some mistakes, but they have also been in a different lineup each week due to injury and last week >1/2 the starting OL were rookies).  We have a QB who is very good.  We have a young trio (quartet, possibly, as Rogers looks like he can be the real deal) of WRs, and a young RB (Ferguson) who looks to be a solid 3rd down/scat back for us.  I'm a little disappointed with our TE play, although I don't really think it is major cause for concern.  We are going to likely have to replace Gore after this season, but otherwise we are young and look to be in pretty good shape (assuming health) for the foreseeable future (that said, we should always strive to improve).  On defense, we have a very talented (when healthy) and very young DL, we have to address LB next year and not only get younger, but get faster (sorry, but this should be Mathis' and Cole's last seasons, and perhaps DQs) across the board at LB.  Morrison looks like he can develop into a solid ILB, and I like what I see from Maggit so far (especially accounting for him coming off major injury last year, he should do nothing but improve if he stays healthy), so we might only really have to address 1 or 2 LB spots after this year.  The our secondary has been decimated by injury, but the talent is there -- Mike Adams is still playing pretty good football, even though he's old, and we have Geathers and Green who look like they're going to be a very solid S duo for a long time, at CB we have Davis who if healthy should have at least another 4-5 very solid years in him, and then we have Robinson and Butler who should, if healthy, have at least another 2-3 solid years in them.  We need to address the CB situation after this year and get younger talent on the roster there, but when healthy, the unit as a whole shouldn't be so bad.


I don't disagree with Reggie, but I also don't think Grigs has done a completely terrible job overall.  Not everything he has done has panned out, but the logic behind what he has done is sound (IMO), and I think people forget how bad the picture looked when he took this team over.


There is a very strong chance we will be tied for the division lead in 2 weeks.  The positive part of this is that we have been in every game.  Most of our mistakes are fixable (I expect we will make more on the OL, due to youth and inexperience), and many bad happenings can be blamed on injury ('next man up' sounds nice, but in reality there is no team in the NFL who would be flourishing when there have been points in time where 3 or 4 guys on the field in the secondary were without a job the week before the season or when they've been forced to start a 7th round C at G due to injuries to the 2 guys ahead of him at that spot on the depth chart, etc.). 


I predict it will be funny to see how people change their opinions after we string a few wins together and find our beloved Colts in the driver seat of the AFC South in 3 weeks.


I have to say that I mostly just scanned this response here but let me add something.


While the team he got from the Polians wasn't good, I don't think it was such the dumpster fire that people like to say it is.  We got those 11-5 seasons using several playmakers from the previous regime.  Mathis, Bethea and others.  The problem is that those guys have either been replaced or they've aged out.  


With Grigson with some perspective I would have to say I'm not sure he's a bad drafter, I would say he's more or less average in that regard.  2013 was a terrible draft, but 2012 was a good draft and the 2014, 2015, and 2016 drafts have been solid.  A few day 1 and 2 misses (D'Joun Smith, Maybe Dorsett) but also some hits from lower rounds (Geathers, Parry). 


But he's been terrible in FA and not too good in trades either.


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On 10/5/2016 at 10:21 PM, AZColt11 said:

I waffle on this, but I wonder how many fans would rather see the Colts make the playoffs this year even if they know they will get crushed in the playoffs and miss out on higher draft picks vs. sucking for one more year, getting better draft picks, hoping they work out, and possibly being stronger next season?  I always want to see the Colts win but on the flip side this team has a LOT of holes to fill and FA isn't getting it done.  Drafting may not either but I think it's the better route to go. 


For those wanting playoffs, it's still very possible if for no other reason than the division and sheer numbers.   13 teams in the league (40.6%) are currently 1-3.  My bet is at LEAST one of those teams will right the ship and make the playoffs, maybe even still win their division.  The Colts, as bad as things have been, are about 3 or 4 plays from being no worse than 3-1, possibly a shot at 4-0, or even 0-4.  Yet here they are 1-3.  That's how close it's been.  With just a small improvement they could right the ship and start turning some of these losses into wins.  The Texans may be the best team in the division, but have lost their best player, have an unproven starting QB who plays like it, and have a first-place schedule.  Colts could potentially make a run at it.


My question would be, at this point, do you want them to?

I think fans of every other team, except the broncos, want the Colts to make the playoffs, because we'd be an easy win at this point. We could be a trap game the Broncos if we were fully healthy, but that would mean we'd probably have to win a game before facing them and beat them in Denver as well. I don't think other fans care if we get a better pick or not, because even fans of other teams know we aren't a threat to the Pats or Steelers at this time. 


As far as our fans go, it's split down the middle. You have the homer fans, and the reality fans. The homer fans want to go the playoffs because they hold on to that string of hope if we get there, that we can get to the SB and win it all, when evidence suggests that we have no chance vs the Steelers and Pats and have yet to beat them with Luck and Pagano at the Helm, and we're playing at such a low level, that a first round loss is very possible. The reality fans know that we are weak in so many areas that a top 5-10 pick would greatly benefit this team where could draft a much needed pass rusher, trade down and possible accumulate another 1st round pick, or just go BPA and fill this team with much needed talent and have a much better chance next year with a much improved team. 


We can make a run at the playoffs and possibly get there, but would anybody on this board really bet anything of value that we could even get to the SB, let alone win it? How about beat the Pats? Or even the Steelers? The only answer I'm probably going to hear is "anything is possible", and that's not a real confidence builder.

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On October 6, 2016 at 0:21 AM, AZColt11 said:

I waffle on this, but I wonder how many fans would rather see the Colts make the playoffs this year even if they know they will get crushed in the playoffs and miss out on higher draft picks vs. sucking for one more year, getting better draft picks, hoping they work out, and possibly being stronger next season?  I always want to see the Colts win but on the flip side this team has a LOT of holes to fill and FA isn't getting it done.  Drafting may not either but I think it's the better route to go. 


For those wanting playoffs, it's still very possible if for no other reason than the division and sheer numbers.   13 teams in the league (40.6%) are currently 1-3.  My bet is at LEAST one of those teams will right the ship and make the playoffs, maybe even still win their division.  The Colts, as bad as things have been, are about 3 or 4 plays from being no worse than 3-1, possibly a shot at 4-0, or even 0-4.  Yet here they are 1-3.  That's how close it's been.  With just a small improvement they could right the ship and start turning some of these losses into wins.  The Texans may be the best team in the division, but have lost their best player, have an unproven starting QB who plays like it, and have a first-place schedule.  Colts could potentially make a run at it.


My question would be, at this point, do you want them to?


When the Colts won the 2007 Super Bowl, during the regular season they were winning ugly.  A lot of those regular season games easily could have and should have been losses, kind of like how at least two of their games this year were losses that should have been wins.  Yet come playoff time, that 2006 team elevated it's game and went on a roll all the way to hoisting the Lombardi.


I hear what you are saying about an elevated draft position, but the draft is pretty much a crap shoot regardless of where one is picking.   So for me, I'd rather they make the playoffs and then hope for them to fire on all cylinders and go on a run!  Give me the hope of any given Sunday, as it were, thank you very much.  :-)


Thus, my hope is that the current team will put it together, elevate their game, and go on one heck of a run.  The next three games will be telling, though, for imho, for the Colts to go on such a run, these next three games are all MUST win games!

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4 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:


I have to say that I mostly just scanned this response here but let me add something.


While the team he got from the Polians wasn't good, I don't think it was such the dumpster fire that people like to say it is.  We got those 11-5 seasons using several playmakers from the previous regime.  Mathis, Bethea and others.  The problem is that those guys have either been replaced or they've aged out.  


With Grigson with some perspective I would have to say I'm not sure he's a bad drafter, I would say he's more or less average in that regard.  2013 was a terrible draft, but 2012 was a good draft and the 2014, 2015, and 2016 drafts have been solid.  A few day 1 and 2 misses (D'Joun Smith, Maybe Dorsett) but also some hits from lower rounds (Geathers, Parry). 


But he's been terrible in FA and not too good in trades either.



The team that was inherited from the Polians was pretty darn awful.  And, aside from that, it was molded strictly based around Peyton (the reason our D was small and fast/bend don't break for the majority of the Peyton era was because he could light up any opposing D and aside from bad weather, where we lost a lot of games in the Peyton era in postseason, the Colts D never really had to worry about being run stoppers.... I like Freeney, he is a great pass rusher, but he was a total liability against the run.. when he makes it to the HOF, the first person he should thank is Peyton for allowing him to be a 1-dimensional pass rushing beast for the majority of his career).  The new regime, with Pagano coming from the AFC North, as well as with recommendations from Irsay regarding knowing the Colts didn't have a balanced team around Peyton and wanting to provide Andrew with a defense and a run game, required a completely different type of players.


You are correct, Mathis was very good for us in Pagano's first year, and Bethea was pretty good.... but overall, we just didn't have the personnel in place for what we were trying to accomplish and do.  I think now, 4+ years later, we are much closer to having the defense that was conceptualized in place at the point the new regime came in.  We have been stricken by injuries, but when Anderson is full bore, Art Jones is back and our DL is fully healthy, the DL should be a strength of our team and we have pieces in place there that should be able to play in tough, bad weather, pound it out type of games like we have not had since at least 1994, when I became a Colts fan.


You're also right that he hasn't been great in FA -- I wouldn't call him terrible.  Cory Redding, Mike Adams, D'Qwell Jackson, Donnie Avery, Erik Walden and others have been key contributors to this team at points in time.  Others have not been so good, and some of them, IMO, weren't Grigson's fault (e.g., Laron Landry was a probowler when he signed  with us and he looked pretty good his first few games before getting hurt and before focusing more on bodybuilding and juicing himself up than being a football player).  And, I think, and firmly believe, that many players signed were signed to just play a role as we try to build the team through the draft (Mike Adams being an example who has played well... he was brought in because we were desperate for S help, and now we have drafted 2 very promising young guys that hopefully will push the old vet out the door and be around for a while after this year or next).

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