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That last time out (Pagano Clock Management)... {[Merge]}


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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


Did we have the lead?


No we did not.


Was it goal to goal?


No it was not. We could have still got another first down.


Time and the amount of plays we could run were both an issue.


If we got a first down then that would have given us 4 more plays, and I am sure we would have liked to use at least one of them to run the ball up the middle.


Yes, they could have got a first down.  If there was much time left they still could have run 4 plays.  They could have checked the ball to stop the clock, called a time out, threw the ball away, or just ran a play.  Setting up for a play in the redzone doesn't take nearly as much time as it would in the middle of the field.  The receivers are not running long routes, they ball isn't moving far so the ref can reset it pretty quickly, and the offense should have some no huddle plays.  You must be under the impression that it takes 45 seconds off the clock for every play to be ran.

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As i said in the tread earlier in the week this game would come down to clock management due to our defense being down players, It was crucial for Luck after the review to allow the clock run down as much as possible before throwing the TD pass. Also ST coach should of had a swift kick to allow at least 5 seconds to run off if anything this would of allowed lions to burn their timeouts which by then would of forced the lions to throw to the outside to get out of bounds. this would of limited their options.  So yes the defense could of should of stopped them but when you allow a team with 34 seconds and 3 TO left to do what they want and not limit their options then more then likely you will loose, So again poor clock management

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3 minutes ago, our_dbs_rock said:


Yes, they could have got a first down.  If there was much time left they still could have run 4 plays.  They could have checked the ball to stop the clock, called a time out, threw the ball away, or just ran a play.  Setting up for a play in the redzone doesn't take nearly as much time as it would in the middle of the field.  The receivers are not running long routes, they ball isn't moving far so the ref can reset it pretty quickly, and the offense should have some no huddle plays.  You must be under the impression that it takes 45 seconds off the clock for every play to be ran.

Yep.  This guy either has to be a troll or just a novice at football.  Because anyone who follows football on a regular basis knows that you can literally run off 8 plays (or more) from the 12 yard line with 1:15 left.  

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5 minutes ago, Camio said:


Honestly, you have no idea what clock management is about.


Cadlwell and Reid are notorious for being bad at it. Pagano is doing his team to join them. He'll get critized this week for that bad call. At that point, you'll likely think the ones critizing him (medias) dont have a clue too.


Pagano messed up, like it or not. That situation was extremely simple, the Colts were not rushed, there was ample time to make the correct decision.


There's no reason for him to mess up like this in that situation.


You do realize that once we run the clock down then the defense only has to play us one-dimensional right?


The fact that they had to respect our choice to run the ball led to us getting the go-ahead score.



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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


You do realize that once we run the clock down then the defense only has to play us one-dimensional right?


The fact that they had to respect our choice to run the ball led to us getting the go-ahead score.



Why?  The Colts had timeouts left.  There was  no urgency to score.  NONE.

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Just now, BlueShoe said:


You do realize that once we run the clock down then the defense only has to play us one-dimensional right?


The fact that they had to respect our choice to run the ball led to us getting the go-ahead score.




That is incorrect.  You can still run or throw in the middle of the field because by not using a timeout for no reason then the colts still would have had a timeout to stop the clock later in the drive if they didn't score.

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16 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Did we have the lead?


No we did not.


Was it goal to goal?


No it was not. We could have still got another first down.


Time and the amount of plays we could run were both an issue.


If we got a first down then that would have given us 4 more plays, and I am sure we would have liked to use at least one of them to run the ball up the middle.


This is what you dont understand about clock management.


The Colts went for the TD, not the first down. Everyone knew they were going for the TD. Being down by whatever doesnt matter as time wasnt an issue. Time was never gonig to be an issue.


Colts would either score a TD, turn it over on downs or cause a turnover.


Going for a first down would've been a mistake as it just meant more possibilities for a turnover.


Thats why Pagano had to let the playclock run out.


I'm not even sure why you bring up getting a first down scenario. No HC in their right mind would call plays to get a first only in that situation.


You're wrong on that too.

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2 minutes ago, threeflight said:

Yep.  This guy either has to be a troll or just a novice at football.  But anyone who follows football on a regular basis knows that you can literally run off 8 plays (or more) from the 12 yard line with 1:15 left.  


You know its funny that I haven't see you around here before. I have been on these Colts boards for 20 years and a Colts fan for over 30 (never missed a single game).


I do not agree with your thoughts, and you are crying like a baby. Suck it up and accept that fact that we lost.

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5 minutes ago, threeflight said:

Yep.  This guy either has to be a troll or just a novice at football.  Because anyone who follows football on a regular basis knows that you can literally run off 8 plays (or more) from the 12 yard line with 1:15 left.  


We should do a poll! ;)

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1 minute ago, Camio said:


This is what you dont understand about clock management.


The Colts went for the TD, not the first down. Everyone knew they were going for the TD. Being down by whatever doesnt matter as time wasnt an issue. Time was never gonig to be an issue.


Colts were either score a TD or turn it over on downs or cause a turnover.


Going for a first down would've been a mistake as it just meant more possibilities for a turnover.


Thats why Pagano had to let the playclock run out.


I'm not even sure why you bring up getting a first down scenario. No HC in their right mind would call plays to get a first only in that situation.


You're wrong on that too.

Exactly...a first down I believe was at the 2 or 3 yard line.


LOL...JUST LOL at anyone thinking they are calling a play for a first down in that situation and not a TD.

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10 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


You do realize that once we run the clock down then the defense only has to play us one-dimensional right?


The fact that they had to respect our choice to run the ball led to us getting the go-ahead score.




The fact the Lions couldnt do diddly-poo vs the passing game really makes you think they touhgt the Colts would run?


What kind of running game success did the Colts have had in the last 5 years to make you think the running game is a treat?


Colts arent the Vikings. Luck finished with 380 yards or whatever. Everyone knew they were passing. Everyone.

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5 minutes ago, our_dbs_rock said:


That is incorrect.  You can still run or throw in the middle of the field because by not using a timeout for no reason then the colts still would have had a timeout to stop the clock later in the drive if they didn't score.


How many times did we score on our first three drives?


The fact that the Lions had to respect our option to run led to the go ahead touchdown pass.



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5 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


You know its funny that I haven't see you around here before. I have been on these Colts boards for 20 years and a Colts fan for over 30 (never missed a single game).


I do not agree with your thoughts, and you are crying like a baby. Suck it up and accept that fact that we lost.

There's a reason so many people are arguing against you in favor of the opposing viewpoint. It's because you're wrong 

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2 minutes ago, Camio said:


The fact the Lions couldnt do diddly-poo vs the passing game really makes you think they touhgt the Colts could run?


What kind of running game success did the Colts have had in the last 5 years to make you think the running game is a treat?


Colts arent the Vikings. Luck finished with 380 yards or whatever. Everyone knew they were passing. Everyone.


See that is where you prove to everyone that you're a novice. 


Had the Lions dropped everyone then Luck would have checked down to the run.


Your clock management would have put us in a situation where the Lions could have dropped everyone into coverage, because we couldn't have run the ball.

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2 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


How many times e core on our first three drives ?


The fact that the Lions had to respect our option to run led to the go ahead touchdown pass.



How man times did the colts Have to settle for a fg when they were in the redzone Today? Works both ways for pointlessa Arguements

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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


How many times did we score on our first three drives?


The fact that the Lions had to respect our option to run led to the go ahead touchdown pass.






Are you implying that the Colts passing game success is due to the opposing teams playing the run vs the Colts?


This is bad, sorry.


For any team to play the run vs any team, it has to a treat. You play the run vs the Hawks (last few years with Lynch) or the Vikes.


You dont play the run vs the Colts. Why? Because you dont have to.

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10 minutes ago, threeflight said:

Exactly...a first down I believe was at the 2 or 3 yard line.


LOL...JUST LOL at anyone thinking they are calling a play for a first down in that situation and not a TD.


Yeah because first downs are guaranteed in your world too. 

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6 minutes ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

There's a reason so many people are arguing against you in favor of the opposing viewpoint. It's because you're wrong 


So you think because you and a "few" people on a message board think Pagano made a time management mistake that you're right and everyone else is wrong? 


No. It wouldn't be the first time that you and a few people on a message board is/was wrong. You guys are wrong a lot. And you're wrong about this too.

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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


So you think because you and a "few" people on a message board think Pagano made a time management mistake that you're right and everyone else is wrong? 


No. It wouldn't be the first time that you and a few people on a message board is/was wrong. You guys are wrong a lot.

It's okay Chuck. You can refer to it as your decision. Don't worry your internet identity is safe with us Mr. Pagano :). 


Once all the NFL experts dissect the game you guys just played and call out the poor decision, maybe then you'll see the light 

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4 minutes ago, Camio said:




Are you implying that the Colts passing game success is due to the opposing teams playing the run vs the Colts?


This is bad, sorry.


For any team to play the run vs any team, it has to a treat. You play the run vs the Hawks (last few years with Lynch) or the Vikes.


You dont play the run vs the Colts. Why? Because you dont have to.


See the extremes you take? I never said that at all.


I never said the Lions were solely playing us to run the ball. I said they had to play both the run and the pass. If we had run down the clock (like you think we should have) then all they had to do is play the end zone and the sidelines.

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6 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


See that is where you prove to everyone that you're a novice. 


Had the Lions dropped everyone then Luck would have checked down to the run.


Your clock management would have put us in a situation where the Lions could have dropped everyone into coverage, because we couldn't have run the ball.


What are you talking about?  Dropping LBs in coverage when the offense is on the 12 yard line versus keeping them up to play the run is not much of a difference.


6 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Yeah because first downs are guaranteed in your world too. 


And this has absolutely nothing to do with what they said.

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4 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Yeah because first down are guaranteed in your world too. 


You're the one who brought up playing to get a first down to milk the clock.


We are saying playing for a first down to milk the clock (you're whole argument) was dumb because:

1) 1st down isnt guarranteed

2) its just more chances for a turnover


This is why Pagano messed up with the clock management on that timeout.


I'm not even sure why you're still trying to save the face at this point, sorry to say.


Saying not running the clock before calling that TO because the Colts couldve gotten a first down, hence milking the clock, is beyond dumb.



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Just now, our_dbs_rock said:


What are you talking about?  Dropping LBs in coverage when the offense is on the 12 yard line versus keeping them up to play the run is not much of a difference.


And this has absolutely nothing to do with what they said.


So how did we score that last touchdown to Doyle?


You might want to look at that one again.

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Just now, Camio said:


You're the one who brought up playing to get a first down to milk the clock.


We are saying playing for a first down to milk the clock (you're whole argument) was dumb because:

1) 1st down isnt guarranteed

2) its just more chances for a turnover


This is why Pagano messed up with the clock management on that timeout.


I'm not even sure why you're still trying to save the face at this point, sorry to say.


Saying not running the clock before calling that TO because the Colts couldve gotten a first down, hence milking the clock, is beyond dumb.




I think the part he is failing to get is, even if they got a first down, they still could have had plenty of time to attempt to get to the endzone.

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Maybe they were completely disorganized and would have run an illegal play- lost 5 yards. Or run mixed up routes and thrown an interception.  Maybe Luck saw an opening and knew the Lions were about to shift, so he quick-snapped before they could?  Peyton always ran it down. Everyone knew it and timed their blitz with 2 seconds. Luck doesn't have Peyton' s quick release. None of us were in Luck's head. Behind by 6, you take TDs when you get them.  Sorgi even said on radio the pass looked intended for Moncrief, and Doyle 'intercepted' it.


The loss wasn't on the Offense. Or even on the coverage by the Defense. It was on bad tackling. I only heard the game, but it sounded like the D HIT Behind the Line on almost every play, then Couldn't finish, and the Lions constantly ran an extra 15 yards???? Only players can change that.

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3 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


See the extremes you take? I never said that at all.


I never said the Lions were solely playing us to run the ball. I said they had to play both the run and the pass. If we had run down the clock (like you think we should have) then all they had to do is play the end zone and the sidelines.


You're the one trying to come up with bizarre stuff to explain Pagano's mistake.


No way in hell did the Lions played or would've played the run against the Colts with the way the Colts chewed them passing the ball in this game.


The Colts dont even have a running gmae to begin with so why would any team playing the Colts play the run anyway?


This just in: Glenn and Edge are no longer Colts.

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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


So how did we score that last touchdown to Doyle?


You might want to look at that one again.


I'll go with poor coverage.  Just like the previous 2 times the colts scored by throwing to a tightend.  Buy hey, I'm no expert, I just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

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1 hour ago, Camio said:

Pagano and Caldwell, 2 HCs the Colts have had who dont have a single clue how clock management works. This reminded me of the TO vs the Jets in the playoffs several years ago.


Caldwell doesn't understand clock management?


Did you watch what the Lions did the last 37 seconds?       Because if you did, you'd realize how silly your comment is.        The Lions and Caldwell handled the clock perfectly.


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4 minutes ago, our_dbs_rock said:


I think the part he is failing to get is, even if they got a first down, they still could have had plenty of time to attempt to get to the endzone.


I dont even get his argument about the Colts playing for a 1st down.


The Vikes right now, for example, would maybe play for a 1st down. That comes down to personnel. Thats even easier to understand than the fact Pagano messed up with the clock management.

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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Caldwell doesn't understand clock management?


Did you watch what the Lions did the last 37 seconds?       Because if you did, you'd realize how silly your comment is.        The Lions and Caldwell handled the clock perfectly.



I assume you werent a Colts fan 6 years ago or so?


... and btw, since i assume you were, you should remember Caldwell blunders with managing the clock when he was in Indy.


The fact he didnt messed up today doesnt mean he's good at managing the clock.

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Just now, Camio said:


You're the one trying to come up with bizarre stuff to explain Pagano's mistake.


No way in hell did the Lions played or would've played the run against the Colts with the way the Colts chewed them passing the ball in this game.


The Colts dont even have a running gmae to begin with so why would any team playing the Colts play the run anyway?


This just in: Glenn and Edge are no longer Colts.


So you are saying if we would have ran the ball then they would not have been expecting it? Do you think we would have scored too soon had we run the ball too?


I am convinced that anything short of the Colts winning; some of you would just complain anyway. Hell some of you would have complained even if we would have won the game.


Number one rule when your behind is to score. If you can leave less time then you do. When you need a touchdown then all bets are off. You take the points and hope your defense holds. 


Our defense was not able to hold. Therefore, we lost the game. 

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15 minutes ago, azcolt said:

No wonder Pagano still has a job. No matter how dumb his decisions -- and I almost had a stroke when he called timeout with a minute left -- many of you continue to defend him. That would be ok except I think the owner agrees with you.

Its truly insane.  The Colts D could not stop anyone all game OBVIOUSLY, yet there are still people who defend a decision to call a time out with 1:15 left from the 12 yard line.


Sometimes you just have to shake your head.  I am SMH.

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