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Irsay Says Manning's Health Will Not Impact If They Take A Qb


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Just worth reminding people when Leaf came out he was thought to have a stronger arm than Manning was thought to be the better pure athlete than Manning. How did that work out? The only point I am trying to make is that you can't judge this based on physical talents alone.

I am NOT saying RGIII is going to be the next Ryan Leaf because I think Leaf had other issues that stopped him from living up to his hype that I don't think RGIII has and I think RGIII is going to be a very good QB in this league. I just happen to think Luck will be better.

Leaf had personal problems and that was evident with his drug problems, the only reason i like RGIII more than Luck and it sounds ridiculous is because he is younger and much quicker and also has a really nice touch on his deep balls... things are much different than it was during the time of leaf and manning.

I dont doubt Luck will have success or RGIII because Coaches this days in college cater to what teams are looking for in the League.

I personally think, if manning stays the colts are almost destined to take RGIII...

If peyton is cut then its a no brainer that they will take Luck for the simple fact that he is a ready now QB unless RGIII really amazes in the combine.

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Well, if Griffin can learn more, doesn't that mean that Luck can learn, too? Is Luck just going to stop and say "Done! I've learned enough of that stuff". Why do you people think Luck is already in a pro style system, calling his own plays? It's because he can do it. If he had a rocket arm, none of you would be saying a word. You don't like him simply because he likes to lay it in there as opposed to rifling it. Pro receivers always talk about a "catchable" ball and he will have the most catchable ball there is.

Wait what? what are you talking about learning? pro style offense as in calling his own plays, and doing audibles, under the center and that sort of stuff.... WR's also like people who can get the ball to them deep so it can go both ways as well.

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Wait what? what are you talking about learning? pro style offense as in calling his own plays, and doing audibles, under the center and that sort of stuff.... WR's also like people who can get the ball to them deep so it can go both ways as well.

Luck has no problem getting the ball deep.

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I'm sad that Irsay even mentioned Griffin as consideration for our #1 pick. That move would be the one of the worst personnel decisions our team would ever make. You knew in 1998 that Manning was incredible. He had a couple of skill sets that Leaf may have had superior ability on (arm strength). But deep down, it was 80/20 nationally on who was the best player. Its the same way with Luck and Griffin. Luck is as close to a sure thing as a franchise QB pick can be. Griffin is an exciting prospect that has a chance at being as good as Luck. Easy choice.

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Oh I don't know maybe because they are the only two Irsay mentions and maybe because they are the only two thought to be worthy of the top pick and Irsay has said they aren't going to trade the pick and just said in this interview they are going to take a QB...

Yeah I have no idea where people are getting the idea it's going to be Luck or Griffen from. We are going to shock everyone when we take the Moore kid from Bosie State number one overall!

He's too short. I know. Not a good argument. Look at Drew Brees. I still think the Colts are probably 95% sure they are taking Luck but will go through complete evaluations(as they should) on the top QB prospects.

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Leaf had personal problems and that was evident with his drug problems, the only reason i like RGIII more than Luck and it sounds ridiculous is because he is younger and much quicker and also has a really nice touch on his deep balls... things are much different than it was during the time of leaf and manning.

I dont doubt Luck will have success or RGIII because Coaches this days in college cater to what teams are looking for in the League.

I personally think, if manning stays the colts are almost destined to take RGIII...

If peyton is cut then its a no brainer that they will take Luck for the simple fact that he is a ready now QB unless RGIII really amazes in the combine.

Just simply no.

If Luck is the highest rated QB on their board, they will take him regardless of Manning being kept or not.

If RG3 is the highest rated QB on their board, they will take him regardless of Manning being kept or not.

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Luck has no problem getting the ball deep.

Stop watching highlights please, griffin has a better tendancy to his his receivers IN STRIDE which is what they mean when they say he has a better deep ball. If you go back and watch some games you will see the difference.

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Just simply no.

If Luck is the highest rated QB on their board, they will take him regardless of Manning being kept or not.

If RG3 is the highest rated QB on their board, they will take him regardless of Manning being kept or not.

Just simply no, what makes you think luck will want to come sit behind manning if he stays? regardless if Luck is number one in their minds.

Forget what luck said about it being good to sit behind manning, no QB wants that especially not the one of the most highly touted QB coming out of college in this decade

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Well, if Griffin can learn more, doesn't that mean that Luck can learn, too? Is Luck just going to stop and say "Done! I've learned enough of that stuff". Why do you people think Luck is already in a pro style system, calling his own plays? It's because he can do it. If he had a rocket arm, none of you would be saying a word. You don't like him simply because he likes to lay it in there as opposed to rifling it. Pro receivers always talk about a "catchable" ball and he will have the most catchable ball there is.

Actually Luck has a great arm.

Actually "posters not wanting him" has nothing to do with Luck and everything to do with the fear of losing Peyton Manning.

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Just simply no, what makes you think luck will want to come sit behind manning if he stays? regardless if Luck is number one in their minds.

Forget what luck said about it being good to sit behind manning, no QB wants that especially not the one of the most highly touted QB coming out of college in this decade

What makes you think that Luck's feelings affect whether or not the Colts will draft him? The only way we don't draft him, if he's the highest rated player on the Colts' board, is if he demands a trade. And honestly, I don't foresee that happening. It doesn't happen very often.

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What makes you think that Luck's feelings affect whether or not the Colts will draft him? The only way we don't draft him, if he's the highest rated player on the Colts' board, is if he demands a trade. And honestly, I don't foresee that happening. It doesn't happen very often.

Are you serious about your first question? if a college player says he doesnt want to come on your team why would you still draft him? obviously luck will not do that but he can demand for a trade... this is a really unique situation... TECHNICALLY the colts dont have a QB need because they still have peyton manning.. yes we dont know if he's fully healthy or not but thats what the off season is for....

Come march if manning is staying and the colts pay him that 35mil, the colts will not draft luck why?

Over 40% of salary cap funds would be put into just two QB's

Luck doesnt want and should not sit behind manning for 1yr

Griffin would be more of the choice for the simple fact that the colts could trade down or just draft Griffin over Luck (which would be a bad move if they got him 1st overall)

Granted all what i said there is all guessing but from my standpoint thats most likely whats gonna happen.... as glazed and happy fans are about having the #1 pick and with all these articles about peyton not coming back.... he's coming back, unless the colts havent told us something we dont know.

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Break it down for me?

This is actual cash spent


Manning 26.4 Million (20 million signing bonus, 3 million roster bonus 3.4 million base salary)

Collins 4 million

Painter 480k

Orlvosky 570k & change


Manning 35.4 million(28 option bonus, 7.4 million base)

Luck will get a 15 & change signing bonus and around a 400k base salary

QB 3 being paid a league minimum of 390k

2011 roughly 31.4

2012 roughly 51.6

2 year total roughly 83 million

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If it comes down to Luck and RG3(and it will) I honestly don't know how anybody could honestly believe they will take RG3 over Luck with the 1st overall pick. Its just not going to happen. Luck will be the pick. Irsay is giving due respect to RG3 but trust me, he has no plans what so ever of taking him unless between now and the draft, Luck blows out both knees and breaks his spine in half.

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Leaf had personal problems and that was evident with his drug problems, the only reason i like RGIII more than Luck and it sounds ridiculous is because he is younger and much quicker and also has a really nice touch on his deep balls... things are much different than it was during the time of leaf and manning.

I dont doubt Luck will have success or RGIII because Coaches this days in college cater to what teams are looking for in the League.

I personally think, if manning stays the colts are almost destined to take RGIII...

If peyton is cut then its a no brainer that they will take Luck for the simple fact that he is a ready now QB unless RGIII really amazes in the combine.

Hence what I said about other issues... Also why I think RGIII is going to be a good QB in this league because he doesn't have those issues.

Personally I think taking Luck if we keep Manning makes more sense just from the fact that people say Luck is the one guy to come along in a long time that can do the things Manning does on offense.

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Leaf had personal problems and that was evident with his drug problems, the only reason i like RGIII more than Luck and it sounds ridiculous is because he is younger and much quicker and also has a really nice touch on his deep balls... things are much different than it was during the time of leaf and manning.

I dont doubt Luck will have success or RGIII because Coaches this days in college cater to what teams are looking for in the League.

I personally think, if manning stays the colts are almost destined to take RGIII...

If peyton is cut then its a no brainer that they will take Luck for the simple fact that he is a ready now QB unless RGIII really amazes in the combine.

RG3 6 months younger than Luck, and Luck is much bigger, plays with far less skill position talent, and RUNS A 4.7 40. I don't get all this "take RG because he can run" ... darn watch a Stanford game and you will see a BIG QB that can really move.

Luck is simply the total package. There is no way in Wabash IN. that the Colts take RG3 over Luck. Manning on the roster or not.

RG3 also played in the worst defensive confl in the BCS. NOBODY played D in the league. RG3 has a lot of "ifs" surrounding him. I think Luck is simply a "given."

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Hence what I said about other issues... Also why I think RGIII is going to be a good QB in this league because he doesn't have those issues.

Personally I think taking Luck if we keep Manning makes more sense just from the fact that people say Luck is the one guy to come along in a long time that can do the things Manning does on offense.

And Luck can RUN. Imagine Manning with 4.7 speed. Wow....

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Stop watching highlights please, griffin has a better tendancy to his his receivers IN STRIDE which is what they mean when they say he has a better deep ball. If you go back and watch some games you will see the difference.

I've watched luck all 3 years he had played my dads a stanford guy so I've had to watch them all. I'm just showing you highlights to prove my point. Vick throws one of the sexiest deep balls I've seen but that doesn't mean he's a great qb and I should pick him over manning. Luck has more potential in my opinion.

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I've watched luck all 3 years he had played my dads a stanford guy so I've had to watch them all. I'm just showing you highlights to prove my point. Vick throws one of the sexiest deep balls I've seen but that doesn't mean he's a great qb and I should pick him over manning. Luck has more potential in my opinion.

Well everyone has their own opinions but Griffin unlike Vick is a pocket passer FIRST which is why i think he will be a standout QB in the NFL, if peyton is still a colts then chances are they get Griffin if he's not then they get Luck.

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Well everyone has their own opinions but Griffin unlike Vick is a pocket passer FIRST which is why i think he will be a standout QB in the NFL, if peyton is still a colts then chances are they get Griffin if he's not then they get Luck.

That's ur opinion I don't see griffin being a great qb in the nfl and I think the colts háve their mind made up on luck. Rg3 isn't a number 1 overall pick

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That's ur opinion I don't see griffin being a great qb in the nfl and I think the colts háve their mind made up on luck. Rg3 isn't a number 1 overall pick

I agree and I've said it before but there is no way the Colts take Griffen over Luck unless some kind of drastic injury happens to Luck between now and the draft. It gives the anti-Luckers something to talk about, but it simply is not going to happen. No way, no how. Irsay is giving Griffin respect thru the process but he has absolutely ZERO intention of taking him.

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That's ur opinion I don't see griffin being a great qb in the nfl and I think the colts háve their mind made up on luck. Rg3 isn't a number 1 overall pick

I think the reason most ppl doubt is partly because of who he is, i mean its true lets not kid ourselves most of the african american QB's have not been as successful as a tom brady or john elway in the League.. but with the coming of Cam Newton who was never considered a pure passer UNLIKE Griffin i have no doubt in my mind Griffin will be a Great QB.

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I agree and I've said it before but there is no way the Colts take Griffen over Luck unless some kind of drastic injury happens to Luck between now and the draft. It gives the anti-Luckers something to talk about, but it simply is not going to happen. No way, no how. Irsay is giving Griffin respect thru the process but he has absolutely ZERO intention of taking him.

You do not know that at all, there is no way Jim Irsay has made a decision he is a GM he knew what happened in 98 and he knows plenty other stories about being set on one person.. they will look at tape and look at the combine THEN make their decision... you saying that they have already made it when they have no HC no actual offense set in place for next season is a joke.

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