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Colts Possibly Interested In Chip Kelly (Merge)


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come up to the first pedestrian on the street and ask them if they know who Chip Kelly is. Good luck with that.

Now the same exact pedestrian will know who Bill Cowher, Gruden and Jeff Fisher are.

I'm not hating on Chip Kelly at all. I am just stating my opinion that we need a superstar coach. Whether u agree or not I dont care.

I would rather have a good coach that can coach a Superstar Team. :neener:

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I don't think it's relevant. The Ducks are a running team. Any quarterback with a reasonable degree of athleticism and accuracy could succeed in his system.

But more importantly, Chip Kelly's system won't work in the NFL.

Massoli and Darron Thomas were both QBs that can run and throw, more similarly to RGIII. I am aware that Luck can also run very well, but I see RGIII as a better fir for the Oregon offense. Anyways, I highly doubt that our next coach will be from the college ranks, much less somenone that runs a spread attack.
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we need somebody that if you come up to a pedestrian on a street they will know who that guy is.

Chip Kelly? no one knows who that is.

we need someone famous and someone that has fire and motivation.

Yeah, lets just bring in Charlie Sheen to coach. I bet he'll fire people up.

How can you say no one knows who Chip Kelly is? In three years at Oregon he's gone to two Rose Bowls and one Nat'l Championship game. You're saying we need guys who pedestrians will know. Would an average pedestrian know who Gary Brackett is? Robert Mathis? Jeff Saturday? If they don't follow football then no.

If you follow college football, you know who Chip Kelly is. If you don't follow college football, no one would expect you to know who Chip Kelly is.

You don't have to be a superstar coach to be successful. Everyone starts at the bottom of the coaching ladder at some point. I can't really think of anyone off the top of my head who, if you walked up to a pedestrian and asked them who they were at the beginning of their career, they would know. You don't have to have the social status of Tiger Woods to coach in the NFL.

*Cris Carter voice* C'mon man

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Massoli and Darron Thomas were both QBs that can run and throw, more similarly to RGIII. I am aware that Luck can also run very well, but I see RGIII as a better fir for the Oregon offense. Anyways, I highly doubt that our next coach will be from the college ranks, much less somenone that runs a spread attack.

The fact that he runs a spread attack is one thing. The fact that they run waaay more than they pass is another. Neither of them would translate well to the NFL.

Maybe the fact that RGIII is more athletic than Luck would make him better in Chip Kelly's offense, but really, either of them could run it. Luck is plenty athletic enough, he just doesn't run as much as others because he wants to be showcased as a pocket quarterback. When quarterbacks run a lot, they automatically get pegged as "running quarterbacks," rather than quarterbacks who can run. Hurts their draft status.

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we need somebody that if you come up to a pedestrian on a street they will know who that guy is.

Chip Kelly? no one knows who that is.

we need someone famous and someone that has fire and motivation.

So if we need someone everyone knows, Lets get Doug Flutie! He had his own cereal. That makes him famos right? Please forgive my sarcasm.buut thats like sayig lets get the kids that shot up Columbine high school to teach us anger management skills
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Chip Kelly is arguably the best college football coach and one of the most innovative minds in the sport of football, so it comes as no surprise that the Indianapolis Colts are interested in hiring the Oregon Ducks head coach. The Colts just fired Jim Caldwell after what seems like a delayed reaction from Jim Irsay, and the Colts list of candidates includes Kelly and a host of NFL coordinators.


Mr. Irsay hire this man!!

Edit: There isn't really any other source.

Edited by ManningToCollie
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No college coaches, at least not one that didnt play NFL ball for an extended amount of time. Sorry, I am not saying that college coaches arent good at what they do, but its really hard for them to coach in the NFL. A college coach is only as good has he is at recruiting. Chip is great at recruiting quick athletic college football players. But that doesnt translate into a good NFL coach. In college you just need to be an ok x and o guy with better players then the other team. That sounds logical, I know. But there is so much parody in the NFL, most teams are really equally matched. Sure, there are elite players. But each NFL team have the greatest players in the world on them. So, you have to know the NFL game. How to make in game decisions, how to come up with a new game plan every week against each team and not just know your going to win the next week because your so much better then them, how to evaluate great players from elite players, how to manage all the coaches, how to handle men that make more then you do, and not boys that are happy just to be the studs on campus.

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Chip Kelly is an innovative offensive mind. His innovation with the Oregon Ducks was the super-amped no-huddle offense, running about 70 offensive plays a game, thereby wearing down the opponent defense. They won 3 consecutive Pac-12 championships this way. His offense depends on very fast athletes, and he favors a spread run attack, allowing his stars to make plays in space.

Interesting fact 1: His Oregon Ducks (with LaMichael James) defeated the Stanford Cardinal (with Andrew Luck) 2 out of 3 last years.

Interesting fact 2: His Oregon Ducks are known for their interesting way they signal plays to the field from the sideline using large pictoral flashcards.

If the Colts hire Kelly, I think RG3 would be the better fit with his Oregon offense than Luck.

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If he wanted to try and run his spread offense in the NFL this could be the year to try it, with Robert Griffin out there and his QB and RB at Oregon, Darron Thomas and LaMichael James declaring for the draft he could certainly have the personnel in place year 1, I just don't know how it would work, it might work year 1 but by the second year I imagine the defenses would be able to make the adjustments.

He seems like he has a good football mind and he could make adjustments to his scheme, but overall I'm just not a fan of hiring college coaches as the past results seem like they're a toss up as to whether they're successful or not

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If he wanted to try and run his spread offense in the NFL this could be the year to try it, with Robert Griffin out there and his QB and RB at Oregon, Darron Thomas and LaMichael James declaring for the draft he could certainly have the personnel in place year 1, I just don't know how it would work, it might work year 1 but by the second year I imagine the defenses would be able to make the adjustments.

He seems like he has a good football mind and he could make adjustments to his scheme, but overall I'm just not a fan of hiring college coaches as the past results seem like they're a toss up as to whether they're successful or not

Yes, Darron Thomas QB and LaMichael James RB will be available in the draft this year. However, many think Darron will not be drafted (UDFA) and LaMichael is projected to go in the 2nd or 3rd round, probably the #5 RB after Trent Richardson, Lamar Miller, Chris Polk, and Ganaway. He is projected low because of his size 5'9", 185lbs.

Although they were successful in the Pac-12, I doubt they can have continued success in the NFL, facing NFL caliber defenses.

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we need somebody that if you come up to a pedestrian on a street they will know who that guy is.

Chip Kelly? no one knows who that is.

we need someone famous and someone that has fire and motivation.

You crack me up. You were on the board a few days ago railing about ridiculous some things posted on here can be and then you fire off this gem.

So the standard for the coach you want is his fame? OK - that's you. Me? I prefer someone who can coach - call me crazy.

And the notion that no one knows Chip Kelly is just flat wrong. You may not know the guy, but I am not sure that should be the standard of a guy's notoriety.

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Please, no college coaches, unless they are good fit for the direction you're wanting to take the team.

So what exactly are you saying? If they did hire a college coach, whoever it is, wouldn't that by definition be the direction they are wanting to take the team?

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If individual coach is a good match to work with GM and coaching style is good fit then it doesn't matter how much NFL experience the coach has. I'd just rather see a coach with NFL experience. But, It's not any of our decision.

How are things on the fence? A college coach would be bad unless of course he is good.

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With the exception of Harbaugh, history shows that most college coaches don't become good NFL coaches, I'm on the fence because I don't see that great of coach from either ranks, especially one that is really ahead of everyone else.

Dude, I am not really interested in the explanation. Your first post on this was funny because you essentially said a college coach would be bad unless of course he was good. What does that even mean?

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I mean by how he fits in to the direction the GM wants to go and compatibility. Right now with me just speculating, it seems like the next HC is going to come from the college ranks. I may not like it, but will live with it. Which college coach is the most ready to step up to the next level? I don't know, but if GM and Irsay thinks there is one, that's their decision. Good is one thing, ability to move up to next level and be successful is something else. Do you honestly think Kelly is ready?

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I mean by how he fits in to the direction the GM wants to go and compatibility. Right now with me just speculating, it seems like the next HC is going to come from the college ranks. I may not like it, but will live with it. Which college coach is the most ready to step up to the next level? I don't know, but if GM and Irsay thinks there is one, that's their decision. Good is one thing, ability to move up to next level and be successful is something else. Do you honestly think Kelly is ready?

Dude, I am not commenting one iota on Kelly or any other college coach so again, please stop with explanation. I don't care.

I am simply saying that you should be a politician because anyone who makes this statement - direct quote from you - Please, no college coaches, unless they are good fit for the direction you're wanting to take the team - is able talk around any subject without actually saying anything. The premise of that statement is hysterical. Do you think the Colts would hire any coach, college or otherwise, who they don't feel would be a good fit for the direction of the team?

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Of course I'm playing politican, some seem to be wanting someone out of the college ranks, some seem to be wanting former NFL head coaches and some want a OC or DC from another team. Of course management is going to pick who they think is best. Right now everyone is guessing, including the media. Right now, with a coach supposed to be named this week, Kelly seems to be highly unlikely, Zimmer is very possible and Tressel is possible as well. I live in TN, I don't hear all the information you do. I'm going on what I do hear and I don't want to tick off you people from Indiana. If I'm being political I have my reasons. If you want, I could play devils advocate but I really hate typing.

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AdamSchefter Adam Schefter

Chip Kelly has decided not to take Buccaneers offer. "Its a no-go," said a source close to Kelly. "His heart is still with Oregon."

So he hasn't took the job offerd by Tampa Bay...and this tweet suggests he won't take Colts' offer neither... I it is true.

These tweets are killing me...however Adam S. has sources.

Anyway, I don't know if a college coach would perform well in NFL or would be a disaster...

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