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Al Jazeera sued over HGH report


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Ryan Zimmerman and Ryan Howard are suing the news network over the Dec 27  HGH report about 'doping'

Its a tough suit because I believe you have to prove that the network intended to hurt the reputation of the players..

But the cases reportedly have been filed...which indicates that the attorneys believe there is some merit...


,.....or that they can get a retraction or apology


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19 minutes ago, Bogie said:


They're covered, they got nothing to lose on the line. 



These guys better be squeaky clean if they're suing, cause once an investigation launches, and if they hold out on releasing information, it's only going to make them look worse. 

an that's why I'm guessing Peyton wont be suing anybody.

Because this stuff was probably sent to his wife and he doesnt want to get into her business.

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Once they messed with Peyton they screwed up. Should've never brought his name up unless you have 100% concrete proof Peyton took anything.

Did you see how AJ-A is citing a second source?  It's not just that Sly guy. 

The New York Times and Daily News are both digging.  It'll be interesting.


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This is going to get messy. I had a feeling the MLB guys would go this extent. Al-J said the report itself was just the tip of an iceberg. They have a ton of information waiting. It was an 8 month investigation. If Peyton does not do the same in the off-season, it will beg the question why.

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6 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

Ryan Zimmerman and Ryan Howard are suing the news network over the Dec 27  HGH report about 'doping'

Its a tough suit because I believe you have to prove that the network intended to hurt the reputation of the players..

But the cases reportedly have been filed...which indicates that the attorneys believe there is some merit...


,.....or that they can get a retraction or apology


The standard is ridiculously high for public people. They have to show actual malice and intention to hurt their reps. The last one to go down this road was Clemens and it was not pretty.

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I thought we weren't permitted to discuss this. :scratch:  


But here we go again with people desperate to make something out of this.


I, for one, am glad the lawsuits have been filed.  I fully expect this to be the beginning of the end of all the nonsense AJ started.  When these MLB players  win their cases the rest of this story goes in the garbage dump where it belongs.

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MLB players are SO lucky with their massive guaranteed contracts in a sport where injuries aren't as severe and you can take days off if your pinky toe hurts. Now they may get more money, amazing. If I didn't want to put a hockey stick in my future kid's hand I'd put a baseball in it.

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2 hours ago, ViriLudant said:

Lance Armstrong had his drugs mailed to his wife.

Just saying.


So did a lot of big name athletes like Clemens.  All of them came out with adamant denials, saying how they were disgusted with the report and all of them had their PEDs shipped to their wives and tried to hide behind HIPPA privacy to avoid being caught 


There has been a 2nd source confirming this now and it's still being talked about.  As far as circumstantial evidence is concerned, it's pretty shady that Manning had like 4 neck surgeries that could have been career ending, the injury was so significant that the Colts cut him from the team.


At the same time Manning is recovering from a horrific, potentially career ending neck injury, his wife starts to visit this sports place in Indy and starts having HGH illegally prescribed and shipped to her in Florida?  While Manning is going literally around the world seeking treatments that were illegal or unavailable in the US.


Then Manning makes a miraculous recovery and goes on to break the single season TD record again?


Sorry, but this story seems very fishy to me, and then fact that the guy was on tape admitting to all of this in what he thought was a private, discrete meeting is evidence as well.  Him retracting his story later proves that he was lying either before or after the story came out...  and considering Manning and his team immediately went and got a former Whitehouse PR pro, and his team of lawyers probably threatened this guy and made him poop hid pants..  its reasonable to assume he was telling the truth on camera where he had no reasons to lie, especially about how specific he was on several athletes in the NFL and MLB being involved and was then intimidated and retracted his story out of fear 


I keep telling myself there is no way he would use PEDS, but the more I think about the facts surrounding this and how they never denied his wife receiving this stuffm..  I dunno.... This whole thing puts an ominous cloud over Manning's 2012 record breaking campaign in my opinion 

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10 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

Ryan Zimmerman and Ryan Howard are suing the news network over the Dec 27  HGH report about 'doping'

Its a tough suit because I believe you have to prove that the network intended to hurt the reputation of the players..

But the cases reportedly have been filed...which indicates that the attorneys believe there is some merit...


,.....or that they can get a retraction or apology



From my understanding, you just have to prove damage was done.  At least I've seen suits go through on that basis. Especially if the reporter was negligent with their sources. 

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

I thought we weren't permitted to discuss this. :scratch:  


But here we go again with people desperate to make something out of this.


I, for one, am glad the lawsuits have been filed.  I fully expect this to be the beginning of the end of all the nonsense AJ started.  When these MLB players  win their cases the rest of this story goes in the garbage dump where it belongs.


Not sure why you're trying so hard to police this topic.  This is a BIG deal that has multiple sources now, which is a new development.


If true, this would be a huge scandal similar to the one that rocked major league baseball and saw huge name athletes going to federal court.  This involves high profile athletes across multiple sports, including Manning.  We all know where you stand with Manning, similar to amfootball with her unbreakable love for Brady, you have the same feelings towards Manning which is why I think you want this story to disappear and have the mods forbid people from talking about it


This is absolutely an acceptable NFL General thread.  It's not dead,  they have said they have a 2nd credible source and that the information revealed so far is just the "tip of the iceberg".


Considering you have someone who worked at these clinics secretly on video, naming athletes that were using HGH, and have Manning's name as one of those with a timeline that matches up exactly to when he was recovering from a potentially career ending neck injury, and the fact that his wife was receiving these shipments (they have not denied this) is plenty of evidence to take this seriously and ask some tough questions.


Also not sure if true or not, but Ive read that she had an illegal prescription and was having them illegally shipped to their house in Florida


I mean common, really?  To suggest that this is just some bogus story with no legs is the definition of sticking your head in the sand.  Another popular athlete was crucified on this board with a lot less circumstantial evidence than this for something that wasn't even as serious

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5 minutes ago, Narcosys said:


From my understanding, you just have to prove damage was done.  At least I've seen suits go through on that basis. Especially if the reporter was negligent with their sources. 

From Michael McCann on a defamation suit: A public figure must prove actual malice: not only must he show the accusations are untrue but he must also show that Sly and Al Jazeera knew the accusations were untrue.


The bar is incredibly high which is why most public figures never do it AND there is added risk because their entire lives are opened up.


The NY Times just wrote a piece yesterday about how the names in the report are clients of Jason Riley, a fitness trainer based in Sarasota, Fla. They found that Sly is a business partner of Riley’s. When Sly applied for a pharmacist’s license in Florida, he used Riley’s home address. Riley and Sly founded Elementz Nutrition, a nutritional supplement company whose website and Facebook page feature many of the athletes Sly mentioned on camera. The company was recently shut down. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/06/sports/baseball/al-jazeera-peyton-manning-derek-jeter-charles-sly.html?smid=tw-share&_r=2


There are a lot of legs to this story that are about to get dug up even more with this suit. Al-J did its homework on this. That much is clear.

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51 minutes ago, bababooey said:

MLB players are SO lucky with their massive guaranteed contracts in a sport where injuries aren't as severe and you can take days off if your pinky toe hurts. Now they may get more money, amazing. If I didn't want to put a hockey stick in my future kid's hand I'd put a baseball in it.

True but MLB players are not protected by their media they way the NFL does. This is why this lawsuit has come as they try to clear their names. The Times is on this.

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27 minutes ago, amfootball said:

True but MLB players are not protected by their media they way the NFL does. This is why this lawsuit has come as they try to clear their names. The Times is on this.

I'll take money over media protection. Especially if one of them does something real bad it's not as big as if it were an NFL player doing it - PED wise or other illegal activities wise.

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1 hour ago, amfootball said:

From Michael McCann on a defamation suit: A public figure must prove actual malice: not only must he show the accusations are untrue but he must also show that Sly and Al Jazeera knew the accusations were untrue.


The bar is incredibly high which is why most public figures never do it AND there is added risk because their entire lives are opened up.


The NY Times just wrote a piece yesterday about how the names in the report are clients of Jason Riley, a fitness trainer based in Sarasota, Fla. They found that Sly is a business partner of Riley’s. When Sly applied for a pharmacist’s license in Florida, he used Riley’s home address. Riley and Sly founded Elementz Nutrition, a nutritional supplement company whose website and Facebook page feature many of the athletes Sly mentioned on camera. The company was recently shut down. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/06/sports/baseball/al-jazeera-peyton-manning-derek-jeter-charles-sly.html?smid=tw-share&_r=2


There are a lot of legs to this story that are about to get dug up even more with this suit. Al-J did its homework on this. That much is clear.


I am just saying that lawsuits like these have gone through with lesser prove of intentional malice.  The nutritional company has nothing to do with the facility that provided the hgh.  Only that sly worked at both places.  Sly is the only person of substance in this story.  It doesn't matter if he co-owned another company that helped in the nutritional needs of athletes.  I am just not seeing how elementz is of any connection and why it seems so important to these people writing about it.  Same with the Tom brady and his associate that owns a fitness place the patriots pay for.  I said then that the patriots can do what they want, it doesn't condemn them because brady is associated with a partner with shady history.  


I am reading this story over and over and all it is saying is that Sly was a partner with Riley, who co-founded elementz nutrition together.  Riley is a famous trainer that helped reshape Derek jeter, but then goes on to say that Jeter was never named as a doper.  So why in the heck mention him, or even Riley when Riley has no connection to doping. They try to ask their investor and Jeters agent about something, but to what extent?  it makes no sense to question them about something they have nothing to do with.  Why is Riley somehow now at the middle of all this?  After all that hub-bub about Riley, they go back to sly, without making any connection between Riley, his training facility, and even Elementz nutrition, to doping.  Sly names people that doped are some of the people that subscribed to elementz nutrition, ok and?  There were some he named that did not. Because of some of the athletes shopped at elementz, they act as if this is some sort of bombshell that opens the case up.  But it doesn't.   If some of the people that doped also all shopped at GNC, is GNC now connected and under implication of doping?  It doesn't matter. 


The Elementz story is a weak link at best that proves nothing at all.  Other than the people that Sly mentioned are people that were customers of Elementz.  There are conflicting stories that Sly even worked at the facility when manning was injured, the only person confirming that Sly worked there WAS THE REPORTER HERSELF!!  She claims she called (and came out with this AFTER the report was denied mind you) and confirmed a start date of Oct 17th, 2011.  Well she has no bias in this does she? She wouldn't make that up could she?  its not like her livelihood is now on the line.  It will be pretty easy to find out if Sly was a college student at the time getting his pharmacist degree or not.  Where is her recorded phone message with the Guyer employee?  Nowhere.   Furthermore, the second "impeccable" source is anonymous, and until that person is no longer anonymous, nothing can be done.  Reporters aren't supposed to report stuff typically until they have at least two sources that they can NAME.  She named only Sly, who has recanted everything.  Yes his story is full of details and fanciful and beyond making up.  But he already knows a lot about doping, its not hard to take your knowledge, and mix it in with some other stuff to try and amaze a possible customer.  There are plenty of slick speaking people out there who lie to get business all the time.  So no, I don't put it past him to be able to make this stuff up with at least some basis of knowledge on the inner workings or nutrition and doping. 


Sly's own explanation for the story:  "He said (Sly) he was trying to use different names to test this guy's knowledge, Liam Collins knowledge, on players. and he tried to change up each story with each guy just to see if this guy would try to gather any more information".


elementz nutrition was founded August 1st, 2011.  I find it unlikely that the people accused in HGH would all of a sudden go to a newly founded company with no reputation, to get their illegal drugs, and that a newly founded company would risk their existence on providing illegal drugs.


Furthermore Al Jazeera came out and discredited at least part of the report


"Al Jazeera tried sneaking out a correction which acknowledges major errors in their story about our clients Ryan Zimmerman and Ryan Howard. The original defamatory "report" connected our clients to the use of HGH, but Al Jazeera has now admitted this defamatory accusation was wholly false and unsubstantiated."



Elementz probably had to shut down, now that they had one of their co-owners come out and accuse some of their customers of doping.  I am pretty sure they lost a lot of business and credibility.


It is possible manning could have, but calling his injury 'horrific" and saying it was a "miraculous" recovery, is a bit ridiculous considering he had a year+ to recover and focus solely on recovery and going to some of the top medical people in the world.  It was a neck fusion and a pinched nerve, hardly horrific and miraculous to recover from. 







Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill with his injury.

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1 hour ago, HiltonTD said:


Not sure why you're trying so hard to police this topic.  This is a BIG deal that has multiple sources now, which is a new development.


If true, this would be a huge scandal similar to the one that rocked major league baseball and saw huge name athletes going to federal court.  This involves high profile athletes across multiple sports, including Manning.  We all know where you stand with Manning, similar to amfootball with her unbreakable love for Brady, you have the same feelings towards Manning which is why I think you want this story to disappear and have the mods forbid people from talking about it


This is absolutely an acceptable NFL General thread.  It's not dead,  they have said they have a 2nd credible source and that the information revealed so far is just the "tip of the iceberg".


Considering you have someone who worked at these clinics secretly on video, naming athletes that were using HGH, and have Manning's name as one of those with a timeline that matches up exactly to when he was recovering from a potentially career ending neck injury, and the fact that his wife was receiving these shipments (they have not denied this) is plenty of evidence to take this seriously and ask some tough questions.


Also not sure if true or not, but Ive read that she had an illegal prescription and was having them illegally shipped to their house in Florida


I mean common, really?  To suggest that this is just some bogus story with no legs is the definition of sticking your head in the sand.  Another popular athlete was crucified on this board with a lot less circumstantial evidence than this for something that wasn't even as serious

Obvious pats trolls is obvious.    

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2 hours ago, HiltonTD said:


So did a lot of big name athletes like Clemens.  All of them came out with adamant denials, saying how they were disgusted with the report and all of them had their PEDs shipped to their wives and tried to hide behind HIPPA privacy to avoid being caught 


There has been a 2nd source confirming this now and it's still being talked about.  As far as circumstantial evidence is concerned, it's pretty shady that Manning had like 4 neck surgeries that could have been career ending, the injury was so significant that the Colts cut him from the team.


At the same time Manning is recovering from a horrific, potentially career ending neck injury, his wife starts to visit this sports place in Indy and starts having HGH illegally prescribed and shipped to her in Florida?  While Manning is going literally around the world seeking treatments that were illegal or unavailable in the US.


Then Manning makes a miraculous recovery and goes on to break the single season TD record again?


Sorry, but this story seems very fishy to me, and then fact that the guy was on tape admitting to all of this in what he thought was a private, discrete meeting is evidence as well.  Him retracting his story later proves that he was lying either before or after the story came out...  and considering Manning and his team immediately went and got a former Whitehouse PR pro, and his team of lawyers probably threatened this guy and made him poop hid pants..  its reasonable to assume he was telling the truth on camera where he had no reasons to lie, especially about how specific he was on several athletes in the NFL and MLB being involved and was then intimidated and retracted his story out of fear 


I keep telling myself there is no way he would use PEDS, but the more I think about the facts surrounding this and how they never denied his wife receiving this stuffm..  I dunno.... This whole thing puts an ominous cloud over Manning's 2012 record breaking campaign in my opinion 

Why are you using a Colts fan username?


When we closed the HGH topic we did so because there were no new stories and pat fans had had their opportunity to express how hopeful they were that the story about manning was true.


This is new news so it's fine.  However, if it starts to go in circles again with pat fans being gleeful at the prospect of potential scandal involving peyton manning then we'll have to reevaluate.


Sorry but this is a common theme with some pat fans here.  They cannot stand manning and seem to enjoy topics like this on our boards, where there are a lot of manning fans.......rather than on pat fan boards


mystery of the universe


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2 hours ago, HiltonTD said:


So did a lot of big name athletes like Clemens.  All of them came out with adamant denials, saying how they were disgusted with the report and all of them had their PEDs shipped to their wives and tried to hide behind HIPPA privacy to avoid being caught 


There has been a 2nd source confirming this now and it's still being talked about.  As far as circumstantial evidence is concerned, it's pretty shady that Manning had like 4 neck surgeries that could have been career ending, the injury was so significant that the Colts cut him from the team.


At the same time Manning is recovering from a horrific, potentially career ending neck injury, his wife starts to visit this sports place in Indy and starts having HGH illegally prescribed and shipped to her in Florida?  While Manning is going literally around the world seeking treatments that were illegal or unavailable in the US.


Then Manning makes a miraculous recovery and goes on to break the single season TD record again?


Sorry, but this story seems very fishy to me, and then fact that the guy was on tape admitting to all of this in what he thought was a private, discrete meeting is evidence as well.  Him retracting his story later proves that he was lying either before or after the story came out...  and considering Manning and his team immediately went and got a former Whitehouse PR pro, and his team of lawyers probably threatened this guy and made him poop hid pants..  its reasonable to assume he was telling the truth on camera where he had no reasons to lie, especially about how specific he was on several athletes in the NFL and MLB being involved and was then intimidated and retracted his story out of fear 


I keep telling myself there is no way he would use PEDS, but the more I think about the facts surrounding this and how they never denied his wife receiving this stuffm..  I dunno.... This whole thing puts an ominous cloud over Manning's 2012 record breaking campaign in my opinion 



Peyton's denials are just like Roger Clemens.  Exactly the same.  

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11 hours ago, Bogie said:


They're covered, they got nothing to lose on the line. 



These guys better be squeaky clean if they're suing, cause once an investigation launches, and if they hold out on releasing information, it's only going to make them look worse. 

It worked for Tom Brady...

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44 minutes ago, Nadine said:

Why are you using a Colts fan username?


When we closed the HGH topic we did so because there were no new stories and pat fans had had their opportunity to express how hopeful they were that the story about manning was true.


This is new news so it's fine.  However, if it starts to go in circles again with pat fans being gleeful at the prospect of potential scandal involving peyton manning then we'll have to reevaluate.


Sorry but this is a common theme with some pat fans here.  They cannot stand manning and seem to enjoy topics like this on our boards, where there are a lot of manning fans.......rather than on pat fan boards


mystery of the universe


Suddenly you are my favorite.

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12 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

an that's why I'm guessing Peyton wont be suing anybody.

Because this stuff was probably sent to his wife and he doesnt want to get into her business.


Why would his wife be so stupid to get stuff mailed to her when it may be interpret that the hgh was for her qb husband?

And of course its private and they don't want to discuss her business....... its easy for someone to think that sounds fishy.

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17 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher said:


Why would his wife be so stupid to get stuff mailed to her when it may be interpret that the hgh was for her qb husband?

And of course its private and they don't want to discuss her business....... its easy for someone to think that sounds fishy.

     Because if she really was taking it, then what concern does she have that her husband could be implicated.  But I simply wont dive into the argument that "if you have nothing to hide."  That is the most ridiculous argument to be had against ones privacy.  Regardless if someone has nothing to hide, it is not anyone's right to go snooping around.  Plus that argument can be shot down EASILY by asking just a few simple questions to the person presenting the argument. 

     It mistakenly suggests that the right to privacy is only something criminals desire. It also goes against innocent until proven guilty, by immediately assuming you are guilty until you prove your innocence.

     Its like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. 

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1 hour ago, LJpalmbeacher said:


Why would his wife be so stupid to get stuff mailed to her when it may be interpret that the hgh was for her qb husband?

And of course its private and they don't want to discuss her business....... its easy for someone to think that sounds fishy.

Seems to be the pattern for athletes to use their wife for their drugs. Clemens and Armstrong all had stuff sent to their wives.


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6 hours ago, HiltonTD said:


So did a lot of big name athletes like Clemens.  All of them came out with adamant denials, saying how they were disgusted with the report and all of them had their PEDs shipped to their wives and tried to hide behind HIPPA privacy to avoid being caught 


There has been a 2nd source confirming this now and it's still being talked about.  As far as circumstantial evidence is concerned, it's pretty shady that Manning had like 4 neck surgeries that could have been career ending, the injury was so significant that the Colts cut him from the team.


At the same time Manning is recovering from a horrific, potentially career ending neck injury, his wife starts to visit this sports place in Indy and starts having HGH illegally prescribed and shipped to her in Florida?  While Manning is going literally around the world seeking treatments that were illegal or unavailable in the US.


Then Manning makes a miraculous recovery and goes on to break the single season TD record again?


Sorry, but this story seems very fishy to me, and then fact that the guy was on tape admitting to all of this in what he thought was a private, discrete meeting is evidence as well.  Him retracting his story later proves that he was lying either before or after the story came out...  and considering Manning and his team immediately went and got a former Whitehouse PR pro, and his team of lawyers probably threatened this guy and made him poop hid pants..  its reasonable to assume he was telling the truth on camera where he had no reasons to lie, especially about how specific he was on several athletes in the NFL and MLB being involved and was then intimidated and retracted his story out of fear 


I keep telling myself there is no way he would use PEDS, but the more I think about the facts surrounding this and how they never denied his wife receiving this stuffm..  I dunno.... This whole thing puts an ominous cloud over Manning's 2012 record breaking campaign in my opinion 

44 measly posts and you know all of the members.  I think you should change your name to something that represents the Pats or whatever team you follow. we don't care,  Diatribe...


We need to keep an eye on trolls that come back after being banned. 

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7 hours ago, HiltonTD said:


So did a lot of big name athletes like Clemens.  All of them came out with adamant denials, saying how they were disgusted with the report and all of them had their PEDs shipped to their wives and tried to hide behind HIPPA privacy to avoid being caught 


There has been a 2nd source confirming this now and it's still being talked about.  As far as circumstantial evidence is concerned, it's pretty shady that Manning had like 4 neck surgeries that could have been career ending, the injury was so significant that the Colts cut him from the team.


At the same time Manning is recovering from a horrific, potentially career ending neck injury, his wife starts to visit this sports place in Indy and starts having HGH illegally prescribed and shipped to her in Florida?  While Manning is going literally around the world seeking treatments that were illegal or unavailable in the US.


Then Manning makes a miraculous recovery and goes on to break the single season TD record again?


Sorry, but this story seems very fishy to me, and then fact that the guy was on tape admitting to all of this in what he thought was a private, discrete meeting is evidence as well.  Him retracting his story later proves that he was lying either before or after the story came out...  and considering Manning and his team immediately went and got a former Whitehouse PR pro, and his team of lawyers probably threatened this guy and made him poop hid pants..  its reasonable to assume he was telling the truth on camera where he had no reasons to lie, especially about how specific he was on several athletes in the NFL and MLB being involved and was then intimidated and retracted his story out of fear 


I keep telling myself there is no way he would use PEDS, but the more I think about the facts surrounding this and how they never denied his wife receiving this stuffm..  I dunno.... This whole thing puts an ominous cloud over Manning's 2012 record breaking campaign in my opinion 



And to the people who "Liked" this...hahahahahaha

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2 hours ago, amfootball said:

Seems to be the pattern for athletes to use their wife for their drugs. Clemens and Armstrong all had stuff sent to their wives.



Always nice to throw the women under the bus. Even my mom commented on that a week ago to me. "Why do these men not want to stick up for their wives and the mother of their children more?".

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I'll take Peyton Manning's word. Never, ever, have known him to lie or fabricate anything. The man tells it like it is. Until I see 100% unequivocal proof of wrongdoing, I take him at his word. The fact that Al-Jazeera has recanted parts of their story regarding Peyton tells me something is array.


Fishing without a pole means noodling. Fishing without fish is just plain ridiculous.

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7 hours ago, HiltonTD said:


Not sure why you're trying so hard to police this topic.  This is a BIG deal that has multiple sources now, which is a new development.


If true, this would be a huge scandal similar to the one that rocked major league baseball and saw huge name athletes going to federal court.  This involves high profile athletes across multiple sports, including Manning.  We all know where you stand with Manning, similar to amfootball with her unbreakable love for Brady, you have the same feelings towards Manning which is why I think you want this story to disappear and have the mods forbid people from talking about it


This is absolutely an acceptable NFL General thread.  It's not dead,  they have said they have a 2nd credible source and that the information revealed so far is just the "tip of the iceberg".


Considering you have someone who worked at these clinics secretly on video, naming athletes that were using HGH, and have Manning's name as one of those with a timeline that matches up exactly to when he was recovering from a potentially career ending neck injury, and the fact that his wife was receiving these shipments (they have not denied this) is plenty of evidence to take this seriously and ask some tough questions.


Also not sure if true or not, but Ive read that she had an illegal prescription and was having them illegally shipped to their house in Florida


I mean common, really?  To suggest that this is just some bogus story with no legs is the definition of sticking your head in the sand.  Another popular athlete was crucified on this board with a lot less circumstantial evidence than this for something that wasn't even as serious

Although you don't appear to understand Mrs. Misunderstood...many of us do. So back it up and chill!

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28 minutes ago, DougDew said:

And Tom Brady's life is just like a fraud's....


Say what you want about Tom Brady, most of us have. But, at least he never let a woman in his life take the blame for anything or get involved in his scandals.

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16 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

an that's why I'm guessing Peyton wont be suing anybody.

Because this stuff was probably sent to his wife and he doesnt want to get into her business.

PM should sue no matter what.  If he is innocent, he needs to prove it in the court of public opinion AND the court of law.  He doesn't need to in my eyes, because I know he is innocent, but some buffoons out there want to nail him to the wall.

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6 minutes ago, Jules said:


Say what you want about Tom Brady, most of us have. But, at least he never let a woman in his life take the blame for anything or get involved in his scandals.

You're right he should just leave his wife for a supermodel instead.

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    • I agree with you.  Now is not the time for doing anything that could potentially cause injury.
    • I'm gonna defend @CR91 on this one.   The Colts offensive line has the potential to be a top-5 line.  If everyone plays to their potential.  Their tippy-top. However... Ryan Kelly has already seen his best years.  He's still a stout, capable center.  But let's not fool ourselves.  His trajectory is down, not up.  Nothing wrong with it.  It's just the natural curve of a player who has been in the league this long. Nelson isn't quite the world beater that he started out as.  Yes, he could regain that level of play.  And I hope he does!  But until he does, his level is good-but-not-great.  If we're being honest. Raimann made great strides.  And there's still room for him to improve!  However, my assessment is his ceiling is Anthony Costanzo:  Solid and reliable, without ever making a pro bowl. Will Fries has yet to prove to me that he is truly starter material.  He's the best of what we have at RG, for the moment.  And we just drafted a couple of guys who could challenge him for a starting role -- this year. I love Smith.  He's done everything we asked him to do.  Except stay healthy.   If everything works out, and the line plays to their top potential, they'll be a top OL in the league.  But if we're talking about predictions rather than potential, I see them at the upper end of middle.  Nothing to be unhappy about!  Especially after the debacle '22 season.  But I'm ok with predicting them to be "average".
    • They are trash compared to their peers at the NFL level that are also starters at their position. I thought this was obvious. Not sure why you are comparing them to me. Just like I mention with Ballard, they are not competing against me or any "fan", they are compared to other starting TEs at the NFL level. Most of which are better than them. I don't sugercoat things. Any of our TE's would be considered a bottom 5 TE starter in the NFL. That's just a fact. Every team is weak at certain positions. One of our weaknesses is TE, and yes, they are trash relative to the other starting TEs in the NFL.
    • imo your post was very realistic and some posters on here just like to call other posters names and make snide remarks to whatever you say, this makes them feel important, I dont respond to their name calling and snide remarks and feed their self importance
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