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Reality Check – Through Six Weeks, The Patriots Are The Better Team


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I understand the concept. Do yourself a favor and don't take road teams at -10 in the NFL.

Lesson learned, I just started the weekend before and this wasn't just any road team. Sorry I disappointed you by betting against us but I literally cannot just sit there watching and have the same thing happen against us. I have a problem I've been addressing.

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Reality check, no individual play hurt us.  What has me wondering is first why did we switch from Man in the first to Zone in the 3rd quarter and most of the 4th.  Second, why did we get away from the Offense that got us 3 TDs in the 1st half to throwing deep in the second half.


IMO, the DC made the change hoping to confuse Brady or he had a brain cramp.


As for as the Offense, I don't know who is at fault as I am not on the field.


IMO, if we would have stayed with the game plan as in the 1st half, we would have won.

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I watched alot of the Cards-steeler game yesterday, steelers are awful, and that's not just my opinion here in western Pa. it is also the opinion of alot of steeler fans. The Colts played the vaunted Patriots even in a game media jacks were screaming the Colts would get anilated, and now people on this forum still ridicule and abuse the Colts. What a joke! A couple bad decisions,yes, some bad dropped passes, yes, 3 bad lapses on defense and the Colts still only lost by 7,give me a break.(notice I didn't even mention the laughable officiating)

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Lesson learned, I just started the weekend before and this wasn't just any road team. Sorry I disappointed you by betting against us but I literally cannot just sit there watching and have the same thing happen against us. I have a problem I've been addressing.


If you really think you have a problem, betting on sports isn't going to make it better. 


You didn't disappoint me. I don't care what you do, and I don't have any particular expectations of you. But it's ironic that a person who is a Colts fan would expect the Colts to lose by at least 10 points to the extent that they put money on the game, and then get upset when the Colts play better than anyone expected them to. Feel free to exercise your fandom however you wish, but it's definitely a head scratcher. 

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If you really think you have a problem, betting on sports isn't going to make it better. 


You didn't disappoint me. I don't care what you do, and I don't have any particular expectations of you. But it's ironic that a person who is a Colts fan would expect the Colts to lose by at least 10 points to the extent that they put money on the game, and then get upset when the Colts play better than anyone expected them to. Feel free to exercise your fandom however you wish, but it's definitely a head scratcher. 





You said that far better and more eloquently than I did.    


Much appreciated.

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A week ago, you were criticizing the Bengals for not firing Marvin Lewis...

Wow. That is a huge mischaracterization by you. I never called for Lewis to be fired in that thread. It was a discussion about Dungy's comments regarding his time in Tampa comparing to Pagano in Indy and I had used Cincy as an example of a org that has the second longest tenured HC despite no playoffs for years and then no playoff wins the last 4 trips in. My point was not about Lewis being fired or not but about how organizations rate success differently.

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I don't believe in basing any season on past performance. I think last night game's showed how silly is to do that. Right now Cincy is the most balanced, most loaded team and Dalton has playing fantastic especially vs Seattle when he led the come back late. Of course he has something to prove in Jan but that does not mean he won't.


I disagree. The NFL is about what you do in the playoffs. Cincy hasn't done jack in the playoffs, and Dalton has been incredibly underwhelming in postseason play. Cincy has also had hot starts in the regular season the last couple of years. No reason right now to believe it will be different come this January.

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I disagree. The NFL is about what you do in the playoffs. Cincy hasn't done jack in the playoffs, and Dalton has been incredibly underwhelming in postseason play. Cincy has also had hot starts in the regular season the last couple of years. No reason right now to believe it will be different come this January.


Actually there is good reason to believe that. It is quite possible that Cincinnati could represent the AFC in the Super Bowl.


I believe one could argue that Cincinnati is the best team in the NFL right now.  

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If you really think you have a problem, betting on sports isn't going to make it better. 


You didn't disappoint me. I don't care what you do, and I don't have any particular expectations of you. But it's ironic that a person who is a Colts fan would expect the Colts to lose by at least 10 points to the extent that they put money on the game, and then get upset when the Colts play better than anyone expected them to. Feel free to exercise your fandom however you wish, but it's definitely a head scratcher. 

To his defense my Colts fandom doesn't come anywhere close to a factor in me making money (my job). Now the fact he is trying to make money by gambling doesn't seem too wise but if I was a betting man I would have no problem at all betting against my team (especially since theoretically I should be the most well informed about the team I follow the closest)....and of course I would choose money over the Colts any day of the week...well lets say a decent amount of money lol. I don't know the subtext to this whole convo but its rather common for people that bet to bet against their favorite teams from what I hear...and well losing money would never make me happy. I don't bet so I don't know how I would feel but I would be sick to have to root against my Colts.  I guess what I'm saying is nothing about betting is rational in my opinion so expecting a person that bets to be worried about anything other than winning seems wierd. Fan of the losing team or not....I don't think that rational factors in.

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To his defense my Colts fandom doesn't come anywhere close to a factor in me making money (my job). Now the fact he is trying to make money by gambling doesn't seem too wise but if I was a betting man I would have no problem at all betting against my team (especially since theoretically I should be the most well informed about the team I follow the closest)....and of course I would choose money over the Colts any day of the week...well lets say a decent amount of money lol. I don't know the subtext to this whole convo but its rather common for people that bet to bet against their favorite teams from what I hear...and well losing money would never make me happy. I don't bet so I don't know how I would feel but I would be sick to have to root against my Colts.  I guess what I'm saying is nothing about betting is rational in my opinion so expecting a person that bets to be worried about anything other than winning seems wierd. Fan of the losing team or not....I don't think that rational factors in.


I get the rational thinking behind betting against your team. If your team wins, you're okay with losing some money. If they lose, at least you won some money. I'm fine with that. His problem is that he bet the spread, not straight up, and the Pats didn't cover, so he loses coming and going. I get why he's upset.


What's hard to grasp is that he fully expected the Pats to blow the Colts out, but can't take even a little bit of solace in the fact that the Colts had a very good shot at winning the game. He seems more upset about the backdoor cover than he is about the loss. Not judging, it's just confusing. There's no consoling him.

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Wow. That is a huge mischaracterization by you. I never called for Lewis to be fired in that thread. It was a discussion about Dungy's comments regarding his time in Tampa comparing to Pagano in Indy and I had used Cincy as an example of a org that has the second longest tenured HC despite no playoffs for years and then no playoff wins the last 4 trips in. My point was not about Lewis being fired or not but about how organizations rate success differently.


If you say so.


By the way, I never said you called for Lewis to be fired. But you were clearly critical of the Bengals for holding on to him as long as they have.

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I'd say with a healthy Luck it goes like this in the AFC


1.  NE

2.  Cincinnati (though I still have my doubts but they're coming along)

3/4.  Indy/Denver.  That Denver defense is scary good but Peyton looks terrible.  No running game and no TE to speak of.  If he's having trouble throwing the ball downfield now what is he going to do in December/January when the wind is kicking up and its cold. 

5.  Jets.  ( I hate admitting that)


Dude, Jets are better than Colts. And that takes a lot for me to say cause I can't stand the Jets.

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If you say so.


By the way, I never said you called for Lewis to be fired. But you were clearly critical of the Bengals for holding on to him as long as they have.

The discussion had nothing to do with my feelings toward the Bengals one way or the other. Perhaps because I called out Cincy as a team that has kept its HC for a long time despite not winning any post-season games, you took that as being critical when I was really just using them as example. I believe a team like Denver who fired Fox after four double digit win seasons is a team that would have let go of Lewis long ago. Just a difference in expectation which I believe is what Dungy was getting at with his comparison in Tampa to Pagano right now.

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even the biggest colts fan would have to be stupid to bet on us with our history against them


Yea... You don't know much about "history" or sports betting. "Fandom" has to go out the window and when you start betting with that "fandom" mindset, that's when you start donating to the house/bookie. "History" says that anybody who took the Colts at +10 had roughly a 62% (home double-digit underdogs of 10+) chance to cash in. Guess what? "History" won.....


I am by no means a "shark", but I do very well. "History" (NFL sports-betting history - not specifically the Colts) means A LOT. If I went back and looked into the betting population's picks for the Colts/Pats game, I would bet you 60% of the betting population took the Pats whereas only 40% took the Colts as the line steadily went towards the Patriots as the week progressed. As a Colts fan I could definitely see why someone could make the case to take the Patriots, BUT I doubt part of that argument would have been "well only 38% of away teams favored 10+ usually cover". That's where the "house" cleaned house Sunday night. As Superman said all of those NE bettor's got backdoored and that happens A LOT in double-digit spreads like this one.

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If you say so.


By the way, I never said you called for Lewis to be fired. But you were clearly critical of the Bengals for holding on to him as long as they have.

People have been critical of the Bengals, and Lewis in particular, for a long time, including some of their own fans.  Yes, they are frustrated to not have a playoff win in many many years.


But, the Management believes in him, believes in the team, and who knows... This may very well be their year.   The way they are playing now, I look for them to continue to do well in the playoffs  if they can stay healthy.    


Someone correct me if I'm wrong...... Did they not lose AJ Green right before playoffs last year due to injury?  

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Dude, Jets are better than Colts. And that takes a lot for me to say cause I can't stand the Jets.



No they are not.  They could barely even find the end zone against us and all of our starting corners were out.  One of their TDs was a gift from Luck on a horrible throw.  Chris Ivory is tearing up the league right now and could barely find any room to run against us.  I have no problem saying we'd beat them if we saw them again.  We played a sloppy game on offense and couldn't protect worth a darn with Herremans and Louis at the guards, plus we Gore fumble a TD on the one yard line.  We'd beat that team if we saw them again and I don't have a problem with saying so.

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The discussion had nothing to do with my feelings toward the Bengals one way or the other. Perhaps because I called out Cincy as a team that has kept its HC for a long time despite not winning any post-season games, you took that as being critical when I was really just using them as example. I believe a team like Denver who fired Fox after four double digit win seasons is a team that would have let go of Lewis long ago. Just a difference in expectation which I believe is what Dungy was getting at with his comparison in Tampa to Pagano right now.


I have never seen anyone who characterizes their point one way this week and then totally changes it the next week.  You are simply all over the map, like the little kid caught in so many lies that they have a tough time actually remembering what the truth was.  

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I have never seen anyone who characterizes their point one way this week and then totally changes it the next week.  You are simply all over the map, like the little kid caught in so many lies that they have a tough time actually remembering what the truth was.  

Re-read the thread and you will see that I never said Lewis should be fired. I never gave my opinion at him at all in terms of his job but just drew the comparison of how some orgs like Cincy have the second longest tenured HC despite no playoff success while a coach like John Fox who had multiple double digit win seasons and a SB appearance was let go by Denver.

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I get the rational thinking behind betting against your team. If your team wins, you're okay with losing some money. If they lose, at least you won some money. I'm fine with that. His problem is that he bet the spread, not straight up, and the Pats didn't cover, so he loses coming and going. I get why he's upset.


What's hard to grasp is that he fully expected the Pats to blow the Colts out, but can't take even a little bit of solace in the fact that the Colts had a very good shot at winning the game. He seems more upset about the backdoor cover than he is about the loss. Not judging, it's just confusing. There's no consoling him.

FYI the loss kept me up all night with visions of that fake punt and dreams of moncrief clearly recovering that onsides kick than the money I lost. Knowing we had a chance and shot ourselves in the foot is what kills me, not a backdoor cover by Whalen. I did fully expect the Colts to get blown out which isn't that hard to grasp considering how bad we have looked at stretches during this season, with Luck coming off two missed games to injury preparing for the most unstoppable team of our generation who blew us out four straight times and now want revenge for exposing their cheating. I love Chuck, I still watch the postgame locker room speech after the Green Bay game and it makes you want to cry and run through a brick wall for him at the same time. If he can get it together and still make the playoffs and make the SB, whether that means winning in NE or not, I would be the happiest person on Earth. If not, then it will be tough but it should be time, just like the Jets with Rex. No one believes in him/Colts outside of the fans, the media hates us, so am praying Chuck can get it together.

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Re-read the thread and you will see that I never said Lewis should be fired. I never gave my opinion at him at all in terms of his job but just drew the comparison of how some orgs like Cincy have the second longest tenured HC despite no playoff success while a coach like John Fox who had multiple double digit win seasons and a SB appearance was let go by Denver.


I did not even read the thread and won't.  Don't care enough.  I just know:

     1) who you were debating with and always assume you are in the wrong when arguing with him

     2) your history on this board and how many times your story changes or you waffle on whatever point you are making


My point was an overall observation on the time you spend here.

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FYI the loss kept me up all night with visions of that fake punt and dreams of moncrief clearly recovering that onsides kick than the money I lost. Knowing we had a chance and shot ourselves in the foot is what kills me, not a backdoor cover by Whalen. I did fully expect the Colts to get blown out which isn't that hard to grasp considering how bad we have looked at stretches during this season, with Luck coming off two missed games to injury preparing for the most unstoppable team of our generation who blew us out four straight times and now want revenge for exposing their cheating. I love Chuck, I still watch the postgame locker room speech after the Green Bay game and it makes you want to cry and run through a brick wall for him at the same time. If he can get it together and still make the playoffs and make the SB, whether that means winning in NE or not, I would be the happiest person on Earth. If not, then it will be tough but it should be time, just like the Jets with Rex. No one believes in him/Colts outside of the fans, the media hates us, so am praying Chuck can get it together.


If your team losing a football game keeps you up at night, I would seriously re-assess my priorities.  It ain't that important.

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If your team losing a football game keeps you up at night, I would seriously re-assess my priorities.  It ain't that important.


This could be assessed to about 75% of the board... It is kind of humorous how serious people take this, especially when they have no formal ties to the game.

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I did not even read the thread and won't.  Don't care enough.  I just know:

     1) who you were debating with and always assume you are in the wrong when arguing with him

     2) your history on this board and how many times your story changes or you waffle on whatever point you are making


My point was an overall observation on the time you spend here.

1) never assume THAT haha

2) Ok so history over your actual comment that was based on you NOT reading the exchange. :scratch:

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If your team losing a football game keeps you up at night, I would seriously re-assess my priorities.  It ain't that important.

It's not really one game to me, and considering I am the only Colts fan where I live I only have you guys to complain to. My hockey team lost in 3rd period of game 7 this year and I was bummed but fine because I have other people to watch with, same with my baseball team getting eliminated after one playoff game. We didn't watch the Giants Monday night (my gf's team) thankfully. We are going out for brunch Sunday and then the new Tom Hanks movie. Need to take a week off.

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