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Does ray rice deserve a second chance?



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  1. 1. does he deserve a second chance

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His wallet and current employment status says different

Unless you can provide a link that says different, I believe he still has money. The NFL is also a league of second chances if you have talent, I believe he will still get a job sometime in the near future. If Greg Hardy got a job after what he did and Michael Vick got a job with the Jets after he hurt those dogs then Ray rice will have one soon enough. Eventually injures will force a team to sign him to a small contract.

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Unless you can provide a link that says different, I believe he still has money. The NFL is also a league of second chances if you have talent, I believe he will still get a job sometime in the near future. If Greg Hardy got a job after what he did and Michael Vick got a job with the Jets after he hurt those dogs then Ray rice will have one soon enough. Eventually injures will force a team to sign him to a small contract.

Of course he has money. Not nearly as much as he would have had though. He brought it on himself so I don't feel sorry for him in the least, but let's not act like he hasn't been punished
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Just because someone thinks he deserves a second chance doesn't mean they think it's ok to hit a woman

At the least, it means they don't take it seriously. If Ray Rice hit someone's mother on here, they sure wouldn't want to give him a second chance. Funny how different it is when it affects you personally. Everyone that wants to give him a 2nd chance on here just wants to see him play again and is giving him the benefit of the doubt because he's an athlete, which is the problem in the first place.

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I would have to agree that;s true...and he did sit out a year...he did lose a season due to the incident


He isn't suspended for life..I just hope none of the 32 teams sign him

I'd say sure. If he's gonna beat his wife again, he would do it whether he's in the NFL or not in my opinion.


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At the least, it means they don't take it seriously. If Ray Rice hit someone's mother on here, they sure wouldn't want to give him a second chance. Funny how different it is when it affects you personally. Everyone that wants to give him a 2nd chance on here just wants to see him play again and is giving him the benefit of the doubt because he's an athlete, which is the problem in the first place.

I guess it would depend on the circumstances. but I have never thought a person didn't deserve a second chance unless it's murder or violence against children.

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Believe it or not this sort of incident is not exclusive to this generation, Never has been

I never said it was. This is, however, the first generation with social media and cameras everywhere. Role models did the same things back in the day, but it didn't hit the media as hard. It helped bad people retain a good image. These days, that is no longer possible.

I'd say sure. If he's gonna beat his wife again, he would do it whether he's in the NFL or not in my opinion.

Probably the worst justification in this thread... If he's going to beat his wife again, do you want him to do it while he's in the spotlight and a role model for kids?

The only way I would be ok with him playing in the NFL is if his ENTIRE paycheck, for at least one year, went towards a battered women's shelter.

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I guess I'll explain myself there. I find it funny how we all are against the Pats for what they did, but for the people voting yes here, they are basically saying that cheating in a football game is worse than hitting a woman. Everyone that voted here is against what the Pats did and they'll admit it. Yet a lot of them aren't against a woman beater.


One thing has nothing to do with the other.


I'd also say that everyone who has an issue with the Patriots isn't playing the moral superiority card. When someone gets caught cheating, they should get punished. That's my opinion. I don't think they need to be run out of the league or made to wear a scarlet letter for the rest of their career.


Applying the same standard to Ray Rice -- which I'm not even sure is necessary or appropriate, given how different the situations are -- would mean that he gets punished, does his time (he missed all of 2014, not just two games, sooo...), and then if someone wants to give him a second chance, that's their decision and their right. I'm all about the NFL penalizing players (and personnel) who do things that are wrong, dangerous, violent, etc. I'm not about locking people up and throwing away the key.


And specific to Ray Rice and what he did, it's typical for first time offenders to get lenient sentences. Whether that's a good or bad thing is another story, but let's not act like because he isn't serving a five year sentence that no one cares about the fact that he beat up his fiance. It's also relevant that he was, according to all reports, a model citizen prior to what happened, and has done everything he can to right his wrong, to whatever extent that's possible. There are some guys who should be locked under the jail; I don't think Rice is one of them. JMO

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I guess it would depend on the circumstances. but I have never thought a person didn't deserve a second chance unless it's murder or violence against children.

I'll put it to you this way, if he went to Jail, got some counseling there, and felt what it was like to lose your freedom and have to reflect on what he did, I would give him a 2nd chance and see how he did. The problem I have is almost all athletes that do these type of things get a slap on the wrist. Jail means a lot more and hurts more than some cash. I'm a bit biased on this subject I admit, but it upsets me when they get special privileges with the law.

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"Until he actually gets punished, he is just as likely to do it again."

If this was the case why do we have inmates who cant stay out of prison after their original sentence is up

Because they are given very little time in prison now and prison is like a vacation to some, I have literally heard some ex-cons say that!

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IMO...Ray Rice not having to go to jail for what he did IS his second chance.

It's quite likely the rest of us non-celebrities would have been charged and prosecuted with jail time in mind....and rightfully so.

I would not give him another NFL tryout.

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One thing has nothing to do with the other.


I'd also say that everyone who has an issue with the Patriots isn't playing the moral superiority card. When someone gets caught cheating, they should get punished. That's my opinion. I don't think they need to be run out of the league or made to wear a scarlet letter for the rest of their career.


Applying the same standard to Ray Rice -- which I'm not even sure is necessary or appropriate, given how different the situations are -- would mean that he gets punished, does his time (he missed all of 2014, not just two games, sooo...), and then if someone wants to give him a second chance, that's their decision and their right. I'm all about the NFL penalizing players (and personnel) who do things that are wrong, dangerous, violent, etc. I'm not about locking people up and throwing away the key.


And specific to Ray Rice and what he did, it's typical for first time offenders to get lenient sentences. Whether that's a good or bad thing is another story, but let's not act like because he isn't serving a five year sentence that no one cares about the fact that he beat up his fiance. It's also relevant that he was, according to all reports, a model citizen prior to what happened, and has done everything he can to right his wrong, to whatever extent that's possible. There are some guys who should be locked under the jail; I don't think Rice is one of them. JMO

We have different views on this and we're obviously not going to agree. I'm a little harder on people like Rice with my family having some experience on this subject. I also have a military family, so I believe in putting people in Jail as well. Athletes will continue to get special treatment, so I can't do anything about it, but a subject like this really grinds my gears.

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Let me ask this....

To all of you who voted yes to him getting a second chance, if that was your daughter he beat up, would you still give him a second chance? Just curious? Not judging anyone.

I can be a forgiving person, but not when it comes to beating women. I have Witnessed some pretty horrific cases of domestic violence, a majority by repeat offenders. I have 2 daughters, and if that ever happened to them......I would probably not be given a second chance.

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I never said it was. This is, however, the first generation with social media and cameras everywhere. Role models did the same things back in the day, but it didn't hit the media as hard. It helped bad people retain a good image. These days, that is no longer possible.

Probably the worst justification in this thread... If he's going to beat his wife again, do you want him to do it while he's in the spotlight and a role model for kids?

The only way I would be ok with him playing in the NFL is if his ENTIRE paycheck, for at least one year, went towards a battered women's shelter.

I think role model for kids is well out of the picture now. I'm just saying sure he deserves another shot only because I believe in second chances. That is just my opinion.

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Let me ask this....

To all of you who voted yes to him getting a second chance, if that was your daughter he beat up, would you still give him a second chance? Just curious? Not judging anyone.

I can be a forgiving person, but not when it comes to beating women. I have Witnessed some pretty horrific cases of domestic violence, a majority by repeat offenders. I have 2 daughters, and if that ever happened to them......I would probably not be given a second chance.

This thread seems a bit off to me. If the law says he can play and his employer says he can play, I am not even sure why we are having this discussion. No one condones his actions but he has every right to his career no matter how deplorable his actions were off the field.

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I think role model for kids is well out of the picture now. I'm just saying sure he deserves another shot only because I believe in second chances. That is just my opinion.

I didn't mean that as an attack on you, personally. I just don't see "he's going to do X whether or not we reward him with Y" is ever a good argument.

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OK, I get you. Maybe I will let you meet my niece after all. :P

All kidding aside, Ray Rice paid his dues; he has apologized and seems much more remorseful than all the other alleged women battered playing in the NFL (like Greg Hardy).

At this point, this is a personal matter between Rice and his wife. I strongly believe Janay should not have married him. However, when it comes to him earning a living in the NFL, I believe he should get another chance. Had he put up big numbers in 2013, he would probably be on some team's roster by now. I really hope he gets the chance to redeem himself.

You have a kind heart. I think you're right about the stats thing too. If he had played like his old self then he probably would have garnered some looks and workouts by now. He'll probably get another look anyway, I think.

But yeah, about your niece :)

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I'll put it to you this way, if he went to Jail, got some counseling there, and felt what it was like to lose your reedom and have to reflect on what he did, I would give him a 2nd chance and see how he did. The problem I have is almost all athletes that do these type of things get a slap on the wrist. Jail means a lot more and hurts more than some cash. I'm a bit biased on this subject I admit, but it upsets me when they get special privileges with the law.

It's not just athletes that get that treatment. Pretty much all first time offenders get the same if they plead it down

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IMO...Ray Rice not having to go to jail for what he did IS his second chance.

It's quite likely the rest of us non-celebrities would have been charged and prosecuted with jail time in mind....and rightfully so.

I would not give him another NFL tryout.

Do some research on first time offenders

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We have different views on this and we're obviously not going to agree. I'm a little harder on people like Rice with my family having some experience on this subject. I also have a military family, so I believe in putting people in Jail as well. Athletes will continue to get special treatment, so I can't do anything about it, but a subject like this really grinds my gears.


The thing is, I don't think Ray Rice got special treatment.


Greg Hardy? Yeah, being rich and famous allowed him to pay off the woman he reportedly threw around an apartment, whose life he threatened, etc. And here he is, right back on an NFL roster (which is weird enough), and then the NFLPA talks about how unfair it is that he's suspended 10 games, they appeal, and the suspension is knocked down to four games by an arbitrator. That's special treatment.


Probation for a first offense, particularly for someone with a respectable track record, isn't special treatment. And again, Ray Rice is still without a team. Several teams have said that they would NOT sign him, period. He's kind of been ostracized, and as far as we know, it's because he did something really awful and happened to be recorded doing it. I don't feel sorry for him, but I also don't think he should be drawn and quartered.


Last thing, I respect that you have personal feelings about this. I'll just say that those personal feelings aren't exclusive to you, and I don't think they give you the right to look down your nose at people who disagree with you.

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This thread seems a bit off to me. If the law says he can play and his employer says he can play, I am not even sure why we are having this discussion. No one condones his actions but he has every right to his career no matter how deplorable his actions were off the field.

Wow. Spoken like a true Pats fan.

No employer has said he can play (he's unemployed). Everyone deserves a second chance, but that doesn't mean they get back the life they originally had. What he did is such an offensive act, that I would not, at this time, give him another chance to be in the spotlight. He can find a career flipping burgers.

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This thread seems a bit off to me. If the law says he can play and his employer says he can play, I am not even sure why we are having this discussion. No one condones his actions but he has every right to his career no matter how deplorable his actions were off the field.


It's a poll and asks for our opinion? We have no control over what teams do/do not do? What's so hard to understand? And btw I expected you to respond the way you did.

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Wow. Spoken like a true Pats fan.

No employer has said he can play (he's unemployed). Everyone deserves a second chance, but that doesn't mean they get back the life they originally had. What he did is such an offensive act, that I would not, at this time, give him another chance to be in the spotlight. He can find a career flipping burgers.

Let's be honest here. If he was 25 and in his prime he would be on a roster

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Because they are given very little time in prison now and prison is like a vacation to some, I have literally heard some ex-cons say that!

"and prison is like a vacation to some"



For some no doubt it is but for many its depressing and dangerous, The majority have to join prison gangs to survive, While true that some are given very little time in prison almost 160,000 are serving life sentences which is 10.6% of 1.5 million inmates serving time in federal and state prisons according to this link http://www.newsmax.com/US/prison-life-terms/2013/09/18/id/526457/

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Wow. Spoken like a true Pats fan.

No employer has said he can play (he's unemployed). Everyone deserves a second chance, but that doesn't mean they get back the life they originally had. What he did is such an offensive act, that I would not, at this time, give him another chance to be in the spotlight. He can find a career flipping burgers.

I was talking about the NFL when I said his employer said he could play. Whether a team signs him given his age and ability to produce along with his off-field stuff is a different story.

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The thing is, I don't think Ray Rice got special treatment.


Greg Hardy? Yeah, being rich and famous allowed him to pay off the woman he reportedly threw around an apartment, whose life he threatened, etc. And here he is, right back on an NFL roster (which is weird enough), and then the NFLPA talks about how unfair it is that he's suspended 10 games, they appeal, and the suspension is knocked down to four games by an arbitrator. That's special treatment.


Probation for a first offense, particularly for someone with a respectable track record, isn't special treatment. And again, Ray Rice is still without a team. Several teams have said that they would NOT sign him, period. He's kind of been ostracized, and as far as we know, it's because he did something really awful and happened to be recorded doing it. I don't feel sorry for him, but I also don't think he should be drawn and quartered.


Last thing, I respect that you have personal feelings about this. I'll just say that those personal feelings aren't exclusive to you, and I don't think they give you the right to look down your nose at people who disagree with you.

Fair enough, I'll end with the fact that if it was someone's family member, they'd think differently. I'm not going on any more about this as I don't want to say something that gets me banned. This is a sensitive subject, and I hope some people think about it a second time that would support Ray rice.

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"and prison is like a vacation to some"

For some no doubt it is but for many its depressing and dangerous, The majority have to join prison gangs to survive, While true that some are given very little time in prison almost 160,000 are serving life sentences which is 10.6% of 1.5 million inmates serving time in federal and state prisons according to this link http://www.newsmax.com/US/prison-life-terms/2013/09/18/id/526457/

Ok, but we're talking about the ones who are given light sentences that don't fit the crime, then get out and reoffend,not lifers? I agree that some prisons can be dangerous and depressing, as they should be, but those are becoming few and far between.

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I was talking about the NFL when I said his employer said he could play. Whether a team signs him given his age and ability to produce along with his off-field stuff is a different story.

You have a point, but his checks never came from the NFL. His checks came from the Ravens, and they don't seem to want him playing for them.

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I have nothing against Ray Rice earning a living; I just think he should do it out of the spotlight. He should work at a fast food joint or some other job where kids won't grow up idolizing him. This "thug" generation deserves better role models.

True, Ray Rice is isn't automatically entitled to continue his career in the NFL TG. However, I always think it's an extreme deflection tactic to just ubiquitously or uniformly state well there's always McDonalds etc. etc. Here's why: 1 terrible decision not centered around say a crime of murder just doesn't mean that the person who made a horrific mistake should automatically mean that you go from a lucrative income to a minimum wage job with no benefits to raise their family on. JMO. 


Rap in of itself is not bad, Not all rap teaches bad messages, Much of it yes(When I say rap is not bad I mean the act of doing it not the messages sent from it in many cases) but you can find lyrics in just about all genres of music that teach the wrong message....Country for example can to. Much of it starts in the home and about the environment a person came from. Also this is NOT an excuse but the AVERAGE male is not good with sharing feelings especially when adrenaline is going and quite honestly many feel challenged when someone gets up in there face regardless if its a man or woman in there face. This time the person just happened to be a woman


He has to find a means of finding an outlet for situations like that.....Which he MAY have never be shown to do....I don't know but from the footage I saw it was bad but in was not a premeditated hit...It was what I'd call a flight or fight slap just from what I saw may have spit at her she jumped up over in his face and reacted without thought...He did not walk into a room suddenly haul off and hit someone just to hit someone. He made a terrible spur of the moment decision

Great point Gavin. The term "thug" gets thrown around too in society & even though rap is not my favorite musical genre there are quality bands or groups that don't cater to violence, mayhem, or the mistreatment of women. Hades, in my teenage years, I was a huge metal head in my appearance & attire & people used to make unfounded judgements about me all the time with zero basis in fact or taking the time to ask me questions & get to know me personally. I still am a Metal head, but with much less hair. LOL! 


I just liked your point that snap judgements from a distance are never a good idea generally. If people think Ray Rice should have served time & the fact that he didn't means that this was his 2nd chance, so be it, but he got help & I don't see Rice being a repeat offender at all. He deserves to tryout for another team & see if he can make another roster. There's no way to justify what he did, but at a certain point after the guy has turned his life around I think a career re-birth is worthwhile to me.


I will say this though. If his wife had not stood by him; his days in the NFL would be permanently done so Ray's extremely lucky in that regard. 

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True, Ray Rice is isn't automatically entitled to continue his career in the NFL TG. However, I always think it's an extreme deflection tactic to just ubiquitously or uniformly state well there's always McDonalds etc. etc. Here's why: 1 terrible decision not centered around say a crime of murder just doesn't mean that the person who made a horrific mistake should automatically mean that you go from a lucrative income to a minimum wage job with no benefits to raise their family on. JMO. 

Take my quote to mean that he should be allowed to work the best job his skills will allow him to hold that does not put him in the spotlight. I, probably incorrectly, assumed that he has no other employable skills. I'm fine with whatever he wants to do to earn his living, just as long as he is not held up as a role model to children.

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True, Ray Rice is isn't automatically entitled to continue his career in the NFL TG. However, I always think it's an extreme deflection tactic to just ubiquitously or uniformly state well there's always McDonalds etc. etc. Here's why: 1 terrible decision not centered around say a crime of murder just doesn't mean that the person who made a horrific mistake should automatically mean that you go from a lucrative income to a minimum wage job with no benefits to raise their family on. JMO.

Great point Gavin. The term "thug" gets thrown around too in society & even though rap is not my favorite musical genre there are quality bands or groups that don't cater to violence, mayhem, or the mistreatment of women. Hades, in my teenage years, I was a huge metal head in my appearance & attire & people used to make unfounded judgements about me all the time with zero basis in fact or taking the time to ask me questions & get to know me personally. I still am a Metal head, but with much less hair. LOL!

I just liked your point that snap judgements from a distance are never a good idea generally. If people think Ray Rice should have served time & the fact that he didn't means that this was his 2nd chance, so be it, but he got help & I don't see Rice being a repeat offender at all. He deserves to tryout for another team & see if he can make another roster. There's no way to justify what he did, but at a certain point after the guy has turned his life around I think a career re-birth is worthwhile to me.

I will say this though. If his wife had not stood by him; his days in the NFL would be permanently done so Ray's extremely lucky in that regard.

\m/METALHEADS, UNITE!!!!!!!!\m/

Seriously though....IMO playing in the NFL is a privelage, one that many non wifebeating people would love to have, if you commit a serious crime, you should lose the privelage, just my opinion.

And yes, he did his counseling, probation, and whatever else he was ordered to do, does that truly mean he has been rehabilited? Did he do it for the right reasons, or because he wanted to jump through all the hoops so that he could get back to making millions in the NFL? I watched his interview the other day, he did not seem sincere to me. And to those who say, look, they got married, she forgave him, that's pretty common in abusive relationships.

Rant off.

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Do some research on first time offenders

Yes indeed....

The pretrial intervention Rice benefitted from is offered to less than 1% of offenders. And according to NJ's own website outlining the program, it is intended for nonviolent "victimless" crimes.


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Take my quote to mean that he should be allowed to work the best job his skills will allow him to hold that does not put him in the spotlight. I, probably incorrectly, assumed that he has no other employable skills. I'm fine with whatever he wants to do to earn his living, just as long as he is not held up as a role model to children.

No harm done TG. I wasn't really upset at you personally. I just don't like society's preference to throw a person's life away over a criminal act, which cannot be tolerated, but at a certain point if you deplete a person of hope & upward mobility they will probably wish they were dead because they are viewed as toxic garbage now. 


Some guys are a lost cause, but Ray is worth saving to me. He's the last guy the NFL should throw away. If his talent can't keep him on a roster, fine just give him the opportunity to prove that there is more to him than a few nightmarish moments in an elevator. 


To me, it's too harsh to say Ray Rice is a wife beater & screw him. How can men who made a bad decision prove to their communities what kind of a new role model they can be if society just discards him outright without a 2nd thought? 

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