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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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What exactly did you disagree with? I am down. Let's go.

I get where you are going with that.  Yes, I believe the Colts could have handled Seattle.  However, The entire report was over the AFCCG, and that game only.  Thus the punishment has to be over 1 game. 

Even if B.B. and Kraft honestly did not know what was going on, they should have by the Commish's own statement saying "Ignorance is not an excuse".

Stick-um, Pine tar, Oiled jerseys, ect, are all in game cheating that has been done in the past. But you cannot go by those punishments because they are more strict now than they were in those days.

But yeah, the cover-up I truly believe is what will truly hurt Brady.  It was apparent it was the cover up that really hit Shean Payton in Bounty-gate.  And it is the same that is going to tear Brady a new one.  

A year might be possible since that is "the book" that is thrown according to several reports I have read. (though I truly doubt that would happen).

Draft picks could be taken yes, maybe even a 1st round pick, and a Large fines to the organization and the head coach.  I won't guesstimate the totality of those though.  Because what most people are interested in is Tom's sentence and the possible picks.

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Oh stop. If they were not interested in making this a mountain they have then they would have removed those game balls at the start of the game and then just punished the Pats post-game with a fine and maybe a pick. But they were trying to prove a history of this which is why there was an investigation. Of course that part failed miserably and now they are left with just the champ game and a lot of probables which they will be called to the carpet on by Brady.

So... the NFL was attempting to prove in one of the biggest games of the year that they for years were incompetent of keeping one team (a team that is widely known and popular) From following the rules? In process (in your words) make a quick buck for 2 games in comparison to losing BILLIONS of dollars from a large portion of the populace who won't support a league that can't keep an apparent even field...

Rofl. Like I said please remove your head from the sand. I'm borderline to the point of just ignoring you.

The reason why all of a sudden things are leaking out is because the Patriots are a dirty cheating franchise and because your dirty QB couldn't even own up to it, so he forced the NFL to get a 3Rd party investigator to come and start finding out that they've been doing shady stuff for more than a decade.

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So... the NFL was attempting to prove in one of the biggest games of the year that they for years were incompetent of keeping one team (a team that is widely known and popular) From following the rules? In process (in your words) make a quick buck for 2 games in comparison to losing BILLIONS of dollars from a large portion of the populace who won't support a league that can't keep an apparent even field...

Rofl. Like I said please remove your head from the sand. I'm borderline to the point of just ignoring you.

The reason why all of a sudden things are leaking out is because the Patriots are a dirty cheating franchise and because your dirty QB couldn't even own up to it, so he forced the NFL to get a 3Rd party investigator to come and start finding out that they've been doing shady stuff for more than a decade.

Hey, it's the patriot way

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So you are saying you would stop being a fan of the Chargers if they had improperly inflated footballs?


And using steroids is a much bigger infraction and advantage than ball pressure ...

I'm going to actually have to politely disagree with that.  To a single person yes maybe more of an infraction to the PED.  But the Muscles on that one person does not effect multiple players like ball tampering does.  Like the fracture integrity of one large stick or many bundled small sticks.  When it is grouped, it has a bigger effect. IMO.

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I get where you are going with that.  Yes, I believe the Colts could have handled Seattle.  However, The entire report was over the AFCCG, and that game only.  Thus the punishment has to be over 1 game. 

Even if B.B. and Kraft honestly did not know what was going on, they should have by the Commish's own statement saying "Ignorance is not an excuse".

Stick-um, Pine tar, Oiled jerseys, ect, are all in game cheating that has been done in the past. But you cannot go by those punishments because they are more strict now than they were in those days.

But yeah, the cover-up I truly believe is what will truly hurt Brady.  It was apparent it was the cover up that really hit Shean Payton in Bounty-gate.  And it is the same that is going to tear Brady a new one.  

A year might be possible since that is "the book" that is thrown according to several reports I have read. (though I truly doubt that would happen).

Draft picks could be taken yes, maybe even a 1st round pick, and a Large fines to the organization and the head coach.  I won't guesstimate the totality of those though.  Because what most people are interested in is Tom's sentence and the possible picks.


Can you imagine how the Ravens feel about this? They had a shot to come to Indy and get revenge from the last time we played, and a win in Indy would have put them in the Super Bowl as well. I am reading their boards about it now, and some of them are calling for a lifetime ban. 


This thing could get really big.

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Can you imagine how the Ravens feel about this? They had a shot to come to Indy and get revenge from the last time we played, and a win in Indy would have put them in the Super Bowl as well. I am reading their boards about it now, and some of them are calling for a lifetime ban. 


This thing could get really big.

There will be no lifetime ban though.  This is called for by angry biased fans, just like the opposite side of the flip where alot of Pats fans think anything more than a 25k fime would be atrocious.  

If Goodell levied a lifetime ban, there would be an NFL players union lockout.  The majority of the NFL and it's fans see this as a cheat and a lie.  And should be handled as such.  If's, But's and Maybe's of the outcome of the games the cheat's are used in cannot be taken into account, only the actions themselves. 

"A fly sneezes..................................................................................................Hurricane Katrina."

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Harsh is watching someone you care about going down the wrong path & being blind to the facts you can only offer your opinion so many times before you wash your hands of the subject at that point you move on  there is no middle ground in right versus wrong .


I preach to my children I have 2 that there is nothing in this world they can't have as long as they work for it . 


Forgiveness is earned & takes time .


As a former drunk now sober 23 years I have compassion . Please don't do this, its I hope beneath you . IMO I hope he is like me after years of drugs & alcohol he has  finally had enough until you reach that point in your life nothing reaches you .



I was disappointed that he does'nt have a driver & limo . 


You know what they say about assumptions ?    Drugs & Alcohol  are serious am not the same as lying & cheating after all as you yourself has said we are all human .


If my owner was your owner yes I would have concerns but lets face it they are not donning jerseys my concern with your owner is obvious he is not interested in the truth & has impeded its progress .

That took a lot of guts to say all of what you mentioned, Adonis1! You have my respect. We may disagree from time to time (not much), however, I always remember posts, quotes, replies, stories, et.al from people who are willing to tell it like it is.

My hat is off to you, sir. (and I very rarely take it off!)

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There will be no lifetime ban though.  This is called for by angry biased fans, just like the opposite side of the flip where alot of Pats fans think anything more than a 25k fime would be atrocious.  

If Goodell levied a lifetime ban, there would be an NFL players union lockout.  The majority of the NFL and it's fans see this as a cheat and a lie.  And should be handled as such.  If's, But's and Maybe's of the outcome of the games the cheat's are used in cannot be taken into account, only the actions themselves. 

"A fly sneezes..................................................................................................Hurricane Katrina."


First of all let's get one thing crystal clear. You and I; we do not know what the punishment will be. We just don't know. We can only use subjective thinking, and personal thoughts about the situation to reach a personal conclusion for an appropriate punishment. You don't know the punishment. I don't know the punishment. Make sure you understand that very well. There are very few people in the NFL who actually knows what the punishment will be. So blanket comments about the punishment that brady and/or the pats will receive has no value.  


As I said, I do now know how much time brady will actually get. In my mind, this a very serious offense, and if the NFL wants to stop this nonsense then they must make this punishment so severe that no player or team will ever think about doing anything like this again. 


You may think this is no big deal. That's your opinion. 


The integrity of the game matters to me. 

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And most bank managers don't get a heads up before the bank robbers show up and then allow them to rob the bank ...

AM at this point I don't understand what your trying to accomplish. Before the report came out I get it...the whole innocent before proven guilty thing and people jumped to a bunch of conclusions....now that it's out its pretty damning evidence. People obviously are having all sorts of opinions varying in how bad it is etc but continuing to try to defend a position that really has no leg to stand on just is going to make you look really bad and damage your credibility down the road in future threads. While we have a great deal of over-reactions on the board you need to just ignore them. Your going to have to take a more moderate approach here even if your heart doesn't want to accept what has happened. A lot of people that want to be level headed about all this have a hard time when others come in and stir the pot. Let this die down a bit. A lot think highly of Brady and his accomplishments but not of his handling of this situation and choices he made recently. The sooner the argument about what he and the patriots have done is over the sooner we get back to talking about legitimate football and yes can even talk about all the good accomplishments between the lines and what they might do this year. This thread will die when the punishment is out and done and people stop arguing about whether he did it or not etc. most level headed people and even the ones that hate Brady know that he is the most accomplished qb of our era but until they are allowed to voice their anger and get this out without someone stirring it up the sooner we move on to this season. Please just put down the banner....you don't have to carry it into every thread...beating the Brady drum isn't going to accomplish a thing. I respect all he has accomplished but in this situation he is dead wrong....the pats look real bad and you just got to accept that and either forgive and move on or look like a fanatic. When the pacers had their scuffle years ago I was upset. Sold my tickets and didn't support them until they cleaned up the team. Even if I felt that a lot of what happened wasn't all the players faults enough wrong was done and image hurt that I had to take a stand. Not saying you gotta stop cheering etc...but you gotta step back and objectively look at this and decide is it worth defending. I don't see how here....chalk it up to a black eye on them....and their rep and either demand better of them or let them go. If not you just look like a crazy sports fan and nothing you say will be taken seriously on the subject. Just my advice.
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This post is for Superman, SteelCityColt, NewColtsFan or anyone who knows what the protocol of penalty phase concerning Brady and the Patriots organization is. Is it Troy Vincent that decides Brady's punishment? Does Roger Goodell have any input? Is it both? Is it split between the two?

If someone can enlighten me and the rest of the forum, it sure would be appreciated. I cannot find anything on this. Thanks in advance.

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First of all let's get one thing crystal clear. You and I; we do not know what the punishment will be. We just don't know. We can only use subjective thinking, and personal thoughts about the situation to reach a personal conclusion for an appropriate punishment. You don't know the punishment. I don't know the punishment. Make sure you understand that very well. There are very few people in the NFL who actually knows what the punishment will be. So blanket comments about the punishment that brady and/or the pats will receive has no value.  


As I said, I do now know how much time brady will actually get. In my mind, this a very serious offense, and if the NFL wants to stop this nonsense then they must make this punishment so severe that no player or team will ever think about doing anything like this again. 


You may think this is no big deal. That's your opinion. 


The integrity of the game matters to me. 

Never said this was no big deal.  I whole hardily agree that the integrity of the game is the utmost importance.  And I am frankly disappointed in Brady not owning up to his getting caught and making an apology, rather than still fighting.  

Yeah, I never said I knew what the punishment will be, I have just been going by what i read.  (done alot of that in the past couple days, reading news reports and guess's of punishments from 20+ different cities across the country.)  But I truly "feel" if the punishment is too low, or too high, there will be consequences to the league itself as well.  They would have to handle this fairly like any other scandal/cheat.

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I hear you. I too am ready to move on from this. It will probably continue until a few days after the punishment is announced.

cant wait! Hope it's swift and just and we get on to what I hope is a successful entertaining year! I understand the bitterness but hopefully people will calm down once the season will start and this ends up being more a joke then some bitter hate. That kinda anger and hate can really ruin a board.
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This post is for Superman, SteelCityColt, NewColtsFan or anyone who knows what the protocol of penalty phase concerning Brady and the Patriots organization is. Is it Troy Vincent that decides Brady's punishment? Does Roger Goodell have any input? Is it both? Is it split between the two?

If someone can enlighten me and the rest of the forum, it sure would be appreciated. I cannot find anything on this. Thanks in advance.

i believe Vincent does now....part of the changes made recently after all the fall out the past year or so. Goodell isn't the one handing it out though I'm sure Vincent hears his input. Then this will get an appeal and in the end an arbitrator will likely decide. I assume 4-6 games from Vincent for both Brady and belicheck and it gets knocked down to 2-4 in the end. Difference here and with bounty gate is people weren't seeking to harm NFL employees...big difference.
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I'm back, don't know for how long(right mods), I just have some questions that maybe someone can answer. 1. How come all the discussion of this pat cheating scandal only centers on the afc championship game, when, apparently there were numerous other occasions when the pats were turned in for low ball pressure, but the nfl thought there "wasn't enough to warrant an investigation" (page 43 of the wells report). 2. The Colts actually turned the pats in twice last season, doesn't this indicate a distinct pattern of tampering with game balls? 3. How can anyone possibly think two random employees of a pro football team deflate footballs just for farts and giggles? 4. Sean O'Hara was on nfl network the other night saying how great brady is, I wonder if O,hara thinks the only reason the giants won those two sb,s against the pats was the pats couldn,t get the balls deflated so the pats couldn,t score. If I remember correctly brady had a number of very bad throws in those two games.(just an observation)

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NFL has come out and said headline saying Brady will be suspended is misleading, http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-calls-headline-about-brady-suspension-misleading/ar-BBjvcOW?li=BBgzzfc&ocid=LENDHP


So hold your horses everyone ...


Steve DelVecchio @SteveDelSports

Assistant Editor at Larry Brown Sports (@LBSports) -- Boston sports fan who tries his best not to be the annoying kind.


So another history from a Boston writer?

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i believe Vincent does now....part of the changes made recently after all the fall out the past year or so. Goodell isn't the one handing it out though I'm sure Vincent hears his input. Then this will get an appeal and in the end an arbitrator will likely decide. I assume 4-6 games from Vincent for both Brady and belicheck and it gets knocked down to 2-4 in the end. Difference here and with bounty gate is people weren't seeking to harm NFL employees...big difference.

Thanks, dgambill! One more question, though. Wouldn't Goodell have to be the one doling the punishment out for the Pats organization as a whole? i.e. fines, draft picks, et.al ... Curious ...

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NFL calls suspension headline of Brady misleading, http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-calls-headline-about-brady-suspension-misleading/ar-BBjvcOW?li=BBgzzfc&ocid=LENDHP


Hold your horses everyone ...

Steve DelVecchio @SteveDelSports

Assistant Editor at Larry Brown Sports (@LBSports) -- Boston sports fan who tries his best not to be the annoying kind.

Another history from a Boston writer.

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Ok, so I will give you my best PR counsel on this. The NFL leaked that it was planning on suspending Brady to gauge public perception. Now that it has seen that perception, it is has now come and said the insinuation of suspension is misleading. This has happened for a few reasons:


1) The networks got to Goodell is said you have to be kidding me suspending Brady for the home opening in which they have paid millions into.


2) Don Yee's campaign these last few days to basically say that Brady will fight this tooth and nail. League does not want a battle with its biggest star/


3) And the biggest one IMO. The report is a pile of poop and the league knows its suspension will not get upheld just like Peterson, Rice and Vilma.

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Thanks, dgambill! One more question, though. Wouldn't Goodell have to be the one doling the punishment out for the Pats organization as a whole? i.e. fines, draft picks, et.al ... Curious ...

maybe someone else knows more. Sorry I do know Vincent handles the player discipline now....not sure about the teams. He very well may...or perhaps since Kraft is one of three owners that determines Goodells annual salary and bonuses perhaps Goodells sees the conflict of interest and let's someone else determine that too. Honestly don't know. Someone has to I suppose...and they are all paid by the league....but I'm sure 31 owners want this situation to be handled quickly and justly and have this stuff knocked off...it hurts the competition and the image of the league. Star players and organizations with mud on them doesn't look good for the face of the league. Punishment needs to scare players and teams from playing this game of footsie with breaking and bending rules....it isn't cute and as we have seen may tarnish legacies in the eyes of many fans (rightfully or wrong it just does)
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NFL calls suspension headline of Brady misleading, http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-calls-headline-about-brady-suspension-misleading/ar-BBjvcOW?li=BBgzzfc&ocid=LENDHP


Hold your horses everyone ...

You read the article beyond the headline, right?


"The headline could be “misleading” in the sense that it makes it sound like the NFL has already made a ruling, but Aiello’s response doesn’t mean Brady won’t be suspended.


Almost everything that has been reported since the Ted Wells report was released indicates that Brady is going to miss some time."

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You read the article beyond the headline, right?


"The headline could be “misleading” in the sense that it makes it sound like the NFL has already made a ruling, but Aiello’s response doesn’t mean Brady won’t be suspended.


Almost everything that has been reported since the Ted Wells report was released indicates that Brady is going to miss some time."

Sure but you need to read between the lines here. This isn't a leak. This is Aiello from the NFL saying the title was misleading. Now we know the NFL leaked the original story and now it is saying it is misleading. That is big. We will see ultimately but the back lash they are getting over a suspension from the networks and sponsors not to mention that report has to be weighing heavily here.


For once I will give the league credit here. They waited to punish to gauge public perception unlike Rice so they are being very smart IMO.

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Ok, so I will give you my best PR counsel on this. The NFL leaked that it was planning on suspending Brady to gauge public perception. Now that it has seen that perception, it is has now come and said the insinuation of suspension is misleading. This has happened for a few reasons:

1) The networks got to Goodell is said you have to be kidding me suspending Brady for the home opening in which they have paid millions into.

2) Don Yee's campaign these last few days to basically say that Brady will fight this tooth and nail. League does not want a battle with its biggest star/

3) And the biggest one IMO. The report is a pile of poop and the league knows its suspension will not get upheld just like Peterson, Rice and Vilma.

Yeah - none of that is close to accurate. And mind-numbingly ridiculous to boot.

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So if the Pats get caught cheating before the game starts then its fine and we all laugh at those rascals. The NFL waited to see if they would actually cheat and when they did, well then it's a sting operation and the NFL was out to get them.

They cheated !!!!

They knowingly broke the rules.

If I rob a bank its not the cops fault for not arresting me until after I rob the bank. You can't get busted for not breaking the rules and you can't break the rules then blame someone else for not stopping you.

Brady knew he was breaking the rules, they didn't make the rule an hour before the game. Nobody forced him to do it, if he hasn't done it then he would have never been caught doing it.

If I eat ice cream every day all day and gain 400 pounds its not the scales fault I'm overweight, its just reporting the facts.

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Ok, so I will give you my best PR counsel on this. The NFL leaked that it was planning on suspending Brady to gauge public perception. Now that it has seen that perception, it is has now come and said the insinuation of suspension is misleading. This has happened for a few reasons:


1) The networks got to Goodell is said you have to be kidding me suspending Brady for the home opening in which they have paid millions into.


2) Don Yee's campaign these last few days to basically say that Brady will fight this tooth and nail. League does not want a battle with its biggest star/


3) And the biggest one IMO. The report is a pile of poop and the league knows its suspension will not get upheld just like Peterson, Rice and Vilma.


Think it over while I take a few minutes. I have to go to the bathroom. Don't worry, I always take 12 footballs to the bathroom with me so I will be fine. 

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Ok, so I will give you my best PR counsel on this. The NFL leaked that it was planning on suspending Brady to gauge public perception. Now that it has seen that perception, it is has now come and said the insinuation of suspension is misleading. This has happened for a few reasons:


1) The networks got to Goodell is said you have to be kidding me suspending Brady for the home opening in which they have paid millions into.


2) Don Yee's campaign these last few days to basically say that Brady will fight this tooth and nail. League does not want a battle with its biggest star/


3) And the biggest one IMO. The report is a pile of poop and the league knows its suspension will not get upheld just like Peterson, Rice and Vilma.


Aren't you tired of defend Brady? I mean i just can see 2 possibilities:
1.- You know Brady screwed up with the balls but you are a super Brady's fan and you are willing to defend his reputation by any means.
2.- You can't accept that Brady screwed up with the balls because Brady is your Poster boy(personally i could understand, for example if Luck would be caught doing something like this i would be on denied for a while), but then eventually you are gonna see the big picture.
You can't compare Peterson and Rice cases with the Brady's one because those were court cases with "every" fact brought to the court room, the report isn't as clear as those because you know the subpoenas and stuff, so Peterson and Rice cases were that cases, the Brady was a report but it had more information that everybody excepted with the messages between the NE staff members and Brady, and if you are calling the report a pile of poop is because you are biased and i think we all understand but trying to make us see your point of view is useless because we are biases to a certain degree and also we got the report to backing up us, but again i got "your point" because your arguments are based on that every reported but the Boston ones are rooting to punish NE. 

Edit note: Brady screwed up implies that McNally and Jastremski did that under Brady's instructions.

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Aren't you tired of defend Brady? I mean i just can see 2 possibilities:
1.- You know Brady screwed up with the balls but you are a super Brady's fan and you are willing to defend his reputation by any means.
2.- You can't accept that Brady screwed up with the balls because Brady is your Poster boy(personally i could understand, for example if Luck would be caught doing something like this i would be on denied for a while), but then eventually you are gonna see the big picture.
You can't compare Peterson and Rice cases with the Brady's one because those were court cases with "every" fact brought to the court room, the report isn't as clear as those because you know the subpoenas and stuff, so Peterson and Rice cases were that cases, the Brady was a report but it had more information that everybody excepted with the messages between the NE staff members and Brady, and if you are calling the report a pile of poop is because you are biased and i think we all understand but trying to make us see your point of view is useless because we are biases to a certain degree and also we got the report to backing up us, but again i got "your point" because your arguments are based on that every reported but the Boston ones are rooting to punish NE. 


This isn't about Brady at all. I understand legalities from my PR background. Believe me when I tell you the report is a pile of poop and that is what Yee was communicating this past week and the fact that Brady will fight any type of suspension and tear that report apart with his legal counsel. It will take all of 5 minutes to do.

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This isn't about Brady at all. I understand legalities from my PR background. Believe me when I tell you the report is a pile of poop and that is what Yee was communicating this past week and the fact that Brady will fight any type of suspension and tear that report apart with his legal counsel. It will take all of 5 minutes to do.


You're living in a dream world. There is no way Brady is getting out of this. The NFL would lose any credibility it has left. 


It's absurd how much patriots fans believe they are entitled. The NFL cannot afford the public relations fallout to be bullied by brady and the rats on this. 

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This isn't about Brady at all. I understand legalities from my PR background. Believe me when I tell you the report is a pile of poop and that is what Yee was communicating this past week and the fact that Brady will fight any type of suspension and tear that report apart with his legal counsel. It will take all of 5 minutes to do.

So Brady is willing to go to the Court room , and go through a process that could harm his career but take a "slap" on the wrist (he is gonna bet between 2-6 games IMO)?


Brady's team can fight the report without going to the court room?

Enlighten me please(i'm not being sarcasm).

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Sure but you need to read between the lines here. This isn't a leak. This is Aiello from the NFL saying the title was misleading. Now we know the NFL leaked the original story and now it is saying it is misleading. That is big. We will see ultimately but the back lash they are getting over a suspension from the networks and sponsors not to mention that report has to be weighing heavily here.


For once I will give the league credit here. They waited to punish to gauge public perception unlike Rice so they are being very smart IMO.

I mean if you want to get your hopes up that he isn't getting suspended be my guest. They will get tons of money regardless of Brady playing or not. The NFL existed long before Brady and will continue to exist after him.

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So Brady is willing to go to the Court room , and go through a process that could harm his career but take a "slap" on the wrist (he is gonna bet between 2-6 games IMO)?


Brady's team can fight the report without going to the court room?

Enlighten me please(i'm not being sarcasm).

2-6 games is not a slap on the wrist and this IS about his rep more so than the punishment. Anything beyond a fine and he is going to court. Yee made that pretty clear on his media tour this week ...

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I mean if you want to get your hopes up that he isn't getting suspended be my guest. They will get tons of money regardless of Brady playing or not. The NFL existed long before Brady and will continue to exist after him.

I have no hopes either way. Just reading the tea leaves here ...

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