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Boston's sports media are off their rockers!


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ONE of Your Beloved Colts just assaulted a man over a parking space. Do you think that is courteous and respectful?

So you call some one out for using a red herring and then you come out with this? Please try and retain your own credibility and keep on topic. Alternatively, go to the thread dealing with that issue and see Colts' fans disgust on the issue and discuss it over there.

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You're right, because the Colts AND their fans should be allowed to level baseless allegations against the New England Patriots.  And the New England media and fans should just sit on their superior intellects and be quiet. 


Explain how the allegations are baseless?

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It's called satire. He's making the point that him calling for suspensions and firings is based on exactly the same non-evidence that Kravitz and Doyel had when they embarrassed themselves.

All Kravitz reported was that the league was looking into it. That's a fact the league was looking into it.  All he did was report a story.  He didn't come out and say hey I think the Pats did this he just reported I am being told that the Pats did this and the league is looking into it.  There is a major difference there. 


He also would say later IF the Pats did this then this should happen.  That word IF matters.

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You're right, because the Colts AND their fans should be allowed to level baseless allegations against the New England Patriots. And the New England media and fans should just sit on their superior intellects and be quiet.

We got those allegations from Bob Kravitz. As others have stated, if Kravitz hadn't broke the story; somebody else would have. Sorry, I was meaning to say some New England fans, not all. That still does not warrant them to tweet things to Kravitz that are anti-semetic and too inappropriate to state, just for doing his job.Kravitz was reporting and doing what WTHR pays him to do. This writer seems to just be writing out of anger with all of it directed towards the Colts. There is a difference between reporting something because it's your job and writing an article that has no particular need just because you dislike the Colts.
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ONE of Your Beloved Colts just assaulted a man over a parking space.  Do you think that is courteous and respectful?

I would say for starters Jackson is probably one of the least liked Colts at least on this forum.


As for what happened if this story turns out to be true, and I see no reason it wont turn out to be true, then he should be suspended. 

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You are really misinformed, perhaps doing a little research first before posting would help.

because Pats fans don't want it  to be true there for it isn't.  Forget the fact that Mort sent out a report saying 11 of the 12 balls were more than two pounds under weight and that pretty much everyone outside of New England took that as proof that the Pats did this.  Honestly the league has yet to officially announce the findings of their report so it's probably a little early for other side to claim 100% victory. 

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A "reporter" would say "According to a source, the league is investigating the situation". Calling for people to be fired and suspended when there isn't one iota of evidence to justify such a thing is irresponsible at best, slanderous at worst. Kravitz is getting destroyed on Twitter by real journalists over this as more and more comes out and he starts looking more and more like a jealous fan boy with an axe to grind.



Shame on you for posting like you have. The man says if the evidence proves the allegations to be true. Much different than what you try to sneak by us. Are you serious  ?



Kravitz: Pats, NFL need to come down hard on Belichick for DeflateGatePosted: Jan 21, 2015 5:56 AM PSTUpdated: Jan 22, 2015 2:57 AM PST
By Bob Kravitz, WTHR Sports
6495081_G.jpgBill Belichick
INDIANAPOLIS -If the NFL deems that the Patriots doctored the footballs to the team's advantage in Sunday's game, one of two things must happen:

  • If Patriots owner Robert Kraft has an ounce of integrity, he will fireBill Belichick immediately for toying with the integrity of the game for the second time in his otherwise magnificent career — the first issue being the SpyGate fiasco that earned Belichick and the team fines and a forfeited first-round draft choice.


  • If Roger Goodell has an ounce of integrity, and he's not spending all his time going to pre-game soirees at Kraft's mansion, he will not only fine Belichick and take away draft choices, but suspend the head coach for the upcoming Super Bowl.
Does this sound excessive?
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It's called satire. He's making the point that him calling for suspensions and firings is based on exactly the same non-evidence that Kravitz and Doyel had when they embarrassed themselves.



This ( what the Boston *s had in this article) is a blatant lie. Rapoport never reported that the other 11 balls were just a tick under. He said that "MANY" were just a tick under. Funny how a bunch of NE posters on this board made the same embellished lying comment. Here's an exact quote from Rapoprts report. He mentions one ball at 2 lbs under because Mort had earlier reported all but one at this level. So that 2 LB figure has some significance. No where does he say that that was the "ONLY" ball that measured "more than a tick under" which all you dishonest people try to shove past us. You obviously use this lie just as the author of that article does. It has to be that way as if there was more than one ball a "tick " under , could hurt the ridiculous "conspiracy" theory. Must be the water in Boston.


Here's what Rapoport reported on the PSI measurements ..



>> Eleven of the 12 footballs used in the first half were judged by the officials to be under the minimum of 12.5 PSI, but just one was two pounds under. Many of them were just a few ticks under the minimum.

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Here's the bottom line as I see it. This organization has a history of playing fast with, or on the borderline of rules. This investigation is on going, but in the Spygate matter, fines and draft picks were levied, and the owner called his coach a s--uck.

You can't take away the four Championships obviously, but the issue will be the legacy of Kraft, Belichick , and Brady in the best of all time arguments. Perhaps they will be declared the best, or perhaps historians will compare them to a Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, or Rodger Clemens.

These guys were winners like the Patriot trio, but their legacies have been tarnished by questionable issues. Tarnished legacy, or in the best of all time arguments. You be the judge.

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It's called satire. He's making the point that him calling for suspensions and firings is based on exactly the same non-evidence that Kravitz and Doyel had when they embarrassed themselves.


This is how I took it. If everybody can convict the patriots of this deflatgate story before any facts or evidence proves it then they can do the same thing right back at us. The only ball 2 psi under was the one the colts intercepted? The colts CLEARLY tampered with the ball! I demand a full investigation! Damn cheaters! Pretty brilliant stuff I think. Not that I believe any of this deflate gate nonsense to be true.. But you reap what you sow. 

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Here's the bottom line as I see it. This organization has a history of playing fast with, or on the borderline of rules. This investigation is on going, but in the Spygate matter, fines and draft picks were levied, and the owner called his coach a s--uck.

You can't take away the four Championships obviously, but the issue will be the legacy of Kraft, Belichick , and Brady in the best of all time arguments. Perhaps they will be declared the best, or perhaps historians will compare them to a Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, or Rodger Clemens.

These guys were winners like the Patriot trio, but their legacies have been tarnished by questionable issues. Tarnished legacy, or in the best of all time arguments. You be the judge.

I judge GUILTY In my small little mind I personally add an astrick and hope they get suspended a year!!!!!

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Is that any different that the Patriot reporters saying the Patriots did nothing wrong before the finale results are out?


No "Patriots" reporter said any such thing. Firstly because we don't have "Patriots" reporters here...we just have reporters who report the news objectively and if it is negative for the local team, then so be it...we don't have a lot of "fan-boys" here. Secondly, most reporters here reported what Kravitz and Mortensen had to say without the added hysterical and ridiculous calls for firings and suspensions. I don't recall a single reporter "defending" them unitl there were actual reports that supported doing so.

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You do have a reporter, Mike Reiss.

Mike Reiss works for ESPN, not the Patriots. Here is his article after the Mortensen report. Note he doesn't defend the Patriots in any way, and in fact very rationally suggests that they should be punished if found guilty.



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then who's credible enough to have a opinion/report on the patriots like Kravitz do for the colts?

It's about not allowing your obvious biases to come through and color your supposed reporting. To me, throwing out a serious allegation and then using the 2 small words "if guilty" as a free pass to then go on at length about what should be done, who should be fired, who should be suspended, who should be removed from the game, etc etc etc when there is nothing other than a single source making an allegation is kind of bush league. The Reiss article on this reads like a news story. The Kravitz and Doyel columns make it pretty clear that these guys have a major agenda against the Patriots and are literally salivating at the prospect of them being caught at something.

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This was from before the news came out that exonerated the Pats... http://www.marketwatch.com/story/america-believes-the-patriots-cheat-poll-2015-01-29

According to the poll, 41 percent of respondents believe New England intentionally deflated footballs below the league limit in its 45-7 win over the Colts in the AFC title game.

Just 27 percent buy into the Patriots’ loud and convoluted claims of innocence, while 32 percent had no opinion.

I don't know where you learned statistical analysis, but 41% thinking the Pats cheated to 27% is not a trend towards people believing the Patriots are exonerated.
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"Robert Kraft boldly stepped to the podium Monday evening in Chandler, Ariz., and firmly stated that he expects an apology from commissioner Roger Goodell to Belichick, to Brady and to the entire Patriots organization for all of the accusations that came without any proof or evidence of wrongdoing...A person of Kraft’s stature does not speak with such certainty unless he knows that the league has nothing." 


How in the world could Robert Kraft know unequivocally that no wrong doing was committed among his organization before Ted Wells concludes his investigation? I understand that Bob was defending his HC & QB but he can't prove that based on their words alone. 


"Irsay is a guy who, frankly, is lucky to still be allowed to have anything to do with the NFL. In his DUI last year, he was caught not just with a ton of prescription drugs in his car, but also with $29,000 in cash. Tell me, reasonable human being, why anybody would ever have $29,000 cash sitting around if he weren’t up to some super shady business?...So, driving under the influence of prescription drugs, an act which could result in the deaths of innocent people, is simply the act of a man who needs some help. Underinflate some footballs, and you deserve to lose your job. Solid reasoning there, especially now that we know the entire deflated football accusations were essentially made up out of thin air." 


First of all, sarcasm or not, you never joke about an addiction afflicting a real person nor do you infer that a call to fire a head coach is on the same level of magnitude. Third, how in the hades does this guy know that deflate gate is merely thin air prior to the findings being released to the public? 


This piece is strictly for damage control manipulation that doesn't even remotely consider that an infraction could possibly have been committed. It's like a wanna be politician talking about their furniture placement in their new office before an election has even transpired yet. You just won your 4th SB as a franchise. Shouldn't you be in a good mood Charles Hurley? Who cares if many believe you are cheaters? It's almost insignificant now. 


The strange is this: If NE had lost the SB, deflate gate would have juice as an underground conspiracy theory with legs, but given than NE won, once the report is released within 2 months this story will die permanently with no teeth or momentum left. 

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