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Speculation Thread: What do you think happened at Deflategate? (Merge)


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It's been so long since I have watched the movie I'd forgotten there was one made. I cant remember who the stars who played in it was. The only one I do remember is Christopher Lloyd.

Most of the characters were fairly unknown, but in addition to Christopher Lloyd, you'd probably also recognize Wadsworth who was played by Tim Curry.  But all the main characters were great.  I think it's on netflix if you subscribe to it.  It has something for everybody from a comedy perspective and is age appropriate for any age, in my opinion. 

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Here is what I just don't understand. His entire press conference he stuck to how he loves his ball at 12.5. He wouldn't want anyone to touch then after that. He would zip them away if he could according to his words.

How can he not tell if they are no longer at 12.5? If that has been your preference, and I'm assuming it has been your whole career, you would be able to tell.

I loved how the final reporter mentioned how a basketball player can tell if a rim is moved. Or even a baseball player can tell if his personal bats are off by an ounce.

Sorry Mr Brady I'm not buying you were ignorant. Either you're just plain dumb, and truly have no preference. So that just makes you a liar. Or you were in on it and your true preference is a deflated ball.

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Then why did the Colts pass inspection both time? Lets follow your weather theory. The Colts footballs where at the same stadium at the same time in the same conditions so doesn't it stand to reason that there's should lose 2 pounds of preasure as well? For them to pass at halftime they would have had to be inflated above 14 psi which would not have passed initial inspection. Unless if coarse the laws of physics work differently on the Pats side of the feild :-)          


To be honest we are not sure the leaks have all the facts correct as the NFL has not confirmed the facts in the leaks nor have laid their facts on the table.  No the weather on the night in question can not effect the footballs by 2 PSI, but perhaps 0.5 PSI.  If the pats balls are at 12.6 PSI and the Colts footballs are 13.2 PSI, then after coming in the cold, and not allowed to return to room temp, the balls will be 12.1 and 12.7 respectfully and thus the colts balls will be in spec both times but the pats would not.   So if the 2.0 PSI report it off, then it is perfectly feasible that the colts balls could be in spec both at room temp and at game temp but pats would be in spec at start of game but not in game.  


We just need to see what the NFL says when it displays the facts.

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To be honest we are not sure the leaks have all the facts correct as the NFL has not confirmed the facts in the leaks nor have laid their facts on the table.  No the weather on the night in question can not effect the footballs by 2 PSI, but perhaps 0.5 PSI.  If the pats balls are at 12.6 PSI and the Colts footballs are 13.2 PSI, then after coming in the cold, and not allowed to return to room temp, the balls will be 12.1 and 12.7 respectfully and thus the colts balls will be in spec both times but the pats would not.   So if the 2.0 PSI report it off, then it is perfectly feasible that the colts balls could be in spec both at room temp and at game temp but pats would be in spec at start of game but not in game.  


We just need to see what the NFL says when it displays the facts.

Ok now Patriot fans have conceded on the weather theory and have moved on to "Chris Mortenson's report may not be right" theory

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Ok now Patriot fans have conceded on the weather theory and have moved on to "Chris Mortenson's report may not be right" theory


I never trusted the reports from the beginning.  They may turn out to be correct reports, but time will tell. 


For an organization that is lock down mode regarding the investigation seems funny that there are a few leaks.  


I was just pointing out how the weather, temp only, can effect the balls.  The science behind the effect on pressure by temperature in a constant volume container has not changed since Monday.   So nothing is changing here.   If the temperature drop could cause 2PSI, believe me I would have posted it in the other thread Monday night. ;)

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I think it's pretty clear that no one in the Pats org is going to fess up to anything- so the org will take it on the chin for this.


I will say watching Patriot fan twist like a pretzel to rationalize/defend all of this is high humor. I don't think they realize how ridiculous they look.. yet. 

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If (and its a big if) Tom did not have anything to do with the balls being underinflated, Would he not ask the guy who is not supposed to let anything happen to the balls? Why have all these "top notch reporters" not asked the equipment manager what happened, Did the patriots bail out arron hernandez, and have him snuffed out? Where is the guy who has control of the balls? Something is smelly in patriot land. This with the uneligable reciever and the spygate ,plus all the other shady stuff that leaks out of Belichick pores is not a chance happening, Tom with the approval of Belichick had the equipment manager inflate or deflate the balls to toms specs. Giving them a unfair advantage! Cheaters! I am guessing it happens every game that they are involved in. Or they had all the balls filled with hellium and they lost pressure because all the pats were sitting around taking hits laughing there butts off.Or they got ahold of some flubber and the air leaked out while they were trying to insert it into the ball. 

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Most of the characters were fairly unknown, but in addition to Christopher Lloyd, you'd probably also recognize Wadsworth who was played by Tim Curry.  But all the main characters were great.  I think it's on netflix if you subscribe to it.  It has something for everybody from a comedy perspective and is age appropriate for any age, in my opinion. 


What I remember most about that movie... didn't it have three different endings? And when it was in theaters you had to see it three times to see all three?

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What I remember most about that movie... didn't it have three different endings? And when it was in theaters you had to see it three times to see all three?

I was born in 84, so I wouldn't have been old enough to experience it.  But from what I've read up about it, the ending depended on which theatre you went to.  And you didn't have any indication of which ending ti would be unless the paper in your area labled it (usually something like "Ending A").  I'm not sure if one theatre had all three endings and just alternated endings on different days, though. 

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I was born in 84, so I wouldn't have been old enough to experience it.  But from what I've read up about it, the ending depended on which theatre you went to.  And you didn't have any indication of which ending ti would be unless the paper in your area labled it (usually something like "Ending A").  I'm not sure if one theatre had all three endings and just alternated endings on different days, though. 


I've got some years on you.  ;)


When I was a teenager I worked at a video store, I remember the VHS tapes had all three endings. 

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Used to be so much cheaper to go out to movies back then.  I remember it being about $5 when i was in my early teens.


I know right? I took the family (me, wife, 2 kids) last weekend and it was almost a $50 episode by the time we were done. 

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Used to be so much cheaper to go out to movies back then.  I remember it being about $5 when i was in my early teens.

Got you beat. 75 cents. Ok so I've been around awhile.

I'm addicted to all the movies that come on cable demand for $6.00 HD.

Can't get enough of the CIA type movies. Next up this weekend is "Lucy" with Morgan Freeman.


On topic- I pass and draw a speculation card.

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I still will keep the Colts Setup card on the table..


After this article, this smells to high heaven of Jim Irsay doing this as a setup:





Here are some tidbits from the article:



This means that the supposed catalyst for this entire investigation that Kravitz reported was a LIE.  Kravitz is buddy buddy with Jim Irsay, and the way they've approached this makes it look like they had this planned all along.


Here is Jackson's take on the deflated balls (lol)



Then the story gets VERY interesting... 



So the Pats ended up with Colts footballs before half time...


Irsay had this planned since they got lambasted back in November..  I'd love it so much if they found camera footage of someone on the Colts swapping out balls or messing with the Patriots balls in some way.  Irsay's hate of the Patriots is well known and hes already proven to be someone of questionable character, so I think with this plot twist speculating that he could have framed the Pats is as much on the table as any other speculative opinion at this point.


Kravitz hammered home the fact that it was Jackson that brought it to the attention of the team and officials after his interception.. which was a total lie... it was also being used in arguments of "How could Jackson tell the football was deflated but Brady couldnt!? Brady is a liar!"


So there you have it.. Jackson NEVER felt a difference in the ball or reported ANYTHING..  this was planned dating back to November by Irsay and his cronies.


You heard it here first!


Wow man, like i know you really want to defend your team and all...but wow bro.  Like you need to take a step back, lets all calm down, cause stuff just got real crazy. 

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But  here are some good reads on it.











A perfect contradictory quote from him


In his news conference, Brady said there's a usual process he goes through in getting used to using game-day footballs, explaining it's like any other piece of equipment for him and that he prefers the football to be inflated at 12.5 pounds per square inch, which is the lowest end of the league requirement."To me, that's a perfect grip for the football," he said. Brady said he didn't notice a difference between the footballs from the first half to the second half on Sunday.

"I'm not squeezing them, that's not part of my process," Brady said. "I grab it. I feel the lace, the leather. I feel the tack on the ball. That's really what you go for."



So he prefers them to be 12.5 which is the perfect grip, but then doesnt squeeze them and thats not what he's looking for?  So how do you know 12.5 is the perfect grip if you aren't squeezing them?

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So it looks like thus far the NFL investigation has found that the footballs were inflated properly at inspection, under inflated during the first half, and then properly inflated for the second half.  I'd be curious to see what the video evidence would find. 

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All we know right now is the NFL is having a tough time finding evidence of tampering and had not spoke to Brady as of 4:00 p.m. yesterday. Jackson from the Colts has also distanced himself from this again saying he never thought Brady's ball he intercepted was deflated and that he did not say anything to the equipment manager which leaves most believing that this accusation by the Colts was in the works before the game. In addition, Pagano has distanced himself saying he was not aware of any deflated balls and also John Harbaugh also said he was not aware of any deflated balls when the Ravens played the Pats in the divisional round.


The longer this goes, the more it is losing steam. The only "report" from the NFL which was leaked by Mort was that 11 of the 12 balls were deflated but the NFL has not verified this or the amount of the deflation of each ball. Turns out all 12 balls were deflated according to many reports with the last ball not as deflated as the other 11.


Given the pressers by Bill and Brady yesterday, I think they are confident that the league has nothing as even Brady said he spoke to his equipment managers and they did nothing wrong and did a great job with their preparation of the game balls like they always do. I don't think much comes of this at all at this point. There is no way Bill and Brady hold those pressers yesterday if they believed the NFL had any proof whatsoever. They were definitive in their denial of any involvement and left no room for conjecture.


I expect the league to release its findings today or over the weekend.


My best guess as to what happened to the balls is that they lost air due to weather and use because they were pumped to the lowest possible spot on the range, 12.5. Bill basically insinuated this in his presser and said the Pats will make sure to have the balls pumped over the minimum in the future to ensure they never fall below the acceptable range. My other theory is that Brady, similar to Aaron Rodgers, submitted the balls under weight and the refs either missed it or let it go. For all 12 balls to be under inflated means they were that way at the start of the game IMO as no way some ball boy is deflating 12 balls in the first half with no one noticing.


Goodness gracious.....   no wonder you're not responding to my posts.


The NFL has found all the evidence that it needs.    11 footballs at 10.5 PSI and the 12th was sub 12.5.    That's it.    That's the evidence.


What the NFL hasn't found is......    who did it?     That's it.    That's all.


The NFL will take it's time to try and get this right so they don't screw it up as they have all the other investigations this year.   So, they're moving slowly.


But make no mistake,  the NFL will drop the hammer on the Pats.    Perhaps not before the SB,  but after.    Bank on it.


There will be a fine.    There will be a loss of draft picks.    One, or the other, or both.   But the NFL has the evidence.


Why you don't understand this is a complete mystery to all here....   (except, of course, your love of the Pats...)

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Goodness gracious.....   no wonder you're not responding to my posts.


The NFL has found all the evidence that it needs.    11 footballs at 10.5 PSI and the 12th was sub 12.5.    That's it.    That's the evidence.


What the NFL hasn't found is......    who did it?     That's it.    That's all.


The NFL will take it's time to try and get this right so they don't screw it up as they have all the other investigations this year.   So, they're moving slowly.


But make no mistake,  the NFL will drop the hammer on the Pats.    Perhaps not before the SB,  but after.    Bank on it.


There will be a fine.    There will be a loss of draft picks.    One, or the other, or both.   But the NFL has the evidence.


Why you don't understand this is a complete mystery to all here....   (except, of course, your love of the Pats...)

They are already screwing this up .. trust me.

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From their statement? lol. I have zero faith they will get this right no matter which way it turns out.

can You think of a time when a special investigator was brought in on a team matter where something wasn't found? Either way it squashes your theory it would be over by this weekend

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can You think of a time when a special investigator was brought in on a team matter where something wasn't found? Either way it squashes your theory it would be over by this weekend

Are you joking? What is he going to find a pump needle? lol. I think the NFL is covering its butt to make it "look" like they are going the distance with this. Kraft fully supported Goddell when he made a buffoon of himself with the Rice case. So I guess we will see but tampering is very hard to prove in terms of pinning it on someone.


yes, not this weekend. I would like to hope by media day but probably not ...

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Are you joking? What is he going to find a pump needle? lol. I think the NFL is covering its butt to make it "look" like they are going the distance with this. Kraft fully supported Goddell when he made a buffoon of himself with the Rice case. So I guess we will see but tampering is very hard to prove in terms of pinning it on someone.

yes, not this weekend. I would like to hope by media day but probably not ...

they don't have to prove who did it. This isn't a courtroom.

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They absolutely do otherwise why continue the investigation? They would have already punished the Pats on Monday if they only needed the deflated balls as evidence.

Too often, competitive violations have gone unpunished because conclusive proof of the violation was lacking,” Goodell wrote in that memo. “I believe we should reconsider the standard of proof to be applied in such cases, and make it easier for a competitive violation to be established. And where a violation is shown, I intend to impose more stringent penalties on both the club and the responsible individual(s). I will also be prepared to make greater use of draft choice forfeiture in appropriate cases. I believe this will have the effect of deterring violations and making people more willing to report violations on a timely basis.”

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can You think of a time when a special investigator was brought in on a team matter where something wasn't found? Either way it squashes your theory it would be over by this weekend

Isn't this the special investigator that was brought in on the bullying incident in Miami and they found Richie Incognito guilty and he was severely punished by the NFL. :???:    That makes me think that this will be done correctly. :)

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Too often, competitive violations have gone unpunished because conclusive proof of the violation was lacking,” Goodell wrote in that memo. “I believe we should reconsider the standard of proof to be applied in such cases, and make it easier for a competitive violation to be established. And where a violation is shown, I intend to impose more stringent penalties on both the club and the responsible individual(s). I will also be prepared to make greater use of draft choice forfeiture in appropriate cases. I believe this will have the effect of deterring violations and making people more willing to report violations on a timely basis.”

I intend to impose more stringent penalties on both the club and the responsible individual(s).


They don't have that yet.

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