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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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One of the most uncomfortable press conferences I've ever seen. I have no knowledge, etc. My impression is I sensed fear in his voice which I've never seen before. This is a huge deal.

One of his best Crow. He was thorough. Explained how he doctors ball for practice but does not have anything to do with the game balls as he is busy preparing the team. He said to basically ask Tom which is exactly who we need to hear from. This is not on Bill. Think about it. Why would Bill tell Tom how to inflate his balls? No HC does that with any QB.

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Okay, it now seems most everyone is in agreement. This is clearly on Brady..

What do you all think the proper punishment should be...??? And Will be....??

My guess is, Brady will take the responsibility, be given a Fine. Kraft will pay the fine.... and all will be rosy again in time for the SB.


If he intentionally tampered with the football, then by the nfl rule book it would be a $25,000 fine.

Everyone looking for some draconian punishment from this is wayyyyy off their rocker and is just wishful thinking. The punishment is meant to match the crime, you dont put someone in prison for rolling through a stop sign

Seems a lot of Colts fans want them to rain down some insane punishment that will cripple the franchise for the next 5 to 10 years. I guess that makes sense, if you can't beat them on the field then I guess you try to take them down off of it

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One of his best Crow. He was thorough. Explained how he doctors ball for practice but does not have anything to do with the game balls as he is busy preparing the team. He said to basically ask Tom which is exactly who we need to hear from. This is not on Bill. Think about it. Why would Bill tell Tom how to inflate his balls? No HC does that with any QB.

40 years in the league and BB doesn't know the process for his team's balls on game day? Get real

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That's why he is the evil genius. He's the head coach, he knows his legacy and HoF implications with another cheating scandal. He's done everything in the game everyone else wishes they were able to achieve. Every player has a shelf life in the Patriots organization and Brady's is possibly up.

And he has also had 8 years since spygate without one league violation or fine ...

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its the placebo effect.

corking the bat has been proven to lower the amount of power a hitter has. it makes it harder to hit home runs because there is less inertia. but players still do it because they think it makes it easier.

Corking a bat may give a batter less power due to the lower mass of the bat. However, corking also will allow a batter to produce greater bat head speed which is certainly an advantage when facing a fast ball.

All of which has nothing to do with the a Patriots deflating footballs to gain an advantage.

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I was never one to be terribly outraged by spygate.  But the pattern here is undeniable.  This sort of thing is ruining this sport.


I was talking to my brother over the holiday and he said, he's about reached the point where there is so much crime among players and corruption in organizations that he's about done being a football fan.


I can see a lot of people feeling that way.  I won't watch the superbowl.  My sympathies to the SeaHawks

I agree Nadine and I too feel for the Seahawks because this is supposed to be a fun and great time for them. I for one hope they WIN big in this game after what has transpired. :)

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If he intentionally tampered with the football, then by the nfl rule book it would be a $25,000 fine.

Everyone looking for some draconian punishment from this is wayyyyy off their rocker and is just wishful thinking. The punishment is meant to match the crime, you dont put someone in prison for rolling through a stop sign

Seems a lot of Colts fans want them to rain down some insane punishment that will cripple the franchise for the next 5 to 10 years. I guess that makes sense, if you can't beat them on the field then I guess you try to take them down off of it

I would love for them to get a bowl ban, or fined a million dollars a ball. Considering they have been a thorn in our side for 15 years while already proved to have been cheating before. This isn't about the Colts trying to take them out because they can't beat them on the field. We were 2-14 3 years ago, Brady is in his late 30's and involved in a second cheating scandal, I think we will be ok in the future, our time is just not here yet.

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Chris Mortensen @mortreport 16m16 minutes ago

This may not be popular but did I believe Bill Belichick? Yes.


You would have to be really stupid this believe this line. The guy has been in the league.... HOW MANY YEARS??


"I had no knowledge in the various steps involved in the game balls and the process that went through -- that happened between -- when they were prepared and went to the officials and went to the game, so I learned a lot about that."

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Free lesson in thermodenamics from a conversation I was having with a good friend who is a biochemical engineer (who is NOT a football or sports fan)

If the balls were filled with warm air at room temp (between 70-80 degrees), they could be at 12.5 psi 2.5 hours before game time (lowest legal psi limit), by the start of kickoff in 50 degree weather they could lose over a full psi of pressure, then when you add in the rain it can add additional weight to the football and also effect the PSI.

That's just the 3 hours from inspection to kick off, then the ball obviously can become more deflated from the rigors of an NFL football game, being landed on by multiple 300lb men, spiked, etc..

This is not some conspiracy, just the laws of thermodynamics can explain this.. if the Colts filled their balls to 13.5 psi (max legal limit) they would lose roughly the same PSI but would still be within regulation.

We know zero details of the investigation, and I find it hard to believe that 11 balls were discovered to be "deflated" since there were several tossed to fans in the crowd

I've also heard that that the NFL doesnt support Mortensens claim of the 11 balls, I also heard that there are 2 teams that are LIVID with the Colts for bringing this up and drawing attention to a practice that is used throughout the league by every starting QB.. Some of which prepare their balls for MONTHS to be to their liking for game day.

This could just as easily backfire on the Colts.. Manning with the support of Brady got the league to allow the use of their own game day balls and it's generally understood that each team has their own, you make your balls the way you like them and we'll make ours the way we like them... its all personal preference, like Rodgers likes to overinflate his balls for a tighter spiral, and the physics of the extra psi actually allow the ball to travel at a higher velocity when he does that.

At the end of the day, the league has to prove that the Pats intentionally tampered with the balls.


This has already been proven not to be the case by scientists. You and your friend have no idea what you are talking about.  


Temperature needs to be in absolute scale (i.e. Rankine or Kelvin)

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In the perspectives outside of "PatsNation", that's two major cheating scandals that affected three superbowl victories and now possibly one more...


only because people dont know the rules that were broken in Spygate.


1. taping opposing coaches was LEGAL

2. it couldnt be done on the sidelines

3. the Pats did if from the sideline after the change


Taping signs was not the violation.  The location of the camera was


and let me save you the time "rabble rabble, cheaters, rabble rabble"

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Deflated balls are easier to catch than overinflated. You don't get the case of the "Brick Hands."

I think it was Michael Irvin on the NFLN that said he likes higher inflated balls with a tight spiral because it's easier to catch.

It really comes down to preference.. some like more inflation, some like less inflation.

A lot of people could be very upset if they force teams to use fresh balls right out of the packaging again on gameday, which I think could happen after this social media driven fiasco

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One of his best Crow. He was thorough. Explained how he doctors ball for practice but does not have anything to do with the game balls as he is busy preparing the team. He said to basically ask Tom which is exactly who we need to hear from. This is not on Bill. Think about it. Why would Bill tell Tom how to inflate his balls? No HC does that with any QB.

I don't get any satisfaction seeing Bill squirm like that. This whole thing is bad for the NFL like the Ray Rice case, on a different level. I think the tough thing for Bill is everyone knows he is such a detailed person, he knows all aspects of the organization, down to the last detail. He leaves no stone unturned. Also working against him is the past transgressions. Had this been some other team without the history, it may have been a story, but not this big of a deal.

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only because people dont know the rules that were broken in Spygate.


1. taping opposing coaches was LEGAL

2. they changed the rule to not allow it on the sidelines

3. the Pats did if from the sideline after the change


Taping signs was not the violation.  The location of the camera was

Ah ok no wonder they only lost 750K and a draft pick and we never got to see the tapes. You realize they were so damning that Goodell, just being elected commissioner, could not inherit a cheating scandal implicating 3 of the last four superbowl champions. He had to destroy them. Get outta here w that nay nay

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If he intentionally tampered with the football, then by the nfl rule book it would be a $25,000 fine.

Everyone looking for some draconian punishment from this is wayyyyy off their rocker and is just wishful thinking. The punishment is meant to match the crime, you dont put someone in prison for rolling through a stop sign

Seems a lot of Colts fans want them to rain down some insane punishment that will cripple the franchise for the next 5 to 10 years. I guess that makes sense, if you can't beat them on the field then I guess you try to take them down off of it


I haven't gotten, in my mind to what the punishment should be.  But I sure wanted them to come clean and for the NFL to take a stand on this type of sleeziness........much the way they have done with domestic violence and DWI.  


I am completely dismayed and disappointed that neither of those things are happening.


I know you are happy that your org skates, and that bothers me as well.  Not gonna lie

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I don't get any satisfaction seeing Bill squirm like that. This whole thing is bad for the NFL like the Ray Rice case, on a different level. I think the tough thing for Bill is everyone knows he is such a detailed person, he knows all aspects of the organization, down to the last detail. He leaves no stone unturned. Also working against him is the past transgressions. Had this been some other team without the history, it may have been a story, but not this big of a deal.

What are you going to do? Colts blew the whistle so has to deal with it. I agree. Ugly for league in a very ugly year.


I believe him as everyone has said that this is between the QB and equipment manager. As detailed as Bill is, why would be care about the balls Brady throws? And remember this is Tom Brady, his HoF QB. On game day, Bill has to worry about coaching the team not how Brady likes the balls.

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So your argument is that the Patriots deflated the footballs to help the opposition? Interesting defense strategy there.

Not once did I say that.. I said the laws of physics debunk the advantage angle that people are running wit and could arguably be considered a disadvantage.

It comes down to personal preference, all QBS are different in what they like, which just further supports how much this has gone off the rails

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What are you going to do? Colts blew the whistle so has to deal with it. I agree. Ugly for league in a very ugly year.


I believe him as everyone has said that this is between the QB and equipment manager. As detailed as Bill is, why would be care about the balls Brady throws? And remember this is Tom Brady, his HoF QB. On game day, Bill has to worry about coaching the team not how Brady likes the balls.

Aside from some jokes, I'm all for due process here, but it doesn't look too good right now. I think Belichick and Brady will be towing the same line, but the shark like press are going to be all over that ball boy and equipment manager. You can bet TMZ is throwing all kinds of money out to get to those people.

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Aside from some jokes, I'm all for due process here, but it doesn't look too good right now. I think Belichick and Brady will be towing the same line, but the shark like press are going to be all over that ball boy and equipment manager. You can bet TMZ is throwing all kinds of money out to get to those people.

What Bill did is he took himself out of the equation and therefore spygate. He has handed off to Brady which as I have been saying since Monday is where this belongs. This is on Brady. He has control of the game balls.

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Aside from some jokes, I'm all for due process here, but it doesn't look too good right now. I think Belichick and Brady will be towing the same line, but the shark like press are going to be all over that ball boy and equipment manager. You can bet TMZ is throwing all kinds of money out to get to those people.

Loved how TMZ crushed Goodell in the Rice presser. I need Benjy from Howard Stern show in there screaming his head off "don't take me to the elevator!".

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What gives me pause here is that all 12 balls were deflated. Brady may have thought the balls were inflated to the max and told ball boy to let air out. What I am sure of is there is no way this was intentional cheating. But more Brady getting the balls the way he likes.


So in other words...cheating.

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I honestly can say, I don't believe him. I believe he told Tom that if he altered the footballs, it's on him. Any penalty for Tom would not hurt the franchise. This REEKS of a classic fallguy scenario, with layers of plausible deniability neatly wrapped. Bill sounded "coached" (pun?). His voice cracked to a point where he sounded like he was going to cry. 


I don't believe him. He knows more than he's saying, and his crackling voice told me that he's hiding something. 

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to clarify a misconception in here.


The fact that the Colts balls were in the acceptable range at halftime does not rule out the weather factor.  They said the Colts balls were legal at half, NOT that they had lost no air.



If the Colts fill theirs to the top of the range, they could lose air and still be legal.  We know the Patriots fill theirs to the lowest allowed pressure, so losing any air would make them illegal.


We also havent had the 2psi figure confirmed either.


Not claiming it was the weather, just pointing out things that need to be clarified from the league before judgements are made

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    • I mostly agree. I think there might be teams that had him highly graded, but went in a different direction. The first round was wacky. And maybe for some of those teams, it was a coin flip between AD and another player, and maybe the concerns about maturity were the deciding factor.   There are other teams -- like the Colts, IMO -- that generally don't value WR as a first round position, which is not necessarily a reflection of the individual player. Maybe the Colts would have taken one of the top three guys if they were in range, because they're that good, but generally, that's not how the Colts handle the position.    Your other thoughts are definitely valid as well. It's not like he's the perfect physical prospect, he didn't have outstanding college production, some of the advanced stuff doesn't look great, etc. I don't think he's the 11th best WR prospect in this class, there are several players I think he should have gone ahead of. But it's not like he's a top five prospect who dropped to the middle of the second round. The Colts don't see it that way either, otherwise they wouldn't have traded back to #52. Speaking of top five prospects dropping, there were some unsourced rumors about Malik Nabers' character before the draft; he still got drafted where everyone expected him to be drafted.    So yeah, I don't think these reports torpedoed AD's draft stock. Maybe the character concerns played a role, but I don't think these reports are the source of those concerns; I think it's the other way around. 
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