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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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This is a big story, it's all over every sports media outlet.  Even FoxNews was twittering during Obama's speech about it, seems like it's getting airplay even during the President's speech, that's huge.  New England could be embarassed for a long time to come and may have to forfiet our game.

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Regardless of the outcome of this investigation, it's extremely embarrassing for the organization and the fans. If the intent was to cheat, I am in favor of the NFL coming down hard. I just don't understand why. Maybe it's about getting every competitive advantage possible or crossing a thin line when it comes to rules. But at the same time, I'm still waiting for the full outcome. Whether it was intentional (not denying it wasn't), who was responsible, and the referees roles in this. And I'll be the first to apologize as a fan to the Colts organization and their fans. Again, I will wait until all the gritty details are released.

I appreciate the sentiment. I really do, and I hope this attitude is pervasive among Patriots fans. I hope that you guys can come to an understanding that no amount of winning is worth the loss of your franchises integrity and respect, and I implore the Pats fans to demand action to recover at least some of what was lost here. 


This is football. The National Football league. Everything we do here, every tick of the game clock, every play, every touchdown, every word typed on a mesage board......it all centers around the football. The actual football itself, and the Patriots manipulated the state of the football against the rules to gain an unseen advantage in competition. 


This is a violation which should shock and inferiate all NFL fans. That oblong spheroid is to be treated with reverence. Yet, for some absolutely unexplainable reason, apparently someone within the Patriots organization violated the very object that this game centers around. Someone had the audacity to actually mess with the damn football.


I want you to pass on the following sentiment to your fellow fans, on message boards, in your life, at work, whatever, wherever; Earlier today I was defending your team (on this website in front of all my fellow fans) because I thought these allegations to be so ridiculous and impossibly silly that I couldn't fathom this actually occurring. I went on to praise your team, this Belichick/Brady era as the best the league has ever seen. As a Colts fan, I stated I would be rooting for your team, for the first time in my 36 years of being a fan, I was rooting for the New England Patriots to win the Super Bowl. 


And then this happens. I'm sure you can understand, I have changed my mind completely. I've watched every Super Bowl since 1977, never missed one since. I will not watch this years game if your team is allowed to play, and I mean that. I'm not going to tune in for the orgy of advertising, or the marketing soaked Katy Perry halftime extravaganza. I won't tune in to watch a team that got caught cheating 2 weeks earlier be allowed to compete for the ultimate prize. A cheating franchise that cheated while knocking out my Colts. Any purpose of playing that game goes flying out the window if they let your team play. 


Such a shame. What a waste. 

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Just saw the reports on the 11 balls. Very disgusted. The only question remaining is if the balls were under weight at inspection and the refs missed it then it would be a league issue. BUT if the balls were of weight at inspection and then 2lbs were removed after the inspection than it was done on the sidelines. Pats should be punished heavily for this if the latter is true with lost of multiple draft picks given this is the second time they have violated rules. I am very sorry to Colts fans as even though I don't believe the air pressure determined the game in any way, this is just wrong at least based on what we know now.

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Just saw the reports on the 11 balls. Very disgusted. The only question remaining is if the balls were under weight at inspection and the refs missed it then it would be a league issue. BUT if the balls were of weight at inspection and then 2lbs were removed after the inspection than it was done on the sidelines. Pats should be punished heavily for this if the latter is true with lost of multiple draft picks given this is the second time they have violated rules. I am very sorry to Colts fans as even though I don't believe the air pressure determined the game in any way, this is just wrong at least based on what we know now.

I feel bad for you, the fan. You guys deserve better than this. Of course your team could've whooped us if you played using a basketball, but the very idea of such a great team going to illicit measures in order to win......it sickens me. 


Nobody should feel bad for the Colts. We weren't winning that game regardless. The people I feel bad for are the Pats fans, as well as NFL fans in general (myself included) because now we have to watch a team play for the championship 2 weeks after being caught cheating. I won't watch, but I'm just that way. Very few fans will actually care enough to not watch. 

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I feel bad for you, the fan. You guys deserve better than this. Of course your team could've whooped us if you played using a basketball, but the very idea of such a great team going to illicit measures in order to win......it sickens me. 


Nobody should feel bad for the Colts. We weren't winning that game regardless. The people I feel bad for are the Pats fans, as well as NFL fans in general (myself included) because now we have to watch a team play for the championship 2 weeks after being caught cheating. I won't watch, but I'm just that way. Very few fans will actually care enough to not watch. 

This is very, very depressing. I want to wait to hear the full investigation and what the Pats, in particular Bill and BRADY say as he is the one that handles the balls and he arrogantly laughed this off on Monday calling it ridiculous. To say I am steamed would be putting it mildly.


I don't blame you for not wanting to watch the game.

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True. They could do more than a fine but highly unlikely I would think given they give the amount of the fine and the game was not close. I do think it is a bunch of malarkey and I am not sure how in the world you prove it.

So you think the NFL is going to be light on a subject the questions the integrity of the game?  Sorry am, no cigar.

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you still need to prove the balls were tampered with before any penalties can be applied.


The chain of command for the balls is:


theyre submitted to officials for approval

the officials hold on to the approved balls until kick off

the balls are given to the ball boy at kickoff and all are held by the ball boy throughout the game


considering how many tv cameras there are theres no where to hide on a sideline.  So if the balls were deflated after the fact there must be video evidence.  And unless said evidence is found, there's no proof of tampering.


but in reality the hate orgy is in full swing so facts arent allowed...

Yeah. Refs are on the line big time here. I can't believe the refs missed balls being 25 percent less inflated. To me that is mind boggling.


Expect new policies around ball handling this coming this off-season ...

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So you practice the full week with deflated footballs (unless they are stupid added to cheaters) and you deflate your footballs for the game while your opponent uses balls with the correct presure.


They deserve way more than losing draft picks and a fine. They should be kicked out of the superbowl and Seattle should get the trophy without playing.


Yeah, superbowl a very big business and all we want. This kind of things KILL the sport in the long term.

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I hear yah . . . I find it best to sit back and let all the facts and dust settle. Regardless of the outcome I just sincerely hope whatever the outcome/result from the NFL is something that all will accept and that it is clear and concise. Time will tell.

Oh man I haven't read any posts since this one, but is gonna get good lmbo

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So you practice the full week with deflated footballs (unless they are stupid added to cheaters) and you deflate your footballs for the game while your opponent uses balls with the correct presure.


They deserve way more than losing draft picks and a fine. They should be kicked out of the superbowl and Seattle should get the trophy without playing.


Yeah, superbowl a very big business and all we want. This kind of things KILL the sport in the long term.

My initial response was to feel as if NE should be disqualified. In most competitions, if someone is caught cheating, no matter what the scoring disparity was, they are disqualified. However....I understand the extraordinary logistics that would involve disqualifying 1 of the 2 SB teams. 


It would be fair, but I understand it's not really reasonable to do so. 


If the trajectory of this event continues toward a resolution that someone in the Patriots organization manipulated the footballs illegally, I feel Belichick should be suspended for all of 2015 + loss of draft picks + cap penalties + fines. 

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Aaron Rodgers weighs in, http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/2014/story/_/id/12201369/aaron-rodgers-green-bay-packers-upset-referees-take-air-footballs

Rodgers says there should be no limit to how much air is in the ball and refs usually deflate the ball more than he would like. Interesting stuff. Credits Manning for allowing QBs to doctor the balls the way they want.

What I got from that, Rodgers says brady has small hands and no grip. Lol

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It's sad that this organization doesn't respect the integrity of the game. I don't even know how they could genuinely feel proud of their accomplishments knowing that they have always bent or broken the rules.


More importantly, I feel for their fans. They have to feel like little kids feel when they realize Santa Claus isn't real. They need to be penalized monumentally for this. Goodell has had a rough year

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Oh please. Grigson called the league. That is what the investigation is for - deflating balls. Stop playing dumb.

I think that is just what he has to do. Kind of like a chain of command. He just can't call the refs on the field. It's probably protocol.

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If BB had anything to do with this, suspend his butt for 2015 and part ways. Every player worked hard the whole season to get to this point and it would be a shame if an * ruined it all for all of us. But I am not understanding how the hell 11 balls lost that much pressure during the game! If refs checked everything before the game then I am not sure how the balls were tampered...

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Regardless of the outcome of this investigation, it's extremely embarrassing for the organization and the fans. If the intent was to cheat, I am in favor of the NFL coming down hard. I just don't understand why. Maybe it's about getting every competitive advantage possible or crossing a thin line when it comes to rules. But at the same time, I'm still waiting for the full outcome. Whether it was intentional (not denying it wasn't), who was responsible, and the referees roles in this. And I'll be the first to apologize as a fan to the Colts organization and their fans. Again, I will wait until all the gritty details are released.

Crossing a thin line? Have you ever heard the word integrity? And or ethics?  While I appreciate your ability to apologize it will not change the damage done to the Patriots by them using tactics that are not only illegal but damages the integrity of the NFL. In the past most of the Patriot fans have stood behind Belichick no matter what lack of sportsmanship he chooses. Spygate? Well all teams do it. Your just jealous. Everyone just hate a winner. All the excuses except the one that matters. The lack of integrity and fair play. The Colts loss was not due to the underinflated balls for sure. How about the Ravens? There have been reports on their players saying the balls were tampered with. That game is in question as to who won and how. Had the Ravens won they would have had to come to Indy and the Patriots would be sitting at home. Maybe you think that is far fetched?  These are the types of questions that arise when your coach has no sportsmanship and no integrity.

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I know deflating the balls probably didn't give the pats the game Sunday but my question is......in light of their previous cheating and if this is true what else were they doing to cheat against us or other teams that they have never gotten caught for. You cannot tell me that the 2 times they have been caught were the only time they cheated and they just had bad luck getting caught. Also it speaks to the mentality of belichick and the organization, that they are willing to do just about anything to get an advantage and win games and like they say "once a cheater always a cheater".

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my advice is if you do t wanna see bashing for weeks log off lol


I was only making a joke . . . i.e. a very big piece of news comes out and 20 minutes later I am suggesting we stop talking about it. 


it will be interesting to see how all of this sakes out.

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The pro bowl players.

No....no they don't. At this point, they might as well just have Irvin and Carter play with their selected players via a Madden video game. 


The players want the honor, they want the checks, but they clearly don't want to actually play this game anymore than you or I want to be forced to work this Saturday. 

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Just saw the reports on the 11 balls. Very disgusted. The only question remaining is if the balls were under weight at inspection and the refs missed it then it would be a league issue. BUT if the balls were of weight at inspection and then 2lbs were removed after the inspection than it was done on the sidelines. Pats should be punished heavily for this if the latter is true with lost of multiple draft picks given this is the second time they have violated rules. I am very sorry to Colts fans as even though I don't believe the air pressure determined the game in any way, this is just wrong at least based on what we know now.

No one is saying this is why the Colts lost. You don't seem to understand what integrity and sportsmanship means. What if the Patriots used this same method against the Ravens? That game was close enough to be in question. Had the Raven won the Patriots would be sitting at home. Far fetched you might ask? This is the questions that arises when your coach has no integrity or care for fair play.

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I will always be a Patriot fan no matter what.

Lets not forget that Refs responsibility is to check the balls 2 hours and 15 minutes prior to the game...what happened to that?

If its an NFL * then they should own up to their mistake.

We will see what the NFL announces tomorrow.

You think they didn't check them? Really? Especially with report of then being suspected of this earlier in the season and against the Ravens? Just accept it. They did it and move on. No big deal.

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No one is saying this is why the Colts lost. You don't seem to understand what integrity and sportsmanship means. What if the Patriots used this same method against the Ravens? That game was close enough to be in question. Had the Raven won the Patriots would be sitting at home. Far fetched you might ask? This is the questions that arises when your coach has no integrity or care for fair play.

What's grinding my gears this morning is hearing the ESPN guys continue to discuss the score of the AFCCG game, as if this has anything to do with the issue. 


The score disparity is moot. In what realm can a team/competitor be caught cheating, yet not have their spoils revoked? Moreover....be allowed to advance the the championship? 


What a terrible year for the NFL, and it ends with this? What a shame indeed. 

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Also could lie on the ref for inproper inspection of the balls before the game...but then there is still the fact that the pats brought 11 of 12 balls underinflated to the ref to check.


which is a common practice.  there's a post pages back where Aaron Rodgers admits he likes his overinflated and routinely submits balls that are above the upper limit for PSI to the refs

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This reminds me of Nixon being caught in Watergate.


People kept saying "why would he do that?   He was going to win easily.   Why did he cheat?"


And the simple answer is because some people feel the need to control the outcome even if it looks like they'll win,  they want to do everything they can to make sure they win.    So Nixon cheated.


So Belichick cheats.    It's in his DNA.


This is the latest to tarnish his reputation....   and I'm going to enjoy this.....    forever!


I was just thinking the same thing.  The Dirty tricks were unnecessary but were the downfall of that administration.  

It doesn't look good for the Patriots organization.


Another question that's bothering me.  Was it the Indy reporter that was the first reported this? Who told him? The NFL has kept things hush hush before.  How was this made public?  Not saying it's not a worthy story.  I'm just wondering

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which is a common practice.  there's a post pages back where Aaron Rodgers admits he likes his overinflated and routinely submits balls that are above the upper limit for PSI to the refs


That is the Pats only saving grace in this IF the balls were submitted under pressure and the refs missed it upon inspection ... a long shot IMO.

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No....no they don't. At this point, they might as well just have Irvin and Carter play with their selected players via a Madden video game. 


The players want the honor, they want the checks, but they clearly don't want to actually play this game anymore than you or I want to be forced to work this Saturday. 

So now you know what the players think or how they feel?  Just because that is your opinion does not make it so.

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Oh man I haven't read any posts since this one, but is gonna get good lmbo


yah I am still waiting for the final results.  Some things have leaked out.  Given the firestorm that it has started it would be in the NFL best interest to lay everything on the table, including things that help and hurt the pats in the investigation.  Too often fans always talk about things that "should have been done,"  more often than not the fan's concerns are unfounded.  Would be nice if the NFL lays everything out so that any fine that is imposed if perceived to be fair based on the evidence, or at least fans understand where the NFL is coming from in their finding. 

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teams use their own balls.  nice try though

I'm not sure you understand this issue at all. 


HCF was saying.....Baltimore had similar concerns about the Patriots using under inflated balls. As well, it was reported by Schefter that Colts Mike Adams and Freeman in our week 11 matchup here in Indy reported to Pagano that the balls felt under-inflated, but it wasn't reported because we felt it was an aberration. 

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Don't blame the players, blame the head guys. I'm sure it was a head decision to cheat

Probably told the players they'd release them or something if they opened their mouths about it. Gotta feed the family man

Surrreeeee. I bet they'd release Brady.

These are grown men. They could have spoken up.

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