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Indy or Cincy will win @ Denver


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let's just focus on the game tomorrow. I agree Denver has some problems but If we pull off another houston/cleveland game, we have no shot in denver.

We are going to look good tomorrow every season has its ups and downs tomorrow we will play a good game We are a good team.  D is healthy

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Is Denver really the most vulnerable team in the playoffs? It's still going to take a hell of an effort to go in there and cover all those TE's and receivers for 60 minutes. Even if Peyton does have a sub-par performance, that is a pretty complete and determined group behind him. There are a ton of guys on that team with a very bad taste in their mouth after that embarrassing Super Bowl meltdown...

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Huge opportunity for our Colts. Denver is the most vulnerable team in AFC playoffs. Whomever comes out of tomorrow's 4-5 wildcard card will be playinf in the AFC Championship. Time is now!

I really do hope you're right, but until the Colts prove otherwise I feel the Colts may be the most vulnerable team in the playoffs.  I really hope I'm very wrong about this.  Let's see what they do today.  Which Colts team will show up.  

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Just a discussion, folks. Many if you notes the classic #Chuckstrong cliche of "one game at a time....focus on our opponent." Respectfully, look at the OP. I didn't forecast the Colts going to Denver (although I feel good about today) just pointing out that Ravens provided BOTH teams playing today with an opportunity that I think EITHER would prevail on.

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Denver reminds me of our 2006 team.  Manning was a bit off and the running attack and defense carried us in the playoffs.  So I don't think they are any pushover.  I am VERY happy to see Baltimore go to NE because for whatever reason they always play the Patriots tough.  If they beat NE that wil make my day :)

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We have struggled against teams that have solid TE's. We have to play great D against Peyton and hopefully we can put some pressure on him. He is not mobile and to be honest his arm is not that great right now. It has a lot of miles on it. If we can disrput his timing we can force some mistakes.


Luck has to be hot next week. We need to  not drop balls or turn ball over

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Good win for Colts today against Cincy. BUT although Den might be having theur own struggles right now... we've got alot of our own problems. We still commited to too many stupid errors today and missed out on 2-3 Touchdowns. That will kill us against Denver. Plus we really dont know how this team is gonna come out and play, especially on the road against an Elite team. Colts have not proven that they can play CONSISTENTLY at a high level and win against the elite teams. I dont know what team is gonna come out to play next week honestly. We're always going up and down. I wouldn't get too set on thinking we're beating the Broncos. We've gotta come out to play and not shoot ourselves in the foot. And to me... I honestly dont know whether we will or not. This team is so shaky.

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