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Where will Ray Rice end up?


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Here are the teams that I think Ray Rice will end up on their roster:


1. 49ers, they need another back, Gore and Hyde alone are not going to get it done, Rice might be what they just need.

2. Colts, Bradshaw can't seem to stay healthy, I think Rice would be a much better alternative solution than Richardson & Bradshaw...

3. Oakland, why not, that's where careers end...plus he would be making a paycheck.

4. Miami, I think Ray Rice would fit perfectly in their system.

5. Seattle, I am sure Pete wouldn't mind someone like Ray on his roster, he might be a good fit for them too...

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Most reports I've seen are that the colts aren't interested.  Then I got even more confused when I saw on an ESPN article that literally said in the first sentence "At least four teams have expressed interest in recently reinstated running back Ray Rice, including Indianapolis and New Orleans, though the Colts and Saints are not expected to pursue him, according to multiple league sources." 


Umm, what?  We're interested but not going to pursue.  Well, then we're not interested *s! lol.  Anyway, I don't think we sign him.  It'll draw too much unnecessary attention, I wouldn't want the Colts to be the guinea pig.  Just my two cents.

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It's all the media guessing right now.

The media is really WANTING Rice to sign with someone so they can start a frenzy!

Im thinking he signs with Oakland because they will probably take the chance. Although his agent said he wants to sign with a contender.

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He more trouble than he's worth. Ray Rices are a dime a dozen and I'd be surprised if anyone took a chance on him this season. Next season maybe but like I said he's nothing special. The whole thing makes me sick. Him and his wife trying to rationalize his behavior and her father standing there in support. If that's my girl there is no turning back for Ray. He made his bed. Lets see how long she hangs around when the money drys up. 

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He more trouble than he's worth. Ray Rices are a dime a dozen and I'd be surprised if anyone took a chance on him this season. Next season maybe but like I said he's nothing special. The whole thing makes me sick. Him and his wife trying to rationalize his behavior and her father standing there in support. If that's my girl there is no turning back for Ray. He made his bed. Lets see how long she hangs around when the money drys up. 

The running game has really diminished in value in today's pass-happy NFL, and Rice is just another "commodity" these days.  His production tailed off last season, and he may be nearing the end of his shelf life. He may land on somebody's roster next season, but it won't be for superstar money. 

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Here are the teams that I think Ray Rice will end up on their roster:


1. 49ers, they need another back, Gore and Hyde alone are not going to get it done, Rice might be what they just need.

2. Colts, Bradshaw can't seem to stay healthy, I think Rice would be a much better alternative solution than Richardson & Bradshaw...

3. Oakland, why not, that's where careers end...plus he would be making a paycheck.

4. Miami, I think Ray Rice would fit perfectly in their system.

5. Seattle, I am sure Pete wouldn't mind someone like Ray on his roster, he might be a good fit for them too...

49ers have no need.

Colts already have said no, and Boom Herron will do just fine.

Oakland can't do anything with McFadden, or MJD.

Miami won't because they have just gotten over a major problem with two lineman going at it.

Seattle... Well, if anyone will pick up a loser it is Pete Carroll.


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Hopefully, in a profession that allows him to earn sufficient income to support his family and to continuously allow opportunities.


Because the social do-gooder grandstanders pretty much destroyed his previous career.

I don't know. Doug....if his wife hits her head on the floor the wrong way after he knocks her out...he's OJ...

....He should retire with his millions of dollars he's already been paid and consider himself lucky

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I don't know. Doug....if his wife hits her head on the floor the wrong way after he knocks her out...he's OJ...

....He should retire with his millions of dollars he's already been paid and consider himself lucky

No intent, and likely tremendous remorse if that happened. Not even close to OJ. Debating his actions weren't my point anyway.

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Hopefully, in a profession that allows him to earn sufficient income to support his family and to continuously allow opportunities.


Because the social do-gooder grandstanders pretty much destroyed his previous career.

Social do-gooders? Since when should a society over look a wife beater? He destroyed his own career. Sorry, I have no apathy for him.

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I'm about 90% sure Ray Rice doesn't play another down in the NFL.  I'm about 75% sure Adrian Peterson doesn't play another down in the NFL.


The NFL and it's teams are scared of the social justice advocates now.  


No one seems to believe me on this but that's what the reality is.  These guy's careers are done.  They won't play football again, they won't broadcast football games or be on TV, they won't coach, they won't even be able to get a job at Kroger.

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Social do-gooders? Since when should a society over look a wife beater? He destroyed his own career. Sorry, I have no apathy for him.


Overlooking something and defining someone by it are two entirely different things.  


Overlooking something and choosing to not get caught up in a ridiculous moral panic are entirely different things.

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No intent, and likely tremendous remorse if that happened. Not even close to OJ. Debating his actions weren't my point anyway.

Intent is not relevant. Tt was his intent to knock her out.......arguably he could have killed her.

..and I know you didnt want to to debate his actions but that's the problem with resigning Ray Rice. You have no choice if you sign him...and.the day after you sign him..he could knock her out again...That type of thing (domestic violence) is not something that happens only once..

.no team can have a player like that.....he becomes the non-sports face of your franchise

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I'm about 90% sure Ray Rice doesn't play another down in the NFL.  I'm about 75% sure Adrian Peterson doesn't play another down in the NFL.


The NFL and it's teams are scared of the social justice advocates now.  


No one seems to believe me on this but that's what the reality is.  These guy's careers are done.  They won't play football again, they won't broadcast football games or be on TV, they won't coach, they won't even be able to get a job at Kroger.

Adrian Peterson will be back in the NFL next year...

the public seems to view the two crimes differently

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Evolved cultures have a judicial system. Primitive ones have mob stonings.


We're more primative then evolved.  We don't have stonings but we've decided that giving into anger is the best way to handle crime instead of thinking through it logically.


Hence why we have more crime then anyone else.  

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We're more primative then evolved.  We don't have stonings but we've decided that giving into anger is the best way to handle crime instead of thinking through it logically.


Hence why we have more crime then anyone else.

No, we have more crime, because the unevolved among us react emotionally and want quick actions to satisfy their anger. ..

The judicial system investigates and weighs evidence.

Most everybody was willing to form a conclusive and extreme position just by watching a video...see what I mean?

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Overlooking something and defining someone by it are two entirely different things.  


Overlooking something and choosing to not get caught up in a ridiculous moral panic are entirely different things.

Ridiculous moral panic? So let me get this correct. A NFL player abuses his girlfriend on camera and not only gets out of trouble with the law he then gets his punishment receded from his employer and you think the morals of most are what you term panic? Sorry, I can't buy into your opinion.

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Evolved cultures have a judicial system. Primitive ones have mob stonings.

You seem to over look that the judicial system failed in this case. As far as your comment about mob stoning, it's call having an opinion and feeling strong about it. Hitting and knocking a woman out is not acceptable. Primitive is exactly what Rice faced when being punished. He should be in jail, not thinking about playing football.

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Which is actually a real shame, since the Peterson crime was much much worse.

That's an intertesing comment.......

Knocking your wife out is an intentional act. It could be manslaughter..

The only legal difference between OJ and ray is the way their wife's head hit the floor...and the result

If Mrs. Rice dies hitting her head after being knocked out...Ray's in jail

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Ridiculous moral panic? So let me get this correct. A NFL player abuses his girlfriend on camera and not only gets out of trouble with the law he then gets his punishment receded from his employer and you think the morals of most are what you term panic? Sorry, I can't buy into your opinion.

so, its worse because it was on camera?

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That's an intertesing comment.......

Knocking your wife out is an intentional act. It could be manslaughter..

The only legal difference between OJ and ray is the way their wife's head hit the floor...and the result

If Mrs. Rice dies hitting her head after being knocked out...Ray's in jail

murder and manslaughter aren't the same.

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Ridiculous moral panic? So let me get this correct. A NFL player abuses his girlfriend on camera and not only gets out of trouble with the law he then gets his punishment receded from his employer and you think the morals of most are what you term panic? Sorry, I can't buy into your opinion.

Deleted. Thought you were quoting me...which didn't make sense

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