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Angry Peyton quiets crowd...


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How much do you want to bet that this mistake doesn't happen again?

See?  That's the point.  Manning gets things done.  By the time this is all said and done he and the board op will become friends.  People appreciate honesty especially if it helps them improve.


I hope they do (become friends). That would be a nice ending to the story. I'm not saying Manning is a bad guy. He's shown lots of class in many past instances (visiting Ray Lewis after the AFC title game, expressing concern for Sherman's injury in the Super Bowl, etc). 


I just think that all he had to do was say something to Fox, or someone else who could relay the message behind closed doors. Not to call out some guy who's probably working to feed his family and pay his mortgage. It's not like there's an abundance of jobs out there for scoreboard operators.  ;)

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So the crowd jumped off sides?

Wow I have to explain this? OK so crowd noise can affect snap counts or calls for the offense. So if the crowd is loud, the offensive line may not hear the call for the snap. Which can make them jump early before the count cause they can't hear what the qb is doing. This is called offsides. This is what could have happened with denver.

Is that barney enough for you?

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I think a lot of people live in the world of fantical sports fans...and then there is the real world. The operator will not be fired. Peyton displayed his distaste for playing music during the game and especially showing the opposing team's qb who is upset on the opposing sideline. He didn't think it was tasteful to rub it into peoples face. He didn't want to call out the fans because their reaction was natural upon seeing Rivers so animated etc. Could he have done this in private...sure..probably would have been the best option but he was asked a question about fan noise and the false start and he had to quite the crowd numerous times in the redzone so he was miffed. People have to understand that Peyton doesn't distinguish a play in the last two minutes from a play in the first two. He wants people to execute the same way all the time because there may be a time in crunch time and if you've done it over and over you are likely to execute when the pressure is on. He calls his plays at the line...not in a huddle like just about every other qb in the league...its how the offense works...if he is your qb you should know that and respect that if you want to cheer for them. He wasn't going to call out the fans...he probably could have said that he will talk to John about managing the in game entertainment but the reality is Peyton knows almost ALL the staff...he did here at Indy and likely does at Denver. Probably knows the guys name and his family and will just say hey lets tone it down when we have the ball and lets be respectful of our opponents. I agree he is a little OCD but you know what...its made him a great qb...I'm sure he will apologize to the guy for calling him out....least he didnt say the "liquered up operator" lol.

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Wow I have to explain this? OK so crowd noise can affect snap counts or calls for the offense. So if the crowd is loud, the offensive line may not hear the call for the snap. Which can make them jump early before the count cause they can't hear what the qb is doing. This is called offsides. This is what could have happened with denver.

Is that barney enough for you?

You can wake up a sleeping person not the one who pretends as sleeping  :thmup:

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Wow I have to explain this? OK so crowd noise can affect snap counts or calls for the offense. So if the crowd is loud, the offensive line may not hear the call for the snap. Which can make them jump early before the count cause they can't hear what the qb is doing. This is called offsides. This is what could have happened with denver.

Is that barney enough for you?

Good luck explaining much of anything to that poster.

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Wow I have to explain this? OK so crowd noise can affect snap counts or calls for the offense. So if the crowd is loud, the offensive line may not hear the call for the snap. Which can make them jump early before the count cause they can't hear what the qb is doing. This is called offsides. This is what could have happened with denver.

Is that barney enough for you?

Totally missed the point but congrats on your condescension.

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Look guys, everyone knows crowd noise can have an effect on the game. That's not the point of this 'debate'. The game was over and he got mad at the crowd for celebrating that. Does that make him a bad guy? No. Does that make him classless? No. But jesus Peyton, lighten up. 


The answer he gave at the press conference was all about saving face with the fans. You could see him doing his little arm flap to quiet the crowd, and when they didn't he clearly got upset and gave us the classic 'Manning face' in disgust. You could read his lips...he was angry at the fans for not giving him the ideal conditions he apparently needs to run out the last minute of the clock with the game in hand. That's it. And then when asked about it he tried to justify why he could get so angry over something so silly at that point of the game. 


This argument is stupid because it holds no bearing on his on field accomplishments or what Denver has been able to do this year, but guys, he's not even your quarterback anymore, it's ok not to blindly defend him when he's being a little dumb. As I said before, even the media laughed at his comment until they realized he was serious. It's just so Peyton, and even his fiercest defenders should be able to look at this and question what the * his problem is.

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Are you kidding? That was lame, lame. He was mad because it make the crowd cheer and he wanted it quiet. Honestly, he has to be the only football player that believes it is his right to control an entire football stadium including the scoreboard operator.

You really go out of your way on anything concerning Manning. In case you missed it Manning has broken just about every record there is to hold as a QB. Your crush on Brady is showing with your never ending negative vibe on Manning. Manning has earned the right to control what he wants to no matter what you think. When he was in Indy the fans knew what he wanted and followed suit. It's that way in New England with Brady so why don't you have some negativity at him? So explain what is wrong with Manning wanting a little respect for Rivers?  It must be nice for you and all of your Patriot followers to come into a Colt forum and spew your nonsense. Why I don't know. I sure don't have the desire to go to any other teams forum and brew trouble just because I can. Beside the other teams forum don't allow that kind of nonsense going on in their forums.

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Would you NE fans be thrilled if someone was blowing that fog horn while your offense was playing?


If the game was all but over and they were blasting 'Thunderstruck' over the speakers during a timeout and we continued to cheer once play started again because all we had to do was run out the clock to secure the win? Yeah...I would have 0 trouble with that at all. 

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If the game was all but over and they were blasting 'Thunderstruck' over the speakers during a timeout and we continued to cheer once play started again because all we had to do was run out the clock to secure the win? Yeah...I would have 0 trouble with that at all. 

If the game were over I wouldn't have a problem with it, either.


The Denver/Chargers game was not over at that point. There is a lot of stupid crap that can happen in that short amount of time. Given the shoddy special teams of the Broncos I wouldn't rely on them to close it out on the return and recover an onside kick.

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If the game were over I wouldn't have a problem with it, either.


The Denver/Chargers game was not over at that point. There is a lot of stupid crap that can happen in that short amount of time. Given the shoddy special teams of the Broncos I wouldn't rely on them to close it out on the return and recover an onside kick.


Comeon...the crowd was celebrating, the players themselves were dancing on the sidelines (which they don't do until the game is sealed up), and Denver ended up having to kick the ball back to the Chargers with time for one more play while being down two touchdowns. 


THE GAME WAS OVER....the crowd knew it, the team knew it, and Peyton knew it. They only ones who apparently didnt know it were Colts fans still blindly defending their former quarterback.

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Comeon...the crowd was celebrating, the players themselves were dancing on the sidelines (which they don't do until the game is sealed up), and Denver ended up having to kick the ball back to the Chargers with time for one more play while being down two touchdowns. 


THE GAME WAS OVER....the crowd knew it, the team knew it, and Peyton knew it. They only ones who apparently didnt know it were Colts fans still blindly defending their former quarterback.

A lot of people think games are over at certain points. Then it bites them in the rear on occasion.


The Chargers have good special teams.

The Broncos have bad special teams.


It's not a stretch, at all, to think some comedy of errors could have led to OT. Fumble, return, onside kick recovered, etc.


I still don't think Peyton should have been flapping his arms saying "It's time to play! Shut up!" but I can see why he was * off. He knew the game wasn't over in a game with a lot at stake.

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Football games are loud. Especially divisional ones when the game is in hand with two minutes to go and the fans want to celebrate a bit. Manning and his ridiculous need to control everything was out of line.

so the answer is no then. That's what i figured

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You really go out of your way on anything concerning Manning. In case you missed it Manning has broken just about every record there is to hold as a QB. Your crush on Brady is showing with your never ending negative vibe on Manning. Manning has earned the right to control what he wants to no matter what you think. When he was in Indy the fans knew what he wanted and followed suit. It's that way in New England with Brady so why don't you have some negativity at him? So explain what is wrong with Manning wanting a little respect for Rivers?  It must be nice for you and all of your Patriot followers to come into a Colt forum and spew your nonsense. Why I don't know. I sure don't have the desire to go to any other teams forum and brew trouble just because I can. Beside the other teams forum don't allow that kind of nonsense going on in their forums.

Did you miss all of the other posters who share my viewpoint, some of which are Colts fans?

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If the game were over I wouldn't have a problem with it, either.


The Denver/Chargers game was not over at that point. There is a lot of stupid crap that can happen in that short amount of time. Given the shoddy special teams of the Broncos I wouldn't rely on them to close it out on the return and recover an onside kick.


Moose you're always a great poster but the game was over, man. 2nd and 5, no timeouts for SD, 14 point lead. They didn't even need to run the ball really. Victory formation would have killed the clock. Even without the first down, Denver knew they could run it down to around 20 seconds. 


I think we're all just saying that Manning's little on-field temper tantrum was unnecessary at that point, and his comment about the scoreboard operator made him look like a bully everywhere on the planet except Colorado and the greater Indianapolis area!  ;)


I would LOVE to see the reaction from Indy/Denver (I get confused about that a lot, pretty easily!) if Brady lost his mind like that. Last year when the Patriots got jobbed in Carolina he chased the refs off the field asking for an explanation, and you would have thought on this message board that he'd punched an infant or something. Manning loses his cool in a game that's been decided and it's chalked up to his competitive nature and perfectionism. 




  Two-Minute Warning     2nd and 5 at DEN 31 (2:00) PENALTY on DEN-P.Cornick, False Start, 5 yards, enforced at DEN 31 - No Play.     2nd and 10 at DEN 26 (2:00) J.Thompson left tackle to DEN 31 for 5 yards (J.Johnson).       Timeout #2 by DEN at 01:14.     3rd and 5 at DEN 31 (1:14) J.Thompson right tackle to DEN 34 for 3 yards (M.Gilchrist).       Timeout #3 by DEN at 00:28.     4th and 2 at DEN 34 (:28) B.Colquitt punts 41 yards to SD 25, Center-A.Brewer. K.Allen to SD 31 for 6 yards (A.C
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that level of OCD is exactly what causes his head to become a tangled pretzel come playoff time. the game was over. the crowd noise was a non issue at that point. but he's so OCD about it that he let it get to him.

and to call out a scoreboard operator in a press conference is lame. that one tops "we had protection problems." by all means have a conversation with the guy making $200 a week to run the scoreboard. but do it on the down low. nothing like humiliating a guy working a part time job for the fun of it

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that level of OCD is exactly what causes his head to become a tangled pretzel come playoff time. the game was over. the crowd noise was a non issue at that point. but he's so OCD about it that he let it get to him.

and to call out a scoreboard operator in a press conference is lame. that one tops "we had protection problems." by all means have a conversation with the guy making $200 a week to run the scoreboard. but do it on the down low. nothing like humiliating a guy working a part time job for the fun of it

You have no idea what the man makes or his hours of operation. Also, he didn't mention the guys name, so its hardly being called out. I'm guessing its more than a one person job anyway

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He did a stupid, orchestrated "keep away" idiocy last week when breakjng the record, and now moans and groans about a guy doing his job.

Suck it up, spoiled brat. Once again, for the millionth time in his career, Peyton comes off as bratty because something didn't happen the way that he wanted.


I love Peyton for everything he did for the Colts.  Always will.  He's the greatest thing that ever happened to my team.

But that orchestrated and rehearsed TD celebration is way too Ocho Cinco for my taste.  And this tantrum is impossible to defend.

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 Even without the first down, Denver knew they could run it down to around 20 seconds. 



And that's why the game wasn't over.  Even if Denver didn't fumble, you have the opportunity for a potential punt return/block followed by onside kick/hail mary. Likely? No...but weird stuff happens.


I don't think Manning had an appropriate reaction - particularly for a QB of his stature. I'm just saying I can see why he was * off. Should have kept his cool, though and handled it in house.

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Look guys, everyone knows crowd noise can have an effect on the game. That's not the point of this 'debate'. The game was over and he got mad at the crowd for celebrating that. Does that make him a bad guy? No. Does that make him classless? No. But jesus Peyton, lighten up. 


The answer he gave at the press conference was all about saving face with the fans. You could see him doing his little arm flap to quiet the crowd, and when they didn't he clearly got upset and gave us the classic 'Manning face' in disgust. You could read his lips...he was angry at the fans for not giving him the ideal conditions he apparently needs to run out the last minute of the clock with the game in hand. That's it. And then when asked about it he tried to justify why he could get so angry over something so silly at that point of the game. 


This argument is stupid because it holds no bearing on his on field accomplishments or what Denver has been able to do this year, but guys, he's not even your quarterback anymore, it's ok not to blindly defend him when he's being a little dumb. As I said before, even the media laughed at his comment until they realized he was serious. It's just so Peyton, and even his fiercest defenders should be able to look at this and question what the * his problem is.

Got to agree, not sure why everyone is blindly defending a QB who doesn't even play here anymore.  I doubt and hope the scoreboard operator doesn't get fired, but man talk about public humiliation to someone who in a year doesn't even make a 1/5 of what Manning does in a week.


 Also another interesting point I noticed about Manning versus Luck, I noticed when Julius Thomas dropped a pass Manning was clearly yelling at him after the play, where Luck will regularly look at the receiver in the exact same situation and say "My bad" and give them a pat on the shoulder.  


One thing is for certain, I think most Colts fan including myself, have been Manning homers in the past and always overlooked his negatives.  But it is very odd to see Colts fans still treating him like he plays here.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciated what he brought to the team and I can definitely see him having his number retired and being in the ring of fame in Indy, but I am not going to blindly defend his shortcomings. 

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Got to agree, not sure why everyone is blindly defending a QB who doesn't even play here anymore. I doubt and hope the scoreboard operator doesn't get fired, but man talk about public humiliation to someone who in a year doesn't even make a 1/5 of what Manning does in a week.

Also another interesting point I noticed about Manning versus Luck, I noticed when Julius Thomas dropped a pass Manning was clearly yelling at him after the play, where Luck will regularly look at the receiver in the exact same situation and say "My bad" and give them a pat on the shoulder.

One thing is for certain, I think most Colts fan including myself, have been Manning homers in the past and always overlooked his negatives. But it is very odd to see Colts fans still treating him like he plays here. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated what he brought to the team and I can definitely see him having his number retired and being in the ring of fame in Indy, but I am not going to blindly defend his shortcomings.

He publicly humiliated him? What is the scoreboard operators name?

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Did you miss all of the other posters who share my viewpoint, some of which are Colts fans?

I am sorry you missed the whole point of my comment. You are not alone in taking every crack at Manning anytime you can. Do I or any other Colt fan do that to Brady? Do Colt fans go to the Patriots forum and make it an issue to insult Brady? No. Because the Patriots forums don't allow outside fans to come into their forums and pass out insults and put downs. You will be banned from the site. You Patriot lovers-slash-Manning haters have free run in our forum. That's OK but you should expect a little flack over your under handed sly remarks when you use them. By all means keep coming back but don't get butt hurt if you can't take the heat.

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