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Bill Polian?


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People want to defend him? But can anyone tell me in the last five years how has he helped our weaknesses? Stoping the run? Running the ball? Return Man? If Manning gets hurt this team is in trouble.

I've thought for years that he is wildly overrated and is coasting on his reputation.

I am very happy with the Colts finally working on the line with the draft but overall this off season has been horrible.

If I were Manning I would sign the franchise tender and then next year I would move to a team with a defense because Polian has this team in decline.

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People want to defend him? But can anyone tell me in the last five years how has he helped our weaknesses? Stoping the run? Running the ball? Return Man? If Manning gets hurt this team is in trouble.

Been hearing this tired bit for many years now. There is no such thing as a perfect team, which is what you seem to want. These darn imperfections got you mad at Polian? Are you sick of this success? In the last five years we have 2 AFC Championships and a Super Bowl. We go to the playoffs every year and you still want to complain about imperfections? C'mon.....really?

I'm no Polian fan-boy, but I ain't about to cast dispersions at him until this team falls into a multi-year slump.

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I've thought for years that he is wildly overrated and is coasting on his reputation.

I am very happy with the Colts finally working on the line with the draft but overall this off season has been horrible.

If I were Manning I would sign the franchise tender and then next year I would move to a team with a defense because Polian has this team in decline.

I am going to sue you buddy, for wasting the 6 seconds of my life that it took to read this. Expect to hear from my lawyer on Monday.

PS durrr?

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Man I say. The last five years of the franchise has been the best years since it was moved to INDY. lol. You peeps get me going. Either you just started watching COLTS football becuase its the cool thing to do now that they are winning championships, or you forget how lousy this team was for a few decades before. Besides a couple of freakish Harbaugh years, this team was one of the jokes of the league. Lets not forget the man who got us here. Polian. He made the choice to get Manning over Leaf. And back then, alot of peeps were saying to take Leaf over him. And it took a long time for us to really compete for championships. We were good, but not great untill the last five years on both sides of the ball.

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He's done a lot right, and a lot wrong. The steps that were taken in this draft should have been addressed last year. I'm looking forward to a great season depending on the health of key players such as Peyton and Austin Collie.

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I've thought for years that he is wildly overrated and is coasting on his reputation.

I am very happy with the Colts finally working on the line with the draft but overall this off season has been horrible.

If I were Manning I would sign the franchise tender and then next year I would move to a team with a defense because Polian has this team in decline.

Ruksak said it well. I am going to try a different tack. That is 100% pure bovine excrement.

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We sign or draft our weaknesses via the NFL Draft. We're not a team to go crazy in free agency. Maybe you haven't noticed, but most of our team is filled with OUR draft picks. We've also made the playoffs every year for the 5 years, and made 2 trips to the SB, winning one... all under Bill. He's a great GM and we wouldn't be as good without him.

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Bill is an excellent GM/president/whatever position he is in now. He is a major reason why the Colts are a contender every year and I am glad he is working for us and not against us


I can't believe people will bash this guy who helped turn this organization around to what it is today.

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Man I say. The last five years of the franchise has been the best years since it was moved to INDY. lol. You peeps get me going. Either you just started watching COLTS football becuase its the cool thing to do now that they are winning championships, or you forget how lousy this team was for a few decades before. Besides a couple of freakish Harbaugh years, this team was one of the jokes of the league. Lets not forget the man who got us here. Polian. He made the choice to get Manning over Leaf. And back then, alot of peeps were saying to take Leaf over him. And it took a long time for us to really compete for championships. We were good, but not great untill the last five years on both sides of the ball.

yeah peyton over leaf..i think most teams woulda done that..not all but majority..but no1 woulda taken edge over ricky williams..that was genious..he was really good @ finding all the good players..freeney was low on many teams boards cuz of his size..i mean wayne when harrison was really coming into his own was a lil different..dallas bob..then all of his undrafted guys..i mean he has made this team what it is so i dont blame him when he tries to coast a lil..i think he also has tried to fill the holes a lil and they didnt pan out..he got gonzo when stokley left..he drafted brown to help addai..i dont think these are his fault..the only thing i woulda done different is i woulda drafted MJD over addai..i liked him a lot better @ the time but oh well peyton and the colts have enjoyed a lot of success bcuz hes stayed off his butt w a lil help from addai

i think the polian bashers need to all go hide under a rock bcuz in a way he is a major part of the colts and i wouldnt want 95% of the GMs out there over him..lets just hope that this bad drafting funk will wear off and heck start, not hitting home runs, but grand slams again!!

p.s. manningstheman, i hope that u were not slighting Captain Comeback..

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I'm just saying without Manning, i don't know what we are as a team. I think people give our success to Polian and really most teams in the league would make the playoffs with Manning. I want players to win the superbowl and Polian just relies on undrafted free agents.

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... Really

We have been to the superbowl twice in the last 5 years

Polian may have made some dumb Personal moves, but... Tell me a better franchise the last 5 years online might be steelers

Patriots, Steelers, Eagles, Colts, Ravens, Chargers (and a few more) - all great teams with great success. How many of them have made the playoffs every year for the last 10?

Yeah, if you think Polian hasn't helped us you can probably go to StampedeBlue and enjoy every article written (poorly) by BBS. But you won't find too many other intelligent people to agree with you. (sorry, didn't mean to direct this at you Colts89! I totally agree with you)

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it's always amusing when this topic comes up. both sides seem extreme in their critique of polian. he is obviously a legendary gm, but like derek jeter, that shouldn't shield him from criticism. the fact is he has failed to fix the oline/dt issue the last few years...and now we have to hope that 3 rookies are able to step up very quickly while manning enters the twilight of his career. i hoping he will pick up a good bargain in the later stages of this fa frenzy, but who knows.

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it's always amusing when this topic comes up. both sides seem extreme in their critique of polian. he is obviously a legendary gm, but like derek jeter, that shouldn't shield him from criticism. the fact is he has failed to fix the oline/dt issue the last few years...and now we have to hope that 3 rookies are able to step up very quickly while manning enters the twilight of his career. i hoping he will pick up a good bargain in the later stages of this fa frenzy, but who knows.

Everyone should be open to criticism, and BP is no exception. But some people expect him to work miracles. He did try to address the O-line with high picks (pollak, Ugoh). They didn't work out. He's made some great moves to keep the team competitive every year, as well as some bad ones (Scott over Lilja, then letting Lilja go).

Over all, he's still one of the top 3 guys in the league at what he does.

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Everyone should be open to criticism, and BP is no exception. But some people expect him to work miracles. He did try to address the O-line with high picks (pollak, Ugoh). They didn't work out. He's made some great moves to keep the team competitive every year, as well as some bad ones (Scott over Lilja, then letting Lilja go).

Over all, he's still one of the top 3 guys in the league at what he does.

Nope!!!!! Ugoh was chris polians first move!!!!! he..is..the..worst!!!!

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Everyone should be open to criticism, and BP is no exception. But some people expect him to work miracles. He did try to address the O-line with high picks (pollak, Ugoh). They didn't work out. He's made some great moves to keep the team competitive every year, as well as some bad ones (Scott over Lilja, then letting Lilja go).

Over all, he's still one of the top 3 guys in the league at what he does.

i don't think (rational) people are expecting miracles. but when u build strictly thru the draft and whiff on people like ugoh, pollock, brown, gonzo AND hand out bad contracts to very average players like kelvin hayden AND you're paid millions of dollars to make the correct decisions....well, that's just the nature of the beast.

could be worse...he could be bobby beathard. that poor guy will prolly have ryan leaf on his tombstone.

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i don't think (rational) people are expecting miracles. but when u build strictly thru the draft and whiff on people like ugoh, pollock, brown, gonzo AND hand out bad contracts to very average players like kelvin hayden AND you're paid millions of dollars to make the correct decisions....well, that's just the nature of the beast.

could be worse...he could be bobby beathard. that poor guy will prolly have ryan leaf on his tombstone.

I'm a Buckeye (no jokes please) so I'm not ready to give up on Gonzo. Brown can still make an impact. But I get your point.

My point is that if you evaluate all the team builders (GM/Team President) in the league, you'd have to be a * (or the head writer for StampedeBlue) to say that BP isn't in the top 3.

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I'm a Buckeye (no jokes please) so I'm not ready to give up on Gonzo. Brown can still make an impact. But I get your point.

My point is that if you evaluate all the team builders (GM/Team President) in the league, you'd have to be a * (or the head writer for StampedeBlue) to say that BP isn't in the top 3.

i like gonzo but i just didn't ever see him as 1st round quality. how someone like gonzo goes in the first and someone like collie goes in the 4th escapes me...and don't get me started how someone like Sanzenbacher doesn't even get drafted.

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  • 3 months later...

Been hearing this tired bit for many years now. There is no such thing as a perfect team, which is what you seem to want. These darn imperfections got you mad at Polian? Are you sick of this success? In the last five years we have 2 AFC Championships and a Super Bowl. We go to the playoffs every year and you still want to complain about imperfections? C'mon.....really?

I'm no Polian fan-boy, but I ain't about to cast dispersions at him until this team falls into a multi-year slump.

You hit the nail on the head! That's what I am tired of. I understand being mad about this season but this whole attitude that some fans seem to have that we have just never been good under Polian because they don't like Polian is getting tired. People can say building the way they did finally bit them this season but you know what it's worked for every year since 2001 till now. That's a pretty darn good run and I understand it doesn't make this year exceptable but let's not kid ourselves it's not like we have been going 5-11, 3-13 and 7-9 the past three years or so. We've been setting the NFL standard for winning so clearly the way the Colts built this team around Manning worked. It's also no different than how a team like the Saints has built their team around Brees, or the Chargers around Rivers, or the Packers around Rodgers. It's what you do if you have a super star QB. I'd even say the rebuild Pats are much more dependent on Brady than they were four of five years ago and I'd if their starter went down every single one of those teams would be in the same poistion the Colts are. Like you said there is no such thing as a perfect team in the NFL. Every single of them has flaws, what you have to do is build your team so that you can over come those flaws and like it or not the Colts have proven most of the time they can over come not being very good at stopping the run. Yes the bottom fell out this year but I don't think us not being able to stop the run is really the largest reason for that. We had other problems happen that has done this season in, most notable Manning going down and a horriable secondary.

Also the idea that Colts haven't tried to address not being able to stop the run is flat out wrong. We've drafted two DTs in the first three rounds in the last three years just for that reason. We also signed two free agents DTs in Johnson and Muir to try to help with that as well as drafting Mathews with a later round pick last year and took a flyer on Tommie Harris to try to help address this. We went out and signed two run stopping ends. We drafted a run stopping MLB in the second round last year and got a steal in Conner at linebacker as well. I'd say the Colts have been working very hard to try to address that problem as well as addressing other needs. Now people can argue about if those moves have been good enough or not and have a very strong case that it hasn't been but it doesn't mean they haven't been trying to address the issue.

As for trying to run the ball better The first year it stood out as a major problem was in 2008. A lot of people felt the problem was Addai and not the o-line. Well Polian went out and spent the first round draft pick in 2009 on a running back to try to help with hat issue. Also going back to 2006 Polian started trying to reubild the line with Ugoh and then followed that up with Pollack in 2009 as well as Justice and Richard. He then took McClendon with a late round pick last year as well as drafting Eldridge to try to help with run blocking. He then took two OTs with our first two picks this year as well as finding guys like Reitz and Link (who has turned into a decent tackle) to help with the issue. He also went out and drafted Hart and Carter with hope they could be short yardage guys and signed a fullback this off-season. Again people can argue that those moves have not been good enough and have a very strong case but the Colts have not been ignoring it.

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Been hearing this tired bit for many years now. There is no such thing as a perfect team, which is what you seem to want. These darn imperfections got you mad at Polian? Are you sick of this success? In the last five years we have 2 AFC Championships and a Super Bowl. We go to the playoffs every year and you still want to complain about imperfections? C'mon.....really?

I'm no Polian fan-boy, but I ain't about to cast dispersions at him until this team falls into a multi-year slump.

Right On Bro....

What if? Simon stayed healthy? Booger stayed healthY Marlin stayed healthy? BOB stayed healthy,

And then we have the FA defections for MORE MONEY... What would U do? Play for a home town discount or get the Cheez when U can? The answer is simple.

And then we have bad drafts which is the reason the team was so good for so long (the draft that is), and now the reason the Colts have NO depth.

And injury......

Polian really did try .... but it all just did not work. Very unlucky...

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You hit the nail on the head! That's what I am tired of. I understand being mad about this season but this whole attitude that some fans seem to have that we have just never been good under Polian because they don't like Polian is getting tired. People can say building the way they did finally bit them this season but you know what it's worked for every year since 2001 till now. That's a pretty darn good run and I understand it doesn't make this year exceptable but let's not kid ourselves it's not like we have been going 5-11, 3-13 and 7-9 the past three years or so. We've been setting the NFL standard for winning so clearly the way the Colts built this team around Manning worked. It's also no different than how a team like the Saints has built their team around Brees, or the Chargers around Rivers, or the Packers around Rodgers. It's what you do if you have a super star QB. I'd even say the rebuild Pats are much more dependent on Brady than they were four of five years ago and I'd if their starter went down every single one of those teams would be in the same poistion the Colts are. Like you said there is no such thing as a perfect team in the NFL. Every single of them has flaws, what you have to do is build your team so that you can over come those flaws and like it or not the Colts have proven most of the time they can over come not being very good at stopping the run. Yes the bottom fell out this year but I don't think us not being able to stop the run is really the largest reason for that. We had other problems happen that has done this season in, most notable Manning going down and a horriable secondary.

Also the idea that Colts haven't tried to address not being able to stop the run is flat out wrong. We've drafted two DTs in the first three rounds in the last three years just for that reason. We also signed two free agents DTs in Johnson and Muir to try to help with that as well as drafting Mathews with a later round pick last year and took a flyer on Tommie Harris to try to help address this. We went out and signed two run stopping ends. We drafted a run stopping MLB in the second round last year and got a steal in Conner at linebacker as well. I'd say the Colts have been working very hard to try to address that problem as well as addressing other needs. Now people can argue about if those moves have been good enough or not and have a very strong case that it hasn't been but it doesn't mean they haven't been trying to address the issue.

As for trying to run the ball better The first year it stood out as a major problem was in 2008. A lot of people felt the problem was Addai and not the o-line. Well Polian went out and spent the first round draft pick in 2009 on a running back to try to help with hat issue. Also going back to 2006 Polian started trying to reubild the line with Ugoh and then followed that up with Pollack in 2009 as well as Justice and Richard. He then took McClendon with a late round pick last year as well as drafting Eldridge to try to help with run blocking. He then took two OTs with our first two picks this year as well as finding guys like Reitz and Link (who has turned into a decent tackle) to help with the issue. He also went out and drafted Hart and Carter with hope they could be short yardage guys and signed a fullback this off-season. Again people can argue that those moves have not been good enough and have a very strong case but the Colts have not been ignoring it.

Right On to you too. GC

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You hit the nail on the head! That's what I am tired of. I understand being mad about this season but this whole attitude that some fans seem to have that we have just never been good under Polian because they don't like Polian is getting tired. People can say building the way they did finally bit them this season but you know what it's worked for every year since 2001 till now. That's a pretty darn good run and I understand it doesn't make this year exceptable but let's not kid ourselves it's not like we have been going 5-11, 3-13 and 7-9 the past three years or so. We've been setting the NFL standard for winning so clearly the way the Colts built this team around Manning worked. It's also no different than how a team like the Saints has built their team around Brees, or the Chargers around Rivers, or the Packers around Rodgers. It's what you do if you have a super star QB. I'd even say the rebuild Pats are much more dependent on Brady than they were four of five years ago and I'd if their starter went down every single one of those teams would be in the same poistion the Colts are. Like you said there is no such thing as a perfect team in the NFL. Every single of them has flaws, what you have to do is build your team so that you can over come those flaws and like it or not the Colts have proven most of the time they can over come not being very good at stopping the run. Yes the bottom fell out this year but I don't think us not being able to stop the run is really the largest reason for that. We had other problems happen that has done this season in, most notable Manning going down and a horriable secondary.

Also the idea that Colts haven't tried to address not being able to stop the run is flat out wrong. We've drafted two DTs in the first three rounds in the last three years just for that reason. We also signed two free agents DTs in Johnson and Muir to try to help with that as well as drafting Mathews with a later round pick last year and took a flyer on Tommie Harris to try to help address this. We went out and signed two run stopping ends. We drafted a run stopping MLB in the second round last year and got a steal in Conner at linebacker as well. I'd say the Colts have been working very hard to try to address that problem as well as addressing other needs. Now people can argue about if those moves have been good enough or not and have a very strong case that it hasn't been but it doesn't mean they haven't been trying to address the issue.

As for trying to run the ball better The first year it stood out as a major problem was in 2008. A lot of people felt the problem was Addai and not the o-line. Well Polian went out and spent the first round draft pick in 2009 on a running back to try to help with hat issue. Also going back to 2006 Polian started trying to reubild the line with Ugoh and then followed that up with Pollack in 2009 as well as Justice and Richard. He then took McClendon with a late round pick last year as well as drafting Eldridge to try to help with run blocking. He then took two OTs with our first two picks this year as well as finding guys like Reitz and Link (who has turned into a decent tackle) to help with the issue. He also went out and drafted Hart and Carter with hope they could be short yardage guys and signed a fullback this off-season. Again people can argue that those moves have not been good enough and have a very strong case but the Colts have not been ignoring it.

Two mistakes on my part i had a brain cramp Ugoh was a 2007 pick and Pollack and that crew was 2008.

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You hit the nail on the head! That's what I am tired of. I understand being mad about this season but this whole attitude that some fans seem to have that we have just never been good under Polian because they don't like Polian is getting tired. People can say building the way they did finally bit them this season but you know what it's worked for every year since 2001 till now. That's a pretty darn good run and I understand it doesn't make this year exceptable but let's not kid ourselves it's not like we have been going 5-11, 3-13 and 7-9 the past three years or so. We've been setting the NFL standard for winning so clearly the way the Colts built this team around Manning worked. It's also no different than how a team like the Saints has built their team around Brees, or the Chargers around Rivers, or the Packers around Rodgers. It's what you do if you have a super star QB. I'd even say the rebuild Pats are much more dependent on Brady than they were four of five years ago and I'd if their starter went down every single one of those teams would be in the same poistion the Colts are. Like you said there is no such thing as a perfect team in the NFL. Every single of them has flaws, what you have to do is build your team so that you can over come those flaws and like it or not the Colts have proven most of the time they can over come not being very good at stopping the run. Yes the bottom fell out this year but I don't think us not being able to stop the run is really the largest reason for that. We had other problems happen that has done this season in, most notable Manning going down and a horriable secondary.

Also the idea that Colts haven't tried to address not being able to stop the run is flat out wrong. We've drafted two DTs in the first three rounds in the last three years just for that reason. We also signed two free agents DTs in Johnson and Muir to try to help with that as well as drafting Mathews with a later round pick last year and took a flyer on Tommie Harris to try to help address this. We went out and signed two run stopping ends. We drafted a run stopping MLB in the second round last year and got a steal in Conner at linebacker as well. I'd say the Colts have been working very hard to try to address that problem as well as addressing other needs. Now people can argue about if those moves have been good enough or not and have a very strong case that it hasn't been but it doesn't mean they haven't been trying to address the issue.

As for trying to run the ball better The first year it stood out as a major problem was in 2008. A lot of people felt the problem was Addai and not the o-line. Well Polian went out and spent the first round draft pick in 2009 on a running back to try to help with hat issue. Also going back to 2006 Polian started trying to reubild the line with Ugoh and then followed that up with Pollack in 2009 as well as Justice and Richard. He then took McClendon with a late round pick last year as well as drafting Eldridge to try to help with run blocking. He then took two OTs with our first two picks this year as well as finding guys like Reitz and Link (who has turned into a decent tackle) to help with the issue. He also went out and drafted Hart and Carter with hope they could be short yardage guys and signed a fullback this off-season. Again people can argue that those moves have not been good enough and have a very strong case but the Colts have not been ignoring it.

Agree completely. There's about 8 other threads that you could copy this into. People are just going overboard.

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Agree completely with several posts from Ruksak, GoColts and others and to add:

People trash the drafting of Ugoh. Ugoh was never meant to start from day 1. If he had been mentally and physically ready to play from day 1 he would have been taken much higher in the draft. He was drafted to be groomed for the starting spot, not to be thrust into it. Tarik Glenn's early retirement killed that plan and Ugoh was forced into the starting lineup before he was ready.

People trash the drafting of Gonzo. The pick was smart because Marvin was on his last legs. Wayne was going to be Marvin's replacement but we needed a replacement for Wayne. Enter Gonzo. No way to predict he would not be able to stay healthy since there was no history of injury at Ohio State.

Why are we still looking for DTs? Perhaps if someone had given Quinn Pitcock some Valium and took away his game controller we would have had a solid DT and not have still been searching. If Daymeion Hughes had lived up to expectation then we would have had a very solid #1 or #2 CB. He was considered first round talent up until the combine when his draft stock dropped due to a slower than anticipated 40 time. We got him at the end of the 3rd round which still made him a very high value pick.

Why don't we address needs in FA more? Kinda hard to go out and sign big time FA when you have so much money wrapped up in so many star players like Manning, Freeney, etc. Is it Polian's fault these guys were so highly paid, and in some cases over-paid? Perhaps...but consider this....was it Polian or Jim Irsay who kept publically stating throughout last year that Manning would retire a Colt and that he would be the highest paid player in history? I like a lot about Irsay and he's loyal to the players that brought his team to the dance, but in several cases I think that loyalty has gotten the better of him and caused him to overpay several players (Freeney, Brackett, Sanders, just to name a few).

Just like Ruksak, I'm not a Polian fan boy but at the same time I'm not going to hate on the guy for things that were out of his control. More often than not, on draft day he has made the best decisions with the information he had at the time, and unless someone has a crystal ball to offer up then that's all he can do.

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BP should have quit when he was winning. He has ignored several areas of need in the past. And even when he tried to address those areas and he failed, he still gets kudos for it? It's like saying Curtis Painter 'tried' to throw the ball accurately to his team mates, and although he didn't actually execute well, he is still a fantastic QB for trying.

Anyway, I've never liked the man, and never will, and his time is up. If he's done great things in the past, I salute him, but past glories don't win games. I squealed when he promoted his son, and I squealed when he promoted his other family member.

But most of all, I never bash the guys on here who really support Polian, It is their prerogative. But how come the Polian fans regularly bash the bloggers who don't like him? Is it the arrogant people hating traits of Polian that they adore, rather than the guys' actual talents? Just wondering?

OK, yellow flag, *mod edit* :edit::flag:

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BP should have quit when he was winning. He has ignored several areas of need in the past. And even when he tried to address those areas and he failed, he still gets kudos for it? It's like saying Curtis Painter 'tried' to throw the ball accurately to his team mates, and although he didn't actually execute well, he is still a fantastic QB for trying.

No, it's like saying Painter threw an accurate pass to a receiver who dropped the ball. Does Painter get the blame for that?

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BP should have quit when he was winning. He has ignored several areas of need in the past. And even when he tried to address those areas and he failed, he still gets kudos for it? It's like saying Curtis Painter 'tried' to throw the ball accurately to his team mates, and although he didn't actually execute well, he is still a fantastic QB for trying.

Anyway, I've never liked the man, and never will, and his time is up. If he's done great things in the past, I salute him, but past glories don't win games. I squealed when he promoted his son, and I squealed when he promoted his other family member.

But most of all, I never bash the guys on here who really support Polian, It is their prerogative. But how come the Polian fans regularly bash the bloggers who don't like him? Is it the arrogant people hating traits of Polian that they adore, rather than the guys' actual talents? Just wondering?

OK, yellow flag, :flag:.

Did you READ previous posts?


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I think Bill Polian is a good GM but I feel his tenure in Indy has been vastly overrated by fans and people around him. I mean, besides Peyton, Edge, and a couple of players (and I mean a couple as in under 10 players), what else has he done? Besides some diamonds in the dirt he drafted, nothing he has done since Peyton has really made me say to myself "Wow, that was a smart move he made." We now know who TRULY got us that ring and other accolades. I appreciate what Bill has done but we give him too much credit. Point blank, Bill and the FO has failed us for years. We've had the same problems for I don't know how long. I look around the league, and I see leagues fixing there weaknesses. I look at us, and we are the still the same Colts, same lousy special teams, same lousy defense, same one dimensional offense (I FINALLY see improvement in the running game though), only difference is our coaching quiality has declined DRASTICALLY! Manning being out does not tell me how good he was, it tells me that PEYTON COULD HAVE LEFT THE GAME WITH MULTIPLE RINGS IF ONLY WE HAD PUT A TEAM AROUND HIM INSTEAD BUILDING A TEAM AROUND PEYTON! That fail falls directly on who brings in the players and from my understanding, Bill and his son runs the show when it comes to that. If you're gonna praise the man for what he has done, make sure criticize him when he does wrong also. He is a good gm, not the best, but good.

Edited by smittywerb
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Are you the only guys left on the board defending Polian? Do you see how horrible this team is that Bill put together. Don't give me that last decade of regular season success crap. All those wins I attribute far more to Peyton being that good than to Polian putting a team together. Peyton covered up the fact that Polian is just an average GM with an over inflated ego. I would like nothing more than a house cleaning from top to bottom. I'm not the biggest Kravitz fan but he hit the nail on the head with that one.

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I think Bill Polian is a good GM but I feel his tenure in Indy has been vastly overrated by fans and people around him. I mean, besides Peyton, Edge, and a couple of players (and I mean a couple as in under 10 players), what else has he done? Besides some diamonds in the dirt he drafted, nothing he has done since Peyton has really made me say to myself "Wow, that was a smart move he made." We now know who TRULY got us that ring and other accolades. I appreciate what Bill has done but we give him too much credit. Point blank, Bill and the FO has failed us for years. We've had the same problems for I don't know how long. I look around the league, and I see leagues fixing there weaknesses. I look at us, and we are the still the same Colts, same lousy special teams, same lousy defense, same one dimensional offense (I FINALLY see improvement in the running game though), only difference is our coaching quiality has declined DRASTICALLY! Manning being out does not tell me how good he was, it tells me that PEYTON COULD HAVE LEFT THE GAME WITH MULTIPLE RINGS IF ONLY WE HAD PUT A TEAM AROUND HIM INSTEAD BUILDING A TEAM AROUND PEYTON! That fail falls directly on who brings in the players and from my understanding, Bill and his son runs the show when it comes to that. If you're gonna praise the man for what he has done, make sure criticize him when he does wrong also. He is a good gm, not the best, but good.

Couldn't have said it better myself. How bad do we have to get before these guys get off the Polian bandwagon?

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Are you the only guys left on the board defending Polian? Do you see how horrible this team is that Bill put together. Don't give me that last decade of regular season success crap. All those wins I attribute far more to Peyton being that good than to Polian putting a team together. Peyton covered up the fact that Polian is just an average GM with an over inflated ego. I would like nothing more than a house cleaning from top to bottom. I'm not the biggest Kravitz fan but he hit the nail on the head with that one.

I disagree on one thing. Kravitz regulary hits the nail on the head. Sometimes the truth hurts, and we have too many fans who would rather bury their head in the sand.

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