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We have to give the guy some credit here. Players he took a lot of flack for have played very well. Walden was graded as the worst 34 OLB two years running and we signed him to a $4mil per deal, and look how he has played. Remember the fury directed at him for not upgrading the OL enough? They've played well despite being decimated by injuries, and when healthy they're a top group in the league! Bradshaw got a surprising amount of hate this offseason (still kicking myself I never made that post about how he was our most underrated move of the offseason), and has been supremely important. People thought RJF was overpaid and has done great. The list goes on and on.

So here's to you, Grigs. You're a damn good team builder and you've got an eye for talent.

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Trent Richardson, LaRon Landry

Thanks for stopping by to rain on the parade. :) Not going over the same arguments that have been said before, I'll just say that every GM has made mistakes, and expecting him to bat 1.000 is pretty dumb.
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Primarily on defense I think.  Also running game is okay, but could use just a tad bit more punch.


Yup, we're still not good in the middle of the field. Need better safety play and better ILB play. Freeman has been in and out of the lineup, so it might get better as he gets healthy.


And the run game I think is going to take a lot of time to get where we want it to be. They've chosen to rely on young players, which is frustrating, but I think in a year or so, we might have a monstrous interior line. Would be nice if Holmes could get on the field, but that's another story altogether.

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Yup, we're still not good in the middle of the field. Need better safety play and better ILB play. Freeman has been in and out of the lineup, so it might get better as he gets healthy.


And the run game I think is going to take a lot of time to get where we want it to be. They've chosen to rely on young players, which is frustrating, but I think in a year or so, we might have a monstrous interior line. Would be nice if Holmes could get on the field, but that's another story altogether.


Yes,  our run game appears to be as good as our interior trio will take us.....


Sometimes they look really good.    Other times....  ahhh... uhhh.... ehhh......  not so much.


And when they're bad....   wow, our running game evaporates and suddenly Luck starts to feel the heat.


Feels like things are going to take much of the season to work themselves out......

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Yup, we're still not good in the middle of the field. Need better safety play and better ILB play. Freeman has been in and out of the lineup, so it might get better as he gets healthy.


And the run game I think is going to take a lot of time to get where we want it to be. They've chosen to rely on young players, which is frustrating, but I think in a year or so, we might have a monstrous interior line. Would be nice if Holmes could get on the field, but that's another story altogether.


I thought we'd do much better against the run then what we did tonight although I'll take the win of course.

In regards to the running game I am in agreement with you when it comes to the line.  I still think Mewhort and 

Thornton will remain the starters, but it seemed to me like Reitz had a pretty solid outing.  What did you think?

I think we have some really good depth on this team.  Better than I expected!


In some ways I honestly I think we'd bit a bit farther along with closing people out if we had a little bit more talent back there.  I'm not dissing Richardson and Bradshaw, but I think we could use a bit of an upgrade back there going into the future.

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I thought we'd do much better against the run then what we did tonight although I'll take the win of course.

In regards to the running game I am in agreement with you when it comes to the line.  I still think Mewhort and 

Thornton will remain the starters, but it seemed to me like Reitz had a pretty solid outing.  What did you think?

I think we have some really good depth on this team.  Better than I expected!


In some ways I honestly I think we'd bit a bit farther along with closing people out if we had a little bit more talent back there.  I'm not dissing Richardson and Bradshaw, but I think we could use a bit of an upgrade back there going into the future.


I can't yet speak to the line play from tonight's game. Have to watch again.


As for our backfield, yes, we need a different kind of back. I'd like a speedster, a guy with extreme acceleration who can get to the second level like he's been shot out of a gun, who can bend the corner like a blur, and who can run away from the entire defense, etc. Bradshaw has more quickness than Richardson, but he doesn't fly like we need, and sometimes the hole closes up on him. A real change of pace back would be incredible.

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I can't yet speak to the line play from tonight's game. Have to watch again.


As for our backfield, yes, we need a different kind of back. I'd like a speedster, a guy with extreme acceleration who can get to the second level like he's been shot out of a gun, who can bend the corner like a blur, and who can run away from the entire defense, etc. Bradshaw has more quickness than Richardson, but he doesn't fly like we need, and sometimes the hole closes up on him. A real change of pace back would be incredible.


I agree!  Honestly even if we had backs like Foster and Blue we would be better on the ground than we are now.

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It would be cool to see someone like C.J. Spiller in this offense.  I know it won't happen this year, but I'd love to see something like that.


Yeah, a guy like that would add an element to our offense that I don't think we've had since Marshall Faulk. Maybe early Edge...

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It would be cool to see someone like C.J. Spiller in this offense. I know it won't happen this year, but I'd love to see something like that.

Who'd be out the door?

That'd be a crowded backfield

Trent Richardson


Ahmad Bradshaw

CJ Spiller

Someone would have to go between Richardson & Bradshaw cause they'd probably keep Boom as just a service back if needed

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Yeah, a guy like that would add an element to our offense that I don't think we've had since Marshall Faulk. Maybe early Edge...


Seems to me every time I look up he's getting less carries in Buffalo.  It's like they are already preparing for the future without him. I wonder if we would ever consider picking him up next year?  Just thinking here

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Who'd be out the door?

That'd be a crowded backfield

Trent Richardson


Ahmad Bradshaw

CJ Spiller

Someone would have to go between Richardson & Bradshaw cause they'd probably keep Boom as just a service back if needed



I'd probably get rid of T Rich and go with a tandem of Spiller and Bradshaw.  Or Spiller and a good young running back from the draft.  This is just my opinion without considering financials and contracts. Need more time to think about it.

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It would be cool to see someone like C.J. Spiller in this offense.  I know it won't happen this year, but I'd love to see something like that.

I would love a speed back as well and an explosive KR/PR you can see the chunks that Whalen just doesn't have the speed to get. It appeared we tried to address that.


I am not sure the coaches want a speed back look at who we have brought in the only guy close to that was Rainey and I think his past with Pagano got him a look.


The O would be deadly with a game breaker in the backfield rotation.


I think Trent does a lot more than he gets credit for myself. Take out the 1st round pick and just look at him as a player. Cushing had him dead to rights for a loss and he made him miss got a yard or two tonight. He seems to get caught in Pep's G pulling experiments that go wrong a lot.


No thanks to Spiller though too much $$ I think. Grig's will find one if that is what they want.


The UDFA pool he brought in this year was unbelievable. Draft picks Moncrief Newsome Mewhort have looked solid we will see on the prez and Ulrich.


Grig's has to be in the conversation for GM of the year.IMO

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I'd probably get rid of T Rich and go with a tandem of Spiller and Bradshaw.  Or Spiller and a good young running back from the draft.  This is just my opinion without considering financials and contracts. Need more time to think about it.

Trent will be here next year I think he is still on his rookie deal gone in 2016 unless something changes or he is a cheap back up.

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On the whole I like Grigson, he's swung and missed a few times with players but as a fan, quite frankly it's more exciting then the old days. Overall he's probably hit more than he's missed. 


His management of the cap/contracts is good IMO and shows there is a degree of long term planning going, sounds crazy but it does seem like teams forget how the cap works sometimes (*cough* Cowboys, *cough* Raiders). 


I think too that his choice of coaching staff is really starting to get it together this season, contrary what a vocal minority might think :) 

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I heard something disturbing tonight from Philip B Wilson.  He says a player told him that the only reason we're starting our rookie FA center instead of the highly successful Shipley is because Grigs insisted even over coach and player objections.  Basically he forced it.  That's very disturbing if he is overruling coaches and upsetting players based on a political decision as opposed to merit.  I am not against our rookie FA center, he did a decent job both games, but I found Shipley far more successful on nearly no notice or assimilation into the system and why upset the chemistry that was working so well?  Harrison has had 4 bad snaps, one over Lucks head, one from the game tonight and one where he snapped and no one else moved and didn't snap when everyone else moved in the last game.  4 is too many, especially in light of Shipley's solid performance.  And what about our supposed starter who has been a healthy inactive so far? Something is going on. 


I was on the Bradshaw bandwagon since we signed him last year.  So I think the idea that everyone undervalued him is simply your small sample size of awareness. 

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He gets too many touches. And I dont get it. Bradshaw is so much better than him.



They're saving Bradshaw to a certain extent. He's been too injury-prone in the past to lay everything on him. Put him in the game too much and you're playing with fire.




I'm glad that at the least TRich is taking some punishment for Bradshaw, he's truly a weapon at RB but too fragile to bell cow. What's good is both are up there in terms of pass protection. 


Bradshaw..49ers game... awesome. 

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I'm glad that at the least TRich is taking some punishment for Bradshaw, he's truly a weapon at RB but too fragile to bell cow. What's good is both are up there in terms of pass protection.

Bradshaw..49ers game... awesome.

Let Boom get some carries. Trent Richardson and his 2yrds a carry are not a threat. Its a waste. He should get like 8carries a gm.

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I will eat a little bit of crow today and say I was down on Grigson, hated his second draft, hated the trade for Richardson, hated the fact that it was looking like he couldn't build a decent line and didn't seem to care to.

He has made some great acquisitions, and pulled off some surprises.

I think he got fleeced by his old boss in Cleveland for the Richardson deal, but when I look at the deal to acquire Davis that does take a bit of the sting out.

Werner is playing better, I still think he was a huge reach and too much of a project player for a 1st round pick, but this season we really need him.

Landry ..... Bad acquisition, but its not really one that irritates me too much. Hopefully they cut him next season.

I'm gonna try and not go off on a Richardson rant but that deal sticks out as the worst move Grigson has made. There wasn't a huge need for a running back at the time, Bradshaw was healthy. Anything involving 90% of the leagues running backs and a first round pick isn't good. The player had pretty weak numbers if you took a look at the whole picture, plenty of film on him at that point. I just don't understand what would make him do the deal.

All in all though I'm pretty happy with what Grigson has going on right now, he has a few bad moves but he has more good moves. Could be way worse, could have Jerry Jones as a lifetime GM searching for his glory hole days, as he calls them.

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I'm a pretty big Grigson fan. I see the vision coming together.


BUT, I think this team still needs some work.

Some work, yes.. but I would have never envisioned this team being this talented, this early, since we were literally rebuilding a few short years ago..

Grigson did a wonderful job getting this franchise back towards the top.

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