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Colts Workout OLB Victor Butler


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Butler has now been cut by several teams in the last two years.....


I get the feeling that health has robbed him of his play making skills.


Otherwise, his career path trend wouldn't be headed south as it has been.....


Doesn't feel like there's much  left on the tires....

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Butler has now been cut by several teams in the last two years.....

I get the feeling that health has robbed him of his play making skills.

Otherwise, his career path trend wouldn't be headed south as it has been.....

Doesn't feel like there's much left on the tires....

Yeah injuries can take a bad toll on his playmaking skills.

But right now besides Walden, the pass rushing of the OLBs are pretty much non-existant. Couldn't hurt to try!

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Yeah injuries can take a bad toll on his playmaking skills.

But right now besides Walden, the pass rushing of the OLBs are pretty much non-existant. Couldn't hurt to try!

That's why they brought him in for a workout :) if nothing else it shows they're looking for ways to try to improve the pass rush :)
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Says he has 11 career sacks...not great, but then again nobody except Walden has really had any sacks in their career anyways.

Yeah outside of Walden our active OLBs have a total of 5 sacks......I really would take anybody at this point

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plus we could sign Butler if 100% healthy i wouldnt be against it

I agree. Once playoff time comes around having a non-existant pass rush, wont fly. Not saying it wont get fixed but I preferably would like it to be fixed sooner than later lol

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I agree. Once playoff time comes around having a non-existant pass rush, wont fly. Not saying it wont get fixed but I preferably would like it to be fixed sooner than later lol

good point pass rush is a must to go deep into the playoffs hopefully someone other than Walden (who's playing well,can step up)

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Butler is a slight upgrade over what we have but he's also injury prone. If Grigson really wants a difference maker for a 4 man pass rush he's going to have to trade for one, if not then we'll have to blitz more.


Rex Ryan took the Jets to two AFC championship games by blitzing and having great CB play. This defense has the great CB's to run it, Manusky just needs to start calling more blitzes and stunts. We should be one of the top blitzing teams in the league, it'll get us more sacks and turnovers.

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Butler is a slight upgrade over what we have but he's also injury prone. If Grigson really wants a difference maker for a 4 man pass rush he's going to have to trade for one, if not then we'll have to blitz more.

Rex Ryan took the Jets to two AFC championship games by blitzing and having great CB play. This defense has the great CB's to run it, Manusky just needs to start calling more blitzes and stunts. We should be one of the top blitzing teams in the league, it'll get us more sacks and turnovers.

Jets had better safeties but but I agree. We need some exotic blitzes to get pressure.

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Jets had better safeties but but I agree. We need some exotic blitzes to get pressure.

The Jets had Brodney Pool and Erik Smith at safety, Id say it was about even. When you blitz you can have average safeties, CB play is more important. I'm not sure why we aren't blitzing more but if were going to make a run in the playoffs were going to have to blitz a lot more. A 4 man rush isn't going to work with the players we have.

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The Jets had Brodney Pool and Erik Smith at safety, Id say it was about even. When you blitz you can have average safeties, CB play is more important. I'm not sure why we aren't blitzing more but if were going to make a run in the playoffs were going to have to blitz a lot more. A 4 man rush isn't going to work with the players we have.

Oh i was talking mainly about they year they lost to the Colts in the AFC champion ship they had Kerry Rhodes doing a lot of coverage. Coverage wise Rhodes was a beast. I agree though we need to dial up some creative blitzes. Especially if we are gonna beat top offenses.

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Yeah outside of Walden our active OLBs have a total of 5 sacks......I really would take anybody at this point

Yup at this point, INDY is in no position to complain let alone demand pass rush excellence. Right now any addition is gravy man. Beggars can't afford to get selective this week or the rest of this year. 

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Butler has now been cut by several teams in the last two years.....


I get the feeling that health has robbed him of his play making skills.


Otherwise, his career path trend wouldn't be headed south as it has been.....


Doesn't feel like there's much  left on the tires....

Anyway this is connected to Harrison getting reps with the first team offense and Shipley getting looks at G?


Really how many teams carry 3 C's? I know they all have played G but their best position is C. Holmes was a healthy inactive last week so I would guess he is all the way healthy with an extra week. Maybe we are about to make a tough choice. Team doesn't feel Harrison would make to PS.


Probably grasping at straws

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Anyway this is connected to Harrison getting reps with the first team offense and Shipley getting looks at G?


Really how many teams carry 3 C's? I know they all have played G but their best position is C. Holmes was a healthy inactive last week so I would guess he is all the way healthy with an extra week. Maybe we are about to make a tough choice. Team doesn't feel Harrison would make to PS.


Probably grasping at straws


You lost me.


How does trying out Butler at OLB relate to whatever it is we're doing on the OL??


Sorry,  I'm confused.......

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Anyway this is connected to Harrison getting reps with the first team offense and Shipley getting looks at G?


Really how many teams carry 3 C's? I know they all have played G but their best position is C. Holmes was a healthy inactive last week so I would guess he is all the way healthy with an extra week. Maybe we are about to make a tough choice. Team doesn't feel Harrison would make to PS.


Probably grasping at straws


 Yip. Well All backup centers Have to be capable of playing guard for the game day roster.

 Nixon will be ready soon so someone has to go.

 Long term i would hope they would go with Harrison over Shipley.

 No idea what goes on inside Chuck and Grigsons heads when it comes to O-Line.

 Seth Olson!!!!!!! Link, the 5 position player!!!! And we can certainly go on..... Good grief.


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Personally I'd like to see Carter get some pass rush snaps because that kid has quite a bit of natural physical talent, Very quick first step

Carter was very quick off the line late in the game against the Titans.  That's the only pass rush snap I've seen him get so far, but it was noticeably different such that I had to double check who it was....sure enough 53.  Keep in mind, he just got here - maybe he'll get a few more snaps once they are comfortable that he is assignment sound.

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Anyway this is connected to Harrison getting reps with the first team offense and Shipley getting looks at G?

Really how many teams carry 3 C's? I know they all have played G but their best position is C. Holmes was a healthy inactive last week so I would guess he is all the way healthy with an extra week. Maybe we are about to make a tough choice. Team doesn't feel Harrison would make to PS.

Probably grasping at straws

With our offensive line problems, doubt any of those 3 are going anywhere

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Maybe we are going to blitz more from the LB position and that is why they are trying out more athletic LBs???

I wish they would continue the trend of trying out more athletic linebackers and develop them, Strength and instincts and play recognition can be gained over time...Athleticism is much harder to gain and many just cant in my opinion

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You lost me.


How does trying out Butler at OLB relate to whatever it is we're doing on the OL??


Sorry,  I'm confused.......

To bring in someone to the active roster we would have to move someone to PS or lose someone from the active roster. There are not a lot teams that have 3 true centers on their roster.


I realize all those guys can play G but their natural position is C. I was simply asking if looking at Harrison at starting C and looking at Shipley G could indicate we are going to lose on of our 3 centers to make room for some more help on D.


I have gotten enough good negative feed back if yours is going to be to tell me how stupid that is please don't respond. I realize that you like to have players that can play multiple positions along the line and most C's can kick to G and vice versa.


We do have primary C's on the roster. Holmes has the most recent experience at G Harrison hasn't played G since his freshman year I believe and Shipley by all accounts ins't very good at G.


It was just a thought. If your response is going to end in good grief please just disregard the question.

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With our offensive line problems, doubt any of those 3 are going anywhere

We have problems getting a pass rush as well if we sign Victor Butler or someone like him we have to move someone to the PS IR or release someone. An upgrade at S would not kill us either. Same deal if it is a vet someone Grig's thinks can really help we have to open a spot.


I am not saying any of those upgrades are out there. I am just saying it is unusual for a team to carry 3 guys who's primary position is C. Reitz has to be fully  healthy now.


It was just a thought. I expected to get killed for but put it out there anyway. I don't mind getting killed.

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We have problems getting a pass rush as well if we sign Victor Butler or someone like him we have to move someone to the PS IR or release someone. An upgrade at S would not kill us either. Same deal if it is a vet someone Grig's thinks can really help we have to open a spot.

I am not saying any of those upgrades are out there. I am just saying it is unusual for a team to carry 3 guys who's primary position is C. Reitz has to be fully healthy now.

It was just a thought. I expected to get killed for but put it out there anyway. I don't mind getting killed.

Well Thornton is hurt that's why I said problems. If we leave Shipley at C, then those problems decrease. But moving Shipley to G (The same spot that got him traded from this team) is creating a problem and also putting Andrew's health at risk

They could cut ties with Holmes if I had to choose out of the 3

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Well Thornton is hurt that's why I said problems. If we leave Shipley at C, then those problems decrease. But moving Shipley to G (The same spot that got him traded from this team) is creating a problem and also putting Andrew's health at risk

They could cut ties with Holmes if I had to choose out of the 3

ya want to cut ties with a 4th round pick after 20 games into his career?

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How many of those has he actually played?

Many 4th round picks don't even start a game 20 games into there careers regardless if injured or not,


Now if the end of year 3 comes around and he still cant get on the field and stay on the field then ya have a point because at that time you only have 1 year (year 4) to decide on if he can be the Center of our future, Then ya start looking for his replacement.


In the mean time ya hope Shipley continues to improve (He has been alright but has to get much better...especially run blocking and his Line calls I think have to get better to)

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Many 4th round picks don't even start a game 20 games into there careers regardless if injured or not, Now if the end of year 3 comes around and he still cant get on the field and stay on the field then ya have a point because at that time you only have 1 year (year 4) to decide on if he can be the Center of our future, Then ya start looking for his replacement

His replacement is already on the roster

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