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Im Getting Tired Of Bob Kravitz

mr. football

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Ok, so i open up todays paper and see an article by Bob that reads....Best options don't include Manning! well already i dont like the article before i even read it, but i read anyway. Let me say that i have followed Bob and his articles for many years. I have read some really good ones. He has made me laugh numerous times with his use of funny words. You can also tell he is pretty knowledgeable about sports. But to me, the bad he has done for indianapolis has outweighed the good. Todays article states how there is almost no way peyton and luck can exist on the same team....And i agree thats a possibility. But, its also possible that they can. I just get the feeling that Bob ALWAYS wants to be negative. I would bet while talking to Oliver Luck ,Bob was probably saying "you dont want your son to come to Indy , do ya...And have to sit behind Manning for years?" You can tell by his articles that he doesnt WANT good things to happen or workout! His article last week about the polians to me was a retaliation article or something. He didnt list any names of anyone that told him his info. Just that the Polians have ran all the good people out of town. It sounded to me like an article written about someone that he has disliking towards, rather than a factual article. Again, an article full of negativity. I remember going to New England last year for the pats/ colts game. Bob that day had written an article about how much better Brady was than Manning. I didnt agree with the article but whatever. That night in the stands, i had some patriots fans taunting me. The taunt that made me the maddest???.... "Even your Indianapolis sports writer says Brady kills Manning!" That didnt set well with me. I will never forget that. I thought brady looked pretty good that night. Nothing special. Just played it safe and made safe throws. Manning looked like a MACHINE that night! He made some unbelievable throws and was playing with a decimated team and inexperienced receivers. Take away the picks and it wasnt even close! I remember thinking...kravitz, your an *! Even though they picked us at the end and won the game, there was no question in my mind who the best QB on that field was! But im sure Kravitz loved that we lost to vindicate his article. so after again today reading his negative article about how there is no way Manning and Luck can exist together, Im tired of it! im tired of Bob's negativity. I think the "SEWER RAT" fits perfectly! Look, there is nothing wrong with writing factual articles that make people look bad or that are not always positive. But Bob has an agenda towards people! You can tell by reading his stuff that he likes to stick the knife in and rotate the blade. I dont know if he has "little man's" syndrome or what, but i wish he would go write somewhere else. To me he is a cancer for Indianapolis. This is just my opinion and im sure some people will disagree, but i felt like writing down what i have been feeling for a while.

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Ok, so i open up todays paper and see an article by Bob that reads....Best options don't include Manning! well already i dont like the article before i even read it, but i read anyway. Let me say that i have followed Bob and his articles for many years. I have read some really good ones. He has made me laugh numerous times with his use of funny words. You can also tell he is pretty knowledgeable about sports. But to me, the bad he has done for indianapolis has outweighed the good. Todays article states how there is almost no way peyton and luck can exist on the same team....And i agree thats a possibility. But, its also possible that they can. I just get the feeling that Bob ALWAYS wants to be negative. I would bet while talking to Oliver Luck ,Bob was probably saying "you dont want your son to come to Indy , do ya...And have to sit behind Manning for years?" You can tell by his articles that he doesnt WANT good things to happen or workout! His article last week about the polians to me was a retaliation article or something. He didnt list any names of anyone that told him his info. Just that the Polians have ran all the good people out of town. It sounded to me like an article written about someone that he has disliking towards, rather than a factual article. Again, an article full of negativity. I remember going to New England last year for the pats/ colts game. Bob that day had written an article about how much better Brady was than Manning. I didnt agree with the article but whatever. That night in the stands, i had some patriots fans taunting me. The taunt that made me the maddest???.... "Even your Indianapolis sports writer says Brady kills Manning!" That didnt set well with me. I will never forget that. I thought brady looked pretty good that night. Nothing special. Just played it safe and made safe throws. Manning looked like a MACHINE that night! He made some unbelievable throws and was playing with a decimated team and inexperienced receivers. Take away the picks and it wasnt even close! I remember thinking...kravitz, your an *! Even though they picked us at the end and won the game, there was no question in my mind who the best QB on that field was! But im sure Kravitz loved that we lost to vindicate his article. so after again today reading his negative article about how there is no way Manning and Luck can exist together, Im tired of it! im tired of Bob's negativity. I think the "SEWER RAT" fits perfectly! Look, there is nothing wrong with writing factual articles that make people look bad or that are not always positive. But Bob has an agenda towards people! You can tell by reading his stuff that he likes to stick the knife in and rotate the blade. I dont know if he has "little man's" syndrome or what, but i wish he would go write somewhere else. To me he is a cancer for Indianapolis. This is just my opinion and im sure some people will disagree, but i felt like writing down what i have been feeling for a while.

Re the Pats game last year. Was the best QB the one that threw the game losing INT, or am I thinking of another game?

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Re the Pats game last year. Was the best QB the one that threw the game losing INT, or am I thinking of another game?

The best QB was the one who, despite having no support from a defense that gave up 31 points in 3 quarters, still lead to us to the redzone and a chance to win with just seconds to go. All without Clark, Collie, Addai, or three starting linemen. The INT was simply a phenomenal play by the defender. He took a risk to break off of his assignment, and made a leaping pick in front of an otherwise open Jacob Tamme.

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Ok, so i open up todays paper and see an article by Bob that reads....Best options don't include Manning! well already i dont like the article before i even read it, but i read anyway. Let me say that i have followed Bob and his articles for many years. I have read some really good ones. He has made me laugh numerous times with his use of funny words. You can also tell he is pretty knowledgeable about sports. But to me, the bad he has done for indianapolis has outweighed the good. Todays article states how there is almost no way peyton and luck can exist on the same team....And i agree thats a possibility. But, its also possible that they can. I just get the feeling that Bob ALWAYS wants to be negative. I would bet while talking to Oliver Luck ,Bob was probably saying "you dont want your son to come to Indy , do ya...And have to sit behind Manning for years?" You can tell by his articles that he doesnt WANT good things to happen or workout! His article last week about the polians to me was a retaliation article or something. He didnt list any names of anyone that told him his info. Just that the Polians have ran all the good people out of town. It sounded to me like an article written about someone that he has disliking towards, rather than a factual article. Again, an article full of negativity. I remember going to New England last year for the pats/ colts game. Bob that day had written an article about how much better Brady was than Manning. I didnt agree with the article but whatever. That night in the stands, i had some patriots fans taunting me. The taunt that made me the maddest???.... "Even your Indianapolis sports writer says Brady kills Manning!" That didnt set well with me. I will never forget that. I thought brady looked pretty good that night. Nothing special. Just played it safe and made safe throws. Manning looked like a MACHINE that night! He made some unbelievable throws and was playing with a decimated team and inexperienced receivers. Take away the picks and it wasnt even close! I remember thinking...kravitz, your an *! Even though they picked us at the end and won the game, there was no question in my mind who the best QB on that field was! But im sure Kravitz loved that we lost to vindicate his article. so after again today reading his negative article about how there is no way Manning and Luck can exist together, Im tired of it! im tired of Bob's negativity. I think the "SEWER RAT" fits perfectly! Look, there is nothing wrong with writing factual articles that make people look bad or that are not always positive. But Bob has an agenda towards people! You can tell by reading his stuff that he likes to stick the knife in and rotate the blade. I dont know if he has "little man's" syndrome or what, but i wish he would go write somewhere else. To me he is a cancer for Indianapolis. This is just my opinion and im sure some people will disagree, but i felt like writing down what i have been feeling for a while.

Kravitz is a columnist who paid to offer his opinion. And his opinion on Manning, while maybe not popular with the masses, makes sense. He is also not alone in that view.

What I find really funny is your comment about the harm that Kravitz has done to the city. Really, what harm has he done? What harm can a freaking sports columnist really do.

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Re the Pats game last year. Was the best QB the one that threw the game losing INT, or am I thinking of another game?

If i remember right his arm was bumped as he threw that last pick. Besides that, it was a team loss. i was just stating my opinion on what i saw that night. The comeback that he led us on was amazing. Tom did a good job. they had a great running game and he completed passes. but like i said...take away the picks and peyton made some unreal throws and plays! He was exciting to watch. Brady just looked ok, nothin fancy. To you the winner may be the best. But i was sittin in the 10th row and i know who i would rather have on my team. Again we both have our opinions and thats cool bro.

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I too have enjoyed Kravitz artciles over the years, but this article bothered me too. Maybe because I dont want to admit that its possible that Peyton could be gone. But I really, really do not think the Colts just forget everything about emotion, production, value, etc and simply make a business descision. No way. It cant be just about money. You would have a mass exodus if Peyton were gone.

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If i remember right his arm was bumped as he threw that last pick. Besides that, it was a team loss. i was just stating my opinion on what i saw that night. The comeback that he led us on was amazing. Tom did a good job. they had a great running game and he completed passes. but like i said...take away the picks and peyton made some unreal throws and plays! He was exciting to watch. Brady just looked ok, nothin fancy. To you the winner may be the best. But i was sittin in the 10th row and i know who i would rather have on my team. Again we both have our opinions and thats cool bro.

yes thats true

people forget Mannings arm was hit on that throw so its not like he intentionally threw the pick, the Colts were missing O lineman that game

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Kravitz is a columnist who paid to offer his opinion. And his opinion on Manning, while maybe not popular with the masses, makes sense. He is also not alone in that view.

What I find really funny is your comment about the harm that Kravitz has done to the city. Really, what harm has he done? What harm can a freaking sports columnist really do.

This is what I do not get about people who get upset about Kravitz's article. He is not a reporter. The guy is a columnists so most of what he writes is just his opinion.

Obviously you do not like Kravitz so why continue to read his article?

Look trading Manning is a real option and it is something I am sure the Polians will look at. I do not see what the big deal is about Kravitz saying that is what he thinks we should do.

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This is what I do not get about people who get upset about Kravitz's article. He is not a reporter. The guy is a columnists so most of what he writes is just his opinion.

Obviously you do not like Kravitz so why continue to read his article?

Look trading Manning is a real option and it is something I am sure the Polians will look at. I do not see what the big deal is about Kravitz saying that is what he thinks we should do.

Look dude, i was just stating MY opinion on kravitz as a negative sports writer. If you dont like what i have to say ,then dont read MY posts and move on!
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Funny a week ago most people around here loved Kravitz because he was speaking the "truth" about the Polians. Now people can't stand him because he suggests we might dump Manning. That's just funny to me how quickly people turn on him.

His job is to write something that sparks a reaction and frankly I hear his name mentioned than just about any other media person in this market, sounds like he's doing his job to me.

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yes thats true

people forget Mannings arm was hit on that throw so its not like he intentionally threw the pick, the Colts were missing O lineman that game

Not to mention that Garcon was briefly held on that play which prevented him from coming back on the ball to at least knock it down from the defender.
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Still waiting to hear from you on the great harm he has brought Indianapolis.

im still waiting for you to show me where in my post did i say he had brought great harm! i said i think he has done more bad than good for indianapolis. when i was sitting in the stands in new england, getting heckled by their fans about an article that a hometown writer wrote.... that wasnt good for me.... but it was GREAT for the patriot fans! You would think that the day we were gonna play New England, that he might be writing an article about how good peyton is. Not that brady is superior to him. From a national writer...i could totally see it. But from an indy guy?? Cmon. wrong time to write that article. like i said... i think he thrives on being negative.
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Manning might not be on the team next year but it won't be because he is traded.

He might not have his option picked up thus making him a free agent which could result into something like this: 390751_275013649210701_155110744534326_898058_530850479_n.jpg

But he will not be traded. The salary cap issues that Kravitz suggests of paying him the option bonus would add to the already issue that will be created if he's forced to resign or if we fail to pick up his option.

You would think someone in the local media would have more of a clue than that.

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I don't see where Kravitz did anything more than present his opinion on what are some admittedly unpleasant, but very real options.

I remember that W-T-F moment years back when I read that Johnny Unitas was traded. It wasn't the end of the world but it sure was the end of something special. Was it pleasant? Heck no....but the evolution of all football teams will, without exception, have its unpleasant moments.

And guess what....all these years later Colts fans get to reflect back on another terrific era of success generated by one of the classiest of professional athletes. Plus, we appear to be in position to go forward, in some manner, with another pretty classy kid in Andrew Luck coming in to take the reigns and hopefully forge a great legacy of his own. The situation could be worse.

How exactly this is all gonna go down we don't know. But tough decisions were made when Edge left and when Marvin was released so we're not in completely uncharted waters here.

I can't bag on Kravitz for his column....the long-term welfare of the team HAS to be the primary consideration and I don't think he was being a sewer rat on this one.

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im still waiting for you to show me where in my post did i say he had brought great harm! i said i think he has done more bad than good for indianapolis. when i was sitting in the stands in new england, getting heckled by their fans about an article that a hometown writer wrote.... that wasnt good for me.... but it was GREAT for the patriot fans! You would think that the day we were gonna play New England, that he might be writing an article about how good peyton is. Not that brady is superior to him. From a national writer...i could totally see it. But from an indy guy?? Cmon. wrong time to write that article. like i said... i think he thrives on being negative.

So Kravitz has done "more harm than good for Indianapolis" because Pats fans gave you a hard time after one of his articles. Forgive me if I find that just a touch hysterical. Maybe he has done more harm than good for you but to throw the city or team in there is just about the funniest thing I had read on here in a long time.

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im still waiting for you to show me where in my post did i say he had brought great harm! i said i think he has done more bad than good for indianapolis. when i was sitting in the stands in new england, getting heckled by their fans about an article that a hometown writer wrote.... that wasnt good for me.... but it was GREAT for the patriot fans! You would think that the day we were gonna play New England, that he might be writing an article about how good peyton is. Not that brady is superior to him. From a national writer...i could totally see it. But from an indy guy?? Cmon. wrong time to write that article. like i said... i think he thrives on being negative.

Ok, so i open up todays paper and see an article by Bob that reads....Best options don't include Manning! well already i dont like the article before i even read it, but i read anyway. Let me say that i have followed Bob and his articles for many years. I have read some really good ones. He has made me laugh numerous times with his use of funny words. You can also tell he is pretty knowledgeable about sports. But to me, the bad he has done for indianapolis has outweighed the good. Todays article states how there is almost no way peyton and luck can exist on the same team....And i agree thats a possibility. But, its also possible that they can. I just get the feeling that Bob ALWAYS wants to be negative. I would bet while talking to Oliver Luck ,Bob was probably saying "you dont want your son to come to Indy , do ya...And have to sit behind Manning for years?" You can tell by his articles that he doesnt WANT good things to happen or workout! His article last week about the polians to me was a retaliation article or something. He didnt list any names of anyone that told him his info. Just that the Polians have ran all the good people out of town. It sounded to me like an article written about someone that he has disliking towards, rather than a factual article. Again, an article full of negativity. I remember going to New England last year for the pats/ colts game. Bob that day had written an article about how much better Brady was than Manning. I didnt agree with the article but whatever. That night in the stands, i had some patriots fans taunting me. The taunt that made me the maddest???.... "Even your Indianapolis sports writer says Brady kills Manning!" That didnt set well with me. I will never forget that. I thought brady looked pretty good that night. Nothing special. Just played it safe and made safe throws. Manning looked like a MACHINE that night! He made some unbelievable throws and was playing with a decimated team and inexperienced receivers. Take away the picks and it wasnt even close! I remember thinking...kravitz, your an *! Even though they picked us at the end and won the game, there was no question in my mind who the best QB on that field was! But im sure Kravitz loved that we lost to vindicate his article. so after again today reading his negative article about how there is no way Manning and Luck can exist together, Im tired of it! im tired of Bob's negativity. I think the "SEWER RAT" fits perfectly! Look, there is nothing wrong with writing factual articles that make people look bad or that are not always positive. But Bob has an agenda towards people! You can tell by reading his stuff that he likes to stick the knife in and rotate the blade. I dont know if he has "little man's" syndrome or what, but i wish he would go write somewhere else. To me he is a cancer for Indianapolis. This is just my opinion and im sure some people will disagree, but i felt like writing down what i have been feeling for a while.

Just going out on a limb, but I think calling someone a cancer for a city falls under the definition of "Harm". Kravitz sadly present a situation we fans will have to see and possibly accept. If you honestly think that is him being negative then you seem to be blind tot he true point. Just because he is a columnist for the Indianapolis Star doesn't mean he should compromise his writing to make biased article. Would you really want him to make corny articles this year trying to say we're not that bad? You really want him to write articles that would show he's about as blind as Caldwell/Polian are this year? You really just seem to just be picking out articles from him you don't like to make it seem like Kravitz is a "negative writer".

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If i remember right his arm was bumped as he threw that last pick. Besides that, it was a team loss. i was just stating my opinion on what i saw that night. The comeback that he led us on was amazing. Tom did a good job. they had a great running game and he completed passes. but like i said...take away the picks and peyton made some unreal throws and plays! He was exciting to watch. Brady just looked ok, nothin fancy. To you the winner may be the best. But i was sittin in the 10th row and i know who i would rather have on my team. Again we both have our opinions and thats cool bro.

I would rather have 18 before 12 anytime as well, so we are fine. I just didn't like the sour grapes attitude - well that's how it came across. No excuses.....

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So Kravitz has done "more harm than good for Indianapolis" because Pats fans gave you a hard time after one of his articles. Forgive me if I find that just a touch hysterical. Maybe he has done more harm than good for you but to throw the city or team in there is just about the funniest thing I had read on here in a long time.

Glad you thought it was funny. i didnt write the post to disect every article written by bob and how i think alot of times he is unnecessarily negative towards people. i was stating my thoughts on him as a writer. i personally am not a big fan of people who are like that.
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Ok, so i open up todays paper and see an article by Bob that reads....Best options don't include Manning! well already i dont like the article before i even read it, but i read anyway. Let me say that i have followed Bob and his articles for many years. I have read some really good ones. He has made me laugh numerous times with his use of funny words. You can also tell he is pretty knowledgeable about sports. But to me, the bad he has done for indianapolis has outweighed the good. Todays article states how there is almost no way peyton and luck can exist on the same team....And i agree thats a possibility. But, its also possible that they can. I just get the feeling that Bob ALWAYS wants to be negative. I would bet while talking to Oliver Luck ,Bob was probably saying "you dont want your son to come to Indy , do ya...And have to sit behind Manning for years?" You can tell by his articles that he doesnt WANT good things to happen or workout! His article last week about the polians to me was a retaliation article or something. He didnt list any names of anyone that told him his info. Just that the Polians have ran all the good people out of town. It sounded to me like an article written about someone that he has disliking towards, rather than a factual article. Again, an article full of negativity. I remember going to New England last year for the pats/ colts game. Bob that day had written an article about how much better Brady was than Manning. I didnt agree with the article but whatever. That night in the stands, i had some patriots fans taunting me. The taunt that made me the maddest???.... "Even your Indianapolis sports writer says Brady kills Manning!" That didnt set well with me. I will never forget that. I thought brady looked pretty good that night. Nothing special. Just played it safe and made safe throws. Manning looked like a MACHINE that night! He made some unbelievable throws and was playing with a decimated team and inexperienced receivers. Take away the picks and it wasnt even close! I remember thinking...kravitz, your an *! Even though they picked us at the end and won the game, there was no question in my mind who the best QB on that field was! But im sure Kravitz loved that we lost to vindicate his article. so after again today reading his negative article about how there is no way Manning and Luck can exist together, Im tired of it! im tired of Bob's negativity. I think the "SEWER RAT" fits perfectly! Look, there is nothing wrong with writing factual articles that make people look bad or that are not always positive. But Bob has an agenda towards people! You can tell by reading his stuff that he likes to stick the knife in and rotate the blade. I dont know if he has "little man's" syndrome or what, but i wish he would go write somewhere else. To me he is a cancer for Indianapolis. This is just my opinion and im sure some people will disagree, but i felt like writing down what i have been feeling for a while.

I stopped reading Krabby years ago. His endless negative content and gloomy outlook always rubbed me the wrong way.

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He has a right to his opinion. The problem with all this negativity towards the Colts will bite him in the rear when he tries to get an interview with any of them. You would think a sports writer in a town like Indy would watch his opinion alittle closer. Whats he going to do, talk about the Pacers. No one cares about any other team in Indy like they do about their Colts. Anyway, no one even knows if Luck will want to play in Indy. Would you? Just because the Colts draft him doesnt even mean the dude will want to play for the team. The last great Stanford QB didnt want anything to do with this organization. If I was some super stud comming out of college I sure wouldnt want to be comming in behind a mega all time star like Peyton. And if I was going to a team like that, I would want the soon to be hall of famer helping me with my game. Rogers owes Farve alot of thank yous for getting him ready for this league.

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.......@ Mr Football. If your post was the funniest post some poor excuse has ever read, what does that say about that unfortunate soul.....other than he/she doesn't read too often.

I don't blame you for getting upset at that particular article. Your mistake was believing that you could share your thoughts without getting blindsided by someone in a desperate search for a life. You probably thought that surely a true Colts fan would understand where you were coming from. A lot of us did, and while people might disagree with your degree of displeasure, it's no cause to be ridiculed for saying how you felt.

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The best QB was the one who, despite having no support from a defense that gave up 31 points in 3 quarters, still lead to us to the redzone and a chance to win with just seconds to go. All without Clark, Collie, Addai, or three starting linemen. The INT was simply a phenomenal play by the defender. He took a risk to break off of his assignment, and made a leaping pick in front of an otherwise open Jacob Tamme.

Sorry Doogan. The game lasts 60 mins. Manning threw 3 INT's. Brady did what he had to. 87% completions, no INTs, 2 x TD's. 120+ rating. I'm sure the Pats missed some starters as well.

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The best QB was the one who, despite having no support from a defense that gave up 31 points in 3 quarters, still lead to us to the redzone and a chance to win with just seconds to go. All without Clark, Collie, Addai, or three starting linemen. The INT was simply a phenomenal play by the defender. He took a risk to break off of his assignment, and made a leaping pick in front of an otherwise open Jacob Tamme.

Actually thought it was to garcon but in either case a Defender also got an arm on peyton for the throw as well

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If i remember right his arm was bumped as he threw that last pick. Besides that, it was a team loss. i was just stating my opinion on what i saw that night. The comeback that he led us on was amazing. Tom did a good job. they had a great running game and he completed passes. but like i said...take away the picks and peyton made some unreal throws and plays! He was exciting to watch. Brady just looked ok, nothin fancy. To you the winner may be the best. But i was sittin in the 10th row and i know who i would rather have on my team. Again we both have our opinions and thats cool bro.

Guess my answer above, i should read first as n both garcon was noted earlier and u noted Peyton being hit as thrown

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 19, 2011 - unnecessary
Hidden by Nadine, November 19, 2011 - unnecessary

@mrfootball. I agree with you. That's not sports writing, it's blogging.

He does read like he has an agenda, same as bbs.

Some people like to read that stuff, that's why he writes it.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

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Bob's role at Indy Star is too be controversial. All the newspapers and magazines have a writer who gets paid to sell the product by stirring the pot with polarizing comments. He happens to be right though. The Colts can't pay both contracts. Think about it, Luck will go 1 or 2 in draft which has a huge price tag attached to it. Manning became the highest paid player his last deal. Listen to Dungy and Herm Edwards or any informed analyst and they all say no way Indy pays both and stays under cap. Everyone on this forum wants a new coaching staff and better players, but I don't think many fans think of the budget that these teams work under. We can't be the Yankees. Play fantasy football, if you draft Rogers then your running back is probably not Adrian Peterson.

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If i remember right his arm was bumped as he threw that last pick. Besides that, it was a team loss. i was just stating my opinion on what i saw that night. The comeback that he led us on was amazing. Tom did a good job. they had a great running game and he completed passes. but like i said...take away the picks and peyton made some unreal throws and plays! He was exciting to watch. Brady just looked ok, nothin fancy. To you the winner may be the best. But i was sittin in the 10th row and i know who i would rather have on my team. Again we both have our opinions and thats cool bro.

But you can't just say take away the picks though. You gotta take the good and the bad plays and assess the overall performance. Also you can't cavalierly dismis Brady as "he completed passes and had a great running game". No...he ate up the Colts defense for 3 quarters while Peyton struggled and forced Manning to have to play catch up against a Pats defense playing prevent style coverage. Which he almost did again but for the game ending pick. We all love Peyton but try to be a bit more objective. Peyton wasn't dominating that whole game. He turned it on in the 4th quarter but the defense the Pats were in played a hand in that too. The game ended on a Manning pick...great defensive play perhaps but an interception just the same...it is what it is.

As far as Kravitz, meh...he is a columnist...paid to stir up controversy and generate website hits. You probably helped him achieve the later by reading his column.

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But you can't just say take away the picks though. You gotta take the good and the bad plays and assess the overall performance. Also you can't cavalierly dismis Brady as "he completed passes and had a great running game". No...he ate up the Colts defense for 3 quarters while Peyton struggled and forced Manning to have to play catch up against a Pats defense playing prevent style coverage. Which he almost did again but for the game ending pick. We all love Peyton but try to be a bit more objective. Peyton wasn't dominating that whole game. He turned it on in the 4th quarter but the defense the Pats were in played a hand in that too. The game ended on a Manning pick...great defensive play perhaps but an interception just the same...it is what it is.

As far as Kravitz, meh...he is a columnist...paid to stir up controversy and generate website hits. You probably helped him achieve the later by reading his column.

Be more objective? I already stated that i was at the game and my analysis was that i thought peyton looked more aggressive and much more exciting than tom looked. I didnt say tom looked bad, i said i know who i would want on my team if i had to pick between the two. That wasnt from a fans perspective that was from my perspective. Your right, it is what it is...and thats how i saw it from the stands at gillette stadium. But i respect your opinion too man. AND the reason I wrote this post was to stir up a little controversy on krappitz. i can tell it ruffled some feathers so it must of worked :)
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Maybe Kravitz is writing about every possible combo that could happen, so when one of them DOES happen he can say .. "See I was right".

Sometime I agree with what he writes and other times he makes my skin crawl. But he's just a writer, he has NO and I repeat NO influence on what Colts management decides to do during the draft next year.

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Be more objective? I already stated that i was at the game and my analysis was that i thought peyton looked more aggressive and much more exciting than tom looked. I didnt say tom looked bad, i said i know who i would want on my team if i had to pick between the two. That wasnt from a fans perspective that was from my perspective. Your right, it is what it is...and thats how i saw it from the stands at gillette stadium. But i respect your opinion too man. AND the reason I wrote this post was to stir up a little controversy on krappitz. i can tell it ruffled some feathers so it must of worked :)

No problem...we're good...everything is Colt-a-thestic. :D Just that when you say "take away the picks" it sounded kind of homerish in defense of Peyton. Likewise I respect your right to your opinion on that game and Kravitz in general. But not everyone is going to be all up in arms over the article he wrote.

Anyway on a different note, it must have been cool to be at that particular game and to observe two masters at work regardless of the final outcome. I am sure you will carry that experience with you for a lifetime.

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