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Irsay bashed for giving away cash?


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Posted · Hidden by Superman, July 31, 2014 - quoting inappropriate post
Hidden by Superman, July 31, 2014 - quoting inappropriate post

Maybe later, but your mom is worn out.


Wow, it doesn't take me 2 seconds to respond back with the same language. But i respect your mother or any loved ones you have.


There is no reason to talk like this.

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Yeah, but when the public can actually see for themselves without having to be told by the media about allegations (something that I don't remember even being reported on heavily in the media, unlike the comments from the voicemail) things are a little bit more extreme. The Clippers are still one of the oldest teams in the NBA and have been a franchise on the rise for a while. They are LA's team now, not the Lakers, and that is the second biggest market in America.

:lol:   LA=Lakers and Dodgers.  The Clippers don't even have their own arena the Lakers let them put banners over all the history when they use theirs.  They happen to have a half way decent team and the Lakers are currently rebuilding.  Give it a couple drafts and all free agents lining up to play for the Lakers (Chris Paul's first choice was the Lakers commish felt bad for the Clippers) and they will be forgotten again.


And nothing was reported on in the past because it was the owner of the Clippers.  If it were the Lakers, Celtics or Knicks things would have come to light years ago.  


Honestly this is what people will think of when they hear the Clippers 20 years from now not from anything they accomplished on the court.  

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:lol:   LA=Lakers and Dodgers.  The Clippers don't even have their own arena the Lakers let them put banners over all the history when they use theirs.  They happen to have a half way decent team and the Lakers are currently rebuilding.  Give it a couple drafts and all free agents lining up to play for the Lakers (Chris Paul's first choice was the Lakers commish felt bad for the Clippers) and they will be forgotten again.


And nothing was reported on in the past because it was the owner of the Clippers.  If it were the Lakers, Celtics or Knicks things would have come to light years ago.  


Honestly this is what people will think of when they hear the Clippers 20 years from now not from anything they accomplished on the court.  

Nah, Clippers are LA's team now, and will be for quite some time. Lakers are rebuilding but they will be losing Kobe sooner rather than later and they have like no real playmakers on that team anymore. The best Kobe could be excited for was Jeremy Lin this offseason. Jeremy Lin? Really?

I also doubt that the whole Sterling thing is something that was hidden because of the team. If anything, your theory would make more sense if it was the reverse, honestly, but I still don't think things would have happened any differently that way either.

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Nah, Clippers are LA's team now, and will be for quite some time. Lakers are rebuilding but they will be losing Kobe sooner rather than later and they have like no real playmakers on that team anymore. The best Kobe could be excited for was Jeremy Lin this offseason. Jeremy Lin? Really?

I also doubt that the whole Sterling thing is something that was hidden because of the team. If anything, your theory would make more sense if it was the reverse, honestly, but I still don't think things would have happened any differently that way either.


Take it from someone who lives in the LA area -- this is still a Lakers town. Throughout the season last year, and into the playoffs -- aside from the Sterling issue -- all anyone in LA was talking about was the Lakers. And as soon as the Sterling deal toned down, it went right back to the Lakers. And all offseason, it's been Lakers. Every day on talk radio, Lakers, Lakers, Lakers. Brief reprieve to root for the Kings, and then right back to Lakers.


It's too bad, but overwhelmingly, people here don't care about the Clippers. That team has a long way to go in terms of holding interest in this area. People would rather watch and complain about the terrible Lakers than enjoy the Clippers. And they've been the better team for three years now.

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Take it from someone who lives in the LA area -- this is still a Lakers town. Throughout the season last year, and into the playoffs -- aside from the Sterling issue -- all anyone in LA was talking about was the Lakers. And as soon as the Sterling deal toned down, it went right back to the Lakers. And all offseason, it's been Lakers. Every day on talk radio, Lakers, Lakers, Lakers. Brief reprieve to root for the Kings, and then right back to Lakers.


It's too bad, but overwhelmingly, people here don't care about the Clippers. That team has a long way to go in terms of holding interest in this area. People would rather watch and complain about the terrible Lakers than enjoy the Clippers. And they've been the better team for three years now.

Wow. Yeah never been to the LA area myself, this sounds strange. I guess the Lakers have been the talk of the town so long that it is hard to not talk about them and follow them, even when they are doing terribly in comparison to the other team. Well they don't call it Hollyweird for nothing I guess haha

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Wow. Yeah never been to the LA area myself, this sounds strange. I guess the Lakers have been the talk of the town so long that it is hard to not talk about them and follow them, even when they are doing terribly in comparison to the other team. Well they don't call it Hollyweird for nothing I guess haha


I hate it, as someone who can't stand the Lakers. But the Clippers could win three straight championships, and the Lakers faithful would still point to the past accomplishments. "Until they win 16..." Yeah, that's how stubborn and entitled Laker fans are. 


It's like this: The Texans could be clear and away the best team in the state for the next decade, but Cowboys fans will never root for the Texans. The city of Houston is different, as they had a team of their own before, and probably already disliked the Cowboys. 

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I hate it, as someone who can't stand the Lakers. But the Clippers could win three straight championships, and the Lakers faithful would still point to the past accomplishments. "Until they win 16..." Yeah, that's how stubborn and entitled Laker fans are. 


It's like this: The Texans could be clear and away the best team in the state for the next decade, but Cowboys fans will never root for the Texans. The city of Houston is different, as they had a team of their own before, and probably already disliked the Cowboys. 

Yeah, I was just thinking that when you typed the first part....just like Cowboys fans. Even if we win three SBs in 5 years they would still say they did it first and it took us long enough lol. I definitely see what you mean with the Lakers and Clippers now. I guess that's just the nature of some sports cities. At least the national media has been giving the Clippers the attention they deserve, though it did indeed take a turn for the worst with the Donald Sterling stuff. Lakers fans probably loved it.

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surprisingly billionaire money is extremely soft haha

Most billionaires coat their money in children's tears, which applies a supple texture to ones bills, allowing it to slide through your hand with little resistance, making for a pleasurable spending experience. 

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I'm personally embarassed for anyone who says they're embarassed about Irsay handing out money.

It was at training camp. Handing out money to fans of his franchise. He wasn't walking around downtown Indy just throwing bills at people.

"He should have just given out a jersey, or merchandise." Explain to me how that's any different. Do jerseys or merchandise not cost money?

"He should have done a contest." He did. If you were in the exact spot he was giving out money, you got money. Does the fact that I googled some Colts trivia make him giving away money that much different?

Get a grip. We don't always have to over analyze everything, and get "outraged and embarrassed."

He wanted to do something nice for fans, and people still complain. Unreal.

It is nice to see an affluent owner who literally gives back to his fan base & his community. 


I heard the news and thought it was awesome.  I know if I had billions of dollars I would give a ton of it away.


I would love to stay in a pharmacy one day and see how many elderly men and women go up and cannot afford their prescriptions.  I would pay for any of them and also anybody else that gets turned away.  I have actually done this one time with an elderly woman.  I felt soooo good after seeing how grateful she was.


BTW...I wish I had been to Colts Camp getting 100 bucks :)

That's why I respect my friends on here so much. They all have a good heart. You're a good man Brent!  ;)


I know many who have said that they are frankly embarassed.  Two who used to post here frequently back in mid '00's.  That embarassment stemmed from his Twitter feed, though; not sure what they think of his recent exploits.


I won't lie VL. I don't always understand Irsay's twitter responses, but I let it slide because Jim is a very giving & philanthropic person at large. 

So the guy gives away autographed $100 bills and people get mad? 


Oh wait, they're mad that they didn't get one. 





Good call on that one Lollygager. We could all use an extra $100 & if I never received it; I am just happy for the other individuals who did. At the end of the day, I'm just glad to know that other born & bred Indiana Colts fans have accepted a WI outsider like little ole me into the  :blueshoe: football family. Thank you. 


I may not grasp why Jim was pulled over with so much cash on him following his arrest, but there's nothing wrong with that or giving away money to fans either because we all have habits that make us tick as specific people etc. 

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Got bored halfway through these.

There is never a bad time to be generous. Anyone thinking otherwise is just jealous.

Those criticising Jim for being kind are pretty sad. As if he needs to curry favour with anyone. Well, apart from his pharmacist.....

Your last line made me chuckle BHC. Good luck breaking your pill addiction Jim. I sincerely mean that too BTW. 

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Agree, bad timing to do something like this. If he does wan't to be generous he should donate a million dollars to Children Charities of America. If I was at the camp I wouldn't have taken the money, most of the people in the front row seats are season ticket holders or have money. I'm not rich but I make an ok living as a 25 year old Business Process Reengineer and when I do give out money, it's usually too homeless people. I understand Jim was trying to be nice but there's children across America that could have used that money.

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Agree, bad timing to do something like this. If he does wan't to be generous he should donate a million dollars to Children Charities of America. If I was at the camp I wouldn't have taken the money, most of the people in the front row seats are season ticket holders or have money. I'm not rich but I make an ok living as a 25 year old Business Process Reengineer and when I do give out money, it's usually too homeless people. I understand Jim was trying to be nice but there's children across America that could have used that money.


First of all Jim and the colts do donate a lot of money to various charities every year.

Second, at training camp there isn't assigned seating. So those up front could be poor.

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It is nice to see an affluent owner who literally gives back to his fan base & his community. 


That's why I respect my friends on here so much. They all have a good heart. You're a good man Brent!  ;)



I won't lie VL. I don't always understand Irsay's twitter responses, but I let it slide because Jim is a very giving & philanthropic person at large. 

Good call on that one Lollygager. We could all use an extra $100 & if I never received it; I am just happy for the other individuals who did. At the end of the day, I'm just glad to know that other born & bred Indiana Colts fans have accepted a WI outsider like little ole me into the  :blueshoe: football family. Thank you. 


I may not grasp why Jim was pulled over with so much cash on him following his arrest, but there's nothing wrong with that or giving away money to fans either because we all have habits that make us tick as specific people etc. 

Thank you Brother.  For Jim it is like $29 dollars when having $29,000.  


I am just a poor boy from Indiana...:)

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Can you direct me to the post where you showed outrage when he did this very thing last year, and the year before

I wasn't aware that he did that in past years, but I think I would have discontinued it , at least for this year, because of the perception. In general, I think its in poor taste .

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Thank you Brother. For Jim it is like $29 dollars when having $29,000.

I am just a poor boy from Indiana...:)

You guys are paying for those one hundred dollar bills with the sweetheart deal you gave him with the stadium , licensing. , and merchandising .

This isn't exactly a Robin Hood scenario. You are taking money from the poor * Indiana taxpayer, and then flipping hundred dollar bills to well healed ticket holders who probably don't need the money. The whole thing smacks of Rodney Dangerfield at the Bushwood Pro Shop on Caddyshack.

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You guys are paying for those one hundred dollar bills with the sweetheart deal you gave him with the stadium , licensing. , and merchandising .

This isn't exactly a Robin Hood scenario. You are taking money from the poor * Indiana taxpayer, and then flipping hundred dollar bills to well healed ticket holders who probably don't need the money. The whole thing smacks of Rodney Dangerfield at the Bushwood Pro Shop on Caddyshack.

Sea, kosher, iodized, or table?

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You guys are paying for those one hundred dollar bills with the sweetheart deal you gave him with the stadium , licensing. , and merchandising .

This isn't exactly a Robin Hood scenario. You are taking money from the poor * Indiana taxpayer, and then flipping hundred dollar bills to well healed ticket holders who probably don't need the money. The whole thing smacks of Rodney Dangerfield at the Bushwood Pro Shop on Caddyshack.

Paying for the stadium does not bother me.  It is a very beautiful, and OH so cozy to see a game.


As to the Caddyshack reference....funny :)

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My wife has a huge autographed picture of the Caddyshack crew on her office wall at work.....love it. Any reference to that movie is fine by me...:)

Certainly one my favorites. I think it was recently ranked the top comedy movie of all time. Just think of Jimmy in a plaid jacket passing out C notes to Judge Smeals , Mr. Wang, and Carl the Groundskeeper !

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