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Irsay Urging Fans To "buck Up"


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The best teams play the best when it matters the most. We have failed for the most part in this equation. All the teams step up their intensity big time in the playoffs so I put a lot more stock in the playoffs thank you. We are not built for the playoffs and that falls right back on Polian. We have had the same weaknesses for a decade that prevented us from winning consistently in the playoffs. How does that not fall back on Polian?

In your view it does, you overvalue the playoffs in my opinion. In a 1 game match anything can happen and the best overall team doesn't always win. That is why in baseball they don't leave up to just 1 game and even then, as proven by this past season, the best overall team doesn't always win, that is why you value the regular season more.

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In your view it does, you overvalue the playoffs in my opinion. In a 1 game match anything can happen and the best overall team doesn't always win. That is why in baseball they don't leave up to just 1 game and even then, as proven by this past season, the best overall team doesn't always win, that is why you value the regular season more.

I don't know who this "you" is you're talking about. People remember SB champions not regular season records.

Edited by presto123
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I don't know who this "you" is you're talking about. People remember SB champions not regular season records.

So what? In your opinion is the purpose of the SB to determine the best overall team of that season or is it just a tournament to generate revenue for the NFL? Because if it is to determine the best team, why should a team with say a 10-6 record or better yet a losing record or even 8-8 be allowed to take part in possibly playing in that game. Why not just have the AFC and the NFC, no divisions, and at season end the top team from the AFC and the top team from NFC meet in the Superbowl, then you will have your matchup of the best two overall teams and then you can see whom is the best. Shouldn't that be how we decide who is the best team? Or do you just want a tourney?

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Humm.. dunno ask RODGERS! And they claim it was just luck he developed into the QB he is now.. ya, luck.

The packers drafted Rodgers in the FIRST round to be the QB of the Future because they knew Favre's time was almost done, hopefully like what we can do with Manning/ Luck...You really wanna say we should have picked a QB in the FIRST round prior to this season????

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The packers drafted Rodgers in the FIRST round to be the QB of the Future because they knew Favre's time was almost done, hopefully like what we can do with Manning/ Luck...You really wanna say we should have picked a QB in the FIRST round prior to this season????

Believe it or not, some were suggesting this last spring, before anyone knew anything about Peyton's situation.

At the time, they were dead wrong, and I was happy to tell them so.

In hind sight, it would have served us well this year, but I'm not concerned only for this year. I'm hopeful PM will be back next year, Then we may have had a dilemma going forward. A good dilemma, but all the same.

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How do you know if your backup is quality if he never sees any actual game action?

Apparently the Colts knew enough of their backup qb situation initially to not to have confidence in Painter to start in Peyton's absence. They quickly abandoned their "next man up" mantra and scurried around to sign old man Collins out of retirement, which was an act of desperation caused by a lack of preparation. So they obviously had some knowledge that the situation behind Peyton was perilous at best.

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irsay will have to do much better than this to get my $2000 when ticket renewal time comes around...are you listening jimmy,,,after 15 years i am strongly considering jumping ship...putting my BUCKS somewhere else....

Meh, you'll be back when the team turns it around. Its ONE season already.

What makes me laugh (and embarrasses me) is how many of these "fans" (not necessarily you) have only come on board with the Colts in the Manning era.

Those of us that have "been around" since the baltimore days realize just how small a "blip" one season is in the bigger picture. NOTHING lasts forever.

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Meh, you'll be back when the team turns it around. Its ONE season already.

What makes me laugh (and embarrasses me) is how many of these "fans" (not necessarily you) have only come on board with the Colts in the Manning era.

Those of us that have "been around" since the baltimore days realize just how small a "blip" one season is in the bigger picture. NOTHING lasts forever.

7-9 would be a blip. 0-16 following a decade of making the playoffs is more than a blip.

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Meh, you'll be back when the team turns it around. Its ONE season already.

What makes me laugh (and embarrasses me) is how many of these "fans" (not necessarily you) have only come on board with the Colts in the Manning era.

Those of us that have "been around" since the baltimore days realize just how small a "blip" one season is in the bigger picture. NOTHING lasts forever.

I partly agree with you that the colts are allowed a down season every decade or so, what i think most fans are having trouble with is the fact that football is such a team sport, and all you hear is next man up, and the players were complaining about feeling disrespected because no one thought they could win with out Peyton, and they go out there and are 0-9 to start the season, and confirm everyones suspicions.

This season truly shows how important manning has been to this team, and how much he really made certain players look better than they really are. Not one starter on offense or defense has played up to there capabilities, and at times have looked like they quit during games, and that is the biggest problem i have had with this team.

Saying that, i am a colts fan now and forever, and going 0-16 will not change that.

Edited by joshuajosh88
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7-9 would be a blip. 0-16 following a decade of making the playoffs is more than a blip.

I remember a 3-13 season not so long ago that we bounced back to 13-3 the next season.

How was the team to know the "state" it was in when manning was always playing?

I'm not happy about this season either, but to give up on "my team" or to get rid of season tickets after 1 year of bad play makes me wonder how some of these people handle real problems in their life.

Do you divorce your wife after a day or week of arguing? Do you throw your kid out of the house after they make a mistake?

I just think its going overboard, imo.

But then, like I said, many of these people prob didn't come "on board" until the success started. So its predictable I guess.

Everyone has their own opinion on this.

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I remember a 3-13 season not so long ago that we bounced back to 13-3 the next season.

How was the team to know the "state" it was in when manning was always playing?

I'm not happy about this season either, but to give up on "my team" or to get rid of season tickets after 1 year of bad play makes me wonder how some of these people handle real problems in their life.

Do you divorce your wife after a day or week of arguing? Do you throw your kid out of the house after they make a mistake?

I just think its going overboard, imo.

But then, like I said, many of these people prob didn't come "on board" until the success started. So its predictable I guess.

Everyone has their own opinion on this.

Divorcing a wife and throwing a kid out aren't good examples. A better example would be if you were a stockholder and your stock performed well over a 10 year period, the successful CEO stepped down, and the stock started tanking. You couldn't get rid of it fast enough. You can't possibly believe that the team didn't know that it didn't have a good defense, a running game, a halfway decent special teams. Everyone has been saying it for years and every year the FO says their going to address it in the offseason so someone had to know. I think it's too soon for season ticket holders to get rid of them yet. Now if some improvements aren't made and the team doesn't have better success next season then maybe so.

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It's just one season. How do you think Bengal fan, Lion Fan, Texan Fan, Buffalo fan, Ram fan and some other teams fans who suffer through numerous losing seasons feel?

I agree with the sentiment here.

I don't expect ANY fan to "enjoy" this season or except any excuses for zero wins. However, I am envious at times of the fanbases like you mention. They stick by their teams no matter what. I have family in Michigan who are Lions' fans. I know someone who has been a Redskins' fan his whole life (not just their SB years). These stadiums are sold out all the time. The Texans fans are die hard and until this season, they really haven't had any reason to be excited except to watch their team play.

Yes, we want our team to do well and we expect them to do their best. But I think it is unrealistic to expect perfection each and every season. I don't even think it is realistic to expect the playoffs every year. Many teams are thrilled to simply have a winning season!

We have had an amazing run of success and I hope we have more. But I am happy to see the team play regardless. I am happier when they are playing to their potential and that is why this season is heartbreaking. I am not sure that they are. (and I miss Peyton) But fans should celebrate that they have a team in their city and they have the chance to see them play at all. Truly.

I was just telling my son today about why our city didn't have a team. We had a chance and the city and residents blew it. We had one temporarily and could have made it permanent. But it wasn't supported. Even a smallish stadium (used for a bowl game) wasn't filled for their games. So sad (especially for that team's fans...but then I could have seen the Colts play locally twice a year!)...but that is what lack of appreciation can do.

Just because you love and support your team through tough times and you are realistic, doesn't mean that you are "okay" with 0-16 or that you enjoy losing.

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Divorcing a wife and throwing a kid out aren't good examples. A better example would be if you were a stockholder and your stock performed well over a 10 year period, the successful CEO stepped down, and the stock started tanking. You couldn't get rid of it fast enough. You can't possibly believe that the team didn't know that it didn't have a good defense, a running game, a halfway decent special teams. Everyone has been saying it for years and every year the FO says their going to address it in the offseason so someone had to know. I think it's too soon for season ticket holders to get rid of them yet. Now if some improvements aren't made and the team doesn't have better success next season then maybe so.

Then some people can "sell their stocks" and go root for the Packers.

Good riddance.

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I remember a 3-13 season not so long ago that we bounced back to 13-3 the next season.

How was the team to know the "state" it was in when manning was always playing?

I'm not happy about this season either, but to give up on "my team" or to get rid of season tickets after 1 year of bad play makes me wonder how some of these people handle real problems in their life.

Do you divorce your wife after a day or week of arguing? Do you throw your kid out of the house after they make a mistake?

I just think its going overboard, imo.

But then, like I said, many of these people prob didn't come "on board" until the success started. So its predictable I guess.

Everyone has their own opinion on this.

Well said, I have been asking myself this lately.

Only thing I can come up with is this: Many of us do have a lot of tough things to deal with these days, I know I do. We look forward to the season as an escape from that.

No escape this year. Instead, the lockout followed by Manning out, followed by loss after loss......accompanied by fans being massively angry.

I had a conversation with my daughter last night who was freaking out about finances. I've heard enough from her on this issue. And I just said: Life is like that sometimes.........you have a budget, make it work, that's life.

Essentially, BUCK UP!

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Meh, you'll be back when the team turns it around. Its ONE season already.

What makes me laugh (and embarrasses me) is how many of these "fans" (not necessarily you) have only come on board with the Colts in the Manning era.

Those of us that have "been around" since the baltimore days realize just how small a "blip" one season is in the bigger picture. NOTHING lasts forever.

There are some (like myself) that have been around since the Baltimore days that believe this "blip" is the cumulative results of several years of incompetence, bad drafting and generally bad organizational management.

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There are some (like myself) that have been around since the Baltimore days that believe this "blip" is the cumulative results of several years of incompetence, bad drafting and generally bad organizational management.


That's what makes this so concerning, the signs have been here for several seasons now, and no one in the front office has lifted a finger to fix them. This blip is going to become a stretch lasting years if the ship is not righted and set upon a course of greatness again. (today is metaphor day)

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I remember a 3-13 season not so long ago that we bounced back to 13-3 the next season.

I remember that too but I also remember being excited about our young up and coming team after 3-13. Here I am at 0-9 and I have nothing to be excited about, and only one thing to hope for, and thats that Manning comes back to some semblance of his former self and I know even that will be fleeting success at best.

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I remember a 3-13 season not so long ago that we bounced back to 13-3 the next season.

How was the team to know the "state" it was in when manning was always playing?

I'm not happy about this season either, but to give up on "my team" or to get rid of season tickets after 1 year of bad play makes me wonder how some of these people handle real problems in their life.

Do you divorce your wife after a day or week of arguing? Do you throw your kid out of the house after they make a mistake?

I just think its going overboard, imo.

But then, like I said, many of these people prob didn't come "on board" until the success started. So its predictable I guess.

Everyone has their own opinion on this.

The Colts going from a 3-13 season in 1998 to 13-3 in 1999 was a result of some of the talent maturing and playing better and I just don't mean Manning. Marvin Harrision and Tarik Glenn also came into their own (btw they were drafted by Tobin not Polian) and Jim Mora was in his second year with the Colts. Of course we lost in the first round of the playoffs with a number one seed in 1999.

"How was the team to know the "state" it was in when manning was always playing?"

It is called common sense, planning and working through various scenarios and just plain due diligence. That would be managing 101.

"I'm not happy about this season either, but to give up on "my team" or to get rid of season tickets after 1 year of bad play makes me wonder how some of these people handle real problems in their life."

That is one take and a gross generalization to fit your perceived views. Longevity of Colts fandom is not a criteria. As far as "my team" the Colts have fans that span the spectrum, just like any other team in pro sports. I (and I understand you and Pa56colts) and other have been fans since the Baltimore days). Others have been fans since yesterday or they like Peyton and became a fan of Peyton first and the Colts second. They will probably leave after Peyton leaves and I don't consider them to be a real Colts fan anyway (just one person's view). I hardly think fans are giving up on the team because of this pathetic, historically bad season but they are venting. Real life is real life and being a fan are totally different.

"Do you divorce your wife after a day or week of arguing? Do you throw your kid out of the house after they make a mistake?"

I just think its going overboard, imo.

Depends on the wife and circumstances, and whether they are rotten kids, I guess. Just kidding. Once again, we are talking about being a fan vs real life. Do you know how to separate the two?

"I just think its going overboard, imo."

One could say that to ignore the issue is far worse than fixing the problem.

"Everyone has their own opinion on this."

But then, like I said, many of these people prob didn't come "on board" until the success started. So its predictable I guess."

Your opinion. You aren't the only person who has been a long time fan. Btw what are your requirements for someone to be able to praise or criticize the team

"Everyone has their own opinion on this."

Everyone is in agreement on this point.

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Do you know how to separate the two?

I do know how to seaparate the two. More than most here it seems.

Family, friends, health, pets, children getting abused. There are REAL problems in the world and REAL issues to lose sleep about. An 0-? season in the NFL is not one of them. These people are still making their money, still have their jobs. Good paying jobs at that.

Its a game. We don't own the team, we don't play on the team.

There are BIGGER things in life to worry about. I guess some people haven't experienced or realized real tragedy before.

As much as it doesn't seem, things can get worse. TRUST ME !

I just try to keep things in perspective.

I welcome all opinions. And yes, change is needed. But its ONLY football for God's sake.

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The packers drafted Rodgers in the FIRST round to be the QB of the Future because they knew Favre's time was almost done, hopefully like what we can do with Manning/ Luck...You really wanna say we should have picked a QB in the FIRST round prior to this season????

That's not entirely true. They drafted Rodgers because he fell to them at #24 when he was projected to be the #1 pick. Has Rodgers not fallen to them, they probably would not have drafted a quarterback.

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to me this an example with what is wrong with today's fan. This whole what have you done for me lately is really depressing. Yes the Colts are having a down season. So what, it happens, we have been on top for the past decade, at some point all great teams have done years. Allow the mag't team that put together the dynasty to rebuild, it may take a season or two but they are at least allowed the opportunity to see if they can do it.

The are having beyond a down season and that is the trouble here. If this team had a competent team post Manning, you wouldn't hear the barking that you hear but this team is bad from top to bottom and not fixable in 1 draft. As far as a dynasty, we have won 1 superbowl, that is not a dynasty. The Atlanta braves won tons or regular season games and are considered underachievers with the talent they had, the Bills went to 4 straight SB's without a win, they were not a dynasty, but underachievers. You could actually make the argument, looking at this years team without Manning and say we were perenial overachievers.

dn, I agree with you on this.

I'd like to believe that all of this emotional response is due to the suddenness of the situation.

I'd like to believe that we all knew there would be growing pains post Manning, and now we're slapped in the face with having been caught with our pants down prematurely.

Yes, all along we should have had a competent back up QB, just in case. But, those can be hard to come by when the starter never misses a game.

Most QBs would like to think they'd have the opportunity to play once in awhile.

It is beyond the emotional response of the suddeness, it has to do with poor play across the board, the poor coaching choices this season and the tirades of Polian against the fans. Having a poor offense can be expected, having a really bad special teams and bad defense AGAIN, should not have anything to do with loosing Manning. This mgmt team is nothing but Manning being spectacular and carrying this team in full.

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What Irsay fails to realize is that there wasn't even a decline in the team. The performance fell straight off the cliff and that this could have been avoided. As a fan, I am not upset that we are not making the playoffs this year because I knew that without Manning we would not do well and that's just the way the team is built. However, I am furious that the team is so poorly built that after 9 games we can't win a single game. A team that won 115 games in a decade shouldn't be 0-9 when the star QB goes down.

Well said!!!!!!!

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The are having beyond a down season and that is the trouble here. If this team had a competent team post Manning, you wouldn't hear the barking that you hear but this team is bad from top to bottom and not fixable in 1 draft. As far as a dynasty, we have won 1 superbowl, that is not a dynasty. The Atlanta braves won tons or regular season games and are considered underachievers with the talent they had, the Bills went to 4 straight SB's without a win, they were not a dynasty, but underachievers. You could actually make the argument, looking at this years team without Manning and say we were perenial overachievers.

It is beyond the emotional response of the suddeness, it has to do with poor play across the board, the poor coaching choices this season and the tirades of Polian against the fans. Having a poor offense can be expected, having a really bad special teams and bad defense AGAIN, should not have anything to do with loosing Manning. This mgmt team is nothing but Manning being spectacular and carrying this team in full.

Why did you have to bring up the Braves? Now I'm reliving all of those repressed memories. :panic:

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Really? You would jump ship after 1 season? Well enjoy Bengal nation...I am sure you will love watching them play...don't let the door hit you on the way out...

You seriously have to be management, a family member of the management or something else cause you are certainly no regular fan by the tone of all the posts I have seen from you.

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Why not? We had an untested not very talented backup QB. There is no other position in all of sports more important to have a quality player in. When Peyton never missed a game it didn't allow the colts to test Painter in any actual games to see what he could or couldn't do. It is like putting you or me in an Indy car and asked to race the entire Indy car season. Sure our car can be good and we know how to drive, but we are not qualified to drive in indy car races and be competitive. Yet remove us and put in say Dario Francitti and watch out....

Just stop it!!! Tom Brady goes down and a QB who was not even a starter in college comes on and the TEAM wins 11 games that year. Your rah rah garbage is getting old here. It is a bad team, they have drafted poorly, they have coached badly and now the TEAM is really the worst put together team in the league, not even close. Manning covered up bad picks and players and coaches because he is just that good, that is on who?

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Can you tell me that every team that has won the superbowl was the best overall team of that season? Were the Packers the best team overall last year because they won it? Now if say the NFL changed up it's format and that there were not wild cards and such and no playoffs, but just the best team from the AFC record wise in teh regular season and the best team from the NFC record wise from the regular season, then I might put more value in the Superbowl, but when a team can back into the playoffs with a 10-6 record and then get's hot, no I value what a team does over a 16 game schedule over what happens in the playoffs.

WoW, just WOW!!!

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So what? In your opinion is the purpose of the SB to determine the best overall team of that season or is it just a tournament to generate revenue for the NFL? Because if it is to determine the best team, why should a team with say a 10-6 record or better yet a losing record or even 8-8 be allowed to take part in possibly playing in that game. Why not just have the AFC and the NFC, no divisions, and at season end the top team from the AFC and the top team from NFC meet in the Superbowl, then you will have your matchup of the best two overall teams and then you can see whom is the best. Shouldn't that be how we decide who is the best team? Or do you just want a tourney?

Jeez, what is the point of playing in the regular season? It is the playoffs and to WIN the SB. Nobody has a goal in the regular season to win a lot of regular season games and then just stop playing, it is to get into the playoffs at allcosts and then somehow have enough things go right to win the championship and the right to be called the best that season.

I am with the other guy who said, you don't let your kids keep score. I pay to watch this game and you mentioned you don't, it is on your tv but now you are going to come in and by tix at half price or gimee's so your voice doesn't matter much.

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I'll buck up when they cut beer prices in half at games.lol... at least then I'll think I'm seeing a good game or I'll think I'm at a Pacers game or race, or might even be confused enough to think I'm walking around Circle Center...lol who knows but it'll be better than what I've been seeing.


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Well said, I have been asking myself this lately.

Only thing I can come up with is this: Many of us do have a lot of tough things to deal with these days, I know I do. We look forward to the season as an escape from that.

No escape this year. Instead, the lockout followed by Manning out, followed by loss after loss......accompanied by fans being massively angry.

I had a conversation with my daughter last night who was freaking out about finances. I've heard enough from her on this issue. And I just said: Life is like that sometimes.........you have a budget, make it work, that's life.

Essentially, BUCK UP!

Well said, and for me every year it [the season] is an escape from the pressures of work, a lot of my financial problems, and it just hit real hard this year with having such a down year. Its especially hard to take with having the high expectations before the season started, of maybe being the home team of the superbowl.

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I do know how to seaparate the two. More than most here it seems.

Family, friends, health, pets, children getting abused. There are REAL problems in the world and REAL issues to lose sleep about. An 0-? season in the NFL is not one of them. These people are still making their money, still have their jobs. Good paying jobs at that.

Its a game. We don't own the team, we don't play on the team.

There are BIGGER things in life to worry about. I guess some people haven't experienced or realized real tragedy before.

As much as it doesn't seem, things can get worse. TRUST ME !

I just try to keep things in perspective.

I welcome all opinions. And yes, change is needed. But its ONLY football for God's sake.

Then your opinion on that subject is no different from anyone else. I don't believe anyone would equate the status of their team with issues that may or may not be happening in real life. The fans on this board are passionate in their views on the Colts but realize it is only sports.

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That's not entirely true. They drafted Rodgers because he fell to them at #24 when he was projected to be the #1 pick. Has Rodgers not fallen to them, they probably would not have drafted a quarterback.

But the essential facts are true. Rodgers was drafted by the Packers in the 1st round with the idea he would eventually replace Favre. Everything else is speculation and what ifs. You don't know what happened. You really don't know. You think you know, but don't know. And you never will.

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I urge Mr. Irsay to "Buck Up" and do what's right for this organization and it's future. I think most of us agree that means replacing the coaching staff and possibly the Polian Cult. Drafting players that will contribute to the organization for the next several years and implementing a defensive scheme that's effective.

Sure, I'll hold onto my season tickets, but the question is for how many more years? If nothing changes, nothing changes; and I can't go through another season like this one. I guess will have to wait until season end to see what's going to happen and come April I hope the Colts do what is best for them and the long haul.

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You seriously have to be management, a family member of the management or something else cause you are certainly no regular fan by the tone of all the posts I have seen from you.

I am a fan, but not a fanatic, I don't run around going crazy when my team has 1 bad season, I will wait and see what happens in the upcoming draft, the following season before begining to worry. I refuse to have a Chicken Little complex after just one bad season...sorry.

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