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Some needs are going to go unfilled in FA

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Presuming we sign Nicks for around 5 million. . .   We're gonna leave at least one need unfilled in free agency.  Possibly 2.  We just don't have the cap space to sign Nicks and 3 other starters.  Not unless Davis's deal has a low initial cap hit.


We have from my view 3 needs.


Center - Not sold on Costas as a starter.  Nor am I on Holmes

Guard - Thorton could improve but he really wasn't that good last season

Free Safety - Not much sample size on Howell to depend on him to start.


Granted we could get some guys in the draft.  But I don't like going into the draft with a specific position you know you have to fill because it might force us to reach.


So which position(s) are you most comfortable not filling in FA?  

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Presuming we sign Nicks for around 5 million. . .   We're gonna leave at least one need unfilled in free agency.  Possibly 2.  We just don't have the cap space to sign Nicks and 3 other starters.  Not unless Davis's deal has a low initial cap hit.


We have from my view 3 needs.


Center - Not sold on Costas as a starter.  Nor am I on Holmes

Guard - Thorton could improve but he really wasn't that good last season

Free Safety - Not much sample size on Howell to depend on him to start.


Granted we could get some guys in the draft.  But I don't like going into the draft with a specific position you know you have to fill because it might force us to reach.


So which position(s) are you most comfortable not filling in FA?  

I don't expect any further pursuit of OLine additions at this point until after the draft - though I suspect that Grigs will continue some level of interest in Mack in case an opportunity opens up there.  I won't be surprised at any time if we add another vet OG or OT for depth, like we just did with Costa, because you take the opportunities when you get them, but I think that the plan is to leave yourself the option/roster space to add a BPA lineman in the draft and fill in with the churn of the market afterward as needed.  The signing of Costa was significant in that it looks like a signal that we won't sign another center unless it's Mack.


There is nothing about our current roster that wouldn't let us take the needs you have highlighted to the draft, draft BPA, then re-assess after.  

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I'd be fine with Thornton starting at RG. He wasn't amazing last year but he was solid enough and I think he'll be fine with a new center next to him and Donald Thomas another spot over. 


Castonzo, Thomas, Mack/EDS/BDLP, Thornton, Cherilus 


That's more than strong enough to vastly improve the consistency of the offence.


And the more I think about it, the more I'd be fine with drafting a safety and letting him and Howell battle it out for the FS role.


So I think we have plenty left to fill all of our needs. Center is a must and Nicks would be a nice little bonus.

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Presuming we sign Nicks for around 5 million. . .   We're gonna leave at least one need unfilled in free agency.  Possibly 2.  We just don't have the cap space to sign Nicks and 3 other starters.  Not unless Davis's deal has a low initial cap hit.


We have from my view 3 needs.


Center - Not sold on Costas as a starter.  Nor am I on Holmes

Guard - Thorton could improve but he really wasn't that good last season

Free Safety - Not much sample size on Howell to depend on him to start.


Granted we could get some guys in the draft.  But I don't like going into the draft with a specific position you know you have to fill because it might force us to reach.


So which position(s) are you most comfortable not filling in FA?  

There are two safeties in this years draft that guy out of Washington state SS and FS Joyner from FSU both would be good safeties.

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I would agree with the OP 100%. This team will not be a complete team before the season begins.  It really is too bad because there isn't that many years left in our window to win a championship and it makes me sad to think that it will never happen.  I can say for certain though that this team will have big holes at important positions that without good fortune will make it impossible to win a championship.  As a fan-base we need to temper our expectations and realize the organization is doing the best that it can unfortunately that just isn't enough.  Be happy that we are fielding a good solid team, don't be upset that it isn't championship caliber.

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I would agree with the OP 100%. This team will not be a complete team before the season begins.  It really is too bad because there isn't that many years left in our window to win a championship and it makes me sad to think that it will never happen.  I can say for certain though that this team will have big holes at important positions that without good fortune will make it impossible to win a championship.  As a fan-base we need to temper our expectations and realize the organization is doing the best that it can unfortunately that just isn't enough.  Be happy that we are fielding a good solid team, don't be upset that it isn't championship caliber.


I can't help but think this is an attempt at reverse psychology, using some bad assumptions.

If so, good post.

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I can't help but think this is an attempt at reverse psychology, using some bad assumptions.

If so, good post.


Can you elaborate? Do you think this team is complete enough to win a Championship? Obviously we have a great QB, amazing receivers in Wayne and Hilton, great tight ends in Allen and Fleener and a solid pass rusher in Mathis and a decent CB in Davis.  Is there any other part of this team that you consider us even average in?  Our defense both run and pass outside of Mathis is horrible.  I believe it was 20 something in the league last year.  We don't have an offensive line to speak of. Major holes at Center and Safety.  Please tell me how you look at this team and think well that's a team that can compete for a championship.  Unless you want to put all the pressure on Luck and we saw how well that worked for us the last two seasons.  This is a good team, with some great pieces but it has major deficiencies that are going to keep it out of the super bowl.

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Presuming we sign Nicks for around 5 million. . .   We're gonna leave at least one need unfilled in free agency.  Possibly 2.  We just don't have the cap space to sign Nicks and 3 other starters.  Not unless Davis's deal has a low initial cap hit.


We have from my view 3 needs.


Center - Not sold on Costas as a starter.  Nor am I on Holmes

Guard - Thorton could improve but he really wasn't that good last season

Free Safety - Not much sample size on Howell to depend on him to start.


Granted we could get some guys in the draft.  But I don't like going into the draft with a specific position you know you have to fill because it might force us to reach.


So which position(s) are you most comfortable not filling in FA?  




Out of those choices, I would be most comfortable going with Howell at FS. I think Thornton is going to be just fine at RG. He played much better on the right side than the left and got better as the season went on. I'm definitely not comfortable with the center spot. I don't know a lot about Costa, but I don't think he's the answer and I'm to the point that I think Holmes was just a waste of draft pick. I didn't like it when they picked him and I still don't He's not strong enough and I don't think he will ever be strong enough to play in a mostly man blocking scheme. I don't think we need Nicks at all and we would be much better off just drafting a WR in the draft.

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Can you elaborate? Do you think this team is complete enough to win a Championship? Obviously we have a great QB, amazing receivers in Wayne and Hilton, great tight ends in Allen and Fleener and a solid pass rusher in Mathis and a decent CB in Davis. Is there any other part of this team that you consider us even average in? Our defense both run and pass outside of Mathis is horrible. I believe it was 20 something in the league last year. We don't have an offensive line to speak of. Major holes at Center and Safety. Please tell me how you look at this team and think well that's a team that can compete for a championship. Unless you want to put all the pressure on Luck and we saw how well that worked for us the last two seasons. This is a good team, with some great pieces but it has major deficiencies that are going to keep it out of the super bowl.

Whoa. You need to chill. First off you cant forget about the progression that our entire 2012 draft class is gonna make including Luck. Everyone of our young players are gonna be better. Getting Dwayne Allen back will make all the difference in the world, we were sniffing Superbowl Contenders out of the AFC last year without Allen before Wayne got injured. If we bring in Nicks then our offense will be elite, assuming Trent steps up and Ballard is good to go and Wayne is atleast 85% what he was. Our defense got better. Vontae came back and he's still getting better, we brought in Jackson to help w the run, Arthur Jones will also plug some major holes. Chapman played solid for being his first year in the NFL playing..He'll be better. Depending on what we do at FS Landry might be better. We will be fine my friend

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Whoa. You need to chill. First off you cant forget about the progression that our entire 2012 draft class is gonna make including Luck. Everyone of our young players are gonna be better. Getting Dwayne Allen back will make all the difference in the world, we were sniffing Superbowl Contenders out of the AFC last year without Allen before Wayne got injured. If we bring in Nicks then our offense will be elite, assuming Trent steps up and Ballard is good to go and Wayne is atleast 85% what he was. Our defense got better. Vontae came back and he's still getting better, we brought in Jackson to help w the run, Arthur Jones will also plug some major holes. Chapman played solid for being his first year in the NFL playing..He'll be better. Depending on what we do at FS Landry might be better. We will be fine my friend


I really hope you are right but I just don't see it.  I guess one of us will look back here next season and feel kind of dumb.

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Can you elaborate? Do you think this team is complete enough to win a Championship? Obviously we have a great QB, amazing receivers in Wayne and Hilton, great tight ends in Allen and Fleener and a solid pass rusher in Mathis and a decent CB in Davis.  Is there any other part of this team that you consider us even average in?  Our defense both run and pass outside of Mathis is horrible.  I believe it was 20 something in the league last year.  We don't have an offensive line to speak of. Major holes at Center and Safety.  Please tell me how you look at this team and think well that's a team that can compete for a championship.  Unless you want to put all the pressure on Luck and we saw how well that worked for us the last two seasons.  This is a good team, with some great pieces but it has major deficiencies that are going to keep it out of the super bowl.


I think this team is incomplete, as far as perfection goes.

I think this team is good enough to win a championship.

I think it's not a lock that we win a championship.

I think that all teams will go into the season with holes in it.

I think that all teams will experience injuries. Some may be on better overall teams and prevent them from being a champion.

I think you can make an argument that there have been worse teams in the SB.

I think it's March 14th.

I think we're not done with FA, trades, the draft, UDFA, TC, or the preseason.


No more thoughts................................at this time.

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I really hope you are right but I just don't see it.  I guess one of us will look back here next season and feel kind of dumb.


The bold is pretty much my point.

None of us see it, cause it hasn't happened yet.

There's great reason for hope, which is all we can possibly have at this time (or any time for that matter).

We have a good enough team to do it.

We can't see it now, but hopefully we will see it during the season.

Teams have overcome their weaknesses before, and will again.

Why not us.

That and............it's March 14th.

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The bold is pretty much my point.

None of us see it, cause it hasn't happened yet.

There's great reason for hope, which is all we can possibly have at this time (or any time for that matter).

We have a good enough team to do it.

We can't see it now, but hopefully we will see it during the season.

Teams have overcome their weaknesses before, and will again.

Why not us.

That and............it's March 14th.


So you don't see any value in looking at the team objectively and comparing it to other teams in the league? Your solution is just to hope other teams get injuries and we don't and that somehow we miraculously win a championship.  I'm sorry if that's how you want to view things that's fine but that isn't how I view them. I see how we competed last year against teams and see what they are doing and then see what we are doing and objectively arrive at an opinion.  I chose to view things how they are instead of hoping for the best.  I guess we just have two different perspectives. I respect your view but I chose objectivity and realism over hope and getting excited about a team that if viewed objectively has very small chances of even getting to the championship.

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So you don't see any value in looking at the team objectively and comparing it to other teams in the league? Your solution is just to hope other teams get injuries and we don't and that somehow we miraculously win a championship.  I'm sorry if that's how you want to view things that's fine but that isn't how I view them. I see how we competed last year against teams and see what they are doing and then see what we are doing and objectively arrive at an opinion.  I chose to view things how they are instead of hoping for the best.  I guess we just have two different perspectives. I respect your view but I chose objectivity and realism over hope and getting excited about a team that if viewed objectively has very small chances of even getting to the championship.

My view exactly.

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So you don't see any value in looking at the team objectively and comparing it to other teams in the league? Your solution is just to hope other teams get injuries and we don't and that somehow we miraculously win a championship.  I'm sorry if that's how you want to view things that's fine but that isn't how I view them. I see how we competed last year against teams and see what they are doing and then see what we are doing and objectively arrive at an opinion.  I chose to view things how they are instead of hoping for the best.  I guess we just have two different perspectives. I respect your view but I chose objectivity and realism over hope and getting excited about a team that if viewed objectively has very small chances of even getting to the championship.


Glass half full does not equal 'realism'. You can throw your arms up into the air in disgust all you want, but that doesn't make it real.

It's March, plenty can, and will happen by the end of next season. WHAT happens is real. 'Til then, it's all about how we feel about it.

You think it's over, and we're done. I don't.

I do look at other teams, and compare them to the Colts.

Yes, there are some teams that are better....................................ON PAPER.

Remember the 'Dream Team' Eagles? At this time of the year, who's to say the Broncos aren't the new version.

Did I mention it's March?

I'm not the one who proclaimed our window was almost closed. That was you. As I'm certain you don't KNOW that, I must assume it's your 'realistic' opinion. Kinda early to make such a proclamation, don't ya' think? Our core is going into year 3.

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So you don't see any value in looking at the team objectively and comparing it to other teams in the league? Your solution is just to hope other teams get injuries and we don't and that somehow we miraculously win a championship.  I'm sorry if that's how you want to view things that's fine but that isn't how I view them. I see how we competed last year against teams and see what they are doing and then see what we are doing and objectively arrive at an opinion.  I chose to view things how they are instead of hoping for the best.  I guess we just have two different perspectives. I respect your view but I chose objectivity and realism over hope and getting excited about a team that if viewed objectively has very small chances of even getting to the championship.

I can see the logic in your way of thinking. However, we should have lost to the Broncos, Forty Niners, and Sea Hawks last year. But we won those games. Anything can happen. Looking at it objectively doesn't make you right until the games are played.

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I didn't say my wa


I can see the logic in your way of thinking. However, we should have lost to the Broncos, Forty Niners, and Sea Hawks last year. But we won those games. Anything can happen. Looking at it objectively doesn't make you right until the games are played.


I made no claim that my way was the definitive correct way to view things.  In fact I said that I respected the view of having an unrealistic hope that things will just turn out okay. I'm not hardwired to be that way though.  I cannot help but view things through a prism of realism and objectivity,  I would like nothing more than to be wrong and I hope we win big games next year and a championship. Do not mistake my objectivity and realism as me hoping the Colts will perform poorly.  My views and opinions are simply an additional voice on the forum that views the organization in a more grounded, realistic manner.  I can respect your hope and view can you not offer me the same show of respect?

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I didn't say my wa



I made no claim that my way was the definitive correct way to view things.  In fact I said that I respected the view of having an unrealistic hope that things will just turn out okay. I'm not hardwired to be that way though.  I cannot help but view things through a prism of realism and objectivity,  I would like nothing more than to be wrong and I hope we win big games next year and a championship. Do not mistake my objectivity and realism as me hoping the Colts will perform poorly.  My views and opinions are simply an additional voice on the forum that views the organization in a more grounded, realistic manner.  I can respect your hope and view can you not offer me the same show of respect?


I'm willing to offer you the same show of respect, but I can't right now, only in that I'm not certain you understand the meaning of 'realism', in the context of this conversation.


My 'realism' is how I feel about it.

Your 'realism' is how you feel about it.

Reality is what happens, and it hasn't happened yet.


The way you're portraying 'realism' is that you're right, and others are wrong.

That's not realism. That's your 'opinion'. Because it hasn't happened yet.


Did I mention it's March 14th?

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Presuming we sign Nicks for around 5 million. . .   We're gonna leave at least one need unfilled in free agency.  Possibly 2.  We just don't have the cap space to sign Nicks and 3 other starters.  Not unless Davis's deal has a low initial cap hit.


We have from my view 3 needs.


Center - Not sold on Costas as a starter.  Nor am I on Holmes

Guard - Thorton could improve but he really wasn't that good last season

Free Safety - Not much sample size on Howell to depend on him to start.


Granted we could get some guys in the draft.  But I don't like going into the draft with a specific position you know you have to fill because it might force us to reach.


So which position(s) are you most comfortable not filling in FA?  

First, I do not want to sign Nicks or draft a WR.  I want to see what our WRs can do with Reggie and Allen healthy.

Second, if Davis' cap slam isn't in the first 2 years, we are going to have problems when signing our 2012 draft class (do not depend on the increase in the cap till it happens)


Not sure about Center yet.  Costas was solid before getting hurt when in Dallas.  I believe that Holmes had an injury most of last season.  I also believe we have a third Center on the roster (not quite sure about that).


I would like to see more of Thorton in his natural position.  We need vet depth at Guard.


We only have 1 Free Safety on the roster at this time and his name isn't Howell.  It is Sergio Brown.  That means that all the other Safeties are Strong Safeties, so unless we are going to play 2 SSs again next year, we need to bring 1 in through FA or draft (most I have seen listed by other posters here are SSs).


I agree, would like to go into draft without having to draft for need, but that is till a year or 2 away.


IMO, we need to add 1-2 CBs in draft, along with a DE and possible a Free Safety.


I like some of what we did in FA.  IMO, it will show upgrade in TC.

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NFL Games are not lost or won this time of the year.


Our WR corps just got an upgrade with Nicks. Let's hope he'll be at his best.


Costa - Not the greatest player ever signed, but he'll be useful enough. We don't even know if he's our starting Center yet


I'm not sold on Thornton or Holmes, but getting Donald Thomas back should help our O-line.


Getting Dwayne Allen back should be good, as well as Ballard and Bradshaw. We have a very good RB and TE corps in place in my opinion. In general I don't think Pep Hamilton can complain about lacking players who can put points on the board.


Jones and Jackson are solid signings. An upgrade for sure.


So, there is still room to improve. But would you expect otherwise this time of the year?


FA is not over yet and none of us knows for sure what will happen. Players could still be cut on other teams for cap-issues. Maybe a FS will join us. Maybe a Center or a Guard. We don't know yet.


Maybe, and I'm just speculating here, Grigson has a plan for the rest of FA and possibly even for the Draft.

Stranger things have been known to happen.

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I would agree with the OP 100%. This team will not be a complete team before the season begins.  It really is too bad because there isn't that many years left in our window to win a championship and it makes me sad to think that it will never happen.  I can say for certain though that this team will have big holes at important positions that without good fortune will make it impossible to win a championship.  As a fan-base we need to temper our expectations and realize the organization is doing the best that it can unfortunately that just isn't enough.  Be happy that we are fielding a good solid team, don't be upset that it isn't championship caliber.


Its March, 2014. Its unreasonable to say now that the team is not February 2015 championship caliber. The league has built in too much change for teams between now and then.  At this point, just about every team has more holes in it than last year, which is what happens during FA.  Some fill those better than others as FA moves on.  Some teams get better than others during the draft. 


If we had a better run defense and better decision making by our young QB in the NE game, we could have one the championship last year.  We beat the next two teams we would have faced, in the regular season.  Our wins against those teams were no fluke.  Sherman is an overrated 5th round big CB who can be beat with speed and agility at WR and a QB who can avoid a rush, which the Colts showed.  Our Denver game wasn't even competitive until all of our DBs got hurt. 


The first two signings in the offseason, DQ and Jones, likely has improved the run defense from last year.  The hole at S may fill just fine with Howell, a rookie, or a stop gap vet, since the play at that position last year was just average anyway.  The hole at center now is not that big compared to last year because the play was very poor then too.  We beat the two championship game teams by fielding players who were probably no better than the S and C we have right now.


The Colts window is not closing.  Just the opposite.  All of our young offensive playmakers are getting more experienced. The FA's we committed multi year contracts to last year and this year are quality players who will be in their prime for at least few more years.  The window is just starting to open. 

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