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What is the deal with Khaled Holmes?


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I actually agree with 1yrd, Chuck is quickly getting a reputation as being very stubborn, conservative, and WAY TOO LOYAL.


SS DID not deserve to be the starting C the end of last season.    McG did, he, Thornton,and Reitz or Link at G was Indy's most effective interior lineup (after the Thomas injury).   And it really was not close.  SS constantly gets blown up.  


Same with Pag's insistence to stay with T Rich when Brown was CLEARLY out playing him.    It only took him til the last minute to FINALLY get Brown more touches and T Rich in on 3rd down only.


Same with the D...  they do not want to make changes for whatever reason.   And it hurt this team. 


Punt on 4th and 1 down 21 with 9 minutes left in a PLAYOFF GAME?   Are you serious?


I think Chuck has done a really good job thus far, but there is plenty of room for improvement.      The conservative nature is not going to win in today's NFL.   And just because Indy paid a FA or traded for a guy should NOT determine whether or not he gets the minutes or not.  And sadly I think this is the case with SS.  


I heard Bill Parcels say this once...  "loyalty will get you fired"..  

Ding, Ding, Ding!  We have a winner.     Spot on!

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The personnel did not get better...    the OC did, Pep changed his game plan and play calling.   I could go into detail but I am not wasting my time.   Well actually the personnel did improve when T Rich stopped getting the ball on early downs.


I got my opinion of the situation and you have yours.   


We will see what happens in the off season.   

Your comment on Trich and Brown at the last minute is completely inaccurate.  

What great defensive players did we have sitting on the bench could Chuck have turned to instead of who was out there?  

The offensive line, even with Satele in there, played it's best in pass protection all season at the end of the year, so are you still mad that Chuck had those people in there protecting Luck?

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Guest TeamLoloJones

The personnel did not get better...    the OC did, Pep changed his game plan and play calling.   I could go into detail but I am not wasting my time.   Well actually the personnel did improve when T Rich stopped getting the ball on early downs.


I got my opinion of the situation and you have yours.   


We will see what happens in the off season.   

I wish you would waste your time and explain how you know this to be true.

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Chuck has done a good job.   But like I said there is PLENTY of room for improvement.    And nobody in Indianapolis could understand DHB starting over TY.       That was THE Colts football topic for the early portion of the season on local radio.


He has certainly made some strange decisions but 11 - 5 with all the injuries on O is not too bad.



Another nightmare scenario by the conservative, backward-looking, exagerating Coach Chuck.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Watch the games, you just want to argue.    

I did.  Every snap.  Which is why that statement doesn't make any sense to me.

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The guy expressed his opinion on Pagano which MANY of us here agree with and an entire other forum agrees with.

I think the coaching staff and FO have done really well so far !! back to back 11-5 seasons, a playoff win, sure they have room for improvement but keep in mind this was year 2 of a major overhaul, they are putting the pieces together the best they can, they never said it would become a super bowl team over night and to change coach's every year would only keep the team from "gelling". We have a good team going here in Indy, Be proud you support the shoe !!

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Chapman was recovering from injuries his entire rookie year. He didn't play at all. If Boyett had not drunked his way off the squad, he probably wouldn't have seen the field either as he was also recovering from injuries sustained in college.

I don't find it that concerning since these guys are "projects" and not meant to be immediate starters.


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I think the coaching staff and FO have done really well so far !! back to back 11-5 seasons, a playoff win, sure they have room for improvement but keep in mind this was year 2 of a major overhaul, they are putting the pieces together the best they can, they never said it would become a super bowl team over night and to change coach's every year would only keep the team from "gelling". We have a good team going here in Indy, Be proud you support the shoe !!

Not to mention losing four starters on offense. Not too many teams could win a playoff game given that.

Some people are just plain negative. I don't need that so I ignore them.

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Not to mention losing four starters on offense. Not too many teams could win a playoff game given that.

Some people are just plain negative. I don't need that so I ignore them.

I understand the frustration of not winning it all and needing to "vent" but wow, some of these comments just don't make any sense. I feel really good about the direction our team is headed !!!

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More likely Conservative Chuck got booted in the tail and TOLD to make those adjustments

man pick another team then go watch the cfl if you have a problem with coach Pagano way too conservative coaches don't have back to back 11-5 seasons with no back to back losses stay in Canada watch the cfl and quit talking that trash

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I try to limit my "concerns" to things in life that matter more than a player drafted at the bottom of round 4 not playing much in his rookie year. 


I would agree with this if not for the fact that it seems that that 4th round player was seemingly a big part of Grigson's plan for addressing the issues with our OLine this past off season.  If that was not the case and Holmes was not supposed to be a significant factor in addressing our OLine issues, than Grigson needs to be held more accountable for not doing more.  If there was no expectation of Holmes stepping up at some point this season than we should have picked up a Center in FA, and not just hoped Satele's horrible play last season was going to magically be better this season.

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man pick another team then go watch the cfl if you have a problem with coach Pagano way too conservative coaches don't have back to back 11-5 seasons with no back to back losses stay in Canada watch the cfl and quit talking that trash



In all fa


I would agree with this if not for the fact that it seems that that 4th round player was seemingly a big part of Grigson's plan for addressing the issues with our OLine this past off season.  If that was not the case and Holmes was not supposed to be a significant factor in addressing our OLine issues, than Grigson needs to be held more accountable for not doing more.  If there was no expectation of Holmes stepping up at some point this season than we should have picked up a Center in FA, and not just hoped Satele's horrible play last season was going to magically be better this season.



I'm not sure you can just assume what you have there.


For one thing Grigson has made remarks that you would not expect a 4th round rookie OL be that much of a factor.


I also think he might have figured the addition of Thomas and Cherlius along with a healthier Satale would be a significant upgrade.


He figured McGlynn was ok as a back up center. 


So I guess in reading your post again , I would say that at least you are thinking Grigson should have done a little more in free agency as I don't think his thinking was to have Holmes take over for Satale.


Me... dunno.. maybe...In any event , if we are not better at C and G next year , I will be very unhappy.

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Not to mention losing four starters on offense. Not too many teams could win a playoff game given that.

Some people are just plain negative. I don't need that so I ignore them.


Actually, five starters on offense...


Wayne,  Thomas,  Allen,  Ballard and Bradshaw.


But all in all,  I'm with you.....    the rest of this thread has taken a hard left turn toward negative-town....   they disagree with what was done, so since there's more than one person who thinks that,  they must be right......




What a bizarre thread.......       :facepalm:

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Khaled Holmes will have a fair shot at starter or 2nd string just like everyone else in Training Camp has a fair chance unless you're a QB not named Andrew Luck cause you won't start over Andrew haha


Hopefully we come out of FA with a Center and the only thing Holes is competing for is back-up.

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I honestly think we should bring Alex Mack in and have him start if Cleveland doesn't resign him. Honestly, Holmes will get a chance to start in my opinion. He may or not be good, but he can't be any worse than Satele. Grigson can make Alex Mack our 1st round pick this year, if it's possible, we need to do that. Constanzo, Thomas, Mack, Thorton, Cherilus sounds good to me.

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Chapman was recovering from injuries his entire rookie year. He didn't play at all. If Boyett had not drunked his way off the squad, he probably wouldn't have seen the field either as he was also recovering from injuries sustained in college.

I don't find it that concerning since these guys are "projects" and not meant to be immediate starters.


Respectfully, disagree.  poor draft strategy.

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The Pagano/Grigson combo have made some poor and some questionable decisions. Why can't that be stated without the pitchforks being waved in the air?

99.9% of posters on here have been pretty pleased with how we have progressed, but only about 10% appear to be honest enough to comment on the obvious short comings.

Being a fan doesn't mean you shut your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and 'la la la' your way through the off-season.

Balance please.

For example, DBH, sticking with Satele, the TRich trade, not promoting Donald sooner and the now infamous 4th & 1 punt were all worthy of criticism. The good news is, we had too many good things for me to list.

Stop flaming the guys who can critique honestly. It is allowed.

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The Pagano/Grigson combo have made some poor and some questionable decisions. Why can't that be stated without the pitchforks being waved in the air?

99.9% of posters on here have been pretty pleased with how we have progressed, but only about 10% appear to be honest enough to comment on the obvious short comings.

Being a fan doesn't mean you shut your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and 'la la la' your way through the off-season.

Balance please.

For example, DBH, sticking with Satele, the TRich trade, not promoting Donald sooner and the now infamous 4th & 1 punt were all worthy of criticism. The good news is, we had to many good things for me to list.

Stop flaming the guys who can critique honestly. It is allowed.

Watch out logic incoming :-).

I don't even mention my opinions of Pagano as I'm usually labeled a questionable fan and a negative fan and should go cheer for the pats. Lol...

I'm trying to figure out how it is a crime to hold the HC in as high of expectation as the rest of the team. If a player isn't doing their job completely right you have to see that and look to see if he needs to be replaced. It would be different if you see spurts and potential in a player or HC but if you see the same decisions and choices then it is a habitual pattern and must be scrutinized...

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And for not drafting all those stud rookies that were already taken.


Yes, but Grigson is on record not drafting rookie o lineman to start..  He should have used that slot on Holmes for a better player in another position and did a better job on the O line in FA than just Cherilus ; if he is being true to his statements...  The FA's were there...  but then again... he doesn't go for big names either.  So what does he go for?   ___________

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