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NFL: BenJarvus Green-Ellis wrongly awarded score


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Exactly right..its not whether Chapman touched BJGE  or not...really.


Its about 'indisputable evidence' to overrule the call on the field.  There was no indisputable evidence,.


That's the standard..


Translated: An old corn dog ref made the call up and was to bull-headed to apply NFL rules.


He cant ref a playoff game...He has no credibility

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I'm not sure what else anyone would expect. Some of these people won't be satisfied until they see a ref publicly caned, or worse.


Thing is, refs make bad calls all the time. It's always been that way. Some are more excusable than others. I've always thought the NFL did a good job of owning up to reffing mistakes, especially compared to MLB or the NBA. 


I know they're starting to talk about centralizing replay, but before you do that, I think they should have the ref conferenced in with two replay people in the booth or back in New York or wherever, watching the play and consulting the rules, if necessary. The three of them can confer, arrive at a conclusion, and make the decision collectively, which is then announced by the ref working the game. If you really want to get calls right, then it's worth it to do it that way. You'd have someone who is actually on site, down on the field, and can relay what the officials actually saw and called, and you'd have two objective observers who have the ability to analyze all the angles. Three heads are better than one.


I also think they should have a standard number of cameras at each game. The national games have more cameras, and often get more and better angles. The NFL should mandate a set number of cameras for each game, some of them in fixed positions (end lines, goal lines, etc.), so that you can get all the angles for every play.

Completely agree with everything you said. Triplette knows he screwed this call up as well as the gaffe the week before. Certainly the league knows it as well and they said as much with the admission yesterday. But that is where it ends and should end - at least publicly.

As far as the mechanics of the replay system goes - completely agree as well. When you have just the ref involved with the process it results in what we saw on Sunday - a single point of failure. Samething with the recovered punt in the Houston game that should not have been overturned. I am in publishing and I look at it like profreading. I can look at something all day long and not see the some of the most obvious of errors because I am seeing only what I want to see. More eyes on something means different ways to look at the samething - someone saying, "I understand your point about the goal line but look at what happened in the backfield."

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We all knew, that the call was wrong, even Cincy press workers knew, it was so obvious that they simply had to admit.


Since it can be overturned, I hope this mistakes prods the League to improve officiating, by any means they have (improved training of zebras, introducing new gadgets, independent review officials, etc.). Such mistakes may happen in more tight situation or in SB or conference-title game, so NFL simply has to minimize the possibility of them.

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Like Dan Dakic said on radio, "yep, refs have gotten worse more so since they rely on replays more".


Oh well, we can always take the TD back or the fumble back if it did not happen, seems to be a lackadaisical attitude.


But then, when refs have tunnel vision on replay and do not even bother to check for contact on the RB and only bother to check his progress once he gets past the line of scrimmage, the head ref needs to be demoted. That is not a mistake, it is a blunder, IMO.

Not sure I buy DD take, since the refs actually got the call correct on the field.

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Peter King thinks talks to accelerate moving the review to reviews in Review Central in NYC. Could be implemented by 2015 season. Those refs, it will be all they do, every game day/night.  Calls will from the review Central will be more consistent and improve accuracy.  I'm all for it.  The NFL has most of that infrastructure in place already.

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Only 17???

And what happens if a crew chief falls out due to sick, or injury or whatever reason? I mean there must (should) be some reserved zebras to step up if needed.

There is. Simple math here, 32 teams means max of 16 games a week. 2 of those games (sometimes more) are played on alternate days. Bye weeks also mean less games per week during the middle of the season.
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I completely agree HTown. . Had the momentum starting to swing our way with that stop. It would have done alot for the psyche of the team. Going in only down 7 isn't as difficult and actually a win for the defense considering the first halves of the recent games. What's the stat something crazy like 84-9 if not more. Darn right that changed the game

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Dear God...

A voided game? Seriously?

If you can point to this one play that definitively lost the game for the Colts, then maybe but even then, not really.

A voided game is pretty laughable. But to say that the play costed the Colts the game isn't a stretch. It awarded the Bengals an undeserved touchdown and denied the Colts an opportunity to make a drive to score. The Bengals only won by 14 points.. If the play stands and the Colts use that drive to score...that 14 point deficit is a wash and it's a whole new ball game. 

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There is. Simple math here, 32 teams means max of 16 games a week. 2 of those games (sometimes more) are played on alternate days. Bye weeks also mean less games per week during the middle of the season.


Thank You for the math...I've already knew.


My point was, that NFL should use more crews, like 20 to rotate them, or bench an under performing crew.

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A voided game is pretty laughable. But to say that the play costed the Colts the game isn't a stretch. It awarded the Bengals an undeserved touchdown and denied the Colts an opportunity to make a drive to score. The Bengals only won by 14 points.. If the play stands and the Colts use that drive to score...that 14 point deficit is a wash and it's a whole new ball game.

Have no idea how that game would have turned out but the Colts showed nothing defensively to make me think the outcome would have been different. Winning a game requires a team to overcome all kinds of obstacles including bad calls by the refs. They showed no such capacity on Sunday.

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Have no idea how that game would have turned out but the Colts showed nothing defensively to make me think the outcome would have been different. Winning a game requires a team to overcome all kinds of obstacles including bad calls by the refs. They showed no such capacity on Sunday.

Not saying they deserved to win. But they were given free points and we had an opportunity denied to score. You don't know what would have been the outcome if that play stood and we did happen to score. These things can change a gameplan. Just putting it out there. Food for thought. It wasn't like we got completely blown out. 

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