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New Redskins Name (what should it be if it gets changed)


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All jokes aside, I'm all for the name change. I find Synder to be a hypocrite for suing and accusing a newspaper of being antisemitic towards him but defending a very obvious racist name that has offended American Natives for decades.


They should keep the colors and come up with something better. I don't think you want anything that really relates to Washington D.C., since the poverty level is so out of control there and almost every ghetto I have ever seen from there looks like a war torn country.

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In honor of all those "offended" by the name. Washington Thinskins.



I'm SOOO far from politically correct. Anyone who knows me here knows this well ( :highfive2: Hi mods). 


BUT......look at those hats. Tell me what differentiates them from the Redskins, and please be specific. 


How about the Carolina Cottonpickers? Why so offend? Carolina is just honoring their rich heritage, cotton pickers practically built the South. Their black-face mascot is meant to honor slaves. Why so offend? 


I used to argue against the name change. But now, I just cannot. They are quite literally the only minority that people are still allowed to make such a mockery of. 

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The Washington Redskins need to leave their name as it is. Changing it because of what reason someone all the sudden thinks it a racist name or not. Then the cowboys need to change their name too because they are the ones who shot at the Indians. Then the Patriots need to change their name too because of course they killed Indians too. Better change the broncos name too and the Colts cause wow both the cowboys and Indians rode horses. Its a ridiculous subject. Maybe someone should think of a better way to use their time like feed the hungry.

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The Washington Redskins need to leave their name as it is. Changing it because of what reason someone all the sudden thinks it a racist name or not. Then the cowboys need to change their name too because they are the ones who shot at the Indians. Then the Patriots need to change their name too because of course they killed Indians too. Better change the broncos name too and the Colts cause wow both the cowboys and Indians rode horses. Its a ridiculous subject. Maybe someone should think of a better way to use their time like feed the hungry.

It's not about whom killed the American Indians. This is an issue regarding using a race of human being as a mascot, and representatives of said race do not like it. 


"Cowboys" and "Patriots" are typically represented using the imagery of Caucasians, yes. It's the lack of specificity that's important. As well, white folk don't mind. 


...someone all the sudden thinks it a racist name...



This isn't a new thing. This debate has raged for decades. American Indian tribal elders have near unanimously said they don't like it. 


Maybe someone should think of a better way to use their time like feed the hungry.


Maybe instead of "honoring" the Natives American with cartoonish imagery and mascots, we could honor them by not ignoring their continued struggles and actually help them? 

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Maybe instead of "honoring" the Natives American with cartoonish imagery and mascots, we could honor them by not ignoring their continued struggles and actually help them? 


I am not so sure it a cartoonish type image . . . it is almost identical to the Indian head design on the old 5 cent nickel and some believe the image is a tribute to the revered Lenni Lenape (Delaware) Indian Tamanend . . .  

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I am not so sure it a cartoonish type image . . . it is almost identical to the Indian head design on the old 5 cent nickel and some believe the image is a tribute to the revered Lenni Lenape (Delaware) Indian Tamanend . . .  

The reference was more in respect to the general practice of American Indian imagery across all sports, not specifically the Redskins. My apologies. 


This is becoming somewhat comical IMO. We keep saying we're honoring them, we're paying respect..."respectful". But the Native American's say they don't like it, "stop it, please". The answer is always "NO. We're going to keep being respectful to you by going against your wishes". 


Wouldn't you find that a bit evasive, coy and just flat out disrespectful? If someone was "honoring" you by constantly doing something you did not like? 

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The reference was more in respect to the general practice of American Indian imagery across all sports, not specifically the Redskins. My apologies. 


This is becoming somewhat comical IMO. We keep saying we're honoring them, we're paying respect..."respectful". But the Native American's say they don't like it, "stop it, please". The answer is always "NO. We're going to keep being respectful to you by going against your wishes". 


Wouldn't you find that a bit evasive, coy and just flat out disrespectful? If someone was "honoring" you by constantly doing something you did not like? 


I heard what you are saying . . . but I wonder how many Native Americans are offended by the name, well what percentage of Native Americans . . .


Sometimes names can change, what seemed fine 40 years ago all of sudden is taboo now . . . unless some percentage of Native Americans come forward, I am not totally bothered by the name . . . its seems generic to me . . . also, I am not so sure the Redskins were trying to honor the Native Americans as much as they wanted to use a name different than Braves . . .

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Assuming it is changed - go back to the Braves.  If not that, the Indians or something.


It's not changing though, nor should it change.  Everyone is offended by something, and I've seen no solid evidence that anything more than a small minority lobbying for change.  Natives aren't afraid to take the battle to american courts or to the person doing the offending.  And out of the many tribes in the surrounding states, its only been a few, with only tribe fighting the battle with the actual tribe's blessing.  I see a substantial rise in support by a majority of tribes, I'm all for it.  But I'm white, I have no say so in this, and I'm not going to stick my nose in it except to discuss it with you all for sport.  Let them stand up for themselves - because they typically do.  Absent that, there's no reason to change anything.

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There are a million options for names. A college team that was called the redskins became the red hawks to keep the same colors. Or you could go with Washington Warriors. Braves works if you want to keep the native American theme. My personal favorites are Washington Lobbyists and Washington Corruption. Anything is better than Redskins. Can you imagine teams with names like the blackskins, paleskins or brownskins?

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There are a million options for names. A college team that was called the redskins became the red hawks to keep the same colors. Or you could go with Washington Warriors. Braves works if you want to keep the native American theme. My personal favorites are Washington Lobbyists and Washington Corruption. Anything is better than Redskins. Can you imagine teams with names like the blackskins, paleskins or brownskins?

I dunno, Palefaces would be kinda cool lol

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...throwback unis with the arrow on the helmet.

I do like those uniforms.

I'm indifferent personally, but I did read a short little blurb a while back suggesting the name Washington Red Clouds (in honor of the Chief)


Kinda like how the Chicago Blackhawks are named after an individual. Might sound a little clunky or weird at first, but after a while it just becomes the norm.

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I'm sure that would offend some folks as well

As does everything....I don't see how the logo is offensive it's not cartoonish like the Cleveland Indians if anything it pays homage to them.....I am personally so offended by the Boston Celtics catoonish caucasian logo I lose sleep at night over it....Everyone wants to be offended people need to toughen up that's what's wrong with this country it has became overpopulated with sissy's....

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