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Dungy weighing in on Irsay Comments


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Tony Dungy is absolutely right on this. This is about an owner who doesn't seem to realize how much worth Peyton gave to the team he owns. If anything Peyton was underpaid. 

Peyton was underpaid? What? Fact of the matter is Dungy is a sell out to make the popular comments because he knows it breeds controversy as well, This is just nothing more then the media stirring up controversy to hype the game up and for impulsive fans to eat it all up

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opening your eyes would help with that......

Are you related to Pagano or Pep?..I've never seen such a blind follower ever...You make many good football points and I respect your opinions but you never question any moves coming from the coaching staff or front office and always defend them no matter what even if your obviously dead wrong...It doesn't make you less of a fan you know??? Does Pep do anything wrong or is this the most brilliant offensive scheme you've ever witnessed??

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Are you related to Pagano or Pep?..I've never seen such a blind follower ever...You make many good football points and I respect your opinions but you never question any moves coming from the coaching staff or front office and always defend them no matter what even if your obviously dead wrong...It doesn't make you less of a fan you know??? Does Pep do anything wrong or is this the most brilliant offensive scheme you've ever witnessed??

Sure there are a few things I dont like, On a 3rd down and 4 play (first posession of the game)vs the Chargers we went 5 wide from th 12 yard line leaving 1 Linebacker on the field, I would have liked to have had Richardson or Brown in the game to have the Chargers guessing on that play as the formation we were left no dount that ww were passing....although a better pass on that play to Wayne would have gave him a pretty good chance on the play, Instead Luck sailed it out of bounds.......would have been close but I think Wayne had a step on the Corner, That should have been a TD and not 3 points

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Tony Dungy is absolutely right on this. This is about an owner who doesn't seem to realize how much worth Peyton gave to the team he owns. If anything Peyton was underpaid.

"Peyton Manning. The man. The myth. The savior. No amount of money is ever enough for a guy who plays a game."

"Peyton Manning: God rested on the Sabbath to watch him play"

"Coming to a theater near you this Sunday."

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I agree. I guess my point being that Dungy has no way of knowing what would have happened had Manning not been a Colt. Perhaps the Colts would have found success through a different player or player(s) and would have continued to make the Colts place in Indy be lucrative without Manning. He has no way of knowing and his comment to the contrary is just conjecture stated as fact.

humm.. let me weigh in..

Lets see.. the colts would have drafted Leaf and went down faster than a bowling ball off the empire state building. thats what would have happened.

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I understand he wants to win and love that and love he is willing to do anything, but these comments were very insulting and classless and shows an inability for a rational thought process...I think someone needs to have an intervention and put him in rehab before this gets too embarrassing...

I know what you're saying. But at least he is honest because I thought the same thing. 

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Tony Dungy is absolutely right on this. This is about an owner who doesn't seem to realize how much worth Peyton gave to the team he owns. If anything Peyton was underpaid. 


No. No, he's not.

Some of us need to stop watching TV until the game starts.

Watching NFLN right now, and I'm becoming more convinced I'm one of them......for my own health.

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I know what you're saying. But at least he is honest because I thought the same thing. 

I actually did too to be honest, I also thought Manning choked plenty himself...Everyone treats him like a god, but we should know all too well what happens to him in high pressure situations and the record speaks for itself..I wouldn't put it all on the defense..Even the year we won the Super Bowl Manning wasn't very good in the playoffs and our defense led by Bob Sanders was great....I am a Manning fan , but he is the enemy now plain in simple..Irsay shouldn't have called him out like that though he did build that stadium and make hundreds of Millions of dollars for Irsay and bring the Colts a lot of national attention..He is the GREATEST REGULAR SEASON QUARTERBACK EVER, and the book is not written yet...If he wins a couple Super Bowls with Denver then maybe G.O.A.T..I have my doubts when the weather gets cold and the pressure gets high though...

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I actually did too to be honest, I also thought Manning choked plenty himself...Everyone treats him like a god, but we should know all too well what happens to him in high pressure situations and the record speaks for itself..I wouldn't put it all on the defense..Even the year we won the Super Bowl Manning wasn't very good in the playoffs and our defense led by Bob Sanders was great....I am a Manning fan , but he is the enemy now plain in simple..Irsay shouldn't have called him out like that though he did build that stadium and make hundreds of Millions of dollars for Irsay and bring the Colts a lot of national attention..He is the GREATEST REGULAR SEASON QUARTERBACK EVER, and the book is not written yet...If he wins a couple Super Bowls with Denver then maybe G.O.A.T..I have my doubts when the weather gets cold and the pressure gets high though...

Totally agree!!

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Well I hate to disagree with you but I live in Indiana and Irsay did say that if he didn't get a new stadium he would move the team to LA where he would get one. That is when Peyton went to our legislature to try and get the help to get a new stadium and he was successful. So OP are correct on that fact. :)

If you think he was bluffing , see Baltimore. Manning did a lot for indy. Even though he beat the stuffing out of us in Baltimore , we respected him. We got lucky in the Denver game last year. No opposing team really looks forward to facing this guy. He is a tactician who can break down a defense like no other .

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The thing is Irsay speaks of the missed oppurtunities and all that other stuff, but then he says he wanted to change the philosophy and have a balanced team.  Question, if this was suppose to be a knock on Peyton Manning, HOW IN THE HECK IS PEYTON MANNING GOING TO GIVE THE COLTS A BALANCED TEAM?  In other words, who JOB is it to give us a balanced team?  BILL POLIAN.  


I just don't get it.  People still believe Irsay is knocking Peyton when he's throwing a coming home party for him this week, spoke highly of him at the departure conference, spoke highly of him in interviews ever since then, vowed to honor, and now he dogs him?


I think you guys (and the media) are looking into this way too much.  It's no doubt that PM saved football in Indiana and a lot whole more,  but Irsay is not stupid enough to dog Peyton, maybe Polian, but not Peyton.  He kept mentioning rings and balanced teams.  He even brought up Brady and said he never had consistent numbers but have 3 rings.  That's another claim for a balanced team, not a knock on Peyton.  Why would he speak of Brady's supposed inconsistent numbers if he's trying to knock Peyton?  Isn't that PRAISING Peyton?


If he was so against a "QB-driven" team like some has said, why would he bring up Brady, why would he draft Luck?  He brought up Brady to prove that the Pats surrounded him with talent on both sides during those SB runs.  He drafted Luck because he is trying to do the same thing.


I don't know.  I just don't see it.  I think the time he said the stuff is what is blowing this out of proportion.  Irsay fell into a trap.  I'm going to stop talking about it soon though because I think this was just fuel for some people to bash Irsay again.  Ever since Irsay released Peyton, some of you have never forgiven him and some just up and left the forum.

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If you think he was bluffing , see Baltimore. Manning did a lot for indy. Even though he beat the stuffing out of us in Baltimore , we respected him. We got lucky in the Denver game last year. No opposing team really looks forward to facing this guy. He is a tactician who can break down a defense like no other .

I think you misunderstood me I know what he said but someone else called me out on it and in so many words told me I didn't know what I was talking about. Oh well some of us really know what happened.   :) 

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I think you misunderstood me I know what he said but someone else called me out on it and in so many words told me I didn't know what I was talking about. Oh well some of us really know what happened. :)

And yet, you've yet to provide a source quoting Jim Irsay as delivering such a threat.

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If you think he was bluffing , see Baltimore. Manning did a lot for indy. Even though he beat the stuffing out of us in Baltimore , we respected him. We got lucky in the Denver game last year. No opposing team really looks forward to facing this guy. He is a tactician who can break down a defense like no other .

What does Jim Irsay have to do with the move from Baltimore? He didn't own the team then.

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2002: Colts' defense gave up 19.6 pts per game. 7th best.

2003: middle of the pack defense.

2004: slightly worse. 18th ranked.

2005: 2nd best defense in the NFL.

2007: Best scoring defense in the NFL.

Looks to me like Peyton had plenty of defense at times.

You don't believe this. Despite the saying, numbers do lie.

I guess the easiest way to put this is, as a fan of an opposing team, did you ever TRULY fear the Colts defense in the Polian era? Like, "Man, this is gonna be a tough game. I don't know how we're gonna be able to handle Dungy and his smurfs with their "Cover-who?" defense." ....?

Didn't think so...

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You don't believe this. Despite the saying, numbers do lie.

I guess the easiest way to put this is, as a fan of an opposing team, did you ever TRULY fear the Colts defense in the Polian era? Like, "Man, this is gonna be a tough game. I don't know how we're gonna be able to handle Dungy and his smurfs with their "Cover-who?" defense." ....?

Didn't think so...

I always respected the Colts defense. I hated seeing Freeney come off the edge. And Sanders was a nightmare in the secondary when he was healthy. Of course the Colts offense put immense fear in everyone and that is a credit to Polian. HoFers everywhere on the field to try to stop ...

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I guess this is lost just on you that he didn't say boo back then but when he ushers them all out, it is their fault that there was not more post-season success. At the end of the day, he is the owner, he calls all the shots. If anyone is to blame it is HIM. As a fan, I would think you would be irate that he let such a "flawed" system that only yielded the most regular season wins in the '00 decade go on for so long?



Tony Dungy is absolutely right on this. This is about an owner who doesn't seem to realize how much worth Peyton gave to the team he owns. If anything Peyton was underpaid. 



To be fair, Irsay has said similar things in the weeks and months since the team released Manning in March 2012.


But in what is easily a gold medal performance in the timing-is-everything Olympics, Irsay said it this time as Manning and the Broncos approached on his team’s schedule.



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Hey, Irsay, get a grip; try recalling
what Peyton Manning did for you

Pat Kiwin


listen to La Confora Video


says only thing Irasy shouldof said about Peyton was to thank him for all he did for team ,  him & city 


says the truth is was also alot of disension between Peyton & Irsay with Irsays 2 am tweets in the superbowl season 


also saays if u listen its a jab at Brady to saying he is inconsistent but has 3 rings so Brady will want to strike back in postseason if 2 teams plays


But as far a manings legacy in Indy its solid fpor what he did , INdy wouldnt be Indy tooday without Peyton 


Facts may be facts, it was probably more a shot at Polian not peyton, but u dont say it before he is about to play the game Vs u


He says Irsay if any thing is hurting Irsay & has to stop rehashing the past & stop getting in his own way



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Does any one actually think Jim Irsay thinks we only won one Super Bowl because of Peyton Manning? This is what I don't understand. EVERYONE knows our success was only due to Peyton's ability and a few supporting members of the team. The media is really twisting his words.

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Ugh, I'm holding in my Polian comments...   oh so so so tempting....   Must stay classy...  must....



Hey he was a great guy, we'd come in score in 2 minutes, then he was so nice he built special teams that either let the other team return one for a td, or atleast get the ball at the 35-40  every time...   lol, I think he was just being nice.  

No offense but Polian did bring in one the greatest special teams player in the last decade. He gets no credit for bringing in Adam Vinitari who did nothing but kick big big fgs for us during our SB run and several other playoff games. Polian made moves but they weren't splashy...but they were big. We were a healthy Dwight Freeney and an onside kick away from controlling and winning the second SB...and Polian made moves on the defensive side for Mcfarland and Simon and if we keep a healthy Bob Sanders that defense might just been good enough for another...but Dungy's system wasnt the fault...and we had some good players but it takes a lot to win a SB. Takes getting hot at the right time, favorable matchups sometimes, good gameplans, execution, and sometimes a lot of luck. The team didn't let me down..I was very happy with the last decade...could have had some more icing on the cake but it was still tasty....I don't see the since of looking back and being unhappy when we had a great decade of football all around. Just stay positive about the future and thankful about the past. Why belittle a great decade when it gave us so much....just seems ungrateful.

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Does any one actually think Jim Irsay thinks we only won one Super Bowl because of Peyton Manning? This is what I don't understand. EVERYONE knows our success was only due to Peyton's ability and a few supporting members of the team. The media is really twisting his words.

Still not as bad as what they tried to do to Reggie. 


Reggie said in the lockerroom that the game was just another game.  You know the samething most players say before a game like this ALL the time?  Guys on the radio were trying to twist that into Reggie some how having no respect for Peyton...


I figured it our early this week the Colts were the bad guys in the media's eyes.  So I just stopped listening and watching them.  I am guessing by Tuesday it will have blown over.

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So, you have nothing? Even Mike Chappell has said Irsay threatening Indy with moving to LA was a myth. Sure, it probably would have became an option if things broke down in Indy, but the fact is it was always Irsay's intention to stay in Indy and he worked hard to do so.

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are you in denial or what? Anyone with any football knowledge knows the story behind Manning and Leaf. Duh.

I could be wrong, but I don't recall any quote where Polian indicated he would have taken Leaf if Manning wasn't available.

Had that happened, I agree with your premise. We would have been horrible for quite a few years thereafter.

Perhaps we would have drafted Eli a few years later, and perhaps had to trade him for Rivers.

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