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Andy Reid - Would We Want Him?


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Bad coaches dont make it to 5 conference title games.


No, we already have an * coach. reid is the most overrated coach quite possibly in NFL history.

The man has NO idea how to make adjustments. When something isn't working, he just keeps doing it like somehow it's magically going to start working at some point in time, and when it doesn't the eagles lose in embarrassing fashion.

How is that a step up from what we already have?

Pretty much sums it up. Like someone on our board says, if something doesn't work, Reid will keep doing it until it doesn't work some more.

See what I did there? Even eagles fans agree with what I said.

Anyone can "be a good coach" when your gameplan works. But when your gameplan isn't working, and you have to step outside your comfort zone and do what it takes to win, that seperates the coaches from the playcallers.

Given the evidence above you figure out which one reid is.

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With respect, maam..

Curtis painter is not a better QB than Michael Vick...

Sadly, she's right. When Vick can't make a play with his legs it's sloppy, and filled with poor decisions.

How do you beat Vick? Force him to pass and he'll beat himself.

He's been doing it all year. Painter's two starts have been better than any of Vick's so far this season.

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Tom C and Rex teach tough hard nosed D and running the ball.

What does Caldwell preach? the status quo? He is a puppet. We all know it deep down.

This has got to change. \

NE lost Brady won

Pitt loses Ben wins with how many QB's

Miami lost Marino and Mitchell steps in and gets it done

SF loses Montana how many times? Then Young how many times... and they kept winning....


The talent level here has deteriorated to a putrid level. And I see NO development of young players. And game management? Is horrible.

Time for a change.

Your reply seems to have next to nothing to do with my post, but I'll answer anyway.

First of all, any team that plays outside in the north has traditionally structured their team around defense and running the ball. The coaches are selected with that in mind. (Exceptions obviously do occur - with varying degrees of success). The Colts play indoors, and the team is built to exploit that fact. It is pointless to compare Indy to NY, NE or Pitt in that regard. The Giants will be emphasizing defense 30 years from now with a coach who is now in high school. If you like that so much, root for them.

Second, if one of those defense first coaches found themselves with Peyton Manning, they would take advantage of it. And if you get him the expensive weapons he deserves, you can't afford an expensive defense. Not in the salary cap era. The SF team you mention was stacked and stocked like you will never see nowadays. The QB position has little to do with the Steelers formula for winning, and Rothlesberger shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence with Manning. Mitchell went to Detroit and had considerable success, Cassell went to the Chiefs and became an all pro. Manning is unique. I've been reminding myself for years to enjoy it while I can. To expect the team to proceed seamlessly without him is unrealistic - and there isn't a coach in the history of the league who would have been able to keep this team at the same level without him. I would agree that Painter should have gotten a lot more action previously to advance his development, but he's pretty darn good - and getting better. There is CONSTANT development of young talent, and this squad has both a significant number of all-pro quality players, and a significant number of younger guys who are coming fast. Your comments about the talent level are ignorant to say the least.

Thirdly, I really don't like much about Reid at all. I'd take Caldwell over him anytime. I wouldn't mind having Ryan as a defensive coordinator (and I wouldn't mind having Gruden as an offensive coordinator) if they could keep him away from the microphones. Ryan is a walking circus side show who has no business being the face of an nfl organization. You can have him. Coughlin is - ironically - pretty similar to Caldwell in that his personality is considered a negative and his philosophy is comparatively conservative. Everything considered, I'd take Caldwell over him anytime. And most importantly I wouldn't want ANY coach who demanded autonomy over player personnel decisions. Our front office is the envy of the entire league, we don't need a hero who wants to do it all himself with one hand while patting himself on the back with the other.

All that being said, if we were starting from scratch I'm sure that there are many coaches who I would rather have here than Caldwell. I'm not always thrilled with his game management either. I've never suggested that he was a hall-of-famer, just that he is not the problem. Did you happen to notice that the Colts are now missing five of their top six defensive backs from the start of last year, and two of their four defensive tackles? Not surprisingly they can't stop the pass without negating their ability to stop the run. Did you happen to notice that they are in the middle of completely redoing their offensive line, and on top of that three of their top six linemen are injured? Not surprisingly they can't run the ball well. How are any of those things Caldwells fault? In every other respect the team is solid and improving weak to week. You could actually say that he is doing an incredible job patching things together, and keeping the team focused, working intensely, and upbeat despite some incredibly trying times. I fully expect the team to continue to improve, and to win some games this year. And I fully expect them to win their division next year and contend for the Super Bowl once again.

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He is not a great decision maker, is bad with clock management, bad with challenges, and if given total control over the roster, will neglect certain positions.

To answer the thread question, YES.

He's still a 100% improvement. I'd take Jeff Fisher over all of them though, just because of his knowledge of our division, but it'd be awesome to see Gruden as well, because he'd druel over the opportunity to coach Manning.

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ok Nostradamus, whatever you say.

First of all, Nostradamus was a plagiaristic fraud. So your sarcasm is misguided.

Second, you must not listen to Cowher: he says he's never coaching again. He even looked right into the cameras and told people to stop asking, stop calling, stop speculating. He's never returning to the sidelines.

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yeah, I'd take Jeff Fisher if only because of that one game where he decided to do onside kicks every time they had to punt. From the first quarter on. He basically said, we can't stop them, we know we cant stop them, so lets do whatever it takes to give ourselves a shot to win. I really admired that. I know very little about him, but I LOVE that he's willing to take risks. That's what bugs me most about Caldwell - the risk aversion. Who tries to run out the clock in the first half of a Super Bowl? Play to win. Don't play not to lose.

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All that being said, if we were starting from scratch I'm sure that there are many coaches who I would rather have here than Caldwell. I'm not always thrilled with his game management either. I've never suggested that he was a hall-of-famer, just that he is not the problem. Did you happen to notice that the Colts are now missing five of their top six defensive backs from the start of last year, and two of their four defensive tackles? Not surprisingly they can't stop the pass without negating their ability to stop the run. Did you happen to notice that they are in the middle of completely redoing their offensive line, and on top of that three of their top six linemen are injured? Not surprisingly they can't run the ball well. How are any of those things Caldwells fault? In every other respect the team is solid and improving weak to week. You could actually say that he is doing an incredible job patching things together, and keeping the team focused, working intensely, and upbeat despite some incredibly trying times. I fully expect the team to continue to improve, and to win some games this year. And I fully expect them to win their division next year and contend for the Super Bowl once again.

See, no one stops to think about these things. This is a great series of comments and I'd love for moderators to stop a thread once a piece of reasoning like this surfaces.

People just say what works as water cooler speech. They regurgitate the norm because it makes them feel as though they've won something - like voting for a guy because it's the cool thing to do instead of doing so because you've researched his political stance, worldview, etc.

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yeah, I'd take Jeff Fisher if only because of that one game where he decided to do onside kicks every time they had to punt. From the first quarter on. He basically said, we can't stop them, we know we cant stop them, so lets do whatever it takes to give ourselves a shot to win. I really admired that. I know very little about him, but I LOVE that he's willing to take risks. That's what bugs me most about Caldwell - the risk aversion. Who tries to run out the clock in the first half of a Super Bowl? Play to win. Don't play not to lose.

As much as I defend Caldwell, I agree with you. I like Fisher a lot. Caldwell is too conservative for me, and so was Dungy.

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I actually think Reid would do well as a GM. Not here, because we have one of the best already ( cue Polian bashers ) but somewhere other than Philly.

He does have a good eye for talent.

I do think his time in the city of brotherly love is limitted, however.

Reid has gotten better at drafting skill position players on offense, at least in recent years, but his drafting on defense is terrible. The last great defensive pick he made was Trent Cole, and that was in the 5th round of the 2005 draft. All picks since then have been at best, ok, but mostly terrible. It's becoming more and more clear that much of Reid success was made with a great coordinator in Jim Johnson, and a bunch of players that were holdovers from the Ray Rhodes era.

Many of our fans think Reid would be best suited to move upstairs in the FO, (which he's pretty much a part of anyway), but I think it's best his finger print is removed from the team entirely.

Edited by eaglejoe8
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Reid is not a bad coach, but he is overrated. 5 NFC title games, 4 lost, 3 as a favorite, and 2 at home. He has his strengths, but his stubbornness will always be his downfall.

That may be true, but he got his teams past the first round pretty much every year. Thats certainly more than we can say about our faithful leaders.

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snapback.pngoldunclemark, on 11 October 2011 - 11:37 AM, said:

With respect, maam..

Curtis painter is not a better QB than Michael Vick...

Thanks for being respectful

I love to watch Vick play. He is always a threat to rush for 100 yds per game.

I probably shouldn't have compared Curtis to him. He needs a few more games under his belt, plus they are totally different.

Have a good one! :)

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See, no one stops to think about these things. This is a great series of comments and I'd love for moderators to stop a thread once a piece of reasoning like this surfaces.

People just say what works as water cooler speech. They regurgitate the norm because it makes them feel as though they've won something - like voting for a guy because it's the cool thing to do instead of doing so because you've researched his political stance, worldview, etc.

I dont know man. maybe what your saying sounds intelligent to you....But to me, you dont really know what an individual is thinking when he or she makes a post. To say that is very narcissistic. I'm not tryin to be mean or put you or your post down by any means. i just think that you see every person but yourself as an *. I myself think Caldwell is a good coach.... Not a great coach, but a good one. I personally think Jeff Fisher would be an upgrade to Caldwell. Thats just my opinion, but i dont think ive "won" anything by saying that. Thats how i feel, by what i have seen from both coaches. So, if you want to state your opinion on why you disagree with my opinion...great! So be it. But to think that you know why me or anyone else has come up with our view is absurd. If it makes you feel better to slam me now bro, go ahead. Thats just how i see it man.

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That may be true, but he got his teams past the first round pretty much every year. Thats certainly more than we can say about our faithful leaders.

He did up until the 09 playoffs. He's gone one and done the last two years. Now, perhaps a change if scenery would be good for him and the Eagles, but it's clear he has regressed as the Eagles coach.

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Had this team not had Manning for the last 13 years or whatever this team would be a the brunt of every joke going. Or rather continued being.....

An owner who acts like a high school kid with a new computer tweeting to his hearts content. The only NFL owner who so frequently makes a fool of himself in such a fashion.

A GM who has not hit on a first round pick since? (Chris P has been doing the drafting) Has let the teams depth dwindle to pity full levels.

A coach who calls a TO to kill the clock for "THE OTHER TEAM" in the last minute of a "PLAYOFF GAME".... Oh and the next halftime adjustment will be the first. Caldwell is just an "average" coach with a HOF QB.

This team is small, they are always among the league leaders in games lost to injury. The philosophy has won a lot of games.... due to the one player who never misses games. But this philosophy has proven to be just not good enough when it matters.

This franchise has been exposed this season. Poor drafts, poor game management, poor talent and on and on.

Before the season I would have bet the ranch this was "at least" an 8-8 team without Manning. But without Manning every fault this team has is magnified by 100x. Imo the only bright spot on this team so far has been Garcon and Painter.

This team is just not good right now. At every level of the organization.

Bill needs to get back in charge of the talent evaluations because Chris P is not getting it done.

Caldwell will be back unless he totally loses the locker room (which Dakich and JMV have heard rumors of)

This team needs a fresh start. And not a "yes man" we already have one.

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He did up until the 09 playoffs. He's gone one and done the last two years. Now, perhaps a change if scenery would be good for him and the Eagles, but it's clear he has regressed as the Eagles coach.

The Eagles are -10 in the giveaway / takeaway stat.... eliminate the turnovers and they are 4-1. No team can overcome that many boo boo's.

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Wasn't referring to you, nor demonstrating animosity to those who do hate him. Just something to think about.

I listen to NY sports radio even more than Philly, and people hated Coughlin for a long time. He got a lot of leeway after the Super Bowl win, but there are many who still don't like him. Rex Ryan seems comparatively loved. There is something about his personality. Of course there is nothing like a losing streak to change peoples opinions.

You're right about losing causing people to sour on a beloved coach. It will happen with Rex. Maybe it's a Ryan thing. Dad, Buddy was considered a genious with the 86 Bears (of course, that may have been the greatest collection of defensive talent on 1 team ever), and the Philly people loved him when he became their HC. He was outspoken and aggressive in his schemes (like Rex), but the Eagles didn't win and bye bye Buddy.

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I'll pass on Reid as well. He is not a good in-game coach, and I hate his press conferences. He's actually a lot like Caldwell, but has had the support of a very good QB for years in McNabb, and a defense that always seemed to be solid. He probably is better than Caldwell, but I just don't see him fitting here.

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I'm a die hard Colts fan, but I'm also a bit of a Philly fan. They're definitely my number two. (Go ahead and laugh rotfl )

I don't necessarily like Andy Reid, but I think he'd be an improvement in Indy. Caldwell drives me crazy. It's his time to go. I know he "got" the Colts to a Superbowl, but, really, that was all Peyton. I think Peyton being out this year is definitely showing how poor of a coach he is.

Regardless though, I don't think Philly's getting rid of Andy Reid just yet. I think he'll be around for another season or two.

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