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Jim Brown rips Mike Holmgren, calls Richardson trade 'brilliant move' on Inside The Nfl & article


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And of course, Brown disagrees with Holmgren on the Richardson trade. Brown praised it. "I was surprised," Brown said of the trade. "But then I thought it was a brilliant move ... Because first of all, Trent [Richardson] couldn't have carried the kind of load that Cleveland needed."


((( On the TV show he continues saying Colts staff will know how to use the combination of Luck & Trent for years to come , & right now with Bradshaw    )))



On Holgren    Excerpts


Holmgren fired Brown from his role with the franchise in 2010 and apparently Brown hasn't forgotten, "Mike is not from Cleveland. I'm a Cleveland Brown," Brown said. "So he gave me a choice of taking three dollars and doing a little dancing for him out there. I said, 'Mr. Holmgren, I'm sorry ... I don't dance ... become a mascot type of guy.' And I cracked up but I wrote him a letter. And I stated those things, and I had a little humor with it because I knew ultimately I would probably be back because Cleveland is my home. I have great roots there and I love the people and the people love me."


Brown was right about being back, Cleveland owner Jimmy Haslam hired Brown as a special adviser to the team in May. Speaking of Browns owners, Brown says that Holmgren knowingly took advantage of former owner Randy Lerner


"[Holmgren] had all his boys that were going to come in and take advantage of the kind of money that he could pay his guys and never really be there," Browns said. "He took advantage of Randy [Lerner] and it was just a shame. Randy's a good guy. Young owner. Wanted someone to take the pressure off of him. Mike came in, saw the weakness and took advantage of it."



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And of course, Brown disagrees with Holmgren on the Richardson trade. Brown praised it. "I was surprised," Brown said of the trade. "But then I thought it was a brilliant move ... Because first of all, Trent [Richardson] couldn't have carried the kind of load that Cleveland needed."


((( On the TV show he continues saying Colts staff will know how to use the combination of Luck & Trent for years to come , & right now with Bradshaw    )))



On Holgren    Excerpts


Holmgren fired Brown from his role with the franchise in 2010 and apparently Brown hasn't forgotten, "Mike is not from Cleveland. I'm a Cleveland Brown," Brown said. "So he gave me a choice of taking three dollars and doing a little dancing for him out there. I said, 'Mr. Holmgren, I'm sorry ... I don't dance ... become a mascot type of guy.' And I cracked up but I wrote him a letter. And I stated those things, and I had a little humor with it because I knew ultimately I would probably be back because Cleveland is my home. I have great roots there and I love the people and the people love me."


Brown was right about being back, Cleveland owner Jimmy Haslam hired Brown as a special adviser to the team in May. Speaking of Browns owners, Brown says that Holmgren knowingly took advantage of former owner Randy Lerner


"[Holmgren] had all his boys that were going to come in and take advantage of the kind of money that he could pay his guys and never really be there," Browns said. "He took advantage of Randy [Lerner] and it was just a shame. Randy's a good guy. Young owner. Wanted someone to take the pressure off of him. Mike came in, saw the weakness and took advantage of it."





Brown didn't like Richardson at pick 1.3 in the first place. He is right as about Richardson not being able to"carry the load Cleveland needed him to." But there probably is no back alive that could do what that team needed to win. 

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Brown didn't like Richardson at pick 1.3 in the first place. He is right as about Richardson not being able to"carry the load Cleveland needed him to." But there probably is no back alive that could do what that team needed to win. 


Jim Brown Could if was old self

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Jim Brown Could if was old self



Funny you say that , as I was going to mention that. Why I didn't is this....


I didn't want to enter into the "fantasy wold" of drawing up what a RB would have to look like in today's NFL to dominate like Brown did in the 60's. He was something like 230lbs and ran a 4.5 . That was bigger than the LB's and about as fast as the fastest CB's. So today's " Jim Brown " would be something like 255Lb's running a 4.4. You do have some players close to this but they don't have the tremendous RB skill set Brown had.

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Funny you say that , as I was going to mention that. Why I didn't is this....


I didn't want to enter into the "fantasy wold" of drawing up what a RB would have to look like in today's NFL to dominate like Brown did in the 60's. He was something like 230lbs and ran a 4.5 . That was bigger than the LB's and about as fast as the fastest CB's. So today's " Jim Brown " would be something like 255Lb's running a 4.4. You do have some players close to this but they don't have the tremendous RB skill set Brown had.


Jim Brown was so strong if he didnt feel like dodging u he just ran through u, now imagine if after drafted Ernie Davis didn't get sick with Leukemia, Brown & the Express as a backfield tandem would be , well no words for what it would of been like

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Jim Brown was so strong if he didnt feel like dodging u he just ran through u, now imagine if after drafted Ernie Davis didn't get sick with Leukemia, Brown & the Express as a backfield tandem would be , well no words for what it would of been like




I lived in Syracuse at the time , so I saw a lot of Davis also. He probably would have been the second best back in the NFL by a VERY large margin. Thing with Davis was he was a great , great kid and would have done anything to make himself and the team better. On the other hand Brown was a bit of a "rogue."

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We have a lot of former players i truly loved becoming charter members of the "Old Grouchy Man" club.  First Joe Namath....then Jim Brown...


Not going any further with this other than to say I am happy with the deal, and he is right on one thing.....Richardson could NOT make the Browns a willer by himself....nor can the no names plus Willis McGahee.   :violin:

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And of course, Brown disagrees with Holmgren on the Richardson trade. Brown praised it. "I was surprised," Brown said of the trade. "But then I thought it was a brilliant move ... Because first of all, Trent [Richardson] couldn't have carried the kind of load that Cleveland needed."


((( On the TV show he continues saying Colts staff will know how to use the combination of Luck & Trent for years to come , & right now with Bradshaw    )))



On Holgren    Excerpts


Holmgren fired Brown from his role with the franchise in 2010 and apparently Brown hasn't forgotten, "Mike is not from Cleveland. I'm a Cleveland Brown," Brown said. "So he gave me a choice of taking three dollars and doing a little dancing for him out there. I said, 'Mr. Holmgren, I'm sorry ... I don't dance ... become a mascot type of guy.' And I cracked up but I wrote him a letter. And I stated those things, and I had a little humor with it because I knew ultimately I would probably be back because Cleveland is my home. I have great roots there and I love the people and the people love me."


Brown was right about being back, Cleveland owner Jimmy Haslam hired Brown as a special adviser to the team in May. Speaking of Browns owners, Brown says that Holmgren knowingly took advantage of former owner Randy Lerner


"[Holmgren] had all his boys that were going to come in and take advantage of the kind of money that he could pay his guys and never really be there," Browns said. "He took advantage of Randy [Lerner] and it was just a shame. Randy's a good guy. Young owner. Wanted someone to take the pressure off of him. Mike came in, saw the weakness and took advantage of it."



what does he mean, "he was never really there"??  "Took advantage?" took advantage of what weaknesses?  I am confused as to what Mike Holmgren did wrong here.  Is he saying that Holmgren wasn't around the facility?  Wasn't around the team?  Wasn't around at all?  C'mon, a guy in his position was probably there ALL THE TIME, late nights, early mornings and everything in-between.  I've never heard of an employee like not showing up or not being around, that doesn't make sense? People don't do that or you would be let go and stuff like that and things like that.  Sounds like he is blowing smoke to gain a salary advantage or try to get in bed with the current owner so as to get "Brownie Points"  no punt intended.

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what does he mean, "he was never really there"??  "Took advantage?" took advantage of what weaknesses?  I am confused as to what Mike Holmgren did wrong here.  Is he saying that Holmgren wasn't around the facility?  Wasn't around the team?  Wasn't around at all?  C'mon, a guy in his position was probably there ALL THE TIME, late nights, early mornings and everything in-between.  I've never heard of an employee like not showing up or not being around, that doesn't make sense? People don't do that or you would be let go and stuff like that and things like that.  Sounds like he is blowing smoke to gain a salary advantage or try to get in bed with the current owner so as to get "Brownie Points"  no punt intended.

The person "never really there" would be the owner in this quote. Brown is accusing Holmgren of taking advantage of the owner's pocket book and lack of knowledge of football operations to get a high salary for himself and his own staffers without them actually putting much effort in to the work.

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The person "never really there" would be the owner in this quote. Brown is accusing Holmgren of taking advantage of the owner's pocket book and lack of knowledge of football operations to get a high salary for himself and his own staffers without them actually putting much effort in to the work.

But when you say, "not much effort", please explain that. Just curious to know what the environment was there.

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And of course, Brown disagrees with Holmgren on the Richardson trade. Brown praised it. "I was surprised," Brown said of the trade. "But then I thought it was a brilliant move ... Because first of all, Trent [Richardson] couldn't have carried the kind of load that Cleveland needed."


((( On the TV show he continues saying Colts staff will know how to use the combination of Luck & Trent for years to come , & right now with Bradshaw    )))



On Holgren    Excerpts


Holmgren fired Brown from his role with the franchise in 2010 and apparently Brown hasn't forgotten, "Mike is not from Cleveland. I'm a Cleveland Brown," Brown said. "So he gave me a choice of taking three dollars and doing a little dancing for him out there. I said, 'Mr. Holmgren, I'm sorry ... I don't dance ... become a mascot type of guy.' And I cracked up but I wrote him a letter. And I stated those things, and I had a little humor with it because I knew ultimately I would probably be back because Cleveland is my home. I have great roots there and I love the people and the people love me."


Brown was right about being back, Cleveland owner Jimmy Haslam hired Brown as a special adviser to the team in May. Speaking of Browns owners, Brown says that Holmgren knowingly took advantage of former owner Randy Lerner


"[Holmgren] had all his boys that were going to come in and take advantage of the kind of money that he could pay his guys and never really be there," Browns said. "He took advantage of Randy [Lerner] and it was just a shame. Randy's a good guy. Young owner. Wanted someone to take the pressure off of him. Mike came in, saw the weakness and took advantage of it."




Aren't they going to deal all of these number ones in an attempt to move up to grab Johnny Football?

Edited by Superman
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But when you say, "not much effort", please explain that. Just curious to know what the environment was there.

Brown was very vocal during the Holmgren GM era about his distaste for the scouting department and talent acquisition. It actually hit a bit of a fever pitch in the 2012 draft because of the pick of Trent Richardson at 3, who Brown considered to be just an average back.


Essentially, Brown has never liked Holmgren as a talent guy, and is accusing him of taking advantage of the previous owner to get the position, then hold it as long as he did and even get jobs for his friends that weren't deserving of positions in the department through pulling the wool over the sheep's eyes so to speak.


Whether or not its true is debatable, as Jim Brown has been butting heads with Holmgren over his management of the Browns since he was hired, and is apparently continuing to do so even after Holmgren was fired.


Also because of his downer attitude about Richardson's talent as noted above, it's really no surprise Jim Brown thinks this trade is best for Cleveland, even if it really isn't. Richardson may not be a take over the game RB like Adrian Peterson, but AP is a once in a lifetime type player. Trent is still a very good back, and in a more stable environment like Indianapolis, with a well respected coach like Pagano and super bowl winning RB in Bradsaw to share lockers with, he'll probably see more development of his talent than he ever would have in Cleveland.

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Brown didn't like Richardson at pick 1.3 in the first place. He is right as about Richardson not being able to"carry the load Cleveland needed him to." But there probably is no back alive that could do what that team needed to win.

Not even atlas could carry the load Cleveland needed
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Brown was very vocal during the Holmgren GM era about his distaste for the scouting department and talent acquisition. It actually hit a bit of a fever pitch in the 2012 draft because of the pick of Trent Richardson at 3, who Brown considered to be just an average back.


Essentially, Brown has never liked Holmgren as a talent guy, and is accusing him of taking advantage of the previous owner to get the position, then hold it as long as he did and even get jobs for his friends that weren't deserving of positions in the department through pulling the wool over the sheep's eyes so to speak.


Whether or not its true is debatable, as Jim Brown has been butting heads with Holmgren over his management of the Browns since he was hired, and is apparently continuing to do so even after Holmgren was fired.


Also because of his downer attitude about Richardson's talent as noted above, it's really no surprise Jim Brown thinks this trade is best for Cleveland, even if it really isn't. Richardson may not be a take over the game RB like Adrian Peterson, but AP is a once in a lifetime type player. Trent is still a very good back, and in a more stable environment like Indianapolis, with a well respected coach like Pagano and super bowl winning RB in Bradsaw to share lockers with, he'll probably see more development of his talent than he ever would have in Cleveland.

Good Info, thanks.  I hope we prove Jim Brown wrong.  The guy can be a controversial figure head.  Also, was Holmgren kind of like a "Where's Waldo" (I believe that's the dude with the red and blue sweater) around the Browns Headquarters?  Taking lots of vacations, calling in sick, and doing work from home (Supposedly) , things like that?  Is that also what I'm gathering from your comments?

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Good Info, thanks.  I hope we prove Jim Brown wrong.  The guy can be a controversial figure head.  Also, was Holmgren kind of like a "Where's Waldo" (I believe that's the dude with the red and blue sweater) around the Browns Headquarters?  Taking lots of vacations, calling in sick, and doing work from home (Supposedly) , things like that?  Is that also what I'm gathering from your comments?

Im honestly not entirely sure, most of what goes on in the Brown's upper management is a circus and its hard to keep track as the team changes owners every few years and goes through GM's and coaches even faster. Holmgren only held the position of President of Football Operations for 3 years before he was forced out by ownership change. 


I would doubt any missteps he took were intentional though, he's been rather public himself with the amount of displeasure he has over Cleveland trading away Trent. Holmgren was publicly quoted as saying "Philosophically, if I am the coach and someone came in anywhere and did that, I'd say 'OK, fire me, or I'm going to quit. Or we're going to both go into the owner and talk about this and the we'll see who's still standing.' ''


source: http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2013/09/mike_holmgren_blasts_cleveland.html

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Whoa, so wait, Good Times went from a bald man to a blond woman?

I guess I'll have to start taking those posts serious now.


It's a bit of trickery, he's trying to hoodwink us!  I, for one, am not falling for it, it will still be the same old garbage that he posts, even though the photo is more appealing, lol.

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Brown is just bitter that Holgrem took him off the payroll.

Look both Mike & Jim had a falling out & said things to each other they probably shouldn't have. I have a problem with lackluster franchises like Cleveland whose management cling to ancient RB's like they are the best thing since sliced bread. What has this organization done to win games since Jim Brown retired or Bill Belichick was fired? Absolutely nothing. Jim Brown who gives a crap if you played in Cleveland or move back. I don't care. Is re-hiring you as a special consultant going to guarantee more teams wins down the line? Of course not. Were you responsible for signing Joe Thomas on the offensive line? I highly doubt that. 


Jim Brown needs to chill, step back, & stop acting like he is the lynchpin to the Browns success. Please get a grip sir. Mike Holmgren has credibility with me. Jim Brown has zero. The more things change. The more they remain the same. I'm glad we have Richardson in INDY, but Browns fans are exactly right. The owners made a bone headed move & they have no inclination what it takes to win in this league: Consistency in coaching staffs, playmakers on the roster like Trent Richardson, & not clinging to the advice of runningbacks like Brown who aren't as relevant as they think they are. JMO.

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I love the moronic logic that the reason they got rid of Richardson is that he couldn't carry the team and they would be bad regardless.

So if your going to be getting a low draft pick either way and take a QB, why not keep Richardson and give him a shot to mature alongside a young QB? It's not like he was a max contract type of player.

It's not some brilliant move by their head office IMO. It's a classic "I want my guys" move by a GM/coach.

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Stop sticking the mic in his face and asking his opinion.

Amen to that WH. How can I miss you Jim Brown if you never leave? Permanently from Cleveland. 


Mike Holmgren sounds like a classy guy.

Knowing you like I do Joker, is that a truthful statement or a sarcastic one? Nice new avatar BTW!  :thmup:

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Not even atlas could carry the load Cleveland needed



So what Jim Brown is saying is this. It's brilliant to trade Richardson because he can't turn the Browns around by running through 8-9 man fronts. It's better to pay half his salary and possibly end up with a low first and possibly draft a player of nowhere near his value. Makes no sense to me how that is brilliant.


Did you know how Atlas was able to carry such huge weight on his shoulders ?

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"So he gave me a choice of taking three dollars and doing a little dancing for him out there. I said, 'Mr. Holmgren, I'm sorry ... I don't dance ... become a mascot type of guy.' " 


If we are talking ultimatums Jim, Holmgren wins everytime & that even includes using a double sided coin too. So, you don't dance Jim. That's alright. I will fox trot you right out of the building playing Ray Charles "Hit The Road Jack."  :lol:  :funny:

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The trade was a good move for BOTH parties.      The Colts get a 22 year old RB who fits the mold they are striving for.


The Browns get a #1 pick to load up and "hopefully" draft a franchise QB.       


I personally feel it is just really ironic that Cleveland is obviously trying to SUCK for the year and promptly wins with Hoyer starting and TRich gone..    h eehehehee.e.e.e


First round picks are not GOLD.       Brown, Gonzo, Hughes, and on and on...           This was a good move for a player that is still young and fits a need.



Colt RB situation NEXT season..  Brad FA, Brown FA, Ballard coming off of ACL surgery...    T Rich wrapped up through 2015 @ 2.2 per.


The move was a NO BRAIN ER for GRIGS. 

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AND not have to pay a player who is not on the roster...   Which they are.


This is the puzzling thing...   I guess they really thought INDY would tank.     Cleveland is EATING  ALL of dudes signing bonus....   Truly stellar FO work in Cleveland..


Jax will get Teddy and Cleveland will be banging their head....  ;)


Don't be surprised to see Hoyer benched this week in favor or Weeden..  LOLLLLL..  . .. .

I love the moronic logic that the reason they got rid of Richardson is that he couldn't carry the team and they would be bad regardless.

So if your going to be getting a low draft pick either way and take a QB, why not keep Richardson and give him a shot to mature alongside a young QB? It's not like he was a max contract type of player.

It's not some brilliant move by their head office IMO. It's a classic "I want my guys" move by a GM/coach.

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The trade was a good move for BOTH parties.      The Colts get a 22 year old RB who fits the mold they are striving for.


The Browns get a #1 pick to load up and "hopefully" draft a franchise QB.       


I personally feel it is just really ironic that Cleveland is obviously trying to SUCK for the year and promptly wins with Hoyer starting and TRich gone..    h eehehehee.e.e.e


First round picks are not GOLD.       Brown, Gonzo, Hughes, and on and on...           This was a good move for a player that is still young and fits a need.



Colt RB situation NEXT season..  Brad FA, Brown FA, Ballard coming off of ACL surgery...    T Rich wrapped up through 2015 @ 2.2 per.


The move was a NO BRAIN ER for GRIGS. 

Precisely John Dee! What in the Brown's long track record of colossal misses & sad draft picks leads anyone to believe that all those picks will translate into game changing players? Nothing. I'm torn here. SW1 would like to see Cleveland rebound as a franchise given so many decades of disappointment. But, experience has taught me not to hold my breathe for an astonishing reversal of team fortunes. It is what it is. A curse that cannot subside or be broken. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Precisely John Dee! What in the Brown's long track record of colossal misses & sad draft picks leads anyone to believe that all those picks will translate into game changing players? Nothing. I'm torn here. SW1 would like to see Cleveland rebound as a franchise given so many decades of disappointment. But, experience has taught me not to hold my breathe for an astonishing reversal of team fortunes. It is what it is. A curse that cannot subside or be broken. 

Since the Browns came back to the NFL in '99 they have made the playoffs once...in that same time frame the Colts have missed the playoffs twice...how sweet it is.

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Since the Browns came back to the NFL in '99 they have made the playoffs once...in that same time frame the Colts have missed the playoffs twice...how sweet it is.

Any recent AFC North Division titles on that Browns resume? I'm afraid not. SW1 feels so sorry for Joe Thomas, a supreme left tackle who never makes any excuses. I love this WI Badger Alumni!  :thmup:


"Nobody on any team is untouchable." Can INDY grab Joe too? Did Christmas come early this year? I wish!



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The trade was a good move for BOTH parties.      The Colts get a 22 year old RB who fits the mold they are striving for.


The Browns get a #1 pick to load up and "hopefully" draft a franchise QB.       


I personally feel it is just really ironic that Cleveland is obviously trying to SUCK for the year and promptly wins with Hoyer starting and TRich gone..    h eehehehee.e.e.e


First round picks are not GOLD.       Brown, Gonzo, Hughes, and on and on...           This was a good move for a player that is still young and fits a need.



Colt RB situation NEXT season..  Brad FA, Brown FA, Ballard coming off of ACL surgery...    T Rich wrapped up through 2015 @ 2.2 per.


The move was a NO BRAIN ER for GRIGS.

This is not how draft pics work. Given the rest of Indy's schedule and how the rest of the south looks, its unlikely that pick they got from us will be higher than mid-20's. They also seem to be ditching every player Holmgren got them at bargain sale prices. Given all this its kikely they are just hoardin picks to trade up to in case they dont get pick #1, to ensure they get Manziel. Problem is, Jacksonville is front runner in that sweepstakes, and they are unlikely to deal, leaving cleveland holding a bunch of picks and nothing to build around with them. This was a dumb trade for cleveland. Utterly brainless.
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