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Harbaugh has no spine/Aldon Smith [Merge]


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The more disturbing story after the game involved Aldon Smith, who only suited up under bizarre circumstances. After being arrested midweek under suspicion of DUI after a one-car accident in which Smith was reportedly found asleep at the wheel with his foot stuck on the accelerator as he sat in the car, there were suspicions that Smith might be held out of Sunday's tilt. Shortly before game time, various reports revealed that Smith had unidentified prescription drugs in his car and that he would enter a rehab program, but only after participating in the game against the Colts. Smith played every defensive snap in the loss, but was relatively invisible and failed to record even one of San Francisco's seven quarterback hits on Luck. His locker was cleaned out immediately after the game, and owner Jed York said Smith would be taking an "indefinite leave of absence" from the team.

It's still unclear why the 49ers let Smith suit up despite the incident and his apparent lame-duck status with the team. York alluded to the idea that a one-game suspension would amount to a paid vacation for Smith, which seems bizarre to suddenly care about; the $99,000 in base salary Smith made for playing Sunday is a drop in the bucket for both player and team alike. York suggested it was important for Smith to "face the media [and] his teammates," but Smith gave a 30-second prepared comment apologizing for his mistake before leaving without taking any questions. More disconcerting is the identity of those prescription pills. If those pills are painkillers, it's difficult to reconcile the idea that the 49ers would send Smith away to rehab while having him play in a game in which he would likely incur some of the pain that might force somebody to develop a dependence on painkillers. Regardless of what the pills might be, if Smith's problem is so obvious that he's willing to enter a rehab program midseason, isn't it pressing enough that Smith should have gone before the game on Sunday? It's a very strange situation that seems to raise more questions than answers at the moment; I just hope that Smith gets help for whatever's ailing him.

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thats not the point he was making. it teaches young adults that as long as you have money and fame, there are no consiquences for their actions. I think thats that point.

And in this day and age, that is pretty much true unfortunately. If we are expecting athletes who come from broken homes an broken backgrounds to become our leaders of morality because they play football, we are all misguided. Start by expecting the mother and father to teach them right from wrong. Sports are a form of entertainment in this day and age not role models and until society can figure that out, we will never move on from it.
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And in this day and age, that is pretty much true unfortunately. If we are expecting athletes who come from broken homes an broken backgrounds to become our leaders of morality because they play football, we are all misguided. Start by expecting the mother and father to teach them right from wrong. Sports are a form of entertainment in this day and age not role models and until society can figure that out, we will never move on from it.


You cannot be serious. So whats this push by players, teams and the NFL themselves to get kids into football???!! They have the play 60 where the players go and be 'role models' for the kids to get up and go out and get exercise. So, should they do away with the Team Community Services the teams have to interact with kids and give back?! 


How about guys like Matt Overton and Peyton Manning who give back, are role models? So is what they do for the community and kids just a faux pas? 


I think there needs to be time for each player to give back. Kids are watching and learning. No reason to throw morals out the window just for the sake of a player not having any.

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thats not the point he was making. it teaches young adults that as long as you have money and fame, there are no consiquences for their actions. I think thats that point.

Actions by a sports figures/celebrities isn't going to do that. But if it makes people feel better.....

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Why is this a "moral" issue? 


What morals are in play here? I know my boss would appreciate me coming in to work on Monday if I goofed up and got arrested for DUI over the weekend. Or are we doing this "what about the children" thing again?

It's always all about the children......little jerks

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I think most of you are over reacting to this. The CBA will not let a team suspend a player before the process has been done. The 49ers could have sat him but not suspend him from what I have been reading. Don'r worry, when Goodell gets through with him he will be lighter in the billfold and missing some time. The Colts played an excellent game, lets not worry about this knucklehead.

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So When did the 49ers conclude Aldon Smith had issuses that his health is more important than play right now? Was it Friday after learning that Aldon was driving twice the legal limit; passes out, crashes into a tree that could have killed him; while also in possesion of Marijauna? Was it the next day Saturday? after time to really reflect and think about what really had and could've happend,  And let sink in the seriousness of  and the immediate action nessesary?  Or did the Organizaiton including the CEO Jed York, Harbaugh and Aldon himself come to the conclusion that he has a problem, and really shouldnt play, But health be darned;  And the heck with the team sending a united message that we DO IN FACT take these infractions seriously..right??


NO, They said Let's see if Sunday can Aldon get us another game first!  Get  us a Sack, Fumble, TD against Indy FIRST cause thats more important. BUT IMMEDIATLEY AFTER the game we will act concerned for Aldon and show that this organization has zero tolerence for such a serious infraction....Immediatley AFTER THE GAME.

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Didn't Harbaugh suspend a lesser player last year for doing the same thing ? If true, it is a double standard.

Every team has double standards. If you think Luck is treated exactly the same as some one like Griff Whalen then you are just naive. Better players are given longer leashes because NFL teams are out to win first and everything else second. That is because that is what the fans want. They want their teams to win first and then everything else second. If you are looking at professional sports for your compass of morality you are looking in the wrong spot and should reevaluate your role models. Pro sports are about winning and that is it.

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They could have sat him down but so quickly after the incident he wanted to play with his teammates and needed a support system. If you suspend him in a time of need and he suddenly is jetted off...well that isn't family. He is getting treatment....what he needs. I don't see the issue. Clearly the kid was having some personal issues. Not saying he should have played but understand why he wasn't suspended by the team right away. This wasn't on monday...this was leading up to the game. It is a deep issue with many layers and perhaps it was wrong..but to speculate from the outside looking in..without facts...talking to the kid...teammates..etc it is easy to jump to conclusions.

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Let's see , the great Jim Harbaugh suspends Brandon Jacobs for three games for tweeting about lack of playing time last year, yet does nothing for the Smith DUI. They did lose the Super Bowl last year.

Oh, and here I thought the Ravens just outplayed them. Come to find out it was because of a 10th string RB getting suspended.

Any coach that tells you they treat every player the same is a liar. Jimmy Johnson had a great take on this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You cannot be serious. So whats this push by players, teams and the NFL themselves to get kids into football???!! They have the play 60 where the players go and be 'role models' for the kids to get up and go out and get exercise. So, should they do away with the Team Community Services the teams have to interact with kids and give back?!

How about guys like Matt Overton and Peyton Manning who give back, are role models? So is what they do for the community and kids just a faux pas?

I think there needs to be time for each player to give back. Kids are watching and learning. No reason to throw morals out the window just for the sake of a player not having any.

What I expect is for the parent to be the role model and to show them a difference between entertainment and personal values. Why is that so hard for people to understand? A priest or a teacher may be the closest thing to the true role model but athletes are entertainment value only.
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