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A positive: Gosder Cherilus stonewalled Cameron Wake today


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I was very nervous of the matchup between Wake and Cherilus today (it was my biggest worry) and while the games outcome sucked (for lack of a better word) I was very pleased to see Cherilus constantly taking Wake out of the play 1v1.


I know there's a lot of crap to complain about but I thought Gosder was excellent today and that it needed to be pointed out.


Cameron Wake's stats - 1 assist tackle, no QB hits. He had 2.5 sacks last weeks vs the Browns.

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I didn't get the game in my market, but from what I saw of the highlights most of the pressure was on the inside from the guard/center position.  Looks like Thomas left early and our rookie was already out due to injury.  Our "guards" couldn't stop a fat kid from eating a cake.  I'm all for drafting more guards next year. 

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Cherilus played great and the offensive line as a whole. Thornton came in for Thomas and we seemed to play just as well as before.

I saw Satele get beat a couple of times and the heat seemed to come from the middle which seems more like guards and center but they were getting there with blitzs which means guys like backs and tightends weren't pick up people too.  I honestly thought McGlynn played well today especially in the first half.  Today might have been more of an issue with the other blockers besides the o-line. 

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I saw Satele get beat a couple of times and the heat seemed to come from the middle which seems more like guards and center but they were getting there with blitzs which means guys like backs and tightends weren't pick up people too.  I honestly thought McGlynn played well today especially in the first half.  Today might have been more of an issue with the other blockers besides the o-line. 

O-line played well enough to win Luck held on to the ball too long a few times. I'm more disappointed,disgusted, or any other dis word you can think of in this defense in particular Manusky.

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I would consider putting Cherilus at LT and AC at RT because Cherilus is SOOO much better at pass protection than Constanzo imo.

No quite that simple. I'm not sure AC has ever played RT, as for Cherilus he probably hasn't played any LT since college. Some guys have a ally hard time making the switch. It's not like changing them round on a Madden roster.

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No quite that simple. I'm not sure AC has ever played RT, as for Cherilus he probably hasn't played any LT since college. Some guys have a ally hard time making the switch. It's not like changing them round on a Madden roster.

Thats true. I know there are other things that go with it but look at Fisher he's a LT turned RT and hes playing quite well to my knowledge. It's essentially the same thing really, you're still blocking for the QB, only difference is the side, that shouldn't take long. 


Didn't Mathis play SLB and Freeney play Rush last year now mathis has swapped (?) and is doing well.


They're professional athletes, surely they'd have the versatility to switch sides.

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No quite that simple. I'm not sure AC has ever played RT, as for Cherilus he probably hasn't played any LT since college. Some guys have a ally hard time making the switch. It's not like changing them round on a Madden roster.


AC played RT his freshman year at BC.  Not saying they should make the switch, but they could always try it out in practice to see what happens.

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Thats true. I know there are other things that go with it but look at Fisher he's a LT turned RT and hes playing quite well to my knowledge. It's essentially the same thing really, you're still blocking for the QB, only difference is the side, that shouldn't take long. 


Didn't Mathis play SLB and Freeney play Rush last year now mathis has swapped (?) and is doing well.


They're professional athletes, surely they'd have the versatility to switch sides.

It's all about muscle memory though. A tackle will spend years working on his stance, whereas an OLB will be stood up and can pretty much do whatever comes most naturally to them. Switching sides for a Tackle means you effectively have to start from scratch. I wouldn't give a Tackle anything less than an offseason before changing them.

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It's all about muscle memory though. A tackle will spend years working on his stance, whereas an OLB will be stood up and can pretty much do whatever comes most naturally to them. Switching sides for a Tackle means you effectively have to start from scratch. I wouldn't give a Tackle anything less than an offseason before changing them.

Yeah i guess you're right there.


Well in that case i would be tempted to either swap them around after the season or draft a good pass protecting LT and move Costanzo to guard. 

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I saw Satele get beat a couple of times and the heat seemed to come from the middle which seems more like guards and center but they were getting there with blitzs which means guys like backs and tightends weren't pick up people too.  I honestly thought McGlynn played well today especially in the first half.  Today might have been more of an issue with the other blockers besides the o-line. 


Considering Miami might have one of the most dangerous pass rushes in the league this season, I'm really not very upset about the line play at all.  Definitely a few bad plays here and there.  The worst protection of the game was Donald Browns fault, really.  A couple times Castonzo got overloaded on the left side, but I think that's more on whoever was making the calls at the line.  

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I wish looking at the Seattle/San Fran tape could help us against the 49ers.  During the offseason, I thought we were getting the talent to pull off an upset, but now I'm not so sure.  Seattle bull rushed him like never before.  I know because he was my FF QB and I lost because of him.

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yeah but AC Sucked

Kinda funny when PFF has him as the 2nd best grade of the game.

- The three highest graded players were Brent Grimes (+4.9), Anthony Castonzo (+4.6) and Randy Starks (+4.4)

- The three lowest graded players were Olivier Vernon (-6.0) and Cameron Wake, Mike McGlynn and Samson Satele (-3.1).

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 Outside Protection


If there was one shocking result of this game, it’s how well right tackle Gosder Cherilus held up against Cameron Wake and his array of pass rush moves. Granted, Cherilus is by no means a slouch. He did finish 2012 as our 5th-rated tackle in pass blocking and was first in that category among right tackles. Still, containing arguably the NFL’s best pass rusher coming off of a +8.4 Week 1 display the way that he did is extremely impressive.


It’s also worth noting the performance of Indy’s other tackle, Anthony Castonzo, who finished with a grade of +4.6 on the back of a clean sheet in pass protection. Primarily blocking against Olivier Vernon, Castonzo wasn’t going against quite the level of competition that Cherilus had to face in Wake. For someone who surrendered seven QB disruptions a week ago, though, the Colts will take what they can get, even if the former first rounder hasn’t really shown that he can replicate it against tougher opponents. Unfortunately for Colts fans, the interior line didn’t deliver the same level of play.



Where was Wake?


This game was a bit of a letdown for Cameron Wake, who couldn’t manage to match even half of his 10 QB disruption total from Week 1. All but one of his snaps came from the defensive left side which meant he was mainly going up against Gosder Cherilus. Cherilus more than held his own although the Colts occasionally sent some chips and double team help his way. Wake looked like he might have been on track early after successfully bull rushing Cherilus in the first quarter. However, by the end of the game and after 43 rushing attempts, he hadn’t managed to do much more than that, though some of his grade is from failing to take advantage the few times he did get there. One such time came at 3:57 of the fourth quarter when Andrew Luck stepped up in the pocket, presenting Wake with an easy cleanup sack attempt. However, he found out the hard way that Luck is not quite as easy to bring down as Brandon Weeden, as the QB shrugged off Wake’s tackle attempt and scrambled for a first down. Sack attempts don’t often come much easier than that and for someone not having the best game, he needed to take advantage of it.


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Kinda funny when PFF has him as the 2nd best grade of the game.

- The three highest graded players were Brent Grimes (+4.9), Anthony Castonzo (+4.6) and Randy Starks (+4.4)

- The three lowest graded players were Olivier Vernon (-6.0) and Cameron Wake, Mike McGlynn and Samson Satele (-3.1).

I wouldn't take them as the gospel truth, Cherilus got whipped to the inside on a sack vs the Dolphins at 1:11 mark of the 1st quarter by Shelby

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Cher was a good signing. Had a question though to you salary cap gurus. If we didn't sign Toler, Walden, RJF, Landry, DHB, and Bradshaw? Could we have been able to afford Cher, Vasquez, Levitre, and the Oline man from cincy?


I'd have to go do some research to see all of their salary cap hits but my initial reaction is "yes" but it's not that simple.  


See Vasquez deliberately took a low ball offer from Denver, probably because he wants to play for a team that has a chance at winning a SB.  I doubt he would have taken such a low ball offer from us.  


I believe the RT from Cincy re-signed at a much lower offer then Cher got, which leads me to believe we may have over paid for Cher.  I think Grigs was gonna give him what he wanted to prevent him from visiting the fins.  In doing so he made Cher the highest paid RT in the game.  


The other problem is, you take out all those guys, but you have to figure out who you are replacing them with?  Just some guy playing for the NFL min?  


That's a lot of work to do to look all that stuff up and calculate it all.  But I would guess that you could presuming that you filled those other spots with minimum wage players. 

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It makes me wonder, as well as Thorton seemed to do in relief of Thomas, one wonders why he wasn't starting in place of McGlynn.  

its a shame Donald went down. Now we wont see that happenning... ont he bright side, im confident in the future of the OL. 


Thomas was playing pretty good and Hugh seems to be the guy we wanted him to be; Cherilus, i believe, played pretty good against the top pass rusher in NFl or at least top 5. I guess its on Holmes and Castonzo now, but i was encouraged with AC performance from yesterday, cant remember if was getting beat but if idont remember probably means he was doing ok.

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Cher was a good signing. Had a question though to you salary cap gurus. If we didn't sign Toler, Walden, RJF, Landry, DHB, and Bradshaw? Could we have been able to afford Cher, Vasquez, Levitre, and the Oline man from cincy?

If we didn't get Landry we would be 0-2 just to let u know
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Thought I'd also point out that Levitre got dominated this week, according to PFF.




Unfortunately, both Andy Levitre (-3.1) and Chance Warmack (-2.6) allowed far more pressure than any other Titan offensive lineman with 11 of the 15 times Locker had his throwing motion disrupted being their fault. Now this may clearly be some function of the “J.J. Watt Effect” but for Levitre to give up a sack and five hurries and Warmack to be responsible for two sacks and three hurries is far too much.


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I saw Satele get beat a couple of times and the heat seemed to come from the middle which seems more like guards and center but they were getting there with blitzs which means guys like backs and tightends weren't pick up people too. I honestly thought McGlynn played well today especially in the first half. Today might have been more of an issue with the other blockers besides the o-line.

I didn't notice it must till the espn highlights. On one McGlynn got pancaked by #94. And a few others he would switch to help and the pressure would come right up the gut. I'm not a line guy and don't spend time watching them. But just in highlights him getting roasted like a s'more really stood out.

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Did y'all see what Randy Starks did to McGlynn on that one play? haha put McGlynn flat on his butt, good thing Luck got the ball off cleanly but that was funny/embarrassing


Just posted that before I read through the posts. Was that #94? That was real embarrassing. Coaches need to be on him like a wet tshirt.

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