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Did we set the edge like we were supposed to on D?


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Walden did pretty well,but they kept running to the other side

. You have to be kidding me. No one contained including Walden. You must have been tuned into the wrong game. I continually saw olb's crashing down the LOS and ball carriers scooting untouched around the end.
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Put it like this........ :ranton:

Contain Read Option: No

Contain traditional running: Yes

That's why Run DMC was held under 100. We stopped the run, but not the read option. Which I'm not too upset about cause all other 31 teams struggle to stop it too so it's not like we're the worst team just cause it got us. And plus it was our first time ever seeing it if I'm not mistaking. I think the run defense will be better this week since I don't believe the Dolphins run the read option.


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"Setting the edge", "setting the edge" seems like the current regime's mantra for D.



Based on yesterday's game, did we set the edge well enough? I don't think we did.




When the Raiders were running the ball with the RBs? Yes

But when Pryor was running no but that's a different story. Gimmicky garbage can make good defenses look silly. And yes I called it garbage, look at the final score, substance > gimmicks.

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Tannehill and the fish will give us a better idea how well our guys set that edge.



To me, Tannehill and the Fish will also test our OL's pass protection considerably, especially Wake, IMO. Their running game was almost shut down by the Browns' D that looked good. Their O-line is physical but our interior DL did real well, it was our LBs' containment that was not up to snuff, IMO. It is a copycat league and I am sure that they will have runs to the outside that might hurt us too.

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To me, Tannehill and the Fish will also test our OL's pass protection considerably, especially Wake, IMO. Their running game was almost shut down by the Browns' D that looked good. Their O-line is physical but our interior DL did real well, it was our LBs' containment that was not up to snuff, IMO.

yea im not really confident on wake vs castonzo to be honest.

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When the Raiders were running the ball with the RBs? Yes

But when Pryor was running no but that's a different story. Gimmicky garbage can make good defenses look silly. And yes I called it garbage, look at the final score, substance > gimmicks.


Dolphins' OL will be a better test for running with RBs, IMO. They are a better OL than that of the Raiders, IMO. I fancy more off tackle runs being put in the playbook as well. I feel we are more stout between the tackles, just not outside the tackles.


I don't think the Raiders' tackles were that good due to injuries and misfits, IMO.

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. You have to be kidding me. No one contained including Walden. You must have been tuned into the wrong game. I continually saw olb's crashing down the LOS and ball carriers scooting untouched around the end.

By ball carriers you mean Pryor running the option?

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. You have to be kidding me. No one contained including Walden. You must have been tuned into the wrong game. I continually saw olb's crashing down the LOS and ball carriers scooting untouched around the end.

They kept running towards Mathis side ,we switched Walden and Mathis and then they ran mostly to Mathis again.Go back and check it out,and pay attention to detail before you try to correct me please. :thmup:

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When the Raiders were running the ball with the RBs? Yes

But when Pryor was running no but that's a different story. Gimmicky garbage can make good defenses look silly. And yes I called it garbage, look at the final score, substance > gimmicks.

By that logic, the Chiefs running game is a gimmick. They gave us 352 yards, but they didn't win, so it's garbage.

Not to mention our game winning score was a QB run.

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They didn't run the read option but only a handful of times. Most of Pryor's yardage came from bailing on the pass.

Yes most runs came off if Pryor just scrambling and making plays with his legs. Or giving himself extra time to make a pass. I didn't realize he was that big and fast. He looked good for his second start in the nfl

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yea im not really confident on wake vs castonzo to be honest.


I'm not so much either, but after re-watching the game on TV instead of in person, he looked poorly conditioned.  Hopefully it's fixable with some time back instead of being injured on the sidelines.

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They kept running towards Mathis side ,we switched Walden and Mathis and then they ran mostly to Mathis again.Go back and check it out,and pay attention to detail before you try to correct me please. :thmup:

I just saw the grades someone put up nationally that gave Mathis a B- and Walden a D+....Werner a D....Sheppard a C- and I believe Freeman a B+.


I really do believe people do not understand what setting the edge is.  Walden was the ONLY LB that contained the way he was supposed to, and he DID get sucked in on one major run by Pryor.  On no less than 2 plays he had his body angled from out of bounds in to take 'containment to the the furthest extent.'  Was he great?  Heck no.  I want him more aggressive in tackling mode even though when we 'contain,' more often than not 'another' player makes the tackle.  I would have given Mathis a D for total lack of awareness.  Walden I will say a C because he did get beat. A TON to work on.  We KNEW Pryor would do that.


Jay you are spot on....they flip flopped them numerous times (Mathis/Walden) and don't think Pryor did not notice.  He ran to Mathis's side.  


Kaep and Wilson will hurt us badly if we do not improve....and some say Tannehill next week...not as afraid of him....continuous improvement!!! :lecture:  :colts:  :colts:  :colts: !!!!

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I just saw the grades someone put up nationally that gave Mathis a B- and Walden a D+....Werner a D....Sheppard a C- and I believe Freeman a B+.


I really do believe people do not understand what setting the edge is.  Walden was the ONLY LB that contained the way he was supposed to, and he DID get sucked in on one major run by Pryor.  On no less than 2 plays he had his body angled from out of bounds in to take 'containment to the the furthest extent.'  Was he great?  Heck no.  I want him more aggressive in tackling mode even though when we 'contain,' more often than not 'another' player makes the tackle.  I would have given Mathis a D for total lack of awareness.  Walden I will say a C because he did get beat. A TON to work on.  We KNEW Pryor would do that.


Jay you are spot on....they flip flopped them numerous times (Mathis/Walden) and don't think Pryor did not notice.  He ran to Mathis's side.  


Kaep and Wilson will hurt us badly if we do not improve....and some say Tannehill next week...not as afraid of him....continuous improvement!!! :lecture:  :colts:  :colts:  :colts: !!!!

Would agree with your grades,in another thread I gave LBs as a group a D mostly because of containment

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Would agree with your grades,in another thread I gave LBs as a group a D mostly because of containment

Still need to find that thread....gonna go protect Pep from what may have been his final Colts game  :funny:  :lol:  :spit: !!!!!


:yeahright:  :yeahright: !!


Some here jumped the Brad Wells bandwagon instead of hopping on Pagano's shoulders and moving forward.  BTW loved his postgame speech...all positive.  You work on the bad stuff this week on W 56th!!!

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Absolutely not, Pryor got outside time and again - amazing that he was bigger and faster than the guys chasing him down for the most part.


Erik Walden is in serious need of another jersey number - the way he rushed the passer today was not 93 like.

Have to get Edge's 32 off of Cassius Vaughn first :)

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Absolutely not, Pryor got outside time and again - amazing that he was bigger and faster than the guys chasing him down for the most part.


Erik Walden is in serious need of another jersey number - the way he rushed the passer today was not 93 like.


As a Buckeye fan, I watched every game Pryor played when he was at OSU.  He did to the Colts exactly what he did to the college teams he faced.  Good and bad.


The Colts should have studied his college tapes.  I wish the guy luck in the future but I don't think he's ever going to be a quality NFL QB.  He is perfect for a team like Oakland right now.

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Hard to watch so many players, so many times, diving down the line. That was messed up.


Might have replaced Sheppard with a DB shadow for Pryor. Some. ??

Freeman is a top quality player. A big fan.


But Freeman did not play stellar in this game to me. He was all over the place and mostly trailing. He has played better in the past, so I am sure it is correctable.

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Hard to watch so many players, so many times, diving down the line. That was messed up.


Might have replaced Sheppard with a DB shadow for Pryor. Some. ??

Freeman is a top quality player. A big fan.

The way Harvey played on Special teams, he could have been your man....he wanted to hit someone everytime...Pryor would have been nice :)

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But Freeman did not play stellar in this game to me. He was all over the place and mostly trailing. He has played better in the past, so I am sure it is correctable.

Still wondering who was at fault on the 'no coverage' on the Mastrud 41 yard reception...Freeman or Mathis?  I thought Freeman but I am not sure.  I defer to someone who saw it up close and personal.  The replay did not do us any good...nobody close :)

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Still wondering who was at fault on the 'no coverage' on the Mastrud 41 yard reception...Freeman or Mathis?  I thought Freeman but I am not sure.  I defer to someone who saw it up close and personal.  The replay did not do us any good...nobody close :)

Don't  know but Bathea sure was trying to get the attention of someone on that play

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