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Kaepernick vs Luck (NFL.com)


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In what regard? Andrew can roll out and throw very well on the run. He can roll right and left and complete passes.

His game is not limited to the pocket. He showed that last year in an offense that didn't even play to his strength. I think you'll see more of that this year when he's in a more suitable offense.

Your quite a bit late to this party, I suggest reading all the posts explaining what I think of as a pure pocket passer.

To me it's more of a pedigree, and that your game is focused on mastery of the pocket. Though I understand those who mean it as someone who is only effective in the pocket with no really options to scramble like Manning.

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Went on NFL.com and saw that Luck vs Kaepernick was the headline, with Bucky Brooks breaking it down.


He had:

Kaepernick being more athletic

Even on arm talent

Luck on pocket presence

Kaepernick on game management

Even on clutch factor


He concluded that he would rather have Kaepernick. 


What do you guys think of this? I laughed at a couple of his conclusions, but that's just me. 


The guys who put this comparison together, on the NFL network, are from Micheal Vick's personal cheerleading squad, that only work or perform this "routine or choreography" - type of player talent assessment,..everytime an athletic, or PHYSICALLY gifted QB, makes a splash in the NFL. For those of us who have seen this before, we are not offended or surprised by this claim, made by the NFL networks most prolific bandwagon jumpers. Kaepernick reminds of me of McNabb,....he'll become talented enough to keep in them in the playoffs, but won't be able to get them over the hump. Luck will win a couple of superbowls, and complete the healing process for the post-P.Manning era....is what i believe...

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The guys who put this comparison together, on the NFL network, are from Micheal Vick's personal cheerleading squad, that only work or perform this "routine or choreography" - type of player talent assessment,..everytime an athletic, or PHYSICALLY gifted QB, makes a splash in the NFL. For those of us who have seen this before, we are not offended or surprised by this claim, made by the NFL networks most prolific bandwagon jumpers. Kaepernick reminds of me of McNabb,....he'll become talented enough to keep in them in the playoffs, but won't be able to get them over the hump. Luck will win a couple of superbowls, and complete the healing process for the post-P.Manning era....is what i believe...

The guy was one play away from winning the SB his first year starting. He's on a stacked team I think they will win at least one.
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The guy was one play away from winning the SB his first year starting. He's on a stacked team I think they will win at least one.


This season ill get a chance to really see what they're made of, now that Kaep is the official starter. The momentum of the game changed after the lights went out. I'm not totally sold on Kaep just yet....but i am on Luck.

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This season ill get a chance to really see what they're made of, now that Kaep is the official starter. The momentum of the game changed after the lights went out. I'm not totally sold on Kaep just yet....but i am on Luck.

If his comeback against the Falcons down 17-0 didn't convince you then I don't think anything will lol. Kaepernick proved he had what it takes to win in the postseason and came up just short...I'm convinced. No way Harbaugh doesn't get at least a ring or two coaching that team, the best in the NFC right now.

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the failed 4th down :)

That broke my heart....NOT....but it WAS the first day in my life I was proven to have one.....thank%20god.gif

A true shame of epic proportions...the Beli-blunder poor fella...could not have happened to a nicer guy.big%20smile.gif


In the words of his good friend Bob Knight...."Don't I look happy?"  :funny:




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We lived through years of manning vs Brady. Now looks like we will have to do the luck vs kap, Wilson, bobby, the cat from Miami and all while living in mannings shadow. Yawn...can't wait to start the year to shut these fools up.

I still think barring another injury or 6, it will still be Luck vs. RG3 due to draft selection.  


Kaep seems to me like he may end up a one hit wonder/or at least more likely to become one than Luck ...they talk about a sophomore jinx?  He in my opinion is more likely to have one than Luck.  Why?  Defenses have spent the entire off season targeting the Zone Read/Pistol Offense as Public Enemy Number 1......




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If his comeback against the Falcons down 17-0 didn't convince you then I don't think anything will lol. Kaepernick proved he had what it takes to win in the postseason and came up just short...I'm convinced. No way Harbaugh doesn't get at least a ring or two coaching that team, the best in the NFC right now.

What you're saying about not be able to convince me is almost right. In that Falcons game, I saw a good defense, create opportunities for an average offense. If you've been following the Falcons, as of late, then you know that they have a recent history of making early exits from the playoffs because their defense has allowed teams to come back in the 2nd half. So with that game, no...that doesn't convince me either..Kaep is talented, but as i said before, this year will reveal the truth about who Collin Kaepernick really is on the field. He's not pressured by the presence of Alex Smith and can relax a bit, hopefully without becoming lazy. Competition keeps guys sharp, and hungry. He may get fat, and full of himself, and become another running QB....

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I have several issues with this article. I find Brooks to be very limited in his analysis and he makes huge generalizations, this being an example (another one being Matt Barkley as the next Tom Brady). He tries to define these 2 players by a few characteristics on a measurement of 'who is better' as the measuring units. Whoever is better more, wins. It makes for a nice easily digestable read for someone with limited knowledge and a hangover, but it just does not cut it.


I am all for respecting journalists right to their opinion, as long as research has been done, and they have some merit to their assertions, this is not the case here... I try my best to steer away from homerisms and be as objective as possible, so I say this with that in mind.


In terms of arm talent he and many on here are way off-base. This is not a measure of how far and fast a QB can throw the ball. A throwing arm is the a QB's most vital tool, so to limit it to this is simply lazy. Luck has an incredible throwing arm, he has very good velocity, can throw deep even without having feet set and is outlandishly accurate on short and medium routes. Kaepernick has a very powerful arm, but he does not have Luck's accuracy and muscle memory. Maybe someone who only watched Luck last year in a very vertical offense would consider his arm 'not-quite-elite' but his work at Stanford proves it is potentially the best arm in football (hopefully he can exhibit this more in the coming season). He also has a great, quick-release throwing motion, Kaepernick does not. The one criticism I would make in regards to Luck's arm is Kaepernick probably delivers a tidier ball, still not enough to give him an edge though, Manning's spiral was occasionally erratic afterall.


Luck is not the finished product, but if Jim Harbaugh had him running his offense again last year, I don't see how they don't win a Super Bowl. Kaepernick was not winning 11 games with the Colts. The talent Kaepernick has around him is amazing, similiar to what Joe Montana had, and he made the most of it, as I'm sure will Kaepernick, and he will be a media darling because of it. 'Product of the System' might be too harsh on him but he certainly benefitted form having a great running game, the best blockers in the business (certainly when opening running lanes) and a very deep and talented receiving core. Kaepernick showed a lack of composure a couple of times last year that could have proved costly, he is not the finished article either, the difference is he does not have Luck's pedigree... and he is 2 years older.


No GM would take Kaepernick over Luck right now.


I wouldn't bet that at all.....   and I think it's pretty obvious who my favorite QB is.....


A respectful suggestion....   stay away from absolutes like "No GM would...."


Because out of 32 GM's,  there are always some that go against the grain,  that see it differently...   even if it's only 1 or 2...


I think 1 or 2 GM's preferred RG3 over Andrew in the draft.      There is always someone who sees things differently.


Finding 100% agreement on things like that is almost impossible........


Just some food for thought....

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And I suppose he carried the whole revamped team into the playoffs all on his own too, right? Yet for some reason could not manage even a single TD pass. He didn't take a 2-14 team into the playoffs. That team was reshaped and restructured completely. He and an 11-5 team went into the playoffs. And his head coach was on the sideline in the playoff game too, in a game that many around here thought was going to be a piece of cake and a sure ride to Denver to face Manning. If you want to be calling anyone out you should be calling out the troll that's been on my back since the day he joined. I don't make statements like the one you quoted for no reason or to stir up a cauldron. It was meant as a snarky response to him and not a slight against any of the other civil members on this board.



The Colts lost to the eventual Super Bowl champion.     Oh, the same of it all.     I don't know how Andrew Luck walks around showing his face in public.


Then again,   Matt Schaub shows his face in public...


I guess Andrew is OK.....


Nice to see you didn't get your fill of starting fights yesterday....   you're back for more....


By the way,  do you know who had the most posts on this website yesterday?     That would be you.    A Houston Texans fan.

On a website for Colts fan.     You had the most posts.    Hmmmm?     What is wrong with this picture....?     :facepalm: 


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I think its impossible to say anything after one year, but I think R-Luck will end up better.
You're talking about one of the most stacked teams in football last year, SF have three 1st round picks on the o-line alone.
Manningham, Crabtree, Moss, V.Davis, D.Walker, Frank Gore, and the best o-line in the league last year.

Donnie Avery, R-TY Hilton, Reggie Wayne, R-Dwayne Allen, R-Coby Fleener, R-Vick Ballard, and a bottom rung o-line last year.
And I won't even include the stacked Niners defense vs a transitioning Colts defense into the comparison.
The difference is that I think R-Luck easily does what Kaepernick does if he's on the niners roster, I question if Kaepernick could do what luck did on the Colts roster and majority throw down the field offensive scheme.


Go Colts!!!!!

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What you're saying about not be able to convince me is almost right. In that Falcons game, I saw a good defense, create opportunities for an average offense. If you've been following the Falcons, as of late, then you know that they have a recent history of making early exits from the playoffs because their defense has allowed teams to come back in the 2nd half. So with that game, no...that doesn't convince me either..Kaep is talented, but as i said before, this year will reveal the truth about who Collin Kaepernick really is on the field. He's not pressured by the presence of Alex Smith and can relax a bit, hopefully without becoming lazy. Competition keeps guys sharp, and hungry. He may get fat, and full of himself, and become another running QB....

I'm sure he wasn't worried about Smith anymore than 12 is about Harnish lol
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The Colts lost to the eventual Super Bowl champion.     Oh, the same of it all.     I don't know how Andrew Luck walks around showing his face in public.


Then again,   Matt Schaub shows his face in public...


I guess Andrew is OK.....


Nice to see you didn't get your fill of starting fights yesterday....   you're back for more....


By the way,  do you know who had the most posts on this website yesterday?     That would be you.    A Houston Texans fan.

On a website for Colts fan.     You had the most posts.    Hmmmm?     What is wrong with this picture....?     :facepalm: 


Well apparently you didn't read my post at all and clearly you're not one of the civil fans that I mentioned...

Matt Schaub won his playoff game. 12 didn't. Matt is playing on a team loaded and ready for the SB right now. 12 isn't. Matt can show his face in public proudly. And I find it ironic that you say I am starting fights when it's you and the other guy who quoted me today who are the ones picking fights. If you poke at me then you will face the consequences, it's simple as that. And how do you know how many posts I had yesterday? Does it matter how many I had? Does it matter that I'm a Texan fan? You carry on with your xenophobia and haughty pompous attitude while I keep posting on a site where I get along quite fine with other posters. Up until yesterday, when you made something out of nothing (as Gavin and I both know very well that you do), you were one of the posters that I got along with. Oh well. Carry on.

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Well apparently you didn't read my post at all and clearly you're not one of the civil fans that I mentioned...

Matt Schaub won his playoff game. 12 didn't. Matt is playing on a team loaded and ready for the SB right now. 12 isn't. Matt can show his face in public proudly. And I find it ironic that you say I am starting fights when it's you and the other guy who quoted me today who are the ones picking fights. If you poke at me then you will face the consequences, it's simple as that. And how do you know how many posts I had yesterday? Does it matter how many I had? Does it matter that I'm a Texan fan? You carry on with your xenophobia and haughty pompous attitude while I keep posting on a site where I get along quite fine with other posters. Up until yesterday, when you made something out of nothing (as Gavin and I both know very well that you do), you were one of the posters that I got along with. Oh well. Carry on.


I know about how many posts you made because this website offers that feature.   It keeps a running tally.


Since I saw Qwiz Boy everywhere yesterday, I was curious....    I looked and there it was....






As for everything else?    Right.    I was the only poster you bothered yesterday.


Sure.     Nice parallel universe you live in.


And you quickly forgot about the part where I have supported you and stood up for you repeatedly here....  until yesterday.


You're very selective about what you remember.....    no surprise.   The full truth doesn't help you.

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I know about how many posts you made because this website offers that feature.   It keeps a running tally.


Since I saw Qwiz Boy everywhere yesterday, I was curious....    I looked and there it was....




Well you came in at number three yesterday, so you must have been caught up in something as well. I have a good reason behind my excessive post amount yesterday lol this thread has plenty proof of that.

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Well you came in at number three yesterday, so you must have been caught up in something as well. I have a good reason behind my excessive post amount yesterday lol this thread has plenty proof of that.

Whoa 23 posts yesterday alone. I need to go outside more often lol.

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Whoa 23 posts yesterday alone. I need to go outside more often lol.

As does the rest of America haha We are all too attached to these laptops and smart phones sometimes. Well at least I have work to keep me off the web for a while today :)

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I wouldn't bet that at all.....   and I think it's pretty obvious who my favorite QB is.....


A respectful suggestion....   stay away from absolutes like "No GM would...."


Because out of 32 GM's,  there are always some that go against the grain,  that see it differently...   even if it's only 1 or 2...


I think 1 or 2 GM's preferred RG3 over Andrew in the draft.      There is always someone who sees things differently.


Finding 100% agreement on things like that is almost impossible........


Just some food for thought....


A few GMs certainly might have taken RG3 before Luck. Kaepernick however is not RG3.


There is no evaluation treated with more scrutiny than potential franchise QBs coming into the draft. Kaepernick does not have Luck's pedigree, RG3 is in that league however.


I stand by my statement of 100% of GMs taking Luck... it would be a career decision, everyone of them would make sure they make the right choice. His body of work just cannot be denied... he has the rare combination of a safe bet and a sky-high ceiling. They all make mistakes but these GMs are not stupid men.

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I know about how many posts you made because this website offers that feature.   It keeps a running tally.


Since I saw Qwiz Boy everywhere yesterday, I was curious....    I looked and there it was....






As for everything else?    Right.    I was the only poster you bothered yesterday.


Sure.     Nice parallel universe you live in.


And you quickly forgot about the part where I have supported you and stood up for you repeatedly here....  until yesterday.


You're very selective about what you remember.....    no surprise.   The full truth doesn't help you.

I could say that Andy Luck's hair is a little odd-looking today and I would get swarmed. Happens all the time. The only people I "bothered" are the ones who overreact and who overlook the slights that made me make the original comment that started this whole thing in the first place. And I don't need anyone standing up for me, but I do appreciate when rival fans can give due diligence and not pick at a poster just because he roots for a team different than their own. I'm not selective at all, I am one of the realest people you will speak to on here. I remember everything that happened yesterday, including your assumption that I was up to no good over what you perceived to be the misuse of a word.

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A few GMs certainly might have taken RG3 before Luck. Kaepernick however is not RG3.


There is no evaluation treated with more scrutiny than potential franchise QBs coming into the draft. Kaepernick does not have Luck's pedigree, RG3 is in that league however.


I stand by my statement of 100% of GMs taking Luck... it would be a career decision, everyone of them would make sure they make the right choice. His body of work just cannot be denied... he has the rare combination of a safe bet and a sky-high ceiling. They all make mistakes but these GMs are not stupid men.

I would take Kaepernick over Griffin, but that's just me.

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I know about how many posts you made because this website offers that feature.   It keeps a running tally.


Since I saw Qwiz Boy everywhere yesterday, I was curious....    I looked and there it was....






As for everything else?    Right.    I was the only poster you bothered yesterday.


Sure.     Nice parallel universe you live in.


And you quickly forgot about the part where I have supported you and stood up for you repeatedly here....  until yesterday.


You're very selective about what you remember.....    no surprise.   The full truth doesn't help you.

Don't waste your time.

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A few GMs certainly might have taken RG3 before Luck. Kaepernick however is not RG3.


There is no evaluation treated with more scrutiny than potential franchise QBs coming into the draft. Kaepernick does not have Luck's pedigree, RG3 is in that league however.


I stand by my statement of 100% of GMs taking Luck... it would be a career decision, everyone of them would make sure they make the right choice. His body of work just cannot be denied... he has the rare combination of a safe bet and a sky-high ceiling. They all make mistakes but these GMs are not stupid men.

Agreed. I think Kaep would still go sooner than the second round if the Draft happened all over again though.

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A few GMs certainly might have taken RG3 before Luck. Kaepernick however is not RG3.


There is no evaluation treated with more scrutiny than potential franchise QBs coming into the draft. Kaepernick does not have Luck's pedigree, RG3 is in that league however.


I stand by my statement of 100% of GMs taking Luck... it would be a career decision, everyone of them would make sure they make the right choice. His body of work just cannot be denied... he has the rare combination of a safe bet and a sky-high ceiling. They all make mistakes but these GMs are not stupid men.


I think you underestimate what Kaepernick showed last year.


You're comparing Luck from Stanford/Indianapolis, to Kaepernick from Nevada/SF 2 years.


On that basis I'd pick Luck too....   anyone would.


But strictly on Luck from Indy and Kaepernick from his games that he started I'm not at all convinced that Luck would be selected by 100% of GM's today.

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I could say that Andy Luck's hair is a little odd-looking today and I would get swarmed. Happens all the time. The only people I "bothered" are the ones who overreact and who overlook the slights that made me make the original comment that started this whole thing in the first place. And I don't need anyone standing up for me, but I do appreciate when rival fans can give due diligence and not pick at a poster just because he roots for a team different than their own. I'm not selective at all, I am one of the realest people you will speak to on here. I remember everything that happened yesterday, including your assumption that I was up to no good over what you perceived to be the misuse of a word.


You know....   before things started to go south yesterday,  I lobbed you an easy softball designed for you to hit out of the park and end all of this silliness.


I simply said for you to step up and own it.   Call it a brain cramp and say my bad and move on...     We've all done it.


You can't post on an internet fans webpage often and not have a few posts that you're going to look back on and regret...


It happens to everyone....   


But you just couldn't do that.....


It was easy and obvious and cost you nothing but you still couldn't do it.


You may still have your fans and friends here,  but I think you'll lost more than you think you did.....


Maybe you care....   but I suspect you don't....

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You know....   before things started to go south yesterday,  I lobbed you an easy softball designed for you to hit out of the park and end all of this silliness.


I simply said for you to step up and own it.   Call it a brain cramp and say my bad and move on...     We've all done it.


You can't post on an internet fans webpage often and not have a few posts that you're going to look back on and regret...


It happens to everyone....   


But you just couldn't do that.....


It was easy and obvious and cost you nothing but you still couldn't do it.


You may still have your fans and friends here,  but I think you'll lost more than you think you did.....


Maybe you care....   but I suspect you don't....



There is a lot of truth in this post ...     


We all eat "it" at one time or another...   but putting the hammer away is a really hard thing to do on the interwebz.  


It is the non human factor.    We all talk to avatars, not face to face...      And it is really sad.    Not one of us would talk to our peeps like we do online... 

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There is a lot of truth in this post ...     


We all eat "it" at one time or another...   but putting the hammer away is a really hard thing to do on the interwebz.  


It is the non human factor.    We all talk to avatars, not face to face...      And it is really sad.    Not one of us would talk to our peeps like we do online... 


I don't mean to turn this into a Mutual Admiration Society,  but that's a great post!   A big, plus one, from me!     :thmup:


And that last part,  about not talking to our friends face to face this way.....   so, so true.   And I very much include myself in that as well.     Part of the downside of the internet....

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You know.... before things started to go south yesterday, I lobbed you an easy softball designed for you to hit out of the park and end all of this silliness.

I simply said for you to step up and own it. Call it a brain cramp and say my bad and move on... We've all done it.

You can't post on an internet fans webpage often and not have a few posts that you're going to look back on and regret...

It happens to everyone....

But you just couldn't do that.....

It was easy and obvious and cost you nothing but you still couldn't do it.

You may still have your fans and friends here, but I think you'll lost more than you think you did.....

Maybe you care.... but I suspect you don't....

I prefer baseballs. But I have fans? Nice!!
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You know.... before things started to go south yesterday, I lobbed you an easy softball designed for you to hit out of the park and end all of this silliness.

I simply said for you to step up and own it. Call it a brain cramp and say my bad and move on... We've all done it.

You can't post on an internet fans webpage often and not have a few posts that you're going to look back on and regret...

It happens to everyone....

But you just couldn't do that.....

It was easy and obvious and cost you nothing but you still couldn't do it.

You may still have your fans and friends here, but I think you'll lost more than you think you did.....

Maybe you care.... but I suspect you don't....

I prefer baseballs. But I have fans? Nice!!
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There is a lot of truth in this post ...     


We all eat "it" at one time or another...   but putting the hammer away is a really hard thing to do on the interwebz.  


It is the non human factor.    We all talk to avatars, not face to face...      And it is really sad.    Not one of us would talk to our peeps like we do online... 


You need to clean out your pm box JD.... :yes:

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Ah, I see. I read the 17-point thing from a website somewhere. I stand corrected. Maybe the site I was looking at was talking about a team never winning after being down 17-0 or something. If so then I think that they are right.

You were partially correct, that what Kap did was the largest ever by a rookie.

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I think you underestimate what Kaepernick showed last year.


You're comparing Luck from Stanford/Indianapolis, to Kaepernick from Nevada/SF 2 years.


On that basis I'd pick Luck too....   anyone would.


But strictly on Luck from Indy and Kaepernick from his games that he started I'm not at all convinced that Luck would be selected by 100% of GM's today.


Again, from a body of work perspective, obviously Luck wins right out... and in a world where Franchise QB's are GM's number 1 goal.... you can be sure thorough evaluations will be in place.


Perhaps I should rephrase... I would be shocked if any GM did not take Luck over Kaepernick is a league-wide fantasy draft took place.

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And I suppose he carried the whole revamped team into the playoffs all on his own too, right? Yet for some reason could not manage even a single TD pass. He didn't take a 2-14 team into the playoffs. That team was reshaped and restructured completely. He and an 11-5 team went into the playoffs. And his head coach was on the sideline in the playoff game too, in a game that many around here thought was going to be a piece of cake and a sure ride to Denver to face Manning. If you want to be calling anyone out you should be calling out the troll that's been on my back since the day he joined. I don't make statements like the one you quoted for no reason or to stir up a cauldron. It was meant as a snarky response to him and not a slight against any of the other civil members on this board.

the ravens got hot at the right time and ty Hilton, vick ballard, and donnie avery dropped key passes that would have extended drives and gotten a td

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I like both QBs . . . but would take Luck over Kap . . . although it is nice to see that a running QB succeed in the sport . . . we will have to wait and see how Kap does in his first full season as a starter . . .


Although I do like Luck, some of your comments remind me of the old Brady v. Manning debates . . . my guys on a bad team, we can't win without him and the other guy has all the players under the Sun . . . lol . . .


surely we'll get a better picture over the next year and beyond . . . Kap or Luck may come down to earth . . .but as it stand now I think Luck is a keeper . . .


It must be an exciting and great feeling to have a young QB with so much promise . . . that is the cool thing . . . and be able to kick around fun debates like this one . . .

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There's been a comeback larger than 17 in a championship game. See: 2006


The stat Quizboy was reading might of had to do with a road comeback . . . the colts were home in 2006 and had the benefit of a "warm" environment of home field advantage. . . . :D

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