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Workout Pictures from today


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The new season has begun today...somewhat..well here are some pictures from today's workout.

Today started nine weeks of voluntary work that includes conditioning and physical rehabilitation only for 14 days.

Phase Two goes for three weeks. On-field workouts can include individual instruction and drills. Team practice is on a separate basis. No contact or team offense-versus-defense work is permitted.

Phase Three is the final four weeks. Teams may have a total of 10 days of organized team practice (called OTAs). No contact is allowed again, but team drills are part of the process.

The Colts will hold a rookie mini-camp from May 10-12, and the mandatory veteran mini-camp is June 11-13.

With 76 players on the roster, Pagano estimated a 95 percent attendance level as the business of backing up an 11-5 season started anew.

"The message was, 'Our condition last year was when we walked in here that, according to the experts, we were the worst team in the NFL. Our position and your position was that we chose to win now. This is how we did it,' " said Pagano.

You have to prove yourself. Nobody really cares about last year, to be honest with you," said Pagano. "I wanted to highlight with the guys how much they accomplished and what they overcame. That will always be in the record books.

"Perception-wise and reality-wise, this is, 'What have you done for me lately?' We have to go prove we belong. We're in the conversation now, now we have to prove we belong."

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"Today started nine weeks of voluntary work that includes conditioning and physical rehabilitation only for 14 days."



The word "voluntary" always cracks me up. That's like saying voluntary deadlines, voluntary commitments, voluntary fitness, voluntary car repairs, & voluntary tax filing. haha 


The word "voluntary" is just a politically correct suggestion for "mandatory" in my book. It's how I was raised anyway. Show up, doing your job, & fulfill expectations thrust upon you.  

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"Nobody really cares about last year, to be honest with you," said Pagano. "I wanted to highlight with the guys how much they accomplished and what they overcame. That will always be in the record books. Perception-wise and reality-wise, this is, 'What have you done for me lately?' We have to go prove we belong. We're in the conversation now, now we have to prove we belong." 


Exactly coach! It gives me the perfect excuse to play this sound bite again too...





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Some interesting stuff.

Interesting to see

1. Castonzo with hair

2. Luck with a knee support, but looked like he was participating fully.

3. Vick looking hench

I'm pretty sure these workouts were voluntary, so it's a really good turnout. Good to see Hassellbeck in there.

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Is that out of the ordinary for his practices?

Anyone know?


He had a minor issue with his knee all last season, and got some treatment on it for a few weeks. It didn't require surgery, so it was probably tendinitis or something. But the brace is new, as far as I know. Interesting...

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Is that out of the ordinary for his practices?

Anyone know?

Question of the day: Quarterback Andrew Luck has never suffered an injury to his left knee, so why does he wear a brace on it?

It dates to his days at Stanford, where his coach Jim Harbaugh, who now leads the 49ers, had all his Cardinal quarterbacks wear a left-knee brace.

“It's sort of a Harbaugh thing,” Luck told the Indianapolis Star. “[it's about] stability. The theory behind it is that's the lead leg as a quarterback when you're throwing. You're stepping and that's sort of where bodies are flying in the pocket.''

Luck said wearing a knee brace “probably saved me [getting injured] three or four times in college.''-Luck talking to IndyStar last season.

He always keeps some kind of brace on that left leg. I guess because he is lifting weights he felt like he needed that support, lots of people wear that kind of brace while lifting weights.

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Question of the day: Quarterback Andrew Luck has never suffered an injury to his left knee, so why does he wear a brace on it?

It dates to his days at Stanford, where his coach Jim Harbaugh, who now leads the 49ers, had all his Cardinal quarterbacks wear a left-knee brace.

“It's sort of a Harbaugh thing,” Luck told the Indianapolis Star. “[it's about] stability. The theory behind it is that's the lead leg as a quarterback when you're throwing. You're stepping and that's sort of where bodies are flying in the pocket.''

Luck said wearing a knee brace “probably saved me [getting injured] three or four times in college.''-Luck talking to IndyStar last season.

He always keeps some kind of brace on that left leg. I guess because he is lifting weights he felt like he needed that support

Even when not on the field? Neat.

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Some interesting stuff.

Interesting to see

1. Castonzo with hair

2. Luck with a knee support, but looked like he was participating fully.

3. Vick looking hench

I'm pretty sure these workouts were voluntary, so it's a really good turnout. Good to see Hassellbeck in there.

Meh, I wear a knee brace when I work out

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"Nobody really cares about last year, to be honest with you," said Pagano. "I wanted to highlight with the guys how much they accomplished and what they overcame. That will always be in the record books. Perception-wise and reality-wise, this is, 'What have you done for me lately?' We have to go prove we belong. We're in the conversation now, now we have to prove we belong."

Exactly coach! It gives me the perfect excuse to play this sound bite again too...

Gives me goosebumps! So ready for this season already.

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wow, im going to need to study the roster. lots of new faces. I cant put names to a lot of those faces, heh

I was looking and kept asking myself is this that new guy or is this a guy who was here last year. One of the last pics was with TY and whom I believe to be Jeremey Kelly. 

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Question of the day: Quarterback Andrew Luck has never suffered an injury to his left knee, so why does he wear a brace on it?

It dates to his days at Stanford, where his coach Jim Harbaugh, who now leads the 49ers, had all his Cardinal quarterbacks wear a left-knee brace.

“It's sort of a Harbaugh thing,” Luck told the Indianapolis Star. “[it's about] stability. The theory behind it is that's the lead leg as a quarterback when you're throwing. You're stepping and that's sort of where bodies are flying in the pocket.''

Luck said wearing a knee brace “probably saved me [getting injured] three or four times in college.''-Luck talking to IndyStar last season.

He always keeps some kind of brace on that left leg. I guess because he is lifting weights he felt like he needed that support, lots of people wear that kind of brace while lifting weights.



Luck actually did sustain an injury to the left knee.  It just wasn't a bad one.  


His second year,  his first as a starter,  he scrambled for a first down, and slid into to avoid being hit, but there was some contact and his knee was jammed a bit.   I don't recall that he came out...  but the next week,  Luck was wearing the brace.    He hasn't taken it off since.    I don't recall much about the brace in practice, but I think he wore it during practice at Stanford.


I wouldn't read too much into him wearing it.....   it's the same that he's always on the injury report with the Colts....  every week with a mention of his knee.     It's more formality than anything else....


Hope that clarifies....

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For what it's worth,  I'm not sure if this is what Luck wears on game day.


This is more a sleeve than a brace....   I think he wears a brace on game day.   Aluminum that runs the length of the brace with a hinge for some flexibility.    He may also wear this sleeve underneath as well.


I could be wrong on this....   but that's what my memory is telling me for right now....

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He had a minor issue with his knee all last season, and got some treatment on it for a few weeks. It didn't require surgery, so it was probably tendinitis or something. But the brace is new, as far as I know. Interesting...

I'm a fan of wrapping the guy in bubble wrap this time of year.....knee brace or not, he's a little under dressed.  All jokes aside, what a football player....not just a QB.

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