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Luck Era vs Manning Era

Dark Superman

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Lol out of likes. But if Vance is kissin OlBlu, I'll have to oblige and kiss the model in this picture. It's only fair.

I had another one to pick from.....I liked this model a 'tad' better Quiz!  


I would not kiss Olblu after all of the 'wacked' out comments in this thread...I might catch what he has....and I do not want it  haha  :lol:  lmao  rotflmao

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I had another one to pick from.....I liked this model a 'tad' better Quiz!  


I would not kiss Olblu after all of the 'wacked' out comments in this thread...I might catch what he has....and I do not want it  haha  :lol:  lmao  :lol:




I've came to the conclusion that this OIBlu fella, doesn't really believe the absolute nonsense he's posting, he's simply trying to get a rise out of us all. Nobody can actually be that clueless.

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What I am wondering if the colts believe luck has some weaknesses that need covering. He did have a low completion percentage and int/td ratio. They brought in and continue to bring in Stanford familiars and now Pep Hamilton to bring in Lucks original offense. Are they trying to cover something up?



??  Yeah 11-5  Cover up :funny::lol:   Luck has some weaknesses , Maybe he can improve , Howabout he throws the passes & catches them & throws an occasional block so the RB can get some big yardage & if he can't improve upon his dismal rookie season we trade him for maybe Mark Sanchez or Tim Tebow they have no weaknesses do they  ? :thmup:  Maybe we can bring Curtis Painter or Jim Sorgi . They gotta be better than 12 ,

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I've came to the conclusion that this OIBlu fella, doesn't really believe the absolute nonsense he's posting, he's simply trying to get a rise out of us all. Nobody can actually be that clueless.

Sounds like the 'bait and tackle' shop to me......but he doesn't know much between the tackles :)

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What crap? Dancing at a Brazilian festival that his wife participated in? The guy is one of the most followed athletes in the world. Everywhere he goes there is paparazzi waiting for him. He is the modern day Joe Namath - completely transcends the sport and pays the price in his personal life. I can assure you no one in Boston has anything but admiration for Brady. Not only he is the very definition of a winner and the best QB of his generation, he handles all that comes with it with class, integrity and humanity. I wish more of the Red Sox players were like him.

If him dancing like that, with a ponytail, doesnt make you cringe nothing will.

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It's the build I'm taking about though.

Andrew is built more like Cam Newton, or Big Ben.

RG3 is more like Vick. Bigger than Vick, but he's pretty slight.

He has an athlete's body. Tall and slim, muscular but not husky-ish, if that's a word lol. I know what you mean.

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He has an athlete's body. Tall and slim, muscular but not husky-ish, if that's a word lol. I know what you mean.

Yeah. Lucks got that whole linebacker/QB freak hybrid thing going on.

Not that one is better than the other btw. Just different body sizes.

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No worse than watching Peyton have an oreo licking contest with Eli. Or "cut that meat."  Or "Papa Bear, hut, hut"


Cringe city if you ask me.

Difference is...... Peyton is making a commercial and purposely being goofy to sell the product....


Tom is just goofy  :nutz:  while attempting to dance  :dance:

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??  Yeah 11-5  Cover up :funny::lol:   Luck has some weaknesses , Maybe he can improve , Howabout he throws the passes & catches them & throws an occasional block so the RB can get some big yardage & if he can't improve upon his dismal rookie season we trade him for maybe Mark Sanchez or Tim Tebow they have no weaknesses do they  ? :thmup:  Maybe we can bring Curtis Painter or Jim Sorgi . They gotta be better than 12 ,



11-5 that easily could have been a 5-11 record.  There was some serious luck, no pun intended, involved in some of those games and some skill as well.  But i dont want us to be known by our 4th qtr comebacks.  They had 7 last year, thats making it by the skin of their teeth in some of those games, if not most, like the detroit and GB game.  I was merely pointing out that there seems to be something weird about turning us into the Stanford Colts. 

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11-5 that easily could have been a 5-11 record.  There was some serious luck, no pun intended, involved in some of those games and some skill as well.  But i dont want us to be known by our 4th qtr comebacks.  They had 7 last year, thats making it by the skin of their teeth in some of those games, if not most, like the detroit and GB game.  I was merely pointing out that there seems to be something weird about turning us into the Stanford Colts. 

I don't  know call me crazy but I want the guy behind center that can engineer 4th quarter comebacks. The games were close because the team was not that good. Luck, IMO was the difference maker. He had his share of mistakes but more than made up for them as each game went along.


I don't know what I find more annoying. The Colts fans that make ALL the excuses for #18 or the ones that think Luck is terrible and the season was mostly based on luck. 11 wins is not luck. 7 comebacks are not luck. Young teams usually have to learn how to win especially close games against quality teams. The Colts are already there. What you look for next year is the team's ability to play better in every phase of the game so games are won more handily. The team was simply not good enough last year to do it. I mean year 1 of new GM, coach, QB. You guys have a way of making 11 wins feel like 5. sigh...


By the way, when on earth are you going to say good-bye to Adam and get a real kicker. I mean the guys leg is getting shorter it seems every season and that missed kick in the playoffs sealed the loss IMO.

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I don't  know call me crazy but I want the guy behind center that can engineer 4th quarter comebacks. The games were close because the team was not that good. Luck, IMO was the difference maker. He had his share of mistakes but more than made up for them as each game went along.


I don't know what I find more annoying. The Colts fans that make ALL the excuses for #18 or the ones that think Luck is terrible and the season was mostly based on luck. 11 wins is not luck. 7 comebacks are not luck. Young teams usually have to learn how to win especially close games against quality teams. The Colts are already there. What you look for next year is the team's ability to play better in every phase of the game so games are won more handily. The team was simply not good enough last year to do it. I mean year 1 of new GM, coach, QB. You guys have a way of making 11 wins feel like 5. sigh...


By the way, when on earth are you going to say good-bye to Adam and get a real kicker. I mean the guys leg is getting shorter it seems every season and that missed kick in the playoffs sealed the loss IMO.


He was basically the only reason we were even in the game. I think the one he missed was a 50(?) yarder (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Not really a chip shot. He missed a few throughout the season (mostly the early part), but I don't think he needs to be replaced yet. Maybe the season after next, but he's still good for the clutch kicks.

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I don't know call me crazy but I want the guy behind center that can engineer 4th quarter comebacks. The games were close because the team was not that good. Luck, IMO was the difference maker. He had his share of mistakes but more than made up for them as each game went along.

I don't know what I find more annoying. The Colts fans that make ALL the excuses for #18 or the ones that think Luck is terrible and the season was mostly based on luck. 11 wins is not luck. 7 comebacks are not luck. Young teams usually have to learn how to win especially close games against quality teams. The Colts are already there. What you look for next year is the team's ability to play better in every phase of the game so games are won more handily. The team was simply not good enough last year to do it. I mean year 1 of new GM, coach, QB. You guys have a way of making 11 wins feel like 5. sigh...

By the way, when on earth are you going to say good-bye to Adam and get a real kicker. I mean the guys leg is getting shorter it seems every season and that missed kick in the playoffs sealed the loss IMO.

You know what is funny?

All die-hard-can't-see-anyone-but-Peyton-fans get on everyone for making excuses for Andrew, but they are also the first ones making excuses for Peyton.

The world is a crazy place..........

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I don't know call me crazy but I want the guy behind center that can engineer 4th quarter comebacks. The games were close because the team was not that good. Luck, IMO was the difference maker. He had his share of mistakes but more than made up for them as each game went along.

I don't know what I find more annoying. The Colts fans that make ALL the excuses for #18 or the ones that think Luck is terrible and the season was mostly based on luck. 11 wins is not luck. 7 comebacks are not luck. Young teams usually have to learn how to win especially close games against quality teams. The Colts are already there. What you look for next year is the team's ability to play better in every phase of the game so games are won more handily. The team was simply not good enough last year to do it. I mean year 1 of new GM, coach, QB. You guys have a way of making 11 wins feel like 5. sigh...

By the way, when on earth are you going to say good-bye to Adam and get a real kicker. I mean the guys leg is getting shorter it seems every season and that missed kick in the playoffs sealed the loss IMO.

I think I may not have properly expressed my opinion. I am not trying to blame everything on luck, he was a rookie with tons of rookies and 1st time colts around him. This made it very difficult. I like the ability to coordinate 4qtr comebacks, but i would rather have the player that has the game sealed already in the 4th qtr. I do not however think Luck was the sole difference maker on the team. Tons of players helped to make a difference in every game. Davis, Butler, Ballard, Hilton, Allen, et al. were huge in helping win games, games that were put in a sticky situation because of Luck at times.

I do not know where you assume that since I insenuated blaming Luck, that I am making excuses for Peyton. but nothing ever was his fault. 11 wins may not be luck, but 7 comebacks because the D bailed you out kinda is.

All in all I was merely throwing out an idea, one that I do not entirely believe myself.

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You know what is funny?

All die-hard-can't-see-anyone-but-Peyton-fans get on everyone for making excuses for Andrew, but they are also the first ones making excuses for Peyton.

The world is a crazy place..........




Truer words have never been spoken.

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I think I may not have properly expressed my opinion. I am not trying to blame everything on luck, he was a rookie with tons of rookies and 1st time colts around him. This made it very difficult. I like the ability to coordinate 4qtr comebacks, but i would rather have the player that has the game sealed already in the 4th qtr. I do not however think Luck was the sole difference maker on the team. Tons of players helped to make a difference in every game. Davis, Butler, Ballard, Hilton, Allen, et al. were huge in helping win games, games that were put in a sticky situation because of Luck at times.

I do not know where you assume that since I insenuated blaming Luck, that I am making excuses for Peyton. but nothing ever was his fault. 11 wins may not be luck, but 7 comebacks because the D bailed you out kinda is.

All in all I was merely throwing out an idea, one that I do not entirely believe myself.

Sorry my post was not directly specifically at you but the back and forth in this thread. I think we are up to 16 pages now!

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Is that what you thought of Manning too back in 1998? And he only won 3 games to Luck's 11 and playoffs.


I mean I get that you don't don't think Luck is very good but your certainty on his demise borders on obsessive. Qbs do make adjustments to their game - if Luck stops trying to force the ball down field than his INTs and incompletes will go down drastically. This is quite a simple adjustment that many Qbs have to make and do make. He will also have another year and off-season with his rookies to get even better not to mention Wayne who he was just getting to know last year.


As I stated before, if I had to bet on one QB to not be around in the next 3-5 years it would be RG as he has already sustained two major injuries to the same kneee and plays a very riskly style. In addition, Shanny is going to ask him to change his game which never bodes well for a player as dynamic as RG. I am rooting for the guy as I love watching him play - he is a lot like Jordan, something special can happen on any play. I would also put Wilson as a higher risk as well than Luck because of his size but he does not run nearly as much as RG so I give him more of a chance.


BTW, if you want to talk about having poor numbers go look up Eli's first four years in the league. They were horrible. Now he has two rings, two SB MVPs. Qbs evolve and change and get better. Luck has way more upside than you are willing to give him credit for.



What crap? Dancing at a Brazilian festival that his wife participated in? The guy is one of the most followed athletes in the world. Everywhere he goes there is paparazzi waiting for him. He is the modern day Joe Namath - completely transcends the sport and pays the price in his personal life. I can assure you no one in Boston has anything but admiration for Brady. Not only he is the very definition of a winner and the best QB of his generation, he handles all that comes with it with class, integrity and humanity. I wish more of the Red Sox players were like him.

2 very good posts amfootball.  :thmup: Eli Manning didn't exactly set the NFL on fire initially, but he adapted, learned from his lumps, & is now a 2 time SB Champion. RG3 does need to protect himself more. No question. He's got tremendous upside though. Luck, RG3, & Wilson are smart, savvy, & permanent longterm field generals who will leave a positive legacy in this league who will contend for Championships eventually. Yes, Brady takes a lot of of off field scrutiny, but he's a HOF QB that is well respected & feared by all DCs in the NFL. Absolutely right. 

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He was basically the only reason we were even in the game. I think the one he missed was a 50(?) yarder (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Not really a chip shot. He missed a few throughout the season (mostly the early part), but I don't think he needs to be replaced yet. Maybe the season after next, but he's still good for the clutch kicks.

I know he hit three FGs in the game but that one he missed was the clincher for the defeat. Reminded me of the one he missed in Denver in 05 that would have cut game to a one score lead. Once he missed it, the game was over. That one was far easier I believe. 40 yards maybe? I know the one he missed last year was further. I just think he is starting to lose it. He probably does have one more season in him.

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Hard to feel sorry for Peyton with his gazillion $.     But, the public p---ing contest between Irsay and Manning was not one of the Colts' finest moments.


What more do you think Peyton deserved besides $20M for not playing in 2011, another $20M for a typical playoff choke in Denver in 2012?     Please, Please - mistreat me like that!  :)   

Yup, all that money makes almost makes you accept the fact that there might only be 1 SB Championship when #18's final NFL Chapter is written. All those glorious greenbacks make for a "soft place to fall.haha



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Yup, all that money makes almost makes you accept the fact that there might only be 1 SB Championship when #18's final NFL Chapter is written. All those glorious greenbacks make for a "soft place to fall.haha


It is what it is, SW. If the Broncos cant win a SB in Peyton's first 3 years, I just feel they cut him loose. Even if he wins a SB in the next 2 years, I wont be surprised if he calls it a day either.

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It is what it is, SW. If the Broncos cant win a SB in Peyton's first 3 years, I just feel they cut him loose. Even if he wins a SB in the next 2 years, I wont be surprised if he calls it a day either.

Exactly Chad win a SB & ride off into the Sunset...That's what I'm hoping for too my friend.  :hat:




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Yup, all that money makes almost makes you accept the fact that there might only be 1 SB Championship when #18's final NFL Chapter is written. All those glorious greenbacks make for a "soft place to fall.haha



Just out of curiosity, why is there a stigma against having "only one ring" as if it is a bad thing? Can't people be proud of our SB run and finally getting over the hump instead of complaining that our "lousy teams and staff" hurt Peyton's legacy instead? Personally I was pretty darn excited when we won it all, it felt even sweeter after all those years of coming close and falling short.


It's tough to win it all. Plenty of good to great QBs have one ring or no rings. I think the knock on Peyton is not just having one ring but more on having a losing playoff record and so many one and dones, especially at home.


Peyton is no more entitled to have another ring then any other player who puts out his best every single week. There, I said it.

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I believe that the Colts play the Broncos this season. It makes it hard to know who to root for: Colts past or Colts future. I have confidence in both Manning & Luck actually. I wanna see them both do well. #18 I will always respect & it's nice to know that our future is in such capable hands. No Luck mandatory here IMO. Skill, intelligence, and a continued tremendous work ethic will keep us on the  :lombardi: road for years to come...


The  :colts: are very fortunate really...

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I believe that the Colts play the Broncos this season. It makes it hard to know who to root for: Colts past or Colts future. I have confidence in both Manning & Luck actually. I wanna see them both do well. #18 I will always respect & it's nice to know that our future is in such capable hands. No Luck mandatory here IMO. Skill, intelligence, and a continued tremendous work ethic will keep us on the  :lombardi: road for years to come...


The  :colts: are very fortunate really...



You root for your team....no doubt about it.


It's not always a popular opinion if/when we play Denver but if anyone roots against the Colts in that game, ESPECIALLY a playoff game I strongly wonder if they are true Colts fans at heart or Manning fans first.


Manning is not the Colts QB anymore.



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Southwest, you know I am a big Rodgers fan and always had a soft spot for the Packers. But, when we played the Pack last season I wanted us to hit, sack and intercept Aaron until the cows came home. But, not hurt him of course. And then after the game I went back to my normal self. :)


When the Colts play, I want them to embarrass who they are playing if possible no matter who I like on the opposing team.

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You root for your team....no doubt about it.


It's not always a popular opinion if/when we play Denver but if anyone roots against the Colts in that game, ESPECIALLY a playoff game I strongly wonder if they are true Colts fans at heart or Manning fans first.


Manning is not the Colts QB anymore.





Oh sweet, are we going to have that discussion again?  Yay.

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Just out of curiosity, why is there a stigma against having "only one ring" as if it is a bad thing? Can't people be proud of our SB run and finally getting over the hump instead of complaining that our "lousy teams and staff" hurt Peyton's legacy instead? Personally I was pretty darn excited when we won it all, it felt even sweeter after all those years of coming close and falling short.


It's tough to win it all. Plenty of good to great QBs have one ring or no rings. I think the knock on Peyton is not just having one ring but more on having a losing playoff record and so many one and dones, especially at home.


Peyton is no more entitled to have another ring then any other player who puts out his best every single week. There, I said it.

A valid question Jules & it deserves an answer. Here's mine: Championship pedigree, or in Peyton's case, the press he constantly receives, the money/lucrative endorsements he gets paid, the belief among NFL analysts that #18 is the most cerebral QB in professional football with a robot for a brain means that at a bare minimum 2 SB Championships are in order. There I said it. 


Yes, choking or falling short in the Playoffs doesn't help. Playoff favorites are supposed to win Playoff games not crash & burn. Okay, the game against the Ravens wasn't Peyton's fault. He's wasn't on the field. The Denver safety made a mistake. But as QB, you go for a 1st down & end the game right there. Forget OT. Kill your adversary right then & there. Sometimes, the safe play is a mistake John Fox & Peyton Manning. 


Yes, there are a lot of NFL franchise QBs that never win a ring. That's true, but #18 is not just any QB. I expect arguably 1 of the greatest NFL QBs in this league to seal the deal, slam the door shut, get to the Big Dance, & win the darn game. That's what SW1 truly believes Jules. Get It DONE NOW...

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You know what is funny?

All die-hard-can't-see-anyone-but-Peyton-fans get on everyone for making excuses for Andrew, but they are also the first ones making excuses for Peyton.

The world is a crazy place..........

So basically you're all excuse makers...lol. :D

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