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Luck vs rg3


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And I get the overwhelming feeling that you have an inferiority complex and try to make up for it on the internet by acting like a bully (at times) and treating those who disagree with you with a flagrantly condescending attitude.

Now that said, I was not necessarily referring to you as a Luckolyte, but rather those who think his poo doesn't stink, that any mistake he makes is clearly somebody else's fault, that there's no way the colts had any chance at being successful if they had not drafted Luck and that the mere idea that RG3 might also be a good QB is simply absurd. If you feel that way then yes, I would consider you a Luckolyte. For the most part though, your comments on him have been fairly objective, which I would not say about the people who I consider to be Luckolytes.

I also have thoroughly enjoyed the success the Colts, and Luck, have had so far this season and I'm very optimistic about the future. I also see nothing wrong with defending your team or your player when provoked. But guess what, that's the same thing that many of the RG3 fans are doing. Simply defending their player. Yes this is a Colts forum but there are no membership restrictions. This is not a "colts fans only" website. it is catered to Colts fans but is not strictly limited to them. There's no reason why reasonable Colts fans and reasonable fans of other teams can't get along. There's no reason we can't have civil debate without resorting to name calling and condescension when it comes to someone who has a different opinion or point of view.

Again, yes there are a few who are obnoxious but there are many Colts fans who are as well. The majority of RG3 fans that I've personally seen posting are merely trying to defend their guy. That's their prerogative and this is an open site. For the ones who get on your nerves...ignore them. With those that can have civil, friendly discussion, try doing that...or ignore them. Who cares really. But all you're doing with your repeated comments about them is adding fuel to the fire that you want so desperately to go out.

I'm not holding a grudge against you for that. If I have any type of grudge against you it's for the almighty attitude you constantly post with and the condescending way you treat those who disagree with you. I am much more sold on Luck now than I was last year when watching him at Stanford. I had questions about him. There were things I had not seen him able to do that I was not certain he would be able to do if required, primarily whether or not he could have the same success without a highly prolific running game and elite level pass protection as he had with those things. The only time I saw him in a game where his running game was completely shut down was in the 3rd quarter of the game vs. Notre Dame and during that quarter, he was only able to move the Cardinal offense for ~30 yards. I had questions about him and I had concerns but since coming into the NFL he has largely answered the majority of those and I freely admit that. I am glad he's our QB, though unlike many, I don't think he was the ONLY option we had. I don't think the sun rises and sets by Andrew Luck like some people act like but I do think he is going to be a great QB. If you want to fault me for not buying into the hype just because everyone else said so then be my guest. However, I prefer to see things with my own eyes before truly buying in myself.

Yes, there have been a few RG3 fanboys who try to stir up trouble, but there are also a few Texans fanboys who do that, Patriots fanboys and fans of any other player or team that has any type of rivalry with the Colts and/or

Wow, that was a huge post. No inferiority complex here and if I come off as condescending, well that certainly is not my intention. I do, however get completely frustrated over fans of other teams that come to a Colts fan forum and try their hardest to get Colts fans to either, admit that their team and/or player they worship is better than the Colts and/or the Colts players.

That's all I'm going to say on this matter though. No sense in discussing this any further.

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Instead of Luck, what if it were Peyton Manning and RG3 and the Colts selected Manning? If Redskins fans were saying Griffin was better than PM (because of his interceptions which he did have), how would you react? Not good, I bet.

If he was playing better than Manning I would acknowledge that. But what does Manning have to with this? You think I hate Luck and love Manning or something?

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You just described yourself. You came across condescending and you name called people here Luckolytes.

You're absolutely right. I did. I got sucked in like so many others. If anyone took offense to the term "Luckolytes" then I apologize. Anyone else care to admit their behavior may have been less than laudable? Anyone else like to shake hands, call a truce and simply root for the team and/or QB of your choice without having to try to tear down another team and/or player?


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With all the coaching jobs about to be open do you fear Arians will leave and the affects it could have on Andrew? They say he has a photographic memory so me personally I think he would move on fine but I just want to hear Colts fans thoughts. Do you think it would suck for him to finally start understanding the offense and then have to start over?

Good question, I'm not sure if Arians will stay or go. In short I don't fear it at all because I think Andrew can adapt to basically any pro style of offense. Some he might be much more efficient at than the high vertical flying BA product. I guess everything just remains to be seen.

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Believe it or not, had it not been for the numerous penalties, unsportsmanlike conduct calls at the end of 2 games, the kicker missing 3 FGSs in 1 game, the receivers dropping 10 balls/RGIII also throwing away 2 more because no one was open and and an incredibly porous defensive backfield, the Redskins would probably be sitting with a 9-2 or even a 10-1 record.

The only game RGIII was "normal" was against Carolina. All the other games, he put them in position to win, rallied them back from huge deficits but his supporting cast just didn't get the job done in many of the games.

He really has had only 1 bad game. Even when he had to throw it up in the air, he never threw into double/triple coverage and he always checked down his receivers, showing incredible smarts where it counted.

Barring injuries, this kid, along with Luck and Wilson, should go very far in their NFL careers.

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You're absolutely right. I did. I got sucked in like so many others. If anyone took offense to the term "Luckolytes" then I apologize. Anyone else care to admit their behavior may have been less than laudable? Anyone else like to shake hands, call a truce and simply root for the team and/or QB of your choice without having to try to tear down another team and/or player?


I would sign that treaty, man. :)

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I know. What a fool. Imagine wanting wins over higher completions rates and a better QB rating. Some real homers on here for sure...

I'm not a Redskins guy but anyone looking at their games would know that RG3 hasn't lost them a game. FunBunch hit it right on the head with what could have been but losses are losses but to use them as a knock against RG3 shows that all is seen is BSPN highlights.

I think Luck is awesome, but his performance has lost the Colts game, although when that occurred, blame is deflected off him and to another deficiency on the team. Sadly, objectivity is something that is rarely seen among a fan base. Case in point.

Colts winning is a result of Luck's pure awesomeness - Redskins winning is because of the run game and O-Line

Colts losing is because deficiencies in the O-Line/Run Game/Defense - Redskins losing is RG3 (the end)

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The game winning drive argument is funny to me. Yes its awesome and you can't take nothing away from Luck he is clutch if the games close at the end. But the reason the argument for most 4th qtr game winning drives is because the elite of the elite qb's like Peyton or Brady beat down bad teams. So maybe Luck has more game winning drives but the other qbs might not have as many because they are playing great for 4 qtrs and beating the heck out of teams. Tsarquise is right Luck has been inconsistant, If he takes the checkdown more often and doesnt force balls causing turnovers the Colts would be dominating games. I agree it doesnt matter as long as you win but come playoff time if you turn the ball over 3 plus times your not gonna beat Brady or peyton or Shaub or Big Ben heck you wont even beat Daulton. Its crazy how brilliant he was in the final 5 minutes but how bad he was in the first 3 qtrs. I saw a stat where his QBR through the first 3 Qtrs was like 11.3...the last 5 minutes it was like 137 it was an incredible difference.

I just found this i thought you colts fans would enjoy it. I loved Techmo Bowl as a kid heres the Luck Avery play


Yes he is making mistakes that can lead to them getting behind but the defense doesn't do much to bail them out. Look at it a little deeper. He can make a mistake but his confidence never gets broken which is great to see from a rookie. He could back off and check down. Instead he stands behind an awful offensive line and makes plays happen. As a rookie he can take over games and has the team belie ing in him.

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Oh yeah, so awful. Try throwing the ball more than 4 times. Only seen him hit a wr down field once. Funny thing is, if he was so good. Why didn't he learn their play book instead of building the offense around him? Things that make you go hmmmmmm

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You are seeing what Ive been talking about the redskins defense is GOD awful. Games like this happen all the time where the time of posession is so lop sided its insane. Our offense barely has a chance.

To be honest, they have had chances, but not that many. Giants are clearly dominating the TOP battle. But I have also seen plenty of 3 and outs by the Skins. They get a 1st down or two, then stall and punt, or fumble.

I could see why so many teams are nervous whever RG3 play action fakes, he can fly. That alone basically freezes the defense for a sec and allows him to throw strikes to his receivers.

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I don't see this great qb everyone's talking about. They have one heck of a run game though I can tell you that much. What I do see is a guy who is doing what he is told, and at least he's not losing the game for them. But the way people talk him up I was expecting something at least. Still another qtr though ;)

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Believe it or not, had it not been for the numerous penalties, unsportsmanlike conduct calls at the end of 2 games, the kicker missing 3 FGSs in 1 game, the receivers dropping 10 balls/RGIII also throwing away 2 more because no one was open and and an incredibly porous defensive backfield, the Redskins would probably be sitting with a 9-2 or even a 10-1 record.

The only game RGIII was "normal" was against Carolina. All the other games, he put them in position to win, rallied them back from huge deficits but his supporting cast just didn't get the job done in many of the games.

He really has had only 1 bad game. Even when he had to throw it up in the air, he never threw into double/triple coverage and he always checked down his receivers, showing incredible smarts where it counted.

Barring injuries, this kid, along with Luck and Wilson, should go very far in their NFL careers.

And if the Colts had a run game like the Skins, we'd be 11-0. Etc.....

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I'm not a Redskins guy but anyone looking at their games would know that RG3 hasn't lost them a game. FunBunch hit it right on the head with what could have been but losses are losses but to use them as a knock against RG3 shows that all is seen is BSPN highlights.

I think Luck is awesome, but his performance has lost the Colts game, although when that occurred, blame is deflected off him and to another deficiency on the team. Sadly, objectivity is something that is rarely seen among a fan base. Case in point.

Colts winning is a result of Luck's pure awesomeness - Redskins winning is because of the run game and O-Line

Colts losing is because deficiencies in the O-Line/Run Game/Defense - Redskins losing is RG3 (the end)

If you are going to compliment anyone or anything, never add 'however' or 'but' within the sentence. All it says is I'm not being genuine.

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Griffin is quite clearly a lot better than Luck. I'd like to see Luck try to make a play as amazing as that fumble that bounced into Josh Morgan's hands! RG3! RG3! RG3!

I had a good chuckle when Gruden commented ".. the magic of RG3..." when he fumbled for a touchdown. And he was serious :).

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I had a good chuckle when Gruden commented ".. the magic of RG3..." when he fumbled for a touchdown. And he was serious :).

It seems Tebow's magic has spilled over in his absence from the field. 12 and Griffin both have had their share of it hahaha. Griffin is freezing these guys and making them look silly, great Monday Night match-up.

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It seems Tebow's magic has spilled over in his absence from the field. 12 and Griffin both have had their share of it hahaha. Griffin is freezing these guys and making them look silly, great Monday Night match-up.

Lord Tebow is WAY better than Luck or RGiii. There is no comparison. You would see if the Jets started him for a game.

Tebow also has better abs. He could freeze the defense if they let him walk around with his shirt off.


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Lord Tebow is WAY better than Luck or RGiii. There is no comparison. You would see if the Jets started him for a game.

Tebow also has better abs. He could freeze the defense if they let him walk around with his shirt off.


Ohhh yeah. He already froze New York and the national media when he did it in the rain, why not try it out the field? :) But joking aside we will probably see #15 on the field again next week. Sanchize is going to be getting splinters from now on.

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After watching tonight (started to watch during the second quarter) I am still as 100% convinced as ever that we need Luck and he is the right guy for us.

And I don't care if anyone disagrees with me. I feel as if everyone is so used to seeing utter garbage at QB on the Redskins that they are getting more excited over RG3 then they do with Luck. And thats fine, but Luck is being asked to do A LOT for this team for a rookie.

They baby RG3 a lot more in DC on offense and the run game is a HUGE HUGE part of that team no matter how anyone tries to spin it.

I am not picking on RG3. I just prefer Luck. But, clearly on this forum many can't grasp why we should prefer Luck. Luck reminds me of a pro out there at times. Some of the comebacks and game winning drives this kid has....are you kidding me? You can't always get this stuff from good VETERAN QBs let alone a rookie.

Again, RG3 is very good and very talented. I just think Luck is doing more in general right now and more for his team. His margin of error is higher too and he WILL make more mistakes that show up on the stat sheets.

And thats my story and I am sticking to it.

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Look I think it's being played out there were TWO very good QBs in this draft. People can have their own personal preference on which one they like more but you know what neither one of them is MUCH better than the other. If you watch either one of them play it's clear they are not playing like rookies and are making big impacts on their new teams. Why don't we stop trying to discredit the other side just so we can sit here and be right and give credit where credit is due. Both are good QBs and you couldn't go wrong with either one of them.

I will say it gets old as a Colts fan watching Luck do something and have it brushed off by people as ho hum just another day at the office. Then RG3 will come along and do the exact samething or something very much like it and it's stop the pressed can you believe what RG3 did! The media does love RG3 but hey nothing you can do about it. I think it boils down to people expected Luck to do great things and have been expecting it for two years. Not to say people thought RG3 would be bad but I don't think as many people expected him to be as good as he has been where as with Luck all you've been hearing for the past two years is how he's the next great QB in the NFL.

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Oh yeah, so awful. Try throwing the ball more than 4 times. Only seen him hit a wr down field once. Funny thing is, if he was so good. Why didn't he learn their play book instead of building the offense around him? Things that make you go hmmmmmm

This makes no sense. Why would you not build your offense around a player as dynamic as RG3? You would be dumb NOT to do that. Smart coaches build their offense to the talent around them. The skins have one of the most creative offenses in football.

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This makes no sense. Why would you not build your offense around a player as dynamic as RG3? You would be dumb NOT to do that. Smart coaches build their offense to the talent around them. The skins have one of the most creative offenses in football.

Agreed. I dont know why you wouldnt do it either.


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A question for RGIII (one of the few Skins fans who I don't think is just here to troll) - are there Colts fans singing Luck's name from the heavens on Redskins forums? Or is it only Redskins fans coming over to preach on Colts forums?

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Griffin played exactly like we said. Great protection, great running, a lot of short throws and ocassionally hit the intermediate pass.

Definitely not more impressive than Luck. Even that goof Rick Reilly said that. Very weird play calling though. I don't like that offense at all and Griffin is going to get killed because of it.

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My take on the Washington Redskins employed since the beginning of the year Baylor option plays and thus the player RG3 can only run the college style option offenses he used in college and here are quotes from announcers and commentators during the game. There were more but wasn't able to write them down...

Gruden quote: They are all the same plays with different OPTIONS, Later says Giants need to defend the option plays.

Mike Tirico quote: How is Griffin doing in the Baylor offense? Gruden, GREAT!!!!!

Michele Tafoya and Suzy Kolber, not sure which one stated this, How do you defend a Non traditional offense?????

Snaps under center 7 plays

3 were 3rd and short and

3 were on the last series where they ran to take time off the clock.

I believe 1 was on a roll out and pass to Garcon he dropped.

6 runs out of 31 runs were under center, so 25 running plays were out of the option offense.

Snaps in the option shotgun 44 plays, + or - on maybe 2, there was so many I could count them all...

Garcon catches total caught 8

Garcons catches drops 2

Other receivers 5 caught

Throws under 10 yards caught 6

Throws under 10 yards dropped 3

Throws under 20 yards caught 4

Throws under 20 yards dropped 1

Throws over 25 yards caught 1 by Garcon

Throws over 40 yards caught 1 and by Garcon

Throws over 40 yards dropped 1 also by Garcon

Other teams will learn to double team Garcon "RG3's go to guy" and let the other receivers defeat them.

21 passing attemps and only 13 completions...WOW!

NOTE: I tried to get everything noted, but of course snack breaks and B-Room breaks happen at the wrong times :}LOL

Passing wow and amazing 168 yards

Rushing yards total is 207 yards

H.Texans last week was #1 in the NFL Network offensive line ranking because they got over 200 yards rushing by Foster and W.Redskins was ranked 5th in the NFL Network same comparison because of their 168 yards rush that was produced by the offensive line, so this week the NFL Network will I bet rank them somewhere in the #1 to #5 slot, so we'll see which one and I will post it :}

RG3 168 passing yards 13-21

RG3 is running a Baylor option offense just like I stated before and has been stated by Gruden and Tricio and one of the gals on the sideline during the game, so you Redskins fans have the proof, can't deny the truth now!!!!!! But I know you will try like always to make your selves feel better about what you got in the #2nd pick, RG3 is M.Vick the 2nd! :}LOL

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Been trying to break done the RG3 media love affair, I'm really thinking they believe A.Luck is equal to a 2nd year/Sophomore year player and he's expected to do what he's doing and RG3 is the lower of the 2 and needs more hyping since they really do consider him a Rookie and plays like a rookie and deserves the ROY and if there was a Sophomore of the year it would be A.Luck!!!!!

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Not Griffin's best game tonight, he was missing some throws he normally makes... but when his off games are still productive and mostly turnover-free there isn't much room to worry as a Skins fan. Morris was a beast as usual although that fumble was nearly disastrous.

A question for RGIII (one of the few Skins fans who I don't think is just here to troll) - are there Colts fans singing Luck's name from the heavens on Redskins forums? Or is it only Redskins fans coming over to preach on Colts forums?

Colts fans are not. However, as I've said before, Redskins fans don't seem nearly as inclined to bash Luck on our forums so there's decidedly less incentive for any of you guys to do so. The official board is pretty strictly moderated, too, so I'm not too sure a Colts fan would last too long over there if they were to export some of the more half-baked ideas about Griffin that can be found around here without also bringing something of actual value to the community.

Very different vibe over there but it's not uncommon for fans of any team to show up and talk trash when the situation calls for it.

Other teams will learn to double team Garcon "RG3's go to guy" and let the other receivers defeat them.

21 passing attemps and only 13 completions...WOW!

I've never seen you say anything that even resembles factual accuracy and I'm not sure how serious you are about the whole "lalalalalala! I can't hear you!" campaign you've embarked on but...

1. 62% completion percentage ain't too shabby for a "bad" showing from Griffin.

2. Pierre got targeted all night because he was getting open all night. He has the best chemistry with the QB out of all of our receivers and is clearly our most dangerous receiver but Griffin isn't especially preferential toward him. He throws to where the play dictates he should throw and regularly hits 8 or more different targets in his games. Everyone gets involved and that's a big part of what has made our offense so difficult to stop.

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My take on the Washington Redskins employed since the beginning of the year Baylor option plays and thus the player RG3 can only run the college style option offenses he used in college and here are quotes from announcers and commentators during the game. There were more but wasn't able to write them down...

Gruden quote: They are all the same plays with different OPTIONS, Later says Giants need to defend the option plays.

Mike Tirico quote: How is Griffin doing in the Baylor offense? Gruden, GREAT!!!!!

Michele Tafoya and Suzy Kolber, not sure which one stated this, How do you defend a Non traditional offense?????

Snaps under center 7 plays

3 were 3rd and short and

3 were on the last series where they ran to take time off the clock.

I believe 1 was on a roll out and pass to Garcon he dropped.

6 runs out of 31 runs were under center, so 25 running plays were out of the option offense.

Snaps in the option shotgun 44 plays, + or - on maybe 2, there was so many I could count them all...

Garcon catches total caught 8

Garcons catches drops 2

Other receivers 5 caught

Throws under 10 yards caught 6

Throws under 10 yards dropped 3

Throws under 20 yards caught 4

Throws under 20 yards dropped 1

Throws over 25 yards caught 1 by Garcon

Throws over 40 yards caught 1 and by Garcon

Throws over 40 yards dropped 1 also by Garcon

Other teams will learn to double team Garcon "RG3's go to guy" and let the other receivers defeat them.

21 passing attemps and only 13 completions...WOW!

NOTE: I tried to get everything noted, but of course snack breaks and B-Room breaks happen at the wrong times :}LOL

Passing wow and amazing 168 yards

Rushing yards total is 207 yards

H.Texans last week was #1 in the NFL Network offensive line ranking because they got over 200 yards rushing by Foster and W.Redskins was ranked 5th in the NFL Network same comparison because of their 168 yards rush that was produced by the offensive line, so this week the NFL Network will I bet rank them somewhere in the #1 to #5 slot, so we'll see which one and I will post it :}

RG3 168 passing yards 13-21

RG3 is running a Baylor option offense just like I stated before and has been stated by Gruden and Tricio and one of the gals on the sideline during the game, so you Redskins fans have the proof, can't deny the truth now!!!!!! But I know you will try like always to make your selves feel better about what you got in the #2nd pick, RG3 is M.Vick the 2nd! :}LOL

You take a comment and run with it don't you. You forget to mention the part where Gruden says it's a tweeked version of the offense. They are running Shanahans zone stretch offense from the pistol. They run alot of that stuff not because RG3 can't run a colts type offense it's because with RG3's skillset it's unstoppable. If no one can stop it why would you go away from it? Thats like saying if the Colts were playing the Jags and you ran a screen to Ballard and it kept getting big chunks and you went away from it. Why would you go away from it if the Jags can't stop it. They made the Giants pass rushers who dominated the 49ers and Packers look silly. This offense keeps teams so off balance its ridiculous.
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WR Zavier Scott ERFA – 840k? TE Jordan Murray ERFA – 840k? WR Michael Tutsie ERFA – 840k?   Of the above really like to see the Colts resign Ronnie Harrison, Dayo Odeyingbo, Kylen Granson, Dallis Flowers, and Segun Olubi.  In order to free up cap space it wouldn't shock me to see Braden Smith traded.  Not ideal but only way at this point in time to see freeing up available cap space.  Would love to add OC Connor Williams who is still a free agent but suffered an ACL injury late in 2023.  Before his injury Williams ranked as the 3rd best OL in 2023 in zone-heavy scheme.  Recoding a league best 92.4 run-blocking grade on zone concepts and equally impressive in pass protection allowing just six pressures on 280 pass sets.    No doubt the Colts love speed on their offense.  Jonathan Taylor was recently listed as one of the fastest players in the NFL last season.  Then the Colts drafted Anthony Gould who in 2023 Week 3 hit a top speed of 21.6 mph.  As UDFAs the Colts then brought in NC State Trent Pennix who in Week 6 clocked the fastest time by a TE at 20.6 MPH but also is a capable RB.  Colts also added QB Jason Bean (Kansas) who in Week 9 clocked an impressive 22.4 mph T5 fastest player in 2023.   Mock Draft   Round 1 WLB Harold Perkins Jr. (LSU) - As a true freshman led all LBs in Power 5 with a 91.0 pass-rush grade and second among all LBs in the country with 18 QB knockdowns (sacks/hits) and tied for second in the country with 4 *.  In 2023 as a true off-ball LB he struggled as a run defender but flashed in coverage, 81.1 coverage grade.  At the end of 2023 now recorded 27 TFLs and 13 sacks with 7 forced fumbles.  Made 2022 college football all-America Freshman Team.  In 2022 his 87.6 pass-rush grade by true freshman is 3rd best since the 2014 era, behind (Rueben Bain Jr-2023 and Myles Garrett-2014).  2022 PFF TOW 11 honors.  Like JOK, Perkins has a chance to win the Butkus Award.  Both JOK and Perkins have similar builds and ran a 4.42s-forty.  Do expect Perkins’ stats to dip if he does move to MLB and probably drop him to Round 2 grades much like Edgerrin Cooper in 2024 Draft Class.  Quick to drop into zone and covers enough ground to be Tampa-2 MIKE but some feel better suited as a WLB maximize range/speed.  Expecting Shaquille ‘Darius’ Leonard 2018-2021 vibes along with JOKs 2021-2023 production traits.  Both were drafted in Round 2 but should been first rounders.  Perkins replaces EJ Speed.   Round 2 Edge/RDE Elijah Alston (Miami) –Alston was an All-Sun Belt selection in 2023.  In 2023 he had a 91.0 overall grade and 90.5 pass-rushing grade based on 235 pass rush snaped while at Marshal Alston also racked up 36 QB pressures, 5 sacks plus 24 defensive stops during this period.  By mid-November Alston was ranked 4th best (Marshawn Kneeland was #3) Edge behind #1 Latu whom the Colts selected in Round 1.   2023 College Football All-Sun Belt Team.  Looking forward to the Cal game and how he does against RB Jaydn Ott, RT Victor Stoffel, and LG Rush Reimer.  Duke’s new RT Micah Sahakian matchup is another one would like to see.  RB Quinton Cooley (Wake Forest) who transferred from Liberty and earned 2023 College Football All-CUSA Team is another key matchup.  Finally, TE/WR Oronde Gadsden II of Syracuse could test his coverage skills.  The Colts done well and am looking forward to seeing Paye/Latu tandem then creating another one with Odeyingbo and Alston.  Ebukam will be a FA after 2025 but could be cut/traded save cap space.  Close build to Ebukam and Leo with 2” taller than Avery with Avery an upcoming FA and no guarantee we can resign Odeyingbo with the minimal cap space currently projected.   Round 3 LT J.C. Davis (Illinois) - The New Mexico Lobos ran a zone-scheme concept 318 times in 2023 and Davis was on the field for 316 of those snaps where he helped the team earn a 91.5 rushing grade with 58 explosive runs.  Davis is well-rounded earning a 78.6 inside-zone run grade and a 78.4 outside-zone run grade.  See how well Davis does after transferring the Big 10 this season.  Overall, 82.4 run-blocking grade in 2023.  Comparison Illinois Isaiah Adams was drafted #71 by Arizona and was ranked 8th best zone OL in 2023 and Davis was 5th best.  In 2022 Davis earned a 66.8 overall PFF grade and in 2023 had an 87.1 pass-blocking grade.  If the Colts do trade/cap release Braden Smith than Davis is a high target to hopefully take early to replace him.   Round 4 TE Jalin Conyers (Texas Tech) - In 2022 Conyers forced 21 missed tackles which led all TEs in the country.  Plus, ranked 4th in receiving yards after contact (170).  As a redshirt freshman in 2021 had a 73.5 pass-blocking grade while playing at Arizona State.  Conyers can be elusive with the ball in his hands.  In his first season was used heavily as a run-blocker (2021) and excelled as a blocker ranking him 4th in the Pac-12.  Back in August 2023 Rick Spielman said he may be the best run-blocking TE in the class behind Cade Stover.  Considered a true Y TE efficient at run-blocking and can catch with run-after ability.  Spielman said last year would have had a Late Day 2 grade, while Ryan Wilson says Rounds 3-4.  Potential to be a red zone monster in the NFL if he continues to grow his game.  Last year Round 4 was where tight ends were drafted and expect the same again in 2025.  Replaces Mo Alie-Cox.   Round 5 Edge/RDE Anton Juncaj (Arkansas) – 2023 College Football FCS All-America Team while at Albany.  2022 PFF grade of 75.1.  2023 final defense grade of 91.3, run defense 87.4, pass rush 90.6 and 68.5 coverage grade and racked up 55 tackles (34 solo), 21.5 TFL, 15 sacks, 3 PD and forced 5 fumbles.  Key matchups against RB Ollie Gordon II (Oklahoma St) the Reigning Doak Walker Award Winner from 2023 and projected first rounder LT Kelvin Banks Jr (Texas).   Round 6 Rover/SLB-SAF Justin Barron (Syracuse) - 2023 College Football All-ACC Team.  Defensive Captain. 6’4” 231 pounds had 0.5 sacks, 3 *, 1 FR, 1 INT, and 8 PDs in 2023 (81.4 PFF grade).  In 2022 had 64 tackles and 5 TFLs.  Reminds me of Jaylon Carlies whom the Colts just drafted in Round 5P151.  Key matchup versus Cal and RB Jayden Ott.  WR Eric Singleton Jr (Georgia Tech), WR Kevin Concepcion (NC State), WR-X Ricky White (UNLV), RB Desmond Reid, TE Justin Joly (UConn).  Solid in zone coverage.   Round 7 SS Mishael Powell Miami (FL) – Powell transferred from Washington.  In Week 8 he clocked 21.0 mph.  In 876 snaps in 2023 Powell played 477 in the slot, 165 in the box, and 122 at FS finishing with a strong 73.9 coverage and 69 defensive grades.   Potential UDFAs ·         QB KJ Jefferson (Arkansas) - 2023 PFF TOW 2 honors ·         R3-UDFA RT Jalen Travis (Iowa State) 6’7” 310 pounds - While at Princeton finished with an overall 80.7 PFF Grade and 9th best OT in D1 (89% pass blocking and 75% run blocking grades). – Much like OT Tyler McLellan (Campbell) signed with Chargers, project to UDFA in 2025.  See how he does at Iowa State against better competition as he graded slightly behind Kiran Amegadjie (Yale) who was drafted in Round 3 P11 by the Bears in 2024 NFL draft.  Listed as backup behind Tyler Miller. ·         LT Adam Karas (Air Force) - After 9 weeks Karas has an 83.9 run-blocking grade and an overall PFF grade of 87.4.  Overall, 86.3 PFF grade with just one penalty and 1 QB hurry on 296 total snaps.  Decent height 6’4” ·         RT Josh Fryar (OSU) - 2023 earned college football midseason all-America Honorable Mention.  Fryar finished 2023 with a 70.8 overall PFF grade.  Great height 6’6”.  Finished with a 70.8 PFF grade.  Gave up a team high 5 sacks but did earn a 77.2 run blocking grade and a 71.2 pass blocking grade. ·         LG Rush Reimer (Cal) – In 2023 Reimer earned first-team All-Big Sky Conference at LG with an overall 75.8 PFF Grade (D1-T8) at Montana State.  See how he does against better CFB competition.  Project goes UDFA much like Jake Kubas (7) (NY Giants), Ross Palmer (3), and (2) Donny Ventrelli (Bears).  Could be the next Mason McCormick (6) drafted by the Steelers P119 in the 2024 NFL draft.  Montana State used a lot of Inside Zone runs.  Cal has Reimer listed as backup LT for 2024. ·         RT/OG Grey Zabel (North Dakota State) 6’6” 296 pounds.  Zabel finished 2023 with an overall 79.3 PFF Grade as an OG.  Finished 10th among other listed tackles last season.  As a guard would have been 4th best D1.  Zabel started all 15 games in 2023 with 3 at guard and 12 at RT. ·         RB Harrison Waylee (Wyoming) – In 2023 clocked 21.8 mph in Week 4 T18 fastest player. ·         RB/KR Lan Larison (UC Davis) finished 2023 tied 7th overall FCS RB with an overall 89.2 PFF Grade (R5) in D1.  On 178 carries rushed for 1101 yards scoring 13 TDS while adding two more through the air on 21 REC for 198 yards.  Larison was the 2023 Big Sky Offensive Player of the Year.  In 2021 averaged 29.91 yards as a kick returner and 21.9 yards in 2022. ·         SWR/RB/KR/PR Chris Tyree (ND) 4.29s-forty speed excellent 3.95s shuttle (HS) and 38” vertical (HS).  In 2023 Week 9 clocked 21.0 mph. ·         WRX/Z Bo Belquist (North Dakota) 2023 overall 88.6 PFF Grade.  For D1 graded out as one of the top 10 WRs behind Hayden Hatten 86.1 whom the Seahawks added as an UDFA. ·         SWR Jacob De Jesus (UNLV) – best PR/KR #3 in PR and #13 in KR.  De Jesus was a top nomination to win the Jet Award in 2023 who was given to Zachariah Branch (USC). ·         WR-X Dymere Miller (Rutgers) – 2023 College Football FCS All-America Team with Monmouth.  Miller finished as the best receiver (D1) in 2023 with a 92.3 PFF grade (only behind Nabers).  Monmouth ran an inside zone with three different concepts in its base A gap zone.  Also pinched in as a kickoff returner with success (13.67 and 12.5 avgs). ·         WR Isaac TeSlaa (Arkansas) – Great Midwest American Conference Offensive Player of the Year in 2022 and received Honorable Mention All-American.  Strengths are ball tracking, hands, athleticism, 50/50 extraordinaire. ·         LEdge Aaron Lewis (Rutgers) - 2022 PFF Weeks 6 and 12 honors.  A disappointing 2023 season compared to 2022 grading 10 points lower.  (75.9 in 2023 compared to 85.5 in 2022).  Poor run-defense grade of 59.8 but was still an elite pass rusher.  His 91.5 pass-rushing grade since 2022 ranks 10th among all FBS edge defenders and his 18.7% pass-rush win rate places 11th in Power Five.  Needs to improve his run game. ·         Jack OLB/RDE Steve Linton (Baylor) – Linton transferred to Baylor from Texas Tech.  Injury prone, in 2023 suffered a broken thumb in August, sprained ankle in Big 12 opener vs West Virginia, aggravated it the following week then missed the last four games of regular season with back problems.  72% tackling, 88% pass rush, 61% run defense, 72% coverage.  Decent 4.62s-forty speed and 6’5” 235 pounds. ·         NCB Yam Banks (Ole’ Miss) - Made 2022 PFF College All-America Second Team while playing at South Alabama.  For 2024 listed as backup.  In 2022 Banks was a first-team All-Sun Belt pick and third team in 2023.  In 45 games, Banks racked up 147 TOT, 7 INT (6 in 2022 T3 in nation). ·         LCB Tommi Hill (Nebraska) – 4.55s forty speed.  In 2023 had an outstanding QB rating when targeted of 38.6.  With another solid year Hill could move up.  ·         FS Saiku White (Lafayette) - In 2023 White moved from SS to FS and had a career year with a final 2023 defense grade 91.4 best for 2nd, pass rush grade 74.4, a 90.7 coverage grade 4th best, and an 80.7 run defense grade 98th.   Team Captain. Achieved a 3.75 GPA in 2023. ·         LS Byron Floyd (PITT) – Floyds 81.7 grade this season leads all FBS LS.  Of his 41 LS on both punts/kicks only one has been charted as off-target.  Does have ties to Colts new DL coach.  Luke Rhodes, age 32, signed a 4-year contract extension on 09/23.  ·         LS Nick Barcelos (Nevada) - 2023 college football midseason all-America Second Team as a long snapper – Luke Rhodes signed a 4-year extension with the Colts September 8th, 2023.
    • FWIW:   Richardson, who was drafted weighing 244, admitted today on the Pat McAfee show that he played last year at 250 and now weighs 255 which is what he expects to weigh this season. 
    • Larry Allen, Hall of Fame OG/OT, passed today. He is arguably the greatest Offensive Linemen of all-time. He could play right or left Guard or Tackle. He won a SB with the Cowboys in 1995. He is also known for having the NFL bench press record, when he benched 700 pounds down to chest and up once. I am shocked this hasn't been bigger news around the league.    RIP big fella.
    • He didn't  have all his weapons  versus ravens. He has more than enough  weapons  now
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