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Onside Kick, What Happened?


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Did the coaches botch this one? Why wasn't Ray Rychleski or the players ready for the onside kick and act like it caught them by surprise while all the fans knew it was coming? Some coach botched this one for sure. Did they really think McCarthy will play for OT?

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I'm not sure what happened on our end, but I totally understand why the Packers did it. No one wants to go to overtime in the pre-season. It risks further injury. By doing the onside kick, the Packers were pretty much guaranteeing a field goal from either side. The Colts would have to move the ball about 10 yards if that to get a legitimate chance at a field goal. If the Packers recover, they have to go what? 20-30 yards? I was very surprised the Packers did not go for the extra point instead of the 2 point conversion to risk injury. The onside kick makes sense on their part because they get to practice an in game situation and possibly not risk overtime. The way I see it is that we aren't going to have many good returns this year for the kickoffs anyway (punts are a different story). I say just put our hands teams out there every time just to help prevent onside kicks like this one in the future.

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There better be some * chewing after this loss, pre-season or not. It starts with the coaching, which we did not have the last 2 minutes. Caldwell would'nt even know how to chew someone's but. Show some emotion!!!!!! :edit: I hate to lose. Chip Vaughn needs a # 1 butt chewing he blew the game. Someone tell Caldwell they are going to onside kick. It would have been nice to win the first preseason game in 3 years.

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The answer to your question is quite simple: Nothing. We did nothing. Completely unprepared and outcoached. If there were ever an obvious onside situation, this was it. Caldwell is an *. The only decent excuse I can come up with is he was still fuming over Vaughn and as a result he was in a brain fog.

I agree... Now the Deer In The Headlights Look is rubbing off on other players. It is literally unbelievable our team just stood there. Plus Jim should have pulled Vaughn earlier. Caldwell is a good highlight reel for what not to do in the final seconds of a close game. It seems that Jim Caldwell's "why did he just do that for and cost us the game" is becomeing more and more not less and less.

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This is the point i made in the boot vaughn thread. Noone there got it so good post OP.

It's really starting to get pathetic, i have zero confidence in this coach by his own actions. I'm starting to get tired of that dumb look as well.

This +1

I am now actually getting angry when I see his face.

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There better be some * chewing after this loss, pre-season or not. It starts with the coaching, which we did not have the last 2 minutes. Caldwell would'nt even know how to chew someone's but. Show some emotion!!!!!! :edit: I hate to lose. Chip Vaughn needs a # 1 butt chewing he blew the game. Someone tell Caldwell they are going to onside kick. It would have been nice to win the first preseason game in 3 years.

Worst post of the century.

Also, who cares if we win a pre-season game? I guarantee you none of the first stringers care. This time is all about player and package evaluation. Nothing more, nothing less.

What did we learn from the game? Caldwell can coach, contrary to popular belief; the defensive line is deep; Painter gave us a lead over Aaron Rodgers, which saw the anti-Painter threads immediately quieted down (and thus cementing the proof of ignorance on this website); and Chip Vaughn got himself cut from the team in a matter of two plays.

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Question: If McCarthy didn't want to go into overtime, then why did he go for 2-pts? He should have just kicked the PAT and taken the loss like a man. It's 3rd stringers - he shouldn't care. He even called a timeout for his kicker (or was that Caldwell?). Sounds to me like McCarthy was playing to win, yet he's kind of contradicting himself by also playing to avoid OT, dont you think?

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There better be some * chewing after this loss, pre-season or not. It starts with the coaching, which we did not have the last 2 minutes. Caldwell would'nt even know how to chew someone's but. Show some emotion!!!!!! :edit: I hate to lose. Chip Vaughn needs a # 1 butt chewing he blew the game. Someone tell Caldwell they are going to onside kick. It would have been nice to win the first preseason game in 3 years.

who yells at Caldwell for his lack of game / situational awareness, ???????

doesnt seem like the FO does , at least we dont know if they do nor ever will unless fired & Unless he looks in mirror with a realistic eval of himself

Besides all else said seems like or DBs just hang back allowing to many easy throws

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It appears team philosphy for 2011 is situational coaching decisions are not priority in the preseason....and we'll wait for games that count to try and get up to speed. Caldwell needs all the mental reps he can get though. Shoulda worked a few more crossword puzzles, maybe take up chess or read history, double up on the ginkobiloba. Whatever. Anyone believing this kind of thing doesn't matter just because it's preseason is wrong. We've been burned by onsides kicks in the past and it happened again. I'd expect more of it down the line because it's more a part of strategy these days against us.....and so are more 4th down conversion attempts. How many times is it gonna take? Can't just lay down on this.

I'll give Caldwell credit for keeping the team together during an incredibly difficult season in 2010. That was big fish. His demeanor was exactly what the team needed then. If he's had anything to do with the lines getting bigger he deserves credit for that too....even if it's just his approving someone else's approval. His situationals are horrible though. There's enough of a cross section out there to see. If you can't coach a team up for things like the onsides now....when does it happen. I don't have much confidence in Caldwell with all the chips on the table. Hopefully, the team will play well enough to keep these sitations out of his hands for the most part. The buck stops with him on this, I don't care. That's what it is to be in his position. Performance says he'll continue to cost us.

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Taj Smith knew the onside kick was coming. I was at the game and he pointed back 2 his second tier to come up and help him out. The second tier guy (dont remember the number) nodded his head then ran backwards at the contact of the ball. Taj was the only one knowing it was coming and he got pummeled. Our coaches coach the players to prepare for the onsite - players should have know it was coming as well. Blame the coaches if you want but I blame the players equally. I blame Hank Baskett for the Super Bowl blunder not the coaching staff. Players have to be accountable to what happens on the field.

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Taj Smith knew the onside kick was coming. I was at the game and he pointed back 2 his second tier to come up and help him out. The second tier guy (dont remember the number) nodded his head then ran backwards at the contact of the ball. Taj was the only one knowing it was coming and he got pummeled. Our coaches coach the players to prepare for the onsite - players should have know it was coming as well. Blame the coaches if you want but I blame the players equally. I blame Hank Baskett for the Super Bowl blunder not the coaching staff. Players have to be accountable to what happens on the field.

Totally agree. The guys on the field should know that it was an onside opportunity. They are also responsible.

But from what you're saying, it doesn't appear they were coached on what to do, who is responsible for what zones, etc.

I've said it from the end of his first year, our ST coach is not pro material. How he continues to keep that job is beyond me. If he didn't have McAfee it would even be worse. I know a lot of it has to do with using new players because of injuries, but he consistently shown he can't get through to them.

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Taj Smith knew the onside kick was coming. I was at the game and he pointed back 2 his second tier to come up and help him out. The second tier guy (dont remember the number) nodded his head then ran backwards at the contact of the ball. Taj was the only one knowing it was coming and he got pummeled. Our coaches coach the players to prepare for the onsite - players should have know it was coming as well. Blame the coaches if you want but I blame the players equally. I blame Hank Baskett for the Super Bowl blunder not the coaching staff. Players have to be accountable to what happens on the field.

I was going to say there is a chance the Colts knew it was coming and the Packers just excuited the play better...

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I didn't download the game to analyze it like I did the Super Bowl mistake, but it seemed like poor technique in dropping to fast and having to try to recover. Considering the score & time they have to be expecting it more than the Super Bowl version. Just one of those little things that seem to slip by this coaching staff.

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Did the coaches botch this one? Why wasn't Ray Rychleski or the players ready for the onside kick and act like it caught them by surprise while all the fans knew it was coming? Some coach botched this one for sure. Did they really think McCarthy will play for OT?

What happened was they were asleep. That happens far too often with this coaching staff.

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Question: If McCarthy didn't want to go into overtime, then why did he go for 2-pts? He should have just kicked the PAT and taken the loss like a man. It's 3rd stringers - he shouldn't care. He even called a timeout for his kicker (or was that Caldwell?). Sounds to me like McCarthy was playing to win, yet he's kind of contradicting himself by also playing to avoid OT, dont you think?

No, he played for the win, as evidenced by the onside kick. If he would have kicked the point after, he would have been playing to lose. No team that has any pride would ever play to lose, even if it is a preseason game.

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personally dont care, im happy it happend, its good it happened in pre=season game, its fresh, just in case he forgot the superbowl game-- this could be foresight- g.b vs indy s.b.- not saying, possibility,

just like the kicker missing the field goal after so many straight hits, im happy it happened in the pre=season,

no one is getting mad that he missed the 3pts that would have had us tied if all this went down, yes i know their kicker missed-- regardless,

there is enough blame to go around, and i am still on caldwells side, after getting us to the playoffs with 17 injured players as the pakers

--only diff- their coach got em to the superbowl,so i hope he took something from this and learned

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Did the coaches botch this one? Why wasn't Ray Rychleski or the players ready for the onside kick and act like it caught them by surprise while all the fans knew it was coming? Some coach botched this one for sure. Did they really think McCarthy will play for OT?

I called it watching from my living room, :???: . Just as long as it doesnt happen if we make it to the super bowl again.

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Taj Smith knew the onside kick was coming. I was at the game and he pointed back 2 his second tier to come up and help him out. The second tier guy (dont remember the number) nodded his head then ran backwards at the contact of the ball. Taj was the only one knowing it was coming and he got pummeled. Our coaches coach the players to prepare for the onsite - players should have know it was coming as well. Blame the coaches if you want but I blame the players equally. I blame Hank Baskett for the Super Bowl blunder not the coaching staff. Players have to be accountable to what happens on the field.

Which again comes full circle to coaching. It's not merely coincidence this happens regularly with the Colts. End of file. A worker should never blame his tools.

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