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Donnie Avery


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Looking at the first game Avery had 3 for 37 and 1 TD and could have had one more TD and more yards if Luck hadn't under thrown for his first INT. What are people's view of him considering he had no preseason and to all intensive purposes he beat Jennings on that INT run. If he can stay healthy and build a rapport with Luck i think he could really hurt opposition secondaries and with the Viks next more practice... Thoughts.

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I thought he played well....he had Jennings beat on both those throws...but Luck made bad throws but he definately got behind the defense. I was impressed because I haven't been a big fan of his.

i know what ya mean i never really seen him play so was happily surprised... I do worry about collie tho i have a bad feeling his done. i know he had no problems last season but was really targeted only Garcon and Wayne were and this season he target more by luck and now his concussed again i hope he isn't but if it happens again i can't see him recovering

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Looking at the first game Avery had 3 for 37 and 1 TD and could have had one more TD and more yards if Luck hadn't under thrown for his first INT. What are people's view of him considering he had no preseason and to all intensive purposes he beat Jennings on that INT run. If he can stay healthy and build a rapport with Luck i think he could really hurt opposition secondaries and with the Viks next more practice... Thoughts.

we have so many new players we simply dont know about.....

That's why I wish we'd have played the first string more in the pre-season...

These next 2 gamesat home are when we'll see what we actually have

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we have so many new players we simply dont know about.....

That's why I wish we'd have played the first string more in the pre-season...

These next 2 gamesat home are when we'll see what we actually have

Yeah that's one thing I've been saying to myself. We really have no established identity on offense.

We've had different people coming in and out of the lineup that we haven't had a chance to establish

an identity with a certain group of guys yet in the passing game. Plus the offensive line hasn't gelled all the way.

I do think the line is going to get better. I saw several instances yesterday where they gave Luck an adequate

amount of time to throw. He just made some bad throws at times.

I need to see more from Vic Ballard. I don't know if I'm totally sold on him as I was in the beginning.

He seems to be a bit slow to me, and has no moves. I'd like to see them rotate Delone Carter in some to see what he's

got. Carter has more bounce than ballard, and he's not a bad runner at all. Hopefully he's cleared up

that fumbling stuff though. I couldn't tolerate that!

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This is why I am not so upset by this loss. We had Avery who for all intents had no pre-season, Collie and Hilton out and our two TE's were like deers in the head lights the first half (understandable as rookies). I think when all the weapons are working we will improve a great deal (OL still needs to give luck more time :( )

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I thought he played well....he had Jennings beat on both those throws...but Luck made bad throws but he definately got behind the defense. I was impressed because I haven't been a big fan of his.

Cant blame Luck for the throws being bad he was under pressure most of the time, but i do have to agree he did play well,

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Cant blame Luck for the throws being bad he was under pressure most of the time, but i do have to agree he did play well,

I agree he had terrible protection...but all 3 of his picks he actually had good protection. It was poor mechanics on 2 and just a great play on the 3rd. Come on...you can't just give credit and cherry pick what you like and never hold the kid responsible. Good and bad it was on him. I will say I saw plenty of good to know he has that special something...and also plenty of poor protection that means if he gets more help he will have even better games...but those mechanics have to get improved on....and they will. This isn't he didn't read defenses or made poor decisions like Vick, Tannenhill, and Weeden....or got tricked into bad throws like Stafford or made lazy choices like Cutlers pick...this was just an executional thing....one he can address.
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Avery played very good. was glad to see him take a pretty big pop and get up and back in the huddle. he stretches field and got behind Jennings on both those INTS. the game vs the skins we had T.Y and Donnie line up with Hilton in the slot running an out and up. and 31 yds later touchdown. avery barring Injury will be a nice contributer this season.

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Yeah I like Avery. I think they need to add some more creative things as far as screens and other stuff to get him going.

When we get T.Y. back I'd like to see some things with he and Avery on the field at the same time.

I agree 100%.. we have so much speed I know this may be some madden type stuff and I know we don't really have a zone scheme anymore but I'd love to see us run the stretch here and there.. especially with donalds speed....we are trying to pound it (obviously) and those counters we are running are looking so obvious... I know we dont really have the pieces at o-line, but that's in general, running downhill isn't working either....and I think we need a change up and force the front 7 to stay thinking and force those big boys to run down the line... Same goes for little fly sweeps here and there.. like that play we motioned Brazill and threw to donald in the flat where he dropped it.. sometimes hand that, especially if we have a nice gain on 1st down.. if it's 2nd and 2 don't try to overpower them every time, most of the time yes I'd love to see confidence where we say "heck we will line up and come at you" but sometimes line up in single back, motion and pull some linemen to try and set that edge... we ideally have 3 wr's have punt return ability (Hilton, Brazill, and I even believe Avery... glimpses from his younger days) so it would just be something nice to see

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This is a work in progress, chemistry between the two will be built over time.A

Avery is very talented, and has tons of potential. I like the direction he's going.

He's probably the reason why they're not rushing to get Austin back on the field.

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Yeah I like Avery. I think they need to add some more creative things as far as screens and other stuff to get him going.

When we get T.Y. back I'd like to see some things with he and Avery on the field at the same time.

Avery has two successful seasons on his resume and has a lot to offer. No way they have fully practiced the whole playbook.

The No Huddle will come, that is when we will know everyone is up to speed. ;- ) Will that be this season? Go Colts!

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I agree he had terrible protection...but all 3 of his picks he actually had good protection. It was poor mechanics on 2 and just a great play on the 3rd. Come on...you can't just give credit and cherry pick what you like and never hold the kid responsible. Good and bad it was on him. I will say I saw plenty of good to know he has that special something...and also plenty of poor protection that means if he gets more help he will have even better games...but those mechanics have to get improved on....and they will. This isn't he didn't read defenses or made poor decisions like Vick, Tannenhill, and Weeden....or got tricked into bad throws like Stafford or made lazy choices like Cutlers pick...this was just an executional thing....one he can address.

Not gonna Argue that he didn't make poor choices on those thrown picks you are most certainly right he did make poor choices, but take into consideration the fact that him being under pressure so much that it altered his decision making. That type of stuff throws off a QB's count they are so focused on avoiding getting hit that they make poor choices and try to force the ball, even if they have some what decent protection (even though i personally thought the bears pushed the pocket more often than not).

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I Like Avery I think he can play well if we give Luck time & Luck doesn't contunie to under throw him.

Yes, Luck underthrew Avery this game, leading to an interception. But just because it happened in this game, doesn't mean that Luck will always underthrow Avery. If you recall, Luck threw a deep strike to Avery the previous game (one of the preseason games) for a 31-yard TD. I'm sure it will be fine, and will get worked out.
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Yes, Luck underthrew Avery this game, leading to an interception. But just because it happened in this game, doesn't mean that Luck will always underthrow Avery. If you recall, Luck threw a deep strike to Avery the previous game (one of the preseason games) for a 31-yard TD. I'm sure it will be find, and will get worked out.

I am sure the will!
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There was one route in which Luck threw the pass to Avery and Kelvin Hayden destroyed him. When I watched the replay, it looked like Avery ran a very poor slant route that allowed Hayden to anticipate and square up on him.

My question: Did Avery run a very lazy slant (no up-field then break) or was he simply supposed to run at an angle the whole time? Whichever, it did not end well. I am referring to what was shown on Sports Nation this morning.

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Yes, Luck underthrew Avery this game, leading to an interception. But just because it happened in this game, doesn't mean that Luck will always underthrow Avery. If you recall, Luck threw a deep strike to Avery the previous game (one of the preseason games) for a 31-yard TD. I'm sure it will be fine, and will get worked out.

He hit Hilton on that play. Luck will get used to needing to put the ball over the wr shoulders. we will see some big plays this season i have no doubt

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Not gonna Argue that he didn't make poor choices on those thrown picks you are most certainly right he did make poor choices, but take into consideration the fact that him being under pressure so much that it altered his decision making. That type of stuff throws off a QB's count they are so focused on avoiding getting hit that they make poor choices and try to force the ball, even if they have some what decent protection (even though i personally thought the bears pushed the pocket more often than not).

They weren't poor choices....they were just poorly thrown balls. I don't think he made a poor choice the whole day except maybe not checking down or out of plays. IDK what was called or his choices but he had to know he didn't have time to sit in the pocket all day. It wasn't really blitzes that hurt us though...just plain simple getting beat by a 4 man rush. He made the correct reads all day long...he just didn't make his best throws on those 2 picks. The one in the endzone was a good throw...just a better play by Jennings. The two he floated and Jennings picked on the sideline...just poorly thrown under throws. I was very optimistic in watching him. You can fix a couple bad throws....you can't teach someone to read a defense as well. The issues that Tebow has reading defenses and what we saw from Weeden sunday were not Lucks issues....so he has much much better potential....he will get those throws down....no worries.
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