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Our Oline.....

Jackie Daytona

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Looked like it REALLY needs help today..... I can't even begin to tell you the weakest leak, this is just disgusting. lack of effort, technique, mental lapses...... wow, I would worry if I were an Olineman. Outside of Castonzo and Satele, the Turk may be coming soon if you play Oline for the Colts.....

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They were bad, but they were often just as bad under Manning. Some of it has to be offset by play calling and decision making. In a game like this, Manning would throw slants, quick outs and dumpoffs to the RBs until their pass rushers were frustrated. You saw him go entire games playing in that mode.

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Outside of Luck, the whole team looked so bad. Even Macfee didn't have a good game. We were pitiful in almost every phase of the game.

I thought the WRs did well for the most part. I also think Freeman did well at MLB. I am comfortable with him holding down the fort till Angerer gets back. So there are positives to be gained if you look for them. We had problems in the trenches today and generally if you struggle there it makes every other phase of the game look worse.
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I thought the WRs did well for the most part. I also think Freeman did well at MLB. I am comfortable with him holding down the fort till Angerer gets back. So there are positives to be gained if you look for them. We had problems in the trenches today and generally if you struggle there it makes every other phase of the game look worse.

Yeah a few players did play well, but the team as a whole was just bad. This offensive line is going to be destroyed by Chicago.

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I agree the play calling was a little suspect. Arians didn't do the line any favors, telegraphing our runs on every play, with 3 TE's to one side. At least throw some misdirection or counters into the mix if you're going to use those kinds of formations.

Then again, maybe he was calling it that way to see if we had the man power to just impose our will, despite them stacking to one side....Pretty safe to say, if that's what he was looking to see, he got his answer. Yikes....

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I haven't gone back and rewatched the game, but our line isn't any worse than I thought it was coming into this game. We still need help at guard, and especially the right side of the line is problematic. I didn't really like the playcalling either, but I think it's kind of silly to criticize playcalling in a preseason game. We're still in the process of evaluating our players. We're not set along the line yet, unfortunately, and Arians and the position coaches are still making decisions on who they are going to keep. They're also feeding back input to Pagano and Grigson on positions we simply need better players for.

Just as I've thought all season, I think our offensive line is and will be better than it was the past two seasons, but we still have a long way to go. Particularly at guard.

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This thread is funny to me.

RG (Olsen) played as poorly as he did last week and as bad as McGlynn the week before. Justice, played as poorly has he has played all preseason. Reitz, looked really good out there. AC looks like an all pro already. Satele played his worse game of the preseason. Made some huge mental errors, his balance and position was horrible on most double teams and just an all around bad game for him. But everyone looks the same as they did last week(exception Satele) and because Washington was able to take advantage of the poor play (where the Steelers and Rams were not) no people think the oline has problems.

When it comes to the oline things would be much smoother on this board if you all just listened to me to begin with. :)

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I can't even find the words to describe what happened today. I don't know if we're not going over blitz pick-ups in practice our what. But the plays they didn't blitz, the Line seemed fine. So I recommend that Arians practices with the O-line for blitz pickups. Cause that's all the Bears are gonna throw at us. And Olsen needs to be Cut on the FIRST Cuts. I want him out of Indianapolis!!!

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O-Line is gonna get Luck killed if they don't get stout.. and fast. Brown is probably thinking.."Not again.. darn can I get even a small hole to run"..

I said this when we were argueing over paying Manning or cutting him. What good is Luck to us if hes hurt in 2 years?

We need overhaul the lines on both sides of the ball.

Its frustrating to see them replace the one good thing we had going on but not do anything about the bad things.

We STILL cant stop the run or run the ball.

If Luck can stay alive for the duration of this season, we should be able to draft some talent.

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I said this when we were argueing over paying Manning or cutting him. What good is Luck to us if hes hurt in 2 years?

We need overhaul the lines on both sides of the ball.

Its frustrating to see them replace the one good thing we had going on but not do anything about the bad things.

We STILL cant stop the run or run the ball.

If Luck can stay alive for the duration of this season, we should be able to draft some talent.

So true....

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I said this when we were argueing over paying Manning or cutting him. What good is Luck to us if hes hurt in 2 years?

We need overhaul the lines on both sides of the ball.

Its frustrating to see them replace the one good thing we had going on but not do anything about the bad things.

We STILL cant stop the run or run the ball.

If Luck can stay alive for the duration of this season, we should be able to draft some talent.

The Manning train has left the station and relocated to Denver so that is a done chapter in Colts history. I believe our current O line is a lot better than what we had prior to this year. We were missing two starters from the O line today afpgainst Washington. Let's see how they play once all the starters are in place once the real action begins on September 9th. The Defense is a work in progress.

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