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recent Irsay tweets


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You know I would like To see what Antonio fenelus an UDFA from Wisconcin might be able to do. This guy looked pretty solid on the video Ive watched. Good speed, stays with his man and gets good position. Also seems to be able to close gaps and is always around the ball. The biggest thing to me is he is only 5'8" but His speed and ball skills could make some of that up. I like him.


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#2 CB? how bout finding a legit #1 CB? powers aint it.

I'm still not sure who our #2 WR is at this point. Collie is best in the slot. Avery is an unknown. The rookies are....rookies.

But at least there seems to be talent there. Can't say the same at CB, although I like Ruckers chances.

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#2 CB? how bout finding a legit #1 CB? powers aint it.

powers is a #1 cb, very tough and great man coverage skills. the lions,vikings,patriots,bills,dolphins,bucs,bengals,raiders,saints,would love to have powers as thier #1 cb and many other teams he would be a great #2.
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I was referring to him "helping" the O-line. If they are as bad as people on here are saying, he'll have very little time to get rid of the ball most of the time.

Nothing is ever as bad -OR- good as most around here make it sound. There are a few who can usually give an accurate, relatively objective basis for their observations.

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Welcome to today's NFL. Every team from the in the league, from the New York Giants to the St Louis Rams, has question marks where they'll need someone to "step up".......or positions where a single injury will weaken the team.

We're in no different position than anyone else.

No.... most teams didn't have 35 million in dead money with about 20 legitimate players under contract going into the (March) free agent period. With limited cap money and only one draft it was virtually impossible to fill the holes. Not too many teams needed 2 corners and safety in the worst way and did not sign one free agent or draft one player in that area. Polian left this team void of talent. Luckily we have what could be a great QB and have ample cap room starting 2013. Give it two years and we can be a good team again.

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No.... most teams didn't have 35 million in dead money with about 20 legitimate players under contract going into the (March) free agent period. With limited cap money and only one draft it was virtually impossible to fill the holes. Not too many teams needed 2 corners and safety in the worst way and did not sign one free agent or draft one player in that area. Polian left this team void of talent. Luckily we have what could be a great QB and have ample cap room starting 2013. Give it two years and we can be a good team again.

Tom Zbikowski? :hmm:

And we don't really know what we needed, yet. For all anyone knows, we are just fine at CB with Powers and Thomas/Rucker as starters. It may turn out that our runningbacks or our linebackers are the weak links of this team. Who knows? I'll reserve judgement on areas we needed to address when I see the players that are on this team perform on the field next season. Tangible evidence, not offseason sausage.

And I stand by my comment that every team will have holes next year. Every single team. There are no 1980's 49ers or 1990's Cowboys anymore.

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Tom Zbikowski? :hmm:

And we don't really know what we needed, yet. For all anyone knows, we are just fine at CB with Powers and Thomas/Rucker as starters. It may turn out that our runningbacks or our linebackers are the weak links of this team. Who knows? I'll reserve judgement on areas we needed to address when I see the players that are on this team perform on the field next season. Tangible evidence, not offseason sausage.

And I stand by my comment that every team will have holes next year. Every single team. There are no 1980's 49ers or 1990's Cowboys anymore.

Yes I did forget we signed one of Baltimore back ups. No one said other teams don't have holes. What you are inferring is that if everyone has a problem , that means everyone has a problem of the same magnitude. That's just plain silly. As I said , we had I think less than 20 players signed to a contract in March with 35 million in dead money. No other team was in the situation. You say...".We're in no different position than anyone else." That is not the case .

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Our Corners should be better in this new scheme but that dont mean we have a number 1 Corner and Amerson would be immediate number 1 and also provide us with a shutdown Corner. Powers isnt a Man Corner he is better in Zone

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Yes I did forget we signed one of Baltimore back ups. No one said other teams don't have holes. What you are inferring is that if everyone has a problem , that means everyone has a problem of the same magnitude.

Actually he implied it, you inferred it.
That's just plain silly. As I said , we had I think less than 20 players signed to a contract in March
Umm, that's not true the Colts had at least 38 players under contract in march.
with 35 million in dead money. No other team was in the situation. You say...".We're in no different position than anyone else." That is not the case .
I don't think this is true either. After signing FAs like Redding, Avery, and McGlynn, the Colts still had around 13 million in cap space. I know they had some dead cap money, all teams do, from the release of several veterans but I don't think it was $35 million though that would mean the Colts only had 72 million tied up in the top 51? I could be wrong on the salary cap, I don't keep up with it much because the it is easily manipulated.
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Actually he implied it, you inferred it.

Umm, that's not true the Colts had at least 38 players under contract in march.

I don't think this is true either. After signing FAs like Redding, Avery, and McGlynn, the Colts still had around 13 million in cap space. I know they had some dead cap money, all teams do, from the release of several veterans but I don't think it was $35 million though that would mean the Colts only had 72 million tied up in the top 51? I could be wrong on the salary cap, I don't keep up with it much because the it is easily manipulated.

38 players under contract (inlcuding Freeman) = $59.92MM

9 players with dead cap space = $37.83MM

Luck = $4.20MM

14 Rookies= $6.96MM (allowing aggregate $1.5MM in premiums to picks #34 and #65)

Total = $108.91MM

Cap = $120.6MM

2011 cap rollover = $2.5MM

Additional cap space awarded by league (Cowboys/Redskins penalty) = $1.643MM

Available = $15.83MM

The above is the situation as of around March 12th. My memory served me wrong on the 19 , it was 37. I was wrong on the 35 mill in dead cap space , it was actually 37 mill. But you did say you knew pretty much zero about cap room. Why comment on something you know nothing about ?

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38 players under contract (inlcuding Freeman) = $59.92MM

9 players with dead cap space = $37.83MM

Luck = $4.20MM

14 Rookies= $6.96MM (allowing aggregate $1.5MM in premiums to picks #34 and #65)

Total = $108.91MM

Cap = $120.6MM

2011 cap rollover = $2.5MM

Additional cap space awarded by league (Cowboys/Redskins penalty) = $1.643MM

Available = $15.83MM

The above is the situation as of around March 12th. My memory served me wrong on the 19 , it was 37. I was wrong on the 35 mill in dead cap space , it was actually 37 mill.

Care to provide a link, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just I don't believe you.

Here is one that shows the Colts 13.1 million under on March 13th.

Here is one from Februarty that shows the Colts at 116 million of cap dollars used, of course that includes the salaries of all the players that were released including Manning. They don't show dead money though

But you did say you knew pretty much zero about cap room. Why comment on something you know nothing about ?

Actually what I said was I could be wrong because I don't keep up with the cap. If, to you, that means commenting on something I know nothing about consider I just wanted to be like you and the, "they had less than 20 people under contract in march."
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Care to provide a link, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just I don't believe you.

Here is onethat shows the Colts 13.1 million under on March 13th.

Here is onefrom Februarty that shows the Colts at 116 million of cap dollars used, of course that includes the salaries of all the players that were released including Manning. They don't show dead money though

Actually what I said was I could be wrong because I don't keep up with the cap. If, to you, that means commenting on something I know nothing about consider I just wanted to be like you and the, "they had less than 20 people under contract in march."

Mine was a lapse of memory pertaining to something I read. I have no problem saying I was wrong there. Yours is a little different , when you say "I don't agree with that either" and then younspit out some numbers that make zero sense. Bottom line is that the Colts do have more holes than the average NFL team. Everbody is NOT in the same shape. There doesnt have to be the "old 49ers or the old cowboys " for that to be true. If you agree with that poster , how bout you and I laying a few bets on the SB winner. You get the Colts and I'll take GB or NE ? Or why will the betting line for the over and under in wins be 10 for some teams and probably 5 for the Colts. Because "everybody is in the same boat ?"

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Mine was a lapse of memory pertaining to something I read. I have no problem saying I was wrong there. Yours is a little different , when you say "I don't agree with that either" and then younspit out some numbers that make zero sense. Bottom line is that the Colts do have more holes than the average NFL team.

So you make up a number that makes zero sense and that's okay but I do and it's not okay. Gotcha. I did find a link but on Mar 24 Blueshow posted his update showing about 26 million in dead cap space.

I guess you can believe Chappy who says about 38 million but BlueShoe has proven more accurate with his numbers over the years.

Everbody is NOT in the same shape. There doesnt have to be the "old 49ers or the old cowboys " for that to be true. If you agree with that poster , how bout you and I laying a few bets on the SB winner. You get the Colts and I'll take GB or NE ? Or why will the betting line for the over and under in wins be 10 for some teams and probably 5 for the Colts. Because "everybody is in the same boat ?"

Wow, and people say I need to drink decaf. One the KarlKuffs didn't say everyone was in the same boat, he stated every team has a position where someone needs to step up and the Colts are not any different, you are the one that inferred that ehe was saying that every team was at the same level talent wise. Two, I never said I agreed with your inferrence of what karlkuffs stated. Lastly, a lot of team have a lot of dead cap money this year because of the uncapped year and a soft cap in 2011 and this year. All I did was state that your numbers do not make sense especially the less than 20 players under contract.
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Mine was a lapse of memory pertaining to something I read. I have no problem saying I was wrong there. Yours is a little different , when you say "I don't agree with that either" and then younspit out some numbers that make zero sense. Bottom line is that the Colts do have more holes than the average NFL team. Everbody is NOT in the same shape. There doesnt have to be the "old 49ers or the old cowboys " for that to be true. If you agree with that poster , how bout you and I laying a few bets on the SB winner. You get the Colts and I'll take GB or NE ? Or why will the betting line for the over and under in wins be 10 for some teams and probably 5 for the Colts. Because "everybody is in the same boat ?"

coffeedrinker already pointed out the fallacy in your respones, but just to reitterate.....nowhere did I EVER say every team was of the same talent level.

You've made a very large, very ridiculous, and very inaccurate leap.

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coffeedrinker already pointed out the fallacy in your respones, but just to reitterate.....nowhere did I EVER say every team was of the same talent level.

You've made a very large, very ridiculous, and very inaccurate leap.

Your post was this....

Welcome to today's NFL. Every team from the in the league, from the New York Giants to the St Louis Rams, has question marks where they'll need someone to "step up".......or positions where a single injury will weaken the team.

We're in no different position than anyone else.

I read the above as a response to members thinking we have an unusually , maybe even an incredible amount of holes to fill. Evidently you were just refering to the DB situation. Yes.. I agree that every has holes or is at least an injury away fron one. Free agency and the cap ended the depth for sure. I just read your post wrong and I guess I should have given you credit for not being a know nothing fan. I really don't know the posters on this board and shoud have given you credit for not being an *

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"Let's have Pacers beat Heat in 7 n have Colts sneak n2 playoffs with Rook QB and a few wiley,angry Vets,with big assist from 12th n 6th man!"

Now lets see if Irsay can call the future.

Game 6 tomorrow.

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well with jimmy tweeting his mouth away, he gets closer and closer to resembling his dad tiger bob. he needs to shut up and practice the quitar more......

If only this was true...

First of all Jim Irsay's dad was a very bitter and angry man when he would talk. Jim Irsay is hardly ever bitter or angry when he is on twiter. In fact he's just the reverse of that. He uses twitter to connect with the fans and give away prizes to the fans.

Also if Jim Irsay was like his dad he would have hired one of his daughters at GM just like his dad hired him. He didn't he went out and got a football guy to run the team and make the calls. The call he made were the ones that the owner has to make in the head coach and the GM. Beyond that the only other football move he made the call on was Peyton Manning/Andrew Luck and I think since that was a move that decided the direction the team was going to go in that's well with in his right as owner. He doesn't use his twitter account to make football calls. It's not like he went "Hey twitter peeps should we cut Peyton or not?" and then did what people twitter told him to do. Had he done something like that then I think people would have a leg to stand on when they complain about him using twitter.

In fact I would argue that Irsay being on twitter is a good thing. You don't want him down there making the football calls. You want Ryan Grigson to make those calls. So it's a good thing Irsay has twitter to keep him busy. He's the owner not the GM. People get mad at him for being on twitter because he's not focused on rebuilding the team like he should but yet if he was the one making the calls right now people would be screaming he was being a meddling owner. I think this just boils down to because of what happened with Peyton people have a grudge against Irsay right now and till the Colts win again or unless Peyton just falls flat on his face in Denver people are going to nit pick at Irsay over anything when really they are still upset about Irsay letting Manning go.

Irsay is not his dad, if he was this team would have been in LA a long time ago and there would have been no Super Bowl Championship at all. Need more proof he's not his dad think about this when his dad took the next great QB in Elway he wouldn't play for the Colts in large part because of the older Irsay. Meanwhile when Jim Irsay drafted that guy in Andrew Luck he spoke very highly about how the Colts are run and wanted to come here.

I understand people being upset at Irsay and maybe not liking some of the things he does but let's be realistic about this. He's not his dad and if people honestly think he is they really need to go look up and his dad and see how terrible of an owner he was and then look at Jim Irsay's track record. It's not just a coincidence that when Jim Irsay pretty much took over as owner it's the sametime that the Colts stopped being a NFL laughing stalk and started winning. Unlike his dad Jim Irsay sees the Colts as more than a business investment. I've said it before and I'll say it again losing but turning a profit will never be okay with Jim Irsay and that's all you can really ask for out of an owner.

People make way too big of a deal out of Irsay being on twitter. If people really can't stand it then just don't read it. He's not using it to run the team and frankly if you don't read it it's very easy to ignore.

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If I remember hearing this correctly...when Peyton was drafted back in 1998, he later stated in an inverview, that Jim Irsay then informed him that one of his goals was to turn The State of Indiana into more of a football state. Moving the clock forward...with the assistance of Peyton & Co., I do believe Irsay's wish came true.

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