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Pick #92 is...TY Hilton (merge)


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Starting field position off of change-of-possession (punts) killed us last year, as we sat near the bottom of the league. Lefeged was abhorrent and indecisive in his returns, often stashing us well inside the 15 yard line.

yes I completely agree that part is inarguable but we could have found a fast speed wide receiver in the 7th round if hes just gonna be a kick and punt returner I mean we gave up a 4th round pick thats silly, now we dont have a 4th rounder and likely will be looking at several defensive players who will be backups
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yes I completely agree that part is inarguable but we could have found a fast speed wide receiver in the 7th round if hes just gonna be a kick and punt returner I mean we gave up a 4th round pick thats silly, now we dont have a 4th rounder and likely will be looking at several defensive players who will be backups

I doubt Grigs has Hilton pegged as a return specialist only. They wouldn't have drafted him off of a trade-up if they felt he only had returner potential. The intent, I'm sure, was to feed our new QB.

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I doubt Grigs has Hilton pegged as a return specialist only. They wouldn't have drafted him off of a trade-up if they felt he only had returner potential. The intent, I'm sure, was to feed our new QB.

well if thats the case there are plenty of other wide receivers bigger and easier target then Hilton, I also think we should have went Upshaw in the second as well and Dwayne Allen in the 3rd
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well if thats the case there are plenty of other wide receivers bigger and easier target then Hilton, I also think we should have went Upshaw in the second as well and Dwayne Allen in the 3rd

Upshaw had serious "learning" concerns with many scouts. We're playing 3-4, a very cerebral scheme that has no patience for elongated learning curves.

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Upshaw had serious "learning" concerns with many scouts. We're playing 3-4, a very cerebral scheme that has no patience for elongated learning curves.

Many commentators said he could play on the defensive line at defensive end (also a lesser need for us) and any linebacker spot I take their word for it and from what I seen he looks pretty good
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I like the Hilton pick. At first I wasn't sure because I figured that there were more WRs out there that could be better. But he looks like a solid WR/Returner. I imagine Grigson looks at Hilton like he does Desean Jackson. I do hope that we go defense on the last day because I think we have had enough offense for the draft.

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Love the pick, but the guy is mainly a KR. And hardly anyone returns kicks anymore.

He's too small to be a full time guy, but should provide a heck of a spark.

He and Fleener and Avery... speed kills!

If the Colts special teams goes away from the back pedal and then block 5 yards from the returner and allow the returner some space to break free from, this kid will be able to change field position for us. There are a lot of smaller fulltime guys in the league btw.

Let's look at the positives:

- He's a great returner

- Good possession receiver

- Very quick

- Good deep threat

It's not terrible, but it's not great.

All excellent attributes. Marvin Harrison was all of these things and had what 2 inches and less weight than this kid and he did alright. I have seen a few people mention how he has fumbled the ball some but then others mention the great hands so I guess we will soon see. I like the choice.

Trust in the Grigs...

He may have found his DeSean Jackson 2.0 (without the attitude)...

This guy is FAST!

Would be nice to have a good guy Desean on our team instead of a headcase.

What the.... They really needed to give up 4&5 for this? Gave away 6 round pick twice & end up with Stanton for back & bail the Jets out on that deal.

This team needed probably 2 CB's & line help. Nothing!

Poor Chuck!!!

Where is Polian?

You can find polian sitting on camera thinking wow, this team I put together really is pretty terrible and weak. There are holes everywhere and most of my picks over the past 4-5 years are pitiful. If you think giving up a future 5th round pick and moving up 4 spots or so to get someone who is a possible field position changer is a bad deal, you are a bad couch manager.

this guy is gonna be desean jackson type to open the field up for are two te's he ran

the 40 * dash 4.34 twice at his pro day , added this with avery we have speed now something we never had before

having speed opens up the run game and medium game to i love the pick

We have a blueprint in the desk from years back of what a speed guy (Harrison) and a great QB (Manning) and a great TE (Dilger/Clark) had done to open up a running game for a good RB (Edge). I mean 2 inches separate Wallace from Pitt, who is thought to be such a superior athlete to most wr's in the league right now from thhis kid in measurables. If 2 inches will make that much difference on the field then all these kids may as well just go home and get a job at home depot because not all kids are 6'2" with a 230 lb frame who runs a 4.3 40 time and hands of glue.

I do love the theory of the offensive rebuild. Speed to open up things for Reggie combined with a speedy TE who will also draw coverage away to open up things in the middle for the bubbles and screens maybe. If they load up underneath, you throw the big strike over the top and make the defense rethink how they are stacking. We should have a better running game ala the Edge years because teams will have to play honest with the speed of these guys.

For those of you saying please come back Polian or that we have wasted picks or why nothing on defense, there seems to be a concentrated plan of attack in this rebuild and Polian is the one who created the poor team who just went 2-14 without PM because his choices were so poor for so many years now. I do not want Polian back into the building ever again unless he is paying for a seat to watch a up and coming rebuilding team play solid ball. If Pagano is such the defensive guru he was touted to be when hired, he should be able to teach these guys up to present at least an average defense while in the rebuild phase. If Freeney gets traded, gets a redone contract or just outright cut later, the team should be able to get a few cuts as the new season starts which should help the defense hold together this season and then next season we can finish the rebuild on the defense cause we will have tons of cash and cap space to be players. Cant fix in one draft what Polian has messed up over the past 5 drafts. Bad picks, age, cap and the overinflated contracts caught this team hard this year. That is all on Polian.

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yes I completely agree that part is inarguable but we could have found a fast speed wide receiver in the 7th round if hes just gonna be a kick and punt returner I mean we gave up a 4th round pick thats silly, now we dont have a 4th rounder and likely will be looking at several defensive players who will be backups

Gavin, we don't have a 4th because we bettered the pick with a 3rd, some 4 picks up from where we would have picked. Gave up a next years 5th so it isn't that big of a deal really. I would have been more irritated that we traded down to acquire more picks later in the draft (mostly back up kinda developmental guys). I see this as a big positive to go up and get a dynamic kinda player for as little as they gave up. We gave them our fourth they gave us their 3rd. SO what, on paper it will show we didn't have a 4th round choice but on paper it will look awesome that we had 2 3rd round picks. Semantics??

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Gavin, we don't have a 4th because we bettered the pick with a 3rd, some 4 picks up from where we would have picked. Gave up a next years 5th so it isn't that big of a deal really. I would have been more irritated that we traded down to acquire more picks later in the draft (mostly back up kinda developmental guys). I see this as a big positive to go up and get a dynamic kinda player for as little as they gave up. We gave them our fourth they gave us their 3rd. SO what, on paper it will show we didn't have a 4th round choice but on paper it will look awesome that we had 2 3rd round picks. Semantics??

I understand all that but we got Avery we didnt need Hilton, we should have went defense or Guard
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Gavin I usually agree with you on a lot of things but this kid was worth the pick. He is a difference maker. He can change the face of the game in about 6 seconds. Wether from a punt return or on a quick slant or a bubble screen. With the new rules in the NFL about hitting I think he has the opportunity to survive in the NFL. If this was 10 years ago I would have said this kid would get killed out there. Even so he has to learn to protect his body like Marvin did. And yes Avery has never been able to stay on the field..we don't know what we got with him. Get down immediately when there is no more room to gain yards or out of bounds. To be honest I expect 10-15 plays a game on offense and immediately upgrade our special teams. I am not sure there was too many other players on the board in round 4 that would be a playmaker/difference maker offense or defense.

I totally understand that wanting defense in rounds two or three. A corner or dline to help. I was interested in that too. However they decided to protect our QB. We had to fix TE...we did that not only by getting a guy to just get us by but solving those needs for the next 6-8 years hopefully. We may not have to draft a TE over that time. If we got just Allen or just Fleener we would have to get another in late rounds...one that may end up a total bust and suddenly next year we are looking at TE again. I will be honest I was hoping after Fleener that we took someone else but I think when Randle came off the board one pick ahead (ticked me off) that we already liked Allen and so we took him. I will be honest I didn't see an automatic defensive starter there in round 3 that fit our needs.

We had to take a direction. We had to have a philosophy on offense. We couldn't just go into the season blindly with a rookie qb. We have one. Two TE sets that we can both run and pass out of. We will see short routes to keep down and distance within reason and hope to convert a lot of 3rd downs. Not only was our qbs bad last year and we couldn't stay on the field but not have TE to help convert 3rd downs hurt us just as much. We have an identity on offense. The coach will try to develop one on defense through teaching and learning who can play. He doesn't know where our weaknesses are yet so no reason trying to fix what he doesn't know if it is broken. Once he sees we have a glaring weakness he will address it next year. This is going to take 3 or 4 years before this team is fighting for a championship (if it goes well). Next year we grow some more and hopefully in year 3 we are fighting for the playoffs.

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I'm sorry but the kid is SPECIAL! This is someboday we could not afford to have let get away it's just that simple.We have always had numerous problems on special teams and specifically in the punt and kick return units with some of the slowest guys I have ever seen. This kid will solve those problems, plus have you seen how many rac yards this guy gets after he catches the ball?

He will keep the chains moving on third downs consistently and he is a pure homerun threat every time he touches the ball. FIU killed people in the short passing game with TY Hilton as well as on the deep ball. He reminds me alot of Devin Hester and Deshawn Foster. I see a little bit of both of them in his game.

Watch this FIU highlight video. When you see the kick return he did against Alabama notice that he is being

chased by Julio Jones who surely isn't slow by any means and Julio Jones doesn't come anywhere close

to touching TY Hilton. The guy brings alot of energy to the game.

You can't fix the whole team in one draft. I'm sure they have a good plan in place to field a solid

defense as well. We just have to let things play out.

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I understand all that but we got Avery we didnt need Hilton, we should have went defense or Guard

I can't disagree with the need of one of those two positions as a need but to count on Avery as a player to get us to the next level is more hopeful. He hasn't shown anything since he came into the league really so if he pans out, we now have 2 speed guys. I am ok with the pick. I would have rather taken a OG with the 2nd pick but it is a hindsight thing of who would become avail with the next pick. Safe picks that add real nice value to the offense. Offense will sell those tickets :)

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Burner who is going to stretch the field. Could be Grigson's "DeSean Jackson" from Philly.

I like it. Not exactly sure if it was worth moving up for him, but we'll see.

Really hope we go defensive heavy the rest of the draft, though.

If he is a desean Jackson kinda close or anything close, is it worth a 5th round pick from next year? Honestly, if he is the next Desean Jackson, we underpaid dearly to get this guy. If he busts, we gave up a 5th round pick and probably lose out on some kid fighting to make special teams and/or project. I don't see any big deal out of this nor what we gave up to ensure we got "the guy" the team wanted.

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Watch how this kid performs against top-notch teams like Alabama. H ran through them just like he did Louisville. We haven't seen a good return man since.............. Dom, Terrence, LACEY!! He's in a different speed category, and as long as he doesn't run headfirst into a Bob Sanders, he is going to be a player.

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You are right. the most successful winning percentage in the history of the NFL. All on Polian.

Ok smart butt, would you agree his picks could have been better and we did have the most prolific QB in???? Seems the great Polian could have squeezed out another SB appearance or wins with his great picks. You see my comment and assume I am strickly bashing Polian but I point out his flaws in his past and you want to go all smart on me.

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I hope you are all aware we are repeating the last 14 years of mistakes going offense like crazy and defense very little, I mean we traded a 4th round pick for a speed guy whos a punt returner when we already have a speed guy in Avery which likely cost us Ta'amu and would be close to a miracle if it dont and if it costs us Ta'amu surely Baptiste isnt far behind

I think this is just more proof that we did it right the last 14 years. Get a franchise passer and give him weapons = perennial contender. Defense is overrated in todays NFL.

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I think this is just more proof that we did it right the last 14 years. Get a franchise passer and give him weapons = perennial contender. Defense is overrated in todays NFL.

your right Manning never had to bail us out time and time again because of inept defensive tackle play and poor Corner coverage
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your right Manning never had to bail us out time and time again because of inept defensive tackle play and poor Corner coverage

We won a Super Bowl. Made the playoffs for a decade. And I enjoyed Manning bailing us out time and again while cementing his legacy. And Manning was able to bail us out because he had the weapons to maximize his exceptional talents through most of his time here.

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We won a Super Bowl. Made the playoffs for a decade. And I enjoyed Manning bailing us out time and again while cementing his legacy. And Manning was able to bail us out because he had the weapons to maximize his exceptional talents through most of his time here.

um your star quarterback shouldnt have to bail us out time and again year in and year out because the defense was atrocious, sure was it fun to watch of course it was, but think how many championships we could have won if we actually could stop the run and pass, if you notice what won us that one superbowl our defense actually stepped up
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I think this is just more proof that we did it right the last 14 years. Get a franchise passer and give him weapons = perennial contender. Defense is overrated in todays NFL.

"Defense is overrated in todays NFL." that is the dumbest statement I believe I have read on these boards, did you watch our superbowl win? you do know defense won that for us right and do you really want to see Luck have to go through shootout after shootout just to keep his team in games? we won one SuperBowl because we had NO defense, defense doesnt win championships...try telling that to Tom Brady who was all but carried to his first one or Dan Marino who only sniffed one superbowl appearance and I say sniffed because the 49ers had that won in the 3rd quarter
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"Defense is overrated in todays NFL." that is the dumbest statement I believe I have read on these boards, did you watch our superbowl win? you do know defense won that for us right and do you really want to see Luck have to go through shootout after shootout just to keep his team in games? we won one SuperBowl because we had NO defense, defense doesnt win championships...try telling that to Tom Brady who was all but carried to his first one or Dan Marino who only sniffed one superbowl appearance and I say sniffed because the 49ers had that won in the 3rd quarter

Srs bsns? :catfight:

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I did not like the pick at first either because I wanted Josh Robinson who we could have had as a CB at the top of round 3. Maybe we could have gotten Robinson and then moved up to take Allen as a TE. Our GM felt Allen was too good to pass up so Hilton became a consolation prize. After round 3 most of the CBs were backups or too slow to play as starters in the NFL. I believe Chapman was a steal in round 5 and when healed will be a better player than TaAmu. Chigbo Anunoby also has the potential to become a better NT than TaAmu.

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He had a lot of different grades and slots in a lot of different people's eyes. I figured he'd go in the 4th. And looking at the board, I don't believe he would have been taken before we came back up: Bengals just took Sanu, Giants already took Randle... no telling what the Raiders would have done, but they have a ton of receivers already. I thought we moved up six spots, but we actually only moved up four, so I really believe he would have lasted. But again, I really like him.

when u luke a player u go get him dont hope he fall to u
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